Older News 2006
This page features all news that were posted on the website in the year 2006.
[hide]December 2006
Problems with Wesnoth 1.2?
Thursday, December 28 2006
Since the release we had quite many reports of problems with the game in the new version. Most of these problems, about 99.99% to be more precise, were related to not uninstalling the old version before upgrading and to using old content from 1.0.x with the new 1.2 version. So if you have any problems with the new version, first follow the steps sugggested in this forum thread. It will probably solve most "bugs" you think you are seeing. Keep in mind that 1.2 is incompatible with 1.0.x, so your 1.0.x saves and campaigns will not work as expected when using 1.2. You should either finish the campaigns in 1.0.x, or restart them in 1.2.
Wesnoth 1.2
Saturday, December 23 2006
More than one year has gone by since we released Wesnoth 1.0. As a Christmas present for you, and to thank you for more than 1,000,000 downloads via sourceforge.net, we now proudly present Wesnoth 1.2. You can look at the (translated) release notes to get an idea about what has changed since 1.0. For those who just want to play, the new release is available for download. If you have any comments, we would be happy to hear them in the forum thread dedicated to this release. We hope there are no bugs left, but if you find any, report them.
At the moment, we are also looking for help in several areas, so that many other releases of similar caliber can follow this one. We are especially looking for translators, graphic artists (sprite, portraits, terrain, story images), music composers (a background in classical composition, and good equipment required), sound artists (for special effects), authors (writing/maintaining campaigns, creating content like unit descriptions, improving the ingame help) and, of course, coders. If you want to participate in developing Wesnoth, just have a look at the forum or visit us in the IRC channel #wesnoth-dev at irc.freenode.net.
Update: The Windows binaries are now available at the download page.
Wesnoth 1.1.14: fourth 1.2 release candidate
Saturday, December 16 2006
Wesnoth 1.1.14 has been released. Wesnoth 1.1.14 is the fourth (and hopefully last) 1.2 release candidate. Thanks to your reports we were able to fix quite many problems so please, test it and continue reporting bugs to get a great 1.2 release. But not only many bugs were fixed, some graphical improvements were made and translations were updated. For all the info you should read the announcement and the changelog
Wesnoth 1.1.13: third 1.2 release candidate
Sunday, December 03 2006
Wesnoth 1.1.13 has been released. Wesnoth 1.1.13 is the third 1.2 release candidate. Please, test it and continue reporting bugs to get a great 1.2 release. You can read the announcement and the changelog.
November 2006
Wesnoth 1.1.12: second 1.2 release candidate
Saturday, November 11 2006
Wesnoth 1.1.12 has been released. Wesnoth 1.1.12 is the second 1.2 release candidate. Please, test it and continue reporting bugs to get a shiny 1.2 release. You can read the announcement and the changelog.
October 2006
New and clean campaign server
Thursday, October 05 2006
Together with the release of the first release candidate for 1.2 (aka 1.1.11) we have a new campaign server running for the new stable branch. At the moment this server is completely empty. All the content creators should upload their stuff to the new server if it really is compatible with the rc1. You automatically reach the new server when clicking on the 'Add-ons' Button in the mainscreen. Some more infos and a way to reach the old content can be found in this forum thread.
Wesnoth 1.1.11: first 1.2 release candidate
Thursday, October 05 2006
Wesnoth 1.1.11 has been released. Wesnoth 1.1.11 is the first 1.2 release candidate. Please, test it and continue reporting bugs to get a spiffy 1.2 release. You can read the announcement and the changelog.
September 2006
Wesnoth 1.1.10: third 1.2 beta
Wednesday, September 20 2006
Wesnoth 1.1.10 has been released. Wesnoth 1.1.10 is the third 1.2 "official" beta release. Please, test it and continue reporting bugs to get a shiny 1.2 release. You can read the announcement and the changelog.
