List of supporting characters from The Rise of Wesnoth

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This is a list of supporting characters from the campaign The Rise of Wesnoth.

Major characters

Further information: The Rise of Wesnoth#Characters

The campaign is centred around Prince Haldric of Stormvale, the son of King Eldaric IV, who befriended Burin the Lost and Lady Jessene as he led his kingdom's refugees across the Green Isle, pursued by orcs after the Second Crown Prince of Southbay's war against the Wesfolk took an ill turn. He obtained the Ruby of Fire from the Lich-Lord Lenvan with the help of Elilmaldur-Rithrandil, and later the Book of Fire and Darkness from the Lich-Lord Caror. After receiving help from King Addroran IX of Southbay, he readied ships to sail east across the Great Ocean, guided by Lord Typhon. After arriving at the Great Continent and receiving aid from Lady Dionli, they learned that they had been pursued by the Lich-Lord Jevyan, who sought the Ruby of Fire for himself. Commander Aethyr died in battle against Jevyan to ensure a subterfuge against Jevyan's orcs could succeed.

Other major characters that the character can encounter include Minister Edren, a white mage from the Swamp of Esten; Sir Ruddry, a Clearwater knight; and Sir Ladoc, a Southbay knight.

Significant characters

The following list contains all characters who are significant supporting characters from The Rise of Wesnoth.


  • Aryad was a councillor of the Ka'lian who commissioned Haldric with purging the trolls in the Brown Hills.
  • El'Isomithir was a councillor of the Ka'lian who commissioned Haldric with clearing the Isle of Tears of undead.
  • Glimir was an elvish marshal and leader of the first group of elves to encounter Haldric's refugees, allying himself with the dwarves to hold the shoreline.
  • Logalmier was a councillor of the Ka'lian who commissioned Haldric with slaying the dragon Shek'kahan.


  • Tan-Erinak was an orcish warlord who attempted to aided Jevyan in his last stand against Haldric's refugees.
  • Tan-Prodash was an orcish warlord who attempted to aided Jevyan in his last stand against Haldric's refugees.
  • Tan-Vragish was an orcish warlord who attempted to aided Jevyan in his last stand against Haldric's refugees.
  • Ut'Tan-Grorag was an orcish warlord who attempted to aided Jevyan in his last stand against Haldric's refugees.


  • Abraxas was a naga warrior and scavenger who attacked ships grounded on an archipelago in the Great Ocean. After his companions were killed by Haldric, he sought revenge by joining Jevyan's forces.
  • Dursil was a dwarvish lord who encroached on elvish lands. He briefly aided the elves in holding the shoreline against the human settlers.
  • The First Crown Prince of Southbay was the heir to the Southbay throne and son of Addroran IX. He was the first known human from the Green Isle to reach the Great Continent, but died shortly thereafter.
  • The Midnight Queen was an elvish spectre who haunted the Isle of Tears.

Minor characters

The following list contains all characters who are minor supporting characters from The Rise of Wesnoth in alphabetical order by race.

