Difference between revisions of "Ageless Era"
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====http://agelessera.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/agelessera/tags/Wesnoth/Ageless_Era/4.3/Ageless_Era/images/units/dwarves/runesmith-.png Dwarves==== | ====http://agelessera.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/agelessera/tags/Wesnoth/Ageless_Era/4.3/Ageless_Era/images/units/dwarves/runesmith-.png Dwarves==== | ||
− | ''Main article: | + | ''Main article: [[Dwarves]] |
Dwarves are an old race who live underground and have tough, but short, warriors. Some dwarves carry around 'thundersticks' which create a deafening noise and are terrifying to behold. Other dwarves have study the power of runes and the magic they control. | Dwarves are an old race who live underground and have tough, but short, warriors. Some dwarves carry around 'thundersticks' which create a deafening noise and are terrifying to behold. Other dwarves have study the power of runes and the magic they control. |
Revision as of 21:18, 8 August 2010
Author | Mnewton1 |
Maintainer(s) | Mnewton1 |
Factions | 62 |
Current Version(s) | 4.3 |
Wesnoth Version(s) | 1.8.3 |
Forum Thread | AE Thread |
SVN Link | SVN |
Unit Trees | N/A |
Status | Active |
Ageless Era is a compilation of the most popular eras and factions on the add-on server. It is more than an Era Pack than an Era. Also, all credit for every faction goes to it's respected author(s).
- Screenshots
Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2, Screenshot 3
Screenshot 4, Screenshot 5, Screenshot 6
Screenshot 7, Screenshot 8, Screenshot 9
Default Era Factions
Main article: Loyalists
The Loyalists are a faction of Humans who are loyal to the throne of Wesnoth. Humans are a versatile race who specialize in many different areas. Similarly, the Loyalist faction is a very versatile melee-oriented faction with important ranged support from bowmen and mages.
Main article: Rebels
The Rebels are a faction of Elves and their various forest-dwelling allies. They get their human name, Rebels, from the time of Heir to the Throne, when they started the rebellion against the evil Queen Asheviere. Elves are a magical race that are masters of the bow and are capable of living many years longer than humans. In harmony with nature, the elves find allies with the human mages, certain merfolk, and tree creatures called "Woses." Rebels are best played taking advantage of their high forest defense, mastery of ranged attacks, and the elves' neutral alignment.
Main article: Northerners
The Northerners are a faction of Orcs and their allies who live in the north of the Great Continent, thus their name. Northerners consist of the warrior orcs race, the enslaved goblins, trolls who are tricked into combat by the orcs, and the serpentine naga. The Northerners play best by taking advantage of having many low-cost and high HP soldiers.
Main article: Undead
The Undead are a faction of undead creatures and human practitioners of dark arts that usually accompany them. Often, these "Dark Adepts" are the units that do the most damage for the faction, but they have a major vulnerability - their practicing of this forbidden, evil magic has consumed all their energy and so they have no melee attack at all. The Undead are a very aggressive faction and the most powerful Default Era faction at nighttime.
Knalgan Alliance
Main article: Knalgan Alliance
The Knalgan Alliance is a faction of Dwarves and their outlaw Human allies. Dwarves are an old race who live underground and have tough, but short, warriors. The outlaws are humans who are not socially acceptable among others of their race, but have become allies of the dwarves due to common enemies. This leads to a combination of tough and defensive dwarves who are only good on certain terrain and humans who can cover ground that dwarves are not good at fighting in.
Main article: Drakes
The Drakes are a faction of dragon-like Drakes and their lizard Saurian allies. Drakes are descendants of dragons, but smaller in size. Saurians are far smaller and from different ancestry. Together, the Drake faction has high mobility but low defense, leading to unusual tactics for a Default faction.
Extended Era Factions
Main article: Loyalists
The Loyalists are a faction of Humans who are loyal to the throne of Wesnoth. Humans are a versatile race who specialize in many different areas. Similarly, the Loyalist faction is a very versatile melee-oriented faction with important ranged support from bowmen and mages.
Main article: Sylvans
The Sylvans are a faction of Elves and their various forest-dwelling allies. Elves are a magical race that are masters of the bow and are capable of living many years longer than humans. In harmony with nature, these elves find allies with the human mages, certain merfolk, fairies, and tree creatures called "Woses." Rebels are best played taking advantage of their high forest defense, mastery of ranged attacks, and the elves' neutral alignment.
