Older News 2014
Wesnoth 1.12.0
Sunday, November 23 2014
Nearly three years after our previous milestone, we are now proud to present The Battle for Wesnoth 1.12.0, the first release of a new stable series bringing forth loads of new features for players and content creators, as well as a vast number of bug fixes and small enhancements. A new multiplayer faction, a refurnished game interface, and an improved map editor comprise only a small fraction of the changes this new version has to offer to veterans from previous versions. For more information, read our official release notes, available in several other languages for your convenience.
This stable series is compatible with previous 1.12 RC releases (1.11.17 through 1.11.19). The source code and ready-to-use packages for Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X, and OpenPandora, are already available on the downloads page.
Your feedback is most welcome in our dedicated forum thread, which also includes a list of bug fixes done since 1.12 RC 3, as well as important last-minute information for Windows users.
We hope there are no game-breaking bugs left in this version, but should you find any, make sure to report them to us as soon as possible!
Being a community-driven open-source project with over 6 million downloads on SourceForge.net and over 60,000 commits on GitHub, The Battle for Wesnoth is always looking for help in various areas of development. We are in particular need of C++ programmers comfortable working with Windows, Apple OS X, and Linux systems; graphic artists capable of creating new portraits, animated unit sprites, terrain art, and campaign story illustrations; sound artists; translators; and WML coders able to maintain any of our mainline campaigns. If you want to help develop future versions of Wesnoth, come join us in our official forums board and our IRC channel, #wesnoth-dev on irc.freenode.net
Wesnoth 1.11.19: 1.12 Release Candidate 3
Sunday, November 9 2014
Wesnoth 1.11.19, our third and likely final release candidate for Wesnoth 1.12, is now available. Check the forum thread for a list of the most notable changes in this release.
As on previous occasions, we also offer two versions of the changelog: a trimmed-down players changelog including only those items considered to be relevant in regular gameplay, and a considerably more technical full changelog.
The source code, Windows, OS X, and OpenPandora packages are already available on the downloads page. You may also find packages for other platforms there as they become available.
Although this is a release candidate for the next stable series and should be — in theory — rid of game-breaking bugs, there may still be issues that have not been reported to us yet. There are also a few known bugs listed in the full announcement. Do not forget to report to us any other issues you find!
You may comment on this release in the forums.
Wesnoth 1.11.18: 1.12 Release Candidate 2
Sunday, October 26 2014
Wesnoth 1.11.18, our second release candidate for Wesnoth 1.12, is now available. Check the forum thread for a list of the most notable changes in this release, some of them mysteriously missing from the full changelog.
As on previous occasions, we also offer two versions of the changelog: a trimmed-down players changelog including only those items considered to be relevant in regular gameplay, and a considerably more technical “full” changelog.
The source code, Windows, and OS X packages are already available on the downloads page. You may also find packages for other platforms there as they become available.
Although this is a release candidate for the next stable series and should be — in theory — rid of game-breaking bugs, there may still be issues that have not been reported to us yet. There are also a few known bugs which await to be fixed before 1.12.0, listed in the full announcement. Do not forget to report to us any other issues you find!
You may comment on this release in the forums.
Wesnoth 1.11.17: 1.12 Release Candidate 1
Sunday, October 12 2014
Wesnoth 1.11.17, our sixteenth publicly announced development release in this series, is now available. Designated as the first release candidate for Wesnoth 1.12, it also marks the beginning of the end of this long and fascinating journey.
For the full announcement with more details about the road ahead — including the various ways you can help us — come join us in the forum thread for this release!
As on previous occasions, we also offer two versions of the changelog: a trimmed-down players changelog including only those items considered to be relevant in regular gameplay, and a considerably more complete and technical full changelog.
The source code, Windows, OS X, and OpenPandora packages are already available on the downloads page. You may also find packages for other platforms there as they become available.
Although this is a release candidate for the next stable series and should be — in theory — rid of game-breaking bugs, there may still be issues that have not been reported to us yet. There are also a few known bugs which await to be fixed before 1.12.0, listed in the full announcement.
You may comment on this release in the forums.
Wesnoth 1.11.16 (1.12 beta 6): Development Release
Monday, July 14 2014
Our fifteenth (properly announced) development release in this series, Wesnoth 1.11.16, is finally here! As should be expected of a new beta release after such a long delay, this version delivers a large number of bug fixes and improvements made since version 1.11.15. Check the forum thread with the full announcement and release notes for a brief description of the most notable items.
As with previous releases, we also offer two versions of the changelog: a trimmed-down players changelog including only those items considered to be relevant in regular gameplay, and a (relatively) more complete and technical full changelog with more detailed contents.
The source code, Windows, OS X, and OpenPandora packages are already available on the downloads page. You may also find packages for other platforms there as they become available.