Gerick was a drake flameheart who died in battle against Haldric's refugees. Gerrick lived on the northernmost island of Morogor between the Green Isle and the Great Continent. When Haldric attempted to land on the island to re-provision his ships, Gerrick, Kegrid, and Merkush rejected his attempts at diplomacy. Gerrick attacked Haldric's refugees, but was slain in battle.[1] flameheart.png
Kegrid was a drake flameheart who died in battle against Haldric's refugees. Kegrid lived on the northernmost island of Morogor between the Green Isle and the Great Continent. When Haldric attempted to land on the island to re-provision his ships, Kegrid, Gerrick, and Merkush rejected his attempts at diplomacy. Kegrid attacked Haldric's refugees, but was slain in battle.[1] flameheart.png
Merkush was a drake flameheart who died in battle against Haldric's refugees. Merkush lived on the northernmost island of Morogor between the Green Isle and the Great Continent. When Haldric attempted to land on the island to re-provision his ships, Merkush, Kegrid, and Gerrick rejected his attempts at diplomacy. Merkush attacked Haldric's refugees, but was slain in battle.[1] flameheart.png
Eowarar was an elven champion. He was one of the first elves to encounter Haldric and his refugees. Eowarar was present with Glimir when they both discovered Dursil encroaching on elvish land at the Bay of Pearls, confirming stories that the dwarves had broken their treaty with the elves by migrating south of the Great River to the Brown Hills. As they argued, however, Glimir spotted human ships on the horizon, belonging to Haldric and his refugees. Believing it was an invasion, the elves and dwarves made a temporary truce and attacked Haldric's men. The fight was interrupted by Ka'lian member, Dionli, who had the humans accompany her away from the landing site.[2] hero.png
Fire dragons
Shek'kahan (also known as Shek'kahan the Terrible) was a fire dragon who lived in the Green Swamp until being slain by Haldric. Shek'kahan was a fire dragon, and brother of Khrakrahs.[3] He lived in the Green Swamp with his saurian minions. When Haldric was commissioned by Lord Logalmier to defeat Shek'kahan, Haldric went to the swamp.[4] Despite his saurians engaging in battle with Haldric, he was eventually slain after emerging from the mountain centered in the swamp.[5] fire-dragon.png
Cleon was a cultist and dark sorcerer residing in the Swamp of Esten. Cleon was the weakest of the three cultists who had moved into the Swamp of Esten after the first Wesfolk War. Dark sorcerers inspired by the Wesfolk, Cleon and his two friends, Lollyra and Clurka, were capable of reanimating the dead. Every spring and fall, Haldric's people would clear the swamp of creatures for safe passage along the river road. For a period of time, the war with the orcs prevented this from happening, and the strength of the cultists grew. If Haldric chose to travel by the Swamp of Esten, his refugees came across the three cultists, who were subsequently killed.[6] necromancer.png
Clurka was a cultist and dark sorceress residing in the Swamp of Esten. Clurka was one of the three cultists who had moved into the Swamp of Esten after the Wesfolk War. Dark sorcerers inspired by the Wesfolk, Clurka and her two friends, Cleon and Lollyra, were capable of reanimating the dead. Every spring and fall, Haldric's people would clear the swamp of creatures for safe passage along the river road. For a period of time, the war with the orcs prevented this from happening, and the strength of the cultists grew. If Haldric chose to travel by the Swamp of Esten, his refugees came across the three cultists, who were subsequently killed.[6] necromancer+female.png
Daellyn (also known as Daellyn the Red) was a fire wizard who resided with his brother, Tinry the Red, in the Southbay sewers. Daellyn and his twin brother searched for the Ruby of Fire, but after the Wesfolk War, they were banished into the sewer of Southbay along with their followers. When Haldric descended into the sewer, Daellyn was able to sense the Ruby of Fire. They attacked Haldric's forces, but failed to kill him.[7] daellyn.png
The final King of Clearwater reigned over the Kingdom of Clearwater until his death at the hands of the orcs. Upon discovering of the invasion of the Green Isle by the orcs, the final King of Clearwater attempted to engage the orcs as they exited the Swamp of Esten. The battle was initially successful, and he managed to drive the orcs back into the swamp. Orcish reinforcements arrived, however, and overran the Clearwater forces' position. The king attempted to lead a charge, but died in battle. He left no heir, resulting in Aethyr being placed in charge of the evacuation of Clearwater Port.[8]
Galdred was a strong and loyal heavy infantryman[a] and member of Stormvale's army, personally assigned to Eldaric's protection. When Stormvale's north keep was attacked by a group of orcs led by Tan-Rarbag, Eldaric assigned Galdred, along with Thegwyn and Tromas, to hold the northern pass, delaying the orcs' assault sufficiently for Haldric and Stormvale's refugees to escape the valley via the southern pass. Galdred later accompanied Haldric on his exodus out of the valley.[9] heavy-infantry.png