Main article: Dwarves
Dwarves are an old race who live underground and have tough, but short, warriors. Some dwarves carry around 'thundersticks' which create a deafening noise and are terrifying to behold. Other dwarves have study the power of runes and the magic they control.
Main article: N/A
The outlaws are humans who are not socially acceptable among most other races. The Outlaws consist of petty criminals and poacher, but every so often a Rogue Mage is sighted. The Outlaws have also made allies with Ogres and the Nagini.
Main article: Northerners
The Northerners are a faction of Orcs and their allies who live in the north of the Great Continent, thus their name. Northerners consist of the warrior orcs race, the enslaved goblins, trolls who are tricked into combat by the orcs, and the serpentine naga. The Northerners play best by taking advantage of having many low-cost and high HP soldiers.
Main article: Undead
The Undead are a faction of undead creatures and human practitioners of dark arts that usually accompany them. Often, these "Dark Adepts" are the units that do the most damage for the faction, but they have a major vulnerability - their practicing of this forbidden, evil magic has consumed all their energy and so they have no melee attack at all. The Undead are a very aggressive faction and the most powerful Default Era faction at nighttime.
Main article: Chaos
These warriors of darkness have given their souls so that they might serve the Gods of Chaos alongside their demonic followers. Their ranks include both Humans and Demons, and they are devastating when played very aggressively, especially at night.
Main article: Kalifa
A faction based on the armies of the Persian Empire, the Kalifa are strong in melee combat and have sturdy units, but poor ranged abilities and relatively poor mobility. They will be going mainline soon.
Dark Elves
Main article: Dark Elves
Cave-dwelling Elves who have devoted themselves to darkness and delight in cruelty. They are accomplished in both magic and swordplay, and do well within their cave homes, but are unaccustomed to the outside world.
Archaic Era Factions
Main article: N/A
These ancient enemies of the Primeval Forces are difficult to comprehend. They are best described as spirits that animate the bodies of victims, and slowly cause those victims to undergo transformations. The Primeval Forces have developed an immunity to this, but the more modern inhabitants of the continent (with the exception of the non-living) are vulnerable."
Main article: N/A
As Huric's rule came to a close and the orcs began reclaiming Ukian territory, many of the human forces were slain. Somehow the dead continue to roam the tundra, but unlike ghosts, they are not slaves to practioners of Necromancy. Instead, they are slaves to their own desires for revenge."
Main article: N/A
As Huric's rule came to a close and the orcs began reclaiming Ukian territory, many of the human forces were slain. Somehow the dead continue to roam the tundra, but unlike ghosts, they are not slaves to practioners of Necromancy. Instead, they are slaves to their own desires for revenge."
Main article: Primevals
The Primeval forces are beings from a time long, long ago. They share many traits of the modern races, it is possible that they are ancestors.
Main article: South-Seas
South-Seas humans are regular humans, but have not had much contact with the people of Wesnoth.
Main article: N/A
The Ukians are from the frozen North. Lost descendants of an ill-advised Wesnoth settlement program, they were cut off from civilization. Surrounded by hostile orcs, they needed to develope stratagies for survival that did not involve vast resources or brute strength, but rather rapid communication and mobiliziation. Every man and woman had to be able to survive an orcish assault, so there was no time for studying. However, with their recent reacquaintance with the people of Wesnoth, they have just started training mages."
Northern Orcs
Main article: N/A
The Orcs that moved to the far north learned that they would need to adapt. Unlike the Northerners, the Northern Orcs ride Oxen and Storks. Some Orcs also carry whips or torches.
Era of the Future Factions
Main article: Welkins
The Welkin are a form of woodland elves that had evolved over many periods of time. The Welkin share many things in common with normal elves, specifically physical features. However, these adapted elves have many inhabitants that have wings. These wings enable them to fly and fight from above.The Welkin left the forest because of the difficulty to fly in search of better suited terrain. They populate mostly mountainous areas, along with hills. Dwarves are usually competing for land with the Welkin, which leads to distrust and wars. The Welkin sometimes ally trolls if needed during wars, since they have a common enemy.
Main article: Brungar
The Brungar are dwarves who grew tired of the caves in ages past and thus ventured forth from their mighty empires in search of a different life. They settle in the rock of lakes and oceans and eventually, after living centuries in and out of the water, evolved gills and thus were able to create great underwater caverns, rivalled by only their ancestors mountain realms. The Brungar have not left all of their dwarven traits behind them however for they still continue to make great contraptions that have helped in the making of their underwater fortress and also in hunting and protecting their caverns.