Bear in mind that this is a beta version for the next stable series — as such, it is likely to be affected by bugs that you should report so we can fix them before 1.12.0!
You may comment on this release in the forums.
Wesnoth 1.11.15 (1.12 beta 5): Development Release
Monday, May 26 2014
Due to unexpected issues cropping up at the last minute, the fourteenth publicly-announced development release in this series is not Wesnoth 1.11.14, but rather Wesnoth 1.11.15. As should be expected of a new beta release, this version delivers more bug fixes and improvements made since version 1.11.13. Check the forum thread with the full announcement and release notes for a brief description of the most notable changes.
As with previous releases, we also offer two versions of the changelog: a trimmed-down players changelog including only those items considered to be relevant in regular gameplay, and a (relatively) more complete and technical full changelog with more detailed contents.
The source code, Windows, OS X, and OpenPandora packages are already available on the downloads page. You may also find packages for other platforms there as they become available.
Bear in mind that this is a beta version for the next stable series — as such, it is likely to be affected by bugs that you should report so we can fix them before 1.12.0!
You may comment on this release in the forums.
Welcome, Google Summer of Code 2014 Students!
Thursday, April 24 2014

As we previously announced, the Battle for Wesnoth Project was once again accepted into the Google Summer of Code program as a mentoring organization. This Monday, April 21st, Google published the final list of accepted student proposals.
We are now excited to announce the students who will be working with us during the following months:<
- Aishiko: Spritesheets for Wesnoth
- FAKevin/Kevin_Xi: Improve AI by implementing global attack/retreat decision
- lipk/lipkab: SDL 2 transition
- RiftWalker: Unifying single-player and multi-player code paths
- Spoffy: Completing and Improving the User Made Content Daemon
They will commence work on their projects soon, and the results are expected to become part of future releases of the 1.13.x development series.
Welcome to Wesnoth, students, and good luck!
Wesnoth 1.11.13 (1.12 beta 4): Development Release
Wednesday, April 23 2014
The thirteenth development release in this series, Wesnoth 1.11.13, continues to deliver a vast number of bug fixes, improvements, and translation updates. Check the forum thread with the full announcement and release notes for a brief description of the most notable changes in this version.
As with previous releases, we also offer two versions of the changelog: a trimmed-down players changelog including only those items considered to be relevant in regular gameplay, and a (relatively) more complete and technical full changelog with more detailed contents.
The source code, Windows, Mac OS X, and OpenPandora packages are already available on the downloads page. You may also find packages for other platforms there as they become available.
Bear in mind that this is a beta version for the next stable series — as such, it is likely to be affected by bugs that you should report so we can fix them before 1.12.0!
You may comment on this release in the forums.
Wesnoth 1.11.12 (1.12 beta 3): Development Release
Tuesday, March 25 2014
The twelfth development release in this series, Wesnoth 1.11.12, continues to deliver bug fixes, improvements, and translation updates. Check the forum thread with the full announcement and release notes for a brief description of the most notable changes in this version.
As with previous releases, we also offer two versions of the changelog: a trimmed-down players changelog including only those items considered to be relevant in regular gameplay, and a (relatively) more complete and technical full changelog with more detailed contents.
The source code, Windows, Mac OS X, and OpenPandora packages are already available on the downloads page. You may also find packages for other platforms there as they become available.
Bear in mind that this is a beta version for the next stable series — as such, it is likely to be affected by bugs that you should report so we can fix them before 1.12.0!
You may comment on this release in the forums.
SDL 2 Transition
Thursday, March 6 2014
In the next development series (1.13.x), The Battle for Wesnoth will switch from the SDL 1.2 library to version 2.0. The SDL library is one of the main libraries used by Wesnoth:
- It handles processing the mouse, keyboard, and joystick inputs.
- It plays the music and sound effects.
- And most importantly, it draws everything on the screen.
One of the most important improvements in the new version of the library is better support for mobile platforms like Android and iOS. However, supporting these platforms needs more work than just porting Wesnoth to SDL 2.0. The initial goal will be porting Wesnoth to SDL 2.0, once that is done, work can be done on porting Wesnoth to Android and iOS. (Not sure who wants to work on this part.)
The changes between SDL 1.2 and SDL 2.0 are huge, so converting Wesnoth to use the new version of the library will be a lot of work and will probably affect stability while porting. Among the things that will be entirely rewritten are the drawing routines. Currently we only redraw the parts of the screen which have changed since the last frame was drawn. We intend to move to a model where we redraw the entire screen for every frame and let the graphics card figure out what really needs to be updated. This new model is also used in OpenGL, which is used in a lot of modern games.