Lollyra was a cultist and dark sorceress residing in the Swamp of Esten. Lollyra was one of the three cultists who had moved into the Swamp of Esten after the Wesfolk War. Dark sorcerers inspired by the Wesfolk, Lollyra and her two friends, Cleon and Clurka, were capable of reanimating the dead. Every spring and fall, Haldric's people would clear the swamp of creatures for safe passage along the river road. For a period of time, the war with the orcs prevented this from happening, and the strength of the cultists grew. If Haldric chose to travel by the Swamp of Esten, his refugees came across the three cultists, who were subsequently killed.[6] necromancer+female.png
Thegwyn was a resilient and loyal heavy infantryman[a] and member of Stormvale's army, personally assigned to King Eldaric IV's protection. When Stormvale's north keep was attacked by a group of orcs led by Tan-Rarbag, Eldaric assigned Thegwyn, along with Galdred and Tromas, to hold the northern pass, delaying the orcs' assault sufficiently for Prince Haldric and Stormvale's refugees to escape the valley via the southern pass. Thegwyn later accompanied Haldric on his exodus out of the valley.[9] heavy-infantry.png
Tinry (also known as Tinry the Red) was a fire wizard who resided with his brother, Daellyn the Red, in the sewer of Southbay. Tinry and his twin brother who searched for the Ruby of Fire, but after the Wesfolk War, they were banished into the sewer of Southbay along with their followers. When Haldric descended into the sewer, Daellyn was able to sense the Ruby of Fire. They attacked Haldric's forces, but failed to kill him.[7] tinry.png
Tromas was a fearless and loyal heavy infantryman[a] and member of Stormvale's army, personally assigned to Eldaric's protection. When Stormvale's north keep was attacked by a group of orcs led by Tan-Rarbag, Eldaric assigned Tromas, along with Thegwyn and Galdred, to hold the northern pass, delaying the orcs' assault sufficiently for Haldric and Stormvale's refugees to escape the valley via the southern pass. Tromas later accompanied Haldric on his exodus out of the valley.[9] heavy-infantry.png
Gaxmail was a naga warrior who attacked Haldric's fleet of refugee ships. Gaxmail is one of the nagas who controlled an archipelago where they would capture ships and scavenge them for metal. When Haldric attempted to regroup his ships there after particularly severe weather, Gaxmail, Abraxas, and Xamalia attacked him. Nonetheless, Haldric defeated the nagas and successfully regrouped his ships.[10] myrmidon.png
Riaa was a naga warrior in a trade relationship with the saurians. Riaa interacted with the saurian metal traders on the western coast of the Great Continent.[4][11] Upon arriving at the beach where the saurians' operated, Riaa saw that they were under attack from a group of humans, led by Haldric. Despite attempting to intervene, Riaa was unable to stop Haldric from killing saurian traders Tirasch and Ssirk.[11] myrmidon.png
Xamalia was a naga warrior who attacked Haldric's fleet of refugee ships. Xamalia is one of the nagas who controlled an archipelago where they would capture ships and scavenge them for metal. When Haldric attempted to regroup his ships there after particularly severe weather, Xamalia, Abraxas, and Gaxmail attacked him. Nonetheless, Haldric defeated the nagas and successfully regrouped his ships.[10] myrmidon.png
Grilg was one of Tan-Bok's goblin knights. Grilg passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] After the sacking of the Midlands, he temporarily left while his master, Tan-Bok, was stationed there. If Haldric chose to travel through the Midlands, his refugees arrived there and charged at the orcs. Despite Grilg arriving back in time for the fight, he did not prevent the death of Tan-Bok.[13] direwolver.png
Gruumogth was one of Tan-NauVong's orcish warriors who flanked Haldric's refugees from the east while they escaped Stormvale via the southern pass. Gruumogth passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] An orcish warrior, he was stationed by Tan-NauVong at the foot of the southern pass, but failed to prevent Haldric from breaking through and killing Tan-NauVong.[14][b] warrior.png
Hoshnak was one of Tan-Schmog's orcish warriors who flanked Haldric's refugees from the east while they escaped Stormvale via the southern pass. Hoshnak passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] An orcish warrior, he was stationed by Tan-Schmog at the foot of the southern pass, but failed to prevent Haldric from breaking through and killing Tan-Schmog.[14][b] warrior.png
Knafakhan was one of Tan-NauVong's orcish warriors who flanked Haldric's refugees from the east while they escaped Stormvale via the southern pass. Knafakhan passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] An orcish warrior,[c] he was stationed by Tan-NauVong at the foot of the southern pass, but failed to prevent Haldric from breaking through and killing Tan-NauVong.[14] warrior.png
Snagakhan was one of Tan-Schmog's orcish warriors who flanked Haldric's refugees from the east while they escaped Stormvale via the southern pass. Snagakhan passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] An orcish warrior,[c] he was stationed by Tan-Schmog at the foot of the southern pass, but failed to prevent Prince Haldric from breaking through and killing Tan-Schmog.[14] warrior.png