Server relocation
Monday, September 4 2006
After having to leave our previous location, and having the servers hosted for some days in a DSL, we have found a definitive (for now) location for them. While the DNS entries get updated, you may have to enter manually the names of the new servers, as explained in the forum. Update: The DNS entrys are now updated. This means you should soon be able to use the normal addresses server.wesnoth.org and campaigns.wesnoth.org again.
August 2006
Wesnoth 1.1.9: second 1.2 beta
Sunday, August 27 2006
Wesnoth 1.1.9 has been released. Wesnoth 1.1.9 is the second 1.2 "official" beta release. Please, test it and continue reporting bugs to get a shiny 1.2 release. Have a look at the new screenshots. You can read the announcement and the changelog.
Wanted: Coders
Thursday, August 25 2006
After asking for new translators was such a great success, we are now looking for people willing to contribute code to Wesnoth. We are especially looking for people who want to help fixing bugs and submitting patches in the short term. It is quite normal that the people commiting patches get developer access after some accepted patches. But we are not only looking for people to fix bugs in the short term. In the long term it might make sense to change the current graphics engine. This means it could be a rewrite or maybe a port of the current one to OpenGL (but still 2D). So if you know OpenGL, want to learn how to use it or just want to help improve the Wesnoth engine as it is, visit us in the irc channel #wesnoth-dev on irc.freenode.net or post a message in the Coder's Corner in our forum.
July 2006
Wesnoth 1.1.8: first 1.2 beta
Thursday, July 27 2006
Wesnoth 1.1.8 has been released. Wesnoth 1.1.8 is the first 1.2 "official" beta release. Please, test it and continue reporting bugs to get a shiny 1.2 release. You can read the announcement and the changelog.
June 2006
Wanted: Translators
Wednesday, June 28 2006
We are now really heading towards a new stable version. Right now the strings ingame are frozen so that translators have a chance to catch up. That is where you could come in. The translators do need every help that they can get. So if you want to help, have a look at this page. Just contact the maintainer listed for the translation you want to help with. If the maintainer does either not react or there is noone listed, you can become maintainer of the translation. Just have a look at the How-To. If your favorite lang does not have a translation yet, you can start it. Just have a look at this site.
Wesnoth 1.1.7: approaching 1.2
Monday, June 26 2006
Wesnoth 1.1.7 has been released, which should be quite similar to the upcoming 1.2 version. Wesnoth 1.1.7 can be considered a 1.2 beta, from now on, only bugfixes and translation updates will be added to the game until 1.2 is out. Be sure to keep reporting bugs. You can read the announcement and the changelog.
The golden string freeze
Tuesday, June 13 2006
As many of you should know we are not too far away from releasing 1.2. To prepare this there is now a string freeze. While this freeze is active there will be no changes to strings so that translators can catch up with the changes and are able to provide a complete translation for the upcoming stable release. You can find some more infos over here.
Wesnoth 1.1.5: Highspeed for Windows (?)
Sunday, June 11 2006
Since it looks like there are some performance issues in the Windows binary we did now (like we already announced in the forum) manage to build it using a different way. The speed should be massivly improved but there are still some problems with it. Remember this is a very early testing version. We do need as many comments as possible to improve this build further. You can find the binary over here.
Wesnoth 1.1.5: Development release
Friday, June 9 2006
Wesnoth 1.1.5 has been released and should be much more polished than the previous releases, although we are sure you will still manage to discover some bugs. Do not forget to report them. You can read the announcement and the changelog.
May 2006
Wesnoth 1.1.4: Development release
Saturday, May 27 2006
Wesnoth 1.1.4 has been released as soon as possible fixing most of the nasty bugs discovered in version 1.1.3. We hope you enjoy this release and keep reporting bugs to have a really polished Battle for Wesnoth 1.2. There also is some kind of announcement and a (very short) changelog.
Update: In the Windows binary package you have to rename python23.dll to python24.dll. Since there were this many problems with the Windows binary in the last days, maybe we should drop official Windows support? ;) (For those who do not understand irony: We will have a Windows binary as long as someone volunteers to make it...)