BEEM Factions
Main article: Anakes
The Anakes are legendary demons, personifications of death and corruption whose only goal is to prepare the Prime Material Plane to be recreated by their god Ba'al and the other Dark Gods.
Main article: Calidonians
Hellenic people get together in the calydonian Hegemony after many centuries of war between city-state. The Calydonian domination transformed the hellenic people in a warlike population, perfectly organized in a warlike and expansionist society.
Wood Warriors
Main article: Wood Warriors
Wood Warriors are a quite variegated population. Indeed, this faction isn't composed by only one race but by some different ones with some common traits. In addition to their shy and lone nature (that makes them very skilled in hiding and ambushes), these warriors have in common the choice of the forest as their habitat; some forced to it, others for their own will. The members of this group are mainly legendary creatures, whose existence is still ignored by some. Indeed those who had met this army rarely had such a long life to be able to tell it! Many legends are told about some of them, wherein sometimes they are evil wizards who draw their prey where they can be lethal (into the wood), other times they are told as good creatures living a nature-friendly and cheerful life. However, wise travelers usually avoid those places where the shadow of the trees eats the light and thousands glittering eyes are seen in the dark: sometimes to reveal the hidden in legends arcane can be a fatal error."
Custom Factions
Main article: Yokai
The Yōkai are a whimsical and capricious lot that tend to follow a self-centered decision-making process similar to that of an average cat. They are most well known for being completely uncontrollable and are thus typically avoided by other races whenever possible.
As a faction the Yōkai gear themselves towards power, low prices and versatility. Many units can cover ground quickly on wide variety of different terrain and have good defense but poor resistances and hit points. All Yōkai are vulnerable to arcane magic.
Dark Legion
Main article: Dark Legion
No information.
Desert Elves
Main article: Desert Elves
No information.
Main article: Steelhive
Robot troops have been deployed from the Steelhive! The units are highly dangerous and must be destroyed at all costs!
Era of Myths Factions
Main article: Celestials
The Celestials are a very spiritual race, believing that there is power in Light and Darkness; and they choose to side with the Light. They believe in this so heavily that they keep their settlements lit at night through bonfires and the aid of a rare species of pixie that radiates light from it's skin. They name these pixies Light Archons and worship them as demi-gods. Celestials also believe something to the effect of "the whole is greater than the sum of the parts." Working together they can achieve great accomplishments quickly.
Main article: Devlings
Tiny (but very angry) demons who delight in pestering other races and causing general mischief. Their small size makes them very weak, but they have large numbers and employ many sneaky tactics to overwhelm their enemies.
Main article: Elementals
Spirits of nature, bound into physical form by magic. Most are strongly tied to specific terrains, and can heal when stationed there.
Main article: Therians
The Therians, a.k.a. Shifters, are a community of humans seperated from the rest of Wesnoth in the lands to the south-east. Living their lives unaware of the turmoil the rest of Wesnoth faced, the Shifters focused on studying the arts of magic. Upon the discovery of the art of shapeshifting a new way of life began. Every village in the Therian community has a school dedicated to the arts of magic with a heavy emphasis on the art of shapeshifting. This is why they are known as the Shifters.
Main article: Vampires
The Vampires control several cities and villages. They feed upon the human (slave) population that lives there. Vampires themselves are very seductive and attractive creatures. Their mages use fire- and shadow magic, boiling the blood of their victims and destroying their souls.
Main article: Wargs
These manwolves live mainly in (snowy) forests and hills. They are a very peacefull race, only fighting to protect their sacred Mother Nature. Their alliance of nature includes not only werewolves, but humans, Woses, and fairies.
Main article: Windsong
The Windsong are essentially historians: they spend centuries at a time hiding in their Foundation, located on an island in the frigid northern seas, simply watching and recording what goes on in the world outside. However, when the balance of power in the world seems to be tipping, they leave their sanctuary to set it right, believing that any nation which becomes too powerful will cause the world to end.
Feudal Era Factions
Main article: Aragwaithi The Aragwaithi are the descendants of those Marauders and Arendians who remained in the north after the Lavinian empire fell. They continued to learn from the elves, and made an alliance with the High Elves. They live in the area vacated by the Issaelfr - the cold, harsh regions of the North.
Ceresian League
Main article: Ceresian League
No information.