Tan-Bok was an orcish warlord who was commissioned with guarding the sacked Midlands. Tan-Bok passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] After the sacking of the Midlands, he joined Tan-Vrodis and Tan-Hogar in guarding its remains. If Haldric chose to travel through the Midlands, his refugees arrived there and charged at the orcs. Tan-Bok was slain in battle, as were his two fellow warlords.[13] grunt-3.png
Tan-Burg was an orcish warlord who partook in the siege of Clearwater Port. Tan-Burg passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] Alongside Tan-Vragar and Ut'Tan-Vrork, he laid siege against Clearwater Port, where the Wesfolk and people of Stormvale had taken refuge. He was unable to capture Haldric, who escaped by ship.[8] warlord.png
Tan-Erang was an orcish warrior who partook in the siege of Stormvale. Tan-Erang passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] His army advanced upon Stormvale from the northeast, flanking Eldaric's forces already in combat with Tan-Rarbag. Prince Haldric managed to evacuate Stormvale's residents before Tan-Erang and Tar-Rarbag occupied the valley. They managed to kill Eldaric, but not before the refugees were able to escape through the mountain pass.[9] warrior.png
Tan-Erirt was an orcish warlord who made up the vanguard of Jevyan's forces. He passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] From there, he followed Jevyan to the Great Continent using ships seized from across the Green Isle. He advanced on Haldric's position and he fought alongside Tan-Gagar and Thruf. He perished in battle.[15] warlord.png
Tan-Gagar was an orcish warlord who made up the vanguard of Jevyan's forces. He passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] From there, he followed Jevyan to the Great Continent using ships seized from across the Green Isle. He advanced on Haldric's position and he fought alongside Tan-Erirt and Thruf. He perished in battle.[15] grunt-2.png
Tan-Gralg was an orcish warlord who partook in the invasion of Oldwood Forest. Tan-Gralg passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] Along with Tan-Rugar, he invaded the Oldwood Forest and its inhabitant woses, threatening to burn them. With the operation interrupted by Haldric's arrival, he was killed in battle.[16] grunt-3.png
Tan-Gulo was an orcish warlord who partook in the siege of Southbay. He passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] He was one of the three orcish warlords, including Tan-Harak and Tan-Hork, who marched upon Southbay during the spring. Despite aid from Jevyan, he was slain by Haldric's men in battle.[17] warlord.png
Tan-Halg was an orcish warlord who attempted to prevent refugees of the Green Isle from safely landing on the Great Continent. He passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] From there, he followed Jevyan to the Great Continent using ships seized from across the Green Isle.[15] He was sent to the western shoreline of the Great Continent where Haldric's remaining refugee ships were attempting to land. In spite of Jevyan placing a curse of darkness over the humans, Jevyan's force was defeated and Tan-Halg was killed.[18] warlord.png
Tan-Harak was an orcish warlord who partook in the siege of Southbay. He passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] He was one of the three orcish warlords, including Tan-Gulo and Tan-Hork, who marched upon Southbay during the spring. Despite aid from Jevyan, he was slain by Haldric's men in battle.[17] warlord.png
Tan-Hogar was an orcish warlord who was commissioned with guarding the sacked Midlands. Tan-Hogar passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] After the sacking of the Midlands, he joined Tan-Vrodis and Tan-Bok in guarding its remains. If Haldric chose to travel through the Midlands, his refugees arrived there and charged at the orcs. Tan-Hogar was slain in battle, as were his two fellow warlords.[13] grunt-2.png
Tan-Hork was an orcish warlord who partook in the siege of Southbay. He passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] He was one of the three orcish warlords, including Tan-Gulo and Tan-Harak, who marched upon Southbay during the spring. Despite aid from Jevyan, he was slain by Haldric's men in battle.[17] warlord.png
Tan-NauVong was an orcish warlord whose vanguard flanked Haldric's refugees from the east while they escaped Stormvale via the southern pass. Tan-NauVong passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] After the people of Stormvale were forced to flee their homes through the Broken Mountains' southern pass,[9] Tan-NauVong and fellow warlord Tan-Schmog flanked them from the east, blocking their path. Haldric, who led the refugees, managed to fight his way through the orcs, killing Tan-NauVong and Tan-Schmog in the process.[14] grunt-2.png
Tan-Pulk was an orcish warlord who guarded the entrance to the sewers of Southbay. Tan-Pulk passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] Despite promises from his superiors that he would be in Southbay by winter, he and Ut'Tan-Grilg were still waiting by the time winter arrived. Garrisoned outside the entrance to the sewers of Southbay, they saw Haldric sail to Fallen Lich Point nearby. In part due to the intervention of two hostile yetis, he was unable to stop Haldric and his men from entering into the sewers.[19] grunt.png