Wesnoth supports a lot of platforms, but some of them are no longer actively maintained, meaning there are no testers for these platforms. Since the conversion to SDL 2.0 will need a lot of testing, support for these platforms will be dropped. Of course, if somebody steps up to start maintaining one of these platforms again, we will not drop support for that platform. The affected platforms are: OS/2, AmigaOS, and BeOS.
― Mordante
Wesnoth 1.11.11 (1.12 beta 2): Development Release
Monday, March 3 2014
The eleventh development release in this series, Wesnoth 1.11.11, delivers a number of bug fixes and improvements in various areas. Players and content authors running 1.11.10 are strongly encouraged to upgrade to this version to solve an existing important issue affecting many campaigns and scenarios. Check the forum thread with the full announcement and release notes for a brief description of this and other notable fixes and improvements.
As with previous releases, we also offer two versions of the changelog: a trimmed-down players changelog including only those items considered to be relevant in regular gameplay, and a (relatively) more complete and technical full changelog with more detailed contents.
The source code, Windows, Mac OS X, and OpenPandora packages are already available on the downloads page. You may also find packages for other platforms there as they become available.
Bear in mind that this is a beta version for the next stable series — as such, it is likely to be affected by bugs that you should report so we can fix them before 1.12.0!
You may comment on this release in the forums.
Google Summer of Code 2014
Monday, February 24 2014
What is Google Summer of Code? GSoC is an option provided by Google which allows students to work fulltime on open source projects during the summer. Meaning Google will pay students money to work on cool projects. The students are mentored and selected by those open source projects.

As in the past years the Wesnoth team submitted an application as mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 2014. Just some hours ago the list with accepted organizations was published. Wesnoth has been accepted into GSoC 2014. So if you are a student eligible to participate in Summer of Code and interested in earning a hoodie (yes, this year it will not be a t-shirt), why not consider working on a Wesnoth related project? So what should you do? Here is a short list:
- Get an idea what a suitable project could be by looking at our ideas page.
- Join our IRC channel #wesnoth-dev on irc.freenode.net and talk to the devs about your possible idea. We will be able to help you refine the idea and can show you how to transform it into a really good proposal.
- Make sure to follow all the other small steps provided in the wiki.
- Do not hesitate to ask questions in IRC.
- Have fun!
Wesnoth 1.11.10 (1.12 beta 1): Development Release
Sunday, February 23 2014
At long last, the first beta for the upcoming 1.12 stable series is here! As the tenth development release in this series, Wesnoth 1.11.10 delivers more features and improvements along with the usual assortment of bug fixes. Check the forum thread with the full announcement and release notes for a brief description of the most notable changes in this version, as well as the plans for version 1.12.0 and the various ways you can help us!
As with previous releases, we also offer two versions of the changelog: a trimmed-down players changelog including only those items considered to be relevant in regular gameplay, and a (relatively) more complete and technical full changelog with more detailed contents.
The source code, Windows, Mac OS X, and OpenPandora packages are already available on the downloads page. You may also find packages for other platforms there as they become available.
Bear in mind that this is a beta version for the next stable series — as such, it is likely to be affected by bugs that you should report so we can fix them before 1.12.0!
You may comment on this release in the forums.
Wesnoth 1.11.9: Development Release
Sunday, February 9 2014
The ninth release of the 1.11.x development series, Wesnoth 1.11.9, is now available. Check the forum thread with the full announcement and release notes for a brief description of the most notable changes in this version.
As with previous releases, we also offer two versions of the changelog: a trimmed-down players changelog including only those items considered to be relevant in regular gameplay, and a (relatively) more complete and technical full changelog with more detailed contents.
The source code, Windows, Mac OS X, and OpenPandora packages are already available on the downloads page. You may also find packages for other platforms there as they become available.
Bear in mind that this is a development version — as such, it is likely to include a few new bugs in addition to the features and improvements mentioned in the release notes. If you encounter issues with it, make sure to report them to us so they can be fixed for future releases.
You may comment on this release in the forums.
Wesnoth 1.11.8: Development Release
Monday, January 6 2014
Just as a new year begins, Wesnoth 1.11.8, the eighth release of the 1.11.x development series has been released. This version features important changes to the game UI and controls, as well as the usual assortment of additions and improvements for players and content creators alike. Have a look at the complete announcement listing the most notable changes in this version.
As with previous releases, we also offer two versions of the changelog: a trimmed-down players changelog including only those items considered to be relevant in regular gameplay, and a (relatively) more complete and technical full changelog with more detailed contents.
The source code, Windows, Mac OS X, and OpenPandora packages are already available on the downloads page. You may also find packages for other platforms there as they become available.
Bear in mind that this is a development version likely to include a few new bugs or features that still need to be polished in forthcoming releases depending on your feedback. Don't forget to report to our bug tracker any issues you find!
You may comment on this release in the forums.