Update 2: The new, fixed windows binary is already available for download.
Updated screenshots
Saturday, May 27 2006
Now that we released 1.1.3 (with some minor bugs) there also are some brand new screenshots. Feel free to have a look at the screenshot page.
Dev meeting to coordinate work on 1.2
Thursday, May 25 2006
Following the release plan there is a dev meeting sheduled on Saturday, May 27th, 4pm UTC. It would be good if as many devs as possible take part in that meeting. It will take place in our IRC-channel #wesnoth-dev on irc.freenode.net. Main topic will be the feature list. We'll try to have a look at which features are possible for 1.2 and which have to be removed from the list. And we'll also try to coordinate a little so that we are able to get the most important things into 1.2.
Wesnoth 1.1.3: Development release
Wednesday, May 24 2006
We were really busy working on Wesnoth in the last two months. Now here is the result of our hard work. Be aware that there were many changes. Be careful when looking at the changelog since it is really huge. A very short and compressed list of changes can be found in the announcement. Of course you can find the downloads on the download page.
At the moment we are heavily working on preparing a new stable release that will be called 1.2. So if you find bugs in the brand new 1.1.3 release, please report them. Feel free to comment the official campaigns so that we can further improve them, too.
Update: It looks like there are some serious problems mainly related to the windows version of 1.1.3 and to the heavily changed mp-modus. ATM we are working on fixing some of these bugs. Keep an eye on the forum for more infos.
April, 2006
Heading towards a stable release
Friday, April 28 2006
Soon the time has come to get out another stable release. To be able to coordinate some things for this we do have a nice release plan. Of course we won't stick closely to any of the dates and we'll try to break all of these deadlines. Now let's get serious: the plan only gives a rough timeline, nothing more.
Hey, we have a trailer
Sometimes at the end of April 2006
As you might have already seen, there now even is an official "The Battle for Wesnoth"-Trailer. Have a look at its downloadpage and watch it ASAP. Radoz made a great job with this video. You can get the trailer over here. In the forum there is a thread dedicated to this video. Feel free to post your suggestions on how to further improve it over there.
March, 2006
Wesnoth 1.1.2a: Bugfixes to the Development release
Thursday, March 23 2006
We had a few bugs in our release of 1.1.2. It seems that some scenarios from TROW had unexpectedly vanished. Fortunately, after a short ordeal by our best and bravest, we've recovered them, and present them to you in our release of 1.1.2a, which fixes both that and a few minor bugs. The only changes in this release are to the data/ subdirectory, and the release is compatible, for multiplayer, with 1.1.2. If you find any other bugs, please report them here. The announcement is over here. The changelog is really tiny, since this release is only meant to fix these bugs. To download this release, go to the download page.
Wesnoth 1.1.2: Development release
Tuesday, March 21 2006
Many things have happened in the time that has passed since the last release, and our developers have not been idle. We proudly present our latest release, which features two new campaigns, several great new music tracks and sound effects, as well as hundreds of graphical improvements. Inevitably, a few bugs have crept in as well, and if you find any, please report it. If you can't wait to read the announcement, have a look at this page. A list of all the changes (be careful, it's long) is in the changelog. To download this release, go to the download page.
Febuary, 2006
Wesnoth 1.1.1: Development release
Tuesday, Febuary 7 2006
After more than a month of development, time has come for a release of 1.1.1. Beside a new campaign there are hundreds of other great improvements. For example the castle graphics have been updated and a complete new set of terrain graphics has been added. You can find the whole announcement with many more thrilling details over here. All changes are listed in the changelog. To download this release, go to the download page.
January, 2006
Wesnoth 1.1: Development release
Sunday, January 1 2006
This is the first development release after the 1.0.x branch. There are hundreds of great improvements not only graphics and balancing wise. Be aware that it is not a stable release. You can find the whole announcement over here. All changes are listed in the changelog. To download this release, go to the download page.