Tan-Rarbag was an orcish warlord who partook in the siege of Stormvale. Tan-Rarbag passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] He advanced south upon Stormvale and seized the Northern Keep, outnumbering and defeating King Eldaric's forces. He was temporarily blocked from advancing south by Eldaric's personal guards, Thegwyn, Galdred, and Tromas. Haldric managed to evacuate Stormvale's residents before Tar-Rarbag and Tan-Erang occupied the valley. They managed to kill Eldaric, but not before the refugees were able to escape through the mountain pass.[9] grunt-3.png
Tan-Rinak was an orcish warlord who attempted to prevent refugees of the Green Isle from safely landing on the Great Continent. He passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] From there, he followed Jevyan to the Great Continent using ships seized from across the Green Isle.[15] He was sent to the western shoreline of the Great Continent where Haldric's remaining refugee ships were attempting to land. In spite of Jevyan placing a curse of darkness over the humans, Jevyan's force was defeated and Tan-Rinak was killed.[18] grunt.png
Tan-Rugar was an orcish warlord who partook in the invasion of Oldwood Forest. Tan-Rugar passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] Along with Tan-Gralg, he invaded the Oldwood Forest and its inhabitant woses. With the operation interrupted by Haldric's arrival, he was killed in battle.[16] warlord.png
Tan-Schmog was an orcish warlord whose vanguard flanked Haldric's refugees from the east while they escaped Stormvale via the southern pass. Tan-Schmog passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] After the people of Stormvale were forced to flee their homes through the Broken Mountains' southern pass,[9] Tan-Schmog and fellow warlord Tan-NauVong flanked them from the east, blocking their path. Haldric, who led the refugees, managed to fight his way through the orcs, killing Tan-Schmog and Tan-NauVong in the process.[14] grunt.png
Tan-Vragar was an orcish warlord who partook in the siege of Clearwater Port. Tan-Vragar passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] Alongside Tan-Burg and Ut'Tan-Vrork, he laid siege against Clearwater Port, where the Wesfolk and people of Stormvale had taken refuge. In spite of enlisting the help of nagas, he was unable to capture Haldric, who escaped by ship.[8] warlord.png
Tan-Vrodis was an orcish warlord who was commissioned with guarding the sacked Midlands. Tan-Rarbag passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] After the sacking of the Midlands, he joined Tan-Bok and Tan-Hogar in guarding its remains. If Haldric chose to travel through the Midlands, his refugees arrived there and charged at the orcs. Tan-Vrodis was slain in battle, as were his two fellow warlords.[13] warlord.png
Ut'Tan-Grilg was an orcish warlord who guarded the entrance to the sewers of Southbay. He passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] Despite promises from his superiors that he would be in Southbay by winter, he and Tan-Pulk were still waiting by the time winter arrived. Garrisoned outside the entrance to the sewers of Southbay, they saw Haldric sail to Fallen Lich Point nearby. In part due to the intervention of two hostile yetis, he was unable to stop Haldric and his men from entering into the sewers.[19] grunt-3.png
Ut'Tan-Vrork was an orcish warlord who partook in the siege of Clearwater Port. Ut'Tan-Vrork passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] Alongside Tan-Burg and Tan-Vragar, he laid siege against Clearwater Port, where the Wesfolk and people of Stormvale had taken refuge. He was unable to capture Haldric, who escaped by ship.[8] grunt-2.png
Vrogar was one of Tan-Hogar's slayers. Vrogar passed through one of the Lich-Lords' gateways from the Old Continent to the Green Isle.[12] After the sacking of the Midlands, he temporarily left while his master, Tan-Hogar, was stationed there. Despite Vrogar arriving back in time for the fight, he did not prevent the death of Tan-Hogar.[13] slayer.png
Axiz was a saurian flanker and minion of Shek'kahan. She resided in the Green Swamp with Irix, Vriss, and Satras, protecting the dragon Shek'kahan. When Haldric arrived at the Green Swamp to slay Shek'kahan, she sent a variety of saurians, mudcrawlers, and bats to attack him. She was unsuccessful in stopping Shek'kahan from being killed, however.[5] skirmisher.png
Irix was a saurian flanker and minion of Shek'kahan. She resided in the Green Swamp with Vriss, Azix, and Satras, protecting the dragon Shek'kahan. When Haldric arrived at the Green Swamp to slay Shek'kahan, she sent a variety of saurians, mudcrawlers, and bats to attack him. She was unsuccessful in stopping Shek'kahan from being killed, however.[5] skirmisher.png
Flixta was a saurian flanker who allied with the orcs and undead against Haldric. She was originally allied with Shek'kahan and the nagas.[18] After Haldric defeated the naga salvagers,[10] slew Shek'kahan,[5] and ended the saurians' trade relations with the nagas,[11] she happened across a battle in which Haldric fought against the Jevyan's forces, composed of orcs and undead. In an attempt at revenge, she allied herself with Jevyan's forces against Haldric, but was unable to stop Haldric from clearing the shoreline and allowing the remaining refugees to land.[18] skirmisher.png
Satras was a saurian flanker and minion of Shek'kahan. She resided in the Green Swamp with Irix, Vriss, and Satras, protecting the dragon Shek'kahan. When Haldric arrived at the Green Swamp to slay Shek'kahan, she sent a variety of saurians, mudcrawlers, and bats to attack him. She was unsuccessful in stopping Shek'kahan from being killed, however.[5] skirmisher.png
Ssirk was a saurian flanker and metal trader. She was one of the saurians who traded metal with the naga on the Great Continent coastline northwest of the Grey Woods.[11] She was suspected by the elves of being affiliated with Shek'kahan.[4] Commissioned by Dionli, Haldric marched upon the beach and attacked the saurians, including fellow trader Tirasch. Despite a group of nagas led by Riaa coming to the saurians' aid, Ssirk was killed in battle.[11] skirmisher.png
Tirasch was a saurian flanker and metal trader. She was one of the saurians who traded metal with the naga on the Great Continent coastline northwest of the Grey Woods.[11] She was suspected by the elves of being affiliated with Shek'kahan.[4] Commissioned by Dionli, Haldric marched upon the beach and attacked the saurians, including fellow trader Ssirk. Despite a group of nagas led by Riaa coming to the saurians' aid, Tirasch was killed in battle.[11] skirmisher.png
Vriss was a saurian flanker and minion of Shek'kahan. She resided in the Green Swamp with Irix, Satras, and Axiz, protecting the dragon Shek'kahan. When Haldric arrived at the Green Swamp to slay Shek'kahan, she sent a variety of saurians, mudcrawlers, and bats to attack him. She was unsuccessful in stopping Shek'kahan from being killed, however.[5] skirmisher.png
Sea serpents
Bitey (also known as Bitey the Serpent) was a sea serpent who cooperated with the drakes at Morogor. Bitey lurked in the waters near the northernmost island of Morogor, protecting a powerful storm trident. When one of Haldric's merfolk seized the trident, Bitey emerged and retaliated, helping the drakes during their battle. Despite this, the drakes were pacified.[1] sea-serpent.png
Chompey (also known as Chompey the Serpent) was a sea serpent who helped the nagas defend against Haldric's refugees. Chompey surfaced at the naga archipelago during a battle between Haldric and three naga warriors, Abraxas, Xamalia, and Gaxmail. He aided the nagas in their attempts to capture the refugee ships.[10] sea-serpent.png
Scaly (also known as Scaly the Serpent) was a sea serpent who helped the nagas defend against Haldric's refugees. Chompey surfaced at the naga archipelago during a battle between Haldric and three naga warriors, Abraxas, Xamalia, and Gaxmail. He aided the nagas in their attempts to capture the refugee ships.[10] sea-serpent.png
Toothey (also known as Toothey the Serpent) was a sea serpent who helped the nagas defend against Haldric's refugees. Chompey surfaced at the naga archipelago during a battle between Haldric and three naga warriors, Abraxas, Xamalia, and Gaxmail. He aided the nagas in their attempts to capture the refugee ships.[10] sea-serpent.png
Erart was a troll living in the Brown Hills. Erart resided there until Haldric was commissioned by Aryad to drive them out.[4][20] Haldric entered the caves and killed Erart.[20][d] troll-warrior.png
Gulg was a troll living in the Brown Hills. Gulg resided there until Haldric was commissioned by Aryad to drive them out.[4][20] Haldric entered the caves and killed Gulg.[20][d] troll-warrior.png
Raol was a troll living in the Brown Hills. Raol resided there until Haldric was commissioned by Aryad to drive them out.[4][20] Haldric entered the caves and killed Raol.[20][d] troll-warrior.png
Rilg was a troll living in the Brown Hills. Rilg resided there until Haldric was commissioned by Aryad to drive them out.[4][20] Haldric entered the caves and killed Rilg.[20][d] troll-warrior.png
Thruf was a troll mercenary who made up the vanguard of Jevyan's forces. Thruf's trolls were paid in gold by orcish warlords Tan-Erirt and Tan-Gagar to join their ranks. He advanced on Haldric's position but perished in battle.[15] troll-warrior.png
Heravan (also known as General Heravan) was an undead warrior who attempted to prevent refugees of the Green Isle from safely landing on the Great Continent. Heravan was one of Jevyan's undead minions, and was sent to the western shoreline of the Great Continent where Haldric's remaining refugee ships were attempting to land. In spite of Jevyan placing a curse of darkness over the humans, Haldric's army, Jevyan's force was defeated and Heravan was killed.[18] draug.png
Isorfilad was an elf whose clan lived on the Isle of Tears, before transforming into a spectre. Isorfilad lived on the Isle of Tears with other fellow clansmen. The clan fell under the influence of a dark curse, and the souls of the elves haunted the island. A long time thereafter, El'Isomithir commissioned Haldric with ending the curse.[4] Haldric sailed to the island and managed to end the undead curse, killing Isorfilad.[21] spectre.png
Jevyan's familiar was Jevyan's flying undead minion, and would accompany him into battle, for instance when Jevyan visited the siege of Southbay.[17] Jevyan sent his familiar to spy on the Eldaric in order to be able to find the Ruby of Fire.[1][10][2] The familiar returned to Jevyan before arriving at the shoreline where the remaining refugee ships waited at sea.[18] Finally, the familiar engaged in the final battle with the humans, but was killed, much to Jevyan's fury.[22] familiar.png
Kafka (also known as General Kafka) was an undead draug and member of the vanguard of Jevyan's army. Kafka joined the vanguard led by orcish warlords Tan-Erirt and Tan-Gagar, as well as troll warrior Thruf, attempting to drive Haldric back from the shoreline. Kafka was nonetheless defeated, allowing Haldric to proceed west.[15] draug.png
Norte was an undead deathblade and member of the vanguard of the Jevyan's army. Norte joined the vanguard led by orcish warlords Tan-Erirt and Tan-Gagar, as well as troll warrior Thruf, attempting to drive Haldric back from the shoreline. Norte was nonetheless defeated, allowing Haldric to proceed west.[15] deathblade.png
Rabbin was an undead banebow and member of the vanguard of the Jevyan's army. Rabbin joined the vanguard led by orcish warlords Tan-Erirt and Tan-Gagar, as well as troll warrior Thruf, attempting to drive Haldric back from the shoreline. Rabbin was nonetheless defeated, allowing Haldric to proceed west.[15] banebow.png
Tinoldor was an elf whose clan lived on the Isle of Tears, before transforming into a spectre. Tinoldor lived on the Isle of Tears with other fellow clansmen. The clan fell under the influence of a dark curse, and the souls of the elves haunted the island. A long time thereafter, El'Isomithir commissioned Haldric with ending the curse.[4] Haldric sailed to the island and managed to end the undead curse, killing Tinoldor.[21] spectre.png
Bolwuldelman was an elder wose who protected the Oldwood Forest under the authority of Elilmaldur-Rithrandil. When the Oldwood Forest came under attack by Tan-Gralg and Tan-Rugar, Bolwuldelman guarded Elilmaldur-Rithrandil.[e] In the end, with the help of Haldric, the woses were able to slay both of the orcish warlords.[16] wose.png
Bolwuldelman was a wose of the Oldwood Forest under the authority of Elilmaldur-Rithrandil, and was one of the woses present when Elilmaldur-Rithrandil farewelled Haldric from the Oldwood Forest.[23] wose.png
Bregalad was a wose of the Oldwood Forest under the authority of Elilmaldur-Rithrandil, and was one of the woses present when Elilmaldur-Rithrandil farewelled Haldric from the Oldwood Forest.[23] wose.png
Dolmannumbil was a wose of the Oldwood Forest under the authority of Elilmaldur-Rithrandil, and was one of the woses present when Elilmaldur-Rithrandil farewelled Haldric from the Oldwood Forest.[23] wose.png
Gullatendronnorbum was a wose of the Oldwood Forest under the authority of Elilmaldur-Rithrandil, and was one of the woses present when Elilmaldur-Rithrandil farewelled Haldric from the Oldwood Forest.[23] wose.png
Laffalialomdium was an elder wose who protected the Oldwood Forest under the authority of Elilmaldur-Rithrandil. When the Oldwood Forest came under attack by Tan-Gralg and Tan-Rugar, Laffalialomdium guarded Elilmaldur-Rithrandil.[e] In the end, with the help of Haldric, the woses were able to slay both of the orcish warlords.[16] wose.png
Landunwonbam was an elder wose who protected the Oldwood Forest under the authority of Elilmaldur-Rithrandil. When the Oldwood Forest came under attack by Tan-Gralg and Tan-Rugar, Landunwonbam guarded Elilmaldur-Rithrandil. In the end, with the help of Haldric, the woses were able to slay both of the orcish warlords.[16] wose.png
Lassemista was an elder wose who protected the Oldwood Forest under the authority of Elilmaldur-Rithrandil. When the Oldwood Forest came under attack by Tan-Gralg and Tan-Rugar, Lassemista guarded Elilmaldur-Rithrandil.[f] In the end, with the help of Haldric, the woses were able to slay both of the orcish warlords.[16] wose.png
Muldondindal was an elder wose who protected the Oldwood Forest under the authority of Elilmaldur-Rithrandil. When the Oldwood Forest came under attack by Tan-Gralg and Tan-Rugar, Muldondindal guarded Elilmaldur-Rithrandil. In the end, with the help of Haldric, the woses were able to slay both of the orcish warlords.[16] wose.png
Orofarnië was a wose of the Oldwood Forest under the authority of Elilmaldur-Rithrandil, and was one of the woses present when Elilmaldur-Rithrandil farewelled Haldric from the Oldwood Forest.[23] wose.png
Talodulborentan was a wose of the Oldwood Forest under the authority of Elilmaldur-Rithrandil, and was one of the woses present when Elilmaldur-Rithrandil farewelled Haldric from the Oldwood Forest.[23] wose.png
Wonrunmaldin was an elder wose who protected the Oldwood Forest under the authority of Elilmaldur-Rithrandil. When the Oldwood Forest came under attack by Tan-Gralg and Tan-Rugar, Wonrunmaldin guarded Elilmaldur-Rithrandil.[f] In the end, with the help of Haldric, the woses were able to slay both of the orcish warlords.[16] wose.png
Rarlg was a yeti who resided nearby the entrance to the sewers of Southbay. Shortly after Haldric's arrival at Fallen Lich Point, a short distance south of the sewer entrance, Rarlg and Raul-Rarlg emerged from the mountains and attacked the two orcish warlords there, Ut'Tan-Grilg and Tan-Pulk.[19] yeti.png
Raul-Rarlg was a yeti who resided nearby the entrance to the sewers of Southbay. Shortly after Haldric's arrival at Fallen Lich Point, a short distance south of the sewer entrance, Rarlg and Raul-Rarlg emerged from the mountains and attacked the two orcish warlords there, Ut'Tan-Grilg and Tan-Pulk.[19] yeti.png


  1. ^ a b c On easy difficulty, this character was a shock trooper.[9]
  2. ^ a b This character was only present in the south pass on hard difficulty.[14]
  3. ^ a b On easy difficulty, this character was an orcish grunt.[14]
  4. ^ a b c d There is only a 50% chance that this character resided in the Brown Hills at the time of Haldric's purging.[20]
  5. ^ a b This character was not present in the Oldwood Forest defenses on hard difficulty.[16]
  6. ^ a b This character was only present in the Oldwood Forest defenses on easy difficulty.[16]


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Peoples in Decline, The Rise of Wesnoth
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 A New Land, The Rise of Wesnoth
  3. Jump up The Dragon, Scepter of Fire
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 The Ka'lian, The Rise of Wesnoth
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 The Dragon, The Rise of Wesnoth
  6. Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 6.2 The Swamp of Esten, The Rise of Wesnoth
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 Sewer of Southbay, The Rise of Wesnoth
  8. Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Clearwater Port, The Rise of Wesnoth
  9. Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 The Fall, The Rise of Wesnoth
  10. Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Rough Landing, The Rise of Wesnoth
  11. Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 Lizard Beach, The Rise of Wesnoth
  12. Jump up to: 12.00 12.01 12.02 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07 12.08 12.09 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 12.17 12.18 12.19 12.20 12.21 12.22 12.23 12.24 12.25 12.26 A Summer of Storms, The Rise of Wesnoth
  13. Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 The Midlands, The Rise of Wesnoth
  14. Jump up to: 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 A Harrowing Escape, The Rise of Wesnoth
  15. Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 The Vanguard, The Rise of Wesnoth
  16. Jump up to: 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.9 The Oldwood, The Rise of Wesnoth
  17. Jump up to: 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 A Final Spring, The Rise of Wesnoth
  18. Jump up to: 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 Return of the Fleet, The Rise of Wesnoth
  19. Jump up to: 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 Fallen Lich Point, The Rise of Wesnoth
  20. Jump up to: 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.8 Troll Hole, The Rise of Wesnoth
  21. Jump up to: 21.0 21.1 Cursed Isle, The Rise of Wesnoth
  22. Jump up The Rise of Wesnoth, The Rise of Wesnoth
  23. Jump up to: 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 Return to Oldwood, The Rise of Wesnoth
CollapseThe Rise of Wesnoth
Main characters
Haldric IJesseneAethyrTyphonJevyanDionliEldaric IVAddroran IXElilmaldur-RithrandilSecond Crown Prince of SouthbayCarorLenvanBurinEdrenRuddryLadoc(more)
A Summer of StormsThe FallA Harrowing EscapeThe Swamp of Esten/The MidlandsThe OldwoodTemple in the DeepReturn to OldwoodClearwater PortFallen Lich PointSewer of SouthbaySouthbay in WinterA Final SpringPeoples in DeclineRough LandingA New LandThe Ka'lian (The Dragon/Lizard Beach/Troll Hole/Cursed Isle) • A Spy in the WoodsThe VanguardReturn of the FleetThe PlanThe Rise of WesnothEpilogue
This page was last edited on 14 October 2019, at 07:32.