Clockwork Dwarves
Main article: Clockwork Dwarves
No information.
High Elves
Main article: High Elves
The High Elves are the descendants of the Frost and Sidhe Elves. They reside in what was once Silvia. Silvia has remained a plainsland ever since the Lavinians cleared it, so the High Elves have much less of a wilderlands-based culture than that of their predecessors.
Orcish Khaganates
Main article: Khaganates
Upon the fall of the Lavinian Empire, the Orcish peoples revealed their true power, coming out of the west and doing great damage to the lands of Arendia and Ceresia. They were ruled by the Khans, and their realms were called Khaganates.
Imperial Era Factions
Main article: Arendians
The Arendians are a nomadic culture, living in clans that move around following the herds of game animals which roam the Arendian plains, which lie to the north of the land of Lavinia. They do however have a few permanent settlements for trade reasons.
Despite their nomadic culture they have a king and royal family, whose origins came from one of their warriors of myth, who slew the greatest dragon to blacken the Old Continent's skies, Gresh. In achieving this he united the clans into one nation and founded Arendia as it is today.
The Arendians people are obsessed with honour and bravery, to the extent of throwing out people who break their word, commit adultery, or flee from battles, these lone wanderers roam the lands attempting to redeem themselves in the eyes of their people.
Main article: Issaelfr
When the Orcs first arrived in the lands north of Wesnoth, many Elves were forced to flee their ancient homes. While some crossed the ocean to the north of the Old Continent, most took refuge in the forests that have ever since housed the North Elves. Adjusting gradually to their new environment, these Elves survived and their descendants became quite adept at survival in the arctic wastes. They have become great hunters and skilled beast-tamers, and have developed some highly specialized units that maximize their snowy, icy environment.
Main article: Lavinians
The Lavinian Empire, based in the plains of Lavinia in the center of the Old Continent, is the dominant force there, rivaled only by the Aiyira. They are threatened occasionally by the northern Marauders, and they are not good sailors, but on land they are unstoppable. This is true especially of their homeland, and of the Nemidian lands to their southwest.
Main article: Marauders
The Marauders are a group of humans, isolated in the cold north, and toughened by the lack of Allies, they live as tribes and each tribe can be from a small village to a large set villages led by a Warlord. Diverse in skills but they do not meddle in magic. Having to defend themselves against all foes they are as strong and hardy as any and fear is no barrier to them.
The Marauders' lone ally is the North Elves, and they are only allies because any war between them would be fruitless and a waste of lives, and because of their mutual enemy, the Wild Elves.
Orcei Gladiatores
Main article: Orcei Gladiatores
These orcs and goblins are forced by the empire to participate in vicious gladiatorial games. However, they have recently begun to rebel and put their fighting skills to use breaking free from their masters.
Main article: Sidhe
The Wild Elves live in the forests to the east of the Marauders. They are a solitary folk, disdaining all men and defending their borders with their lives. They have a strict sense of honor, and they see themselves as the only true elves left. All other elves they view as traitors.
Era of Strife Factions
Main article: Eventide
No information.
Main article: Triththa
No information.
Free Saurians
Main article: Free Saurians Decades ago the saurians broke free from the iron grip of thier dragonkin overseers. Killing many of the great bests who's magic and might had held them at bay. Now, a new creature has appeared at the edges of the great swamp of Sraal-vex, and the Saurians will not allow history to repeat itself.
Main article: Eltireans The nation living in a few cities in the sky called flying Isles. These cities seem like clouds from the ground and are even magicaly hidden, so no flyers can come so near to the cloud, that they would be able to recognise them as cities. Their only enemy was the race of silver drakes (faction to be done after this one). These creatures found out the way to get through the magic barrier of the cities and found them a very good place to settle new nests. So the long fight began. Even with their excellent knowledge of magic the fight didnt seem to come to the good end. The high council of Eltireans decided to send some of the people to the surface to make new settlements in case sky cities will fall to the enemy`s hands. Eltire, patron of Eltireans, former mage of light, who possesed so incredible power that he became the half god in the form of pure light, agreed to use his magic to open the gate for the people to get to the surface. It was decided to send mostly young people lead by some of the patriarchs. They were given all the necessary equipment, weapons, food and scrolls containing knowledge of the nation and finally set for the long journey.
Main article: Minotaurs
The Minotaurs are fearful creatures which are of ancient origin, they used to be humans which lived in the ancient times on the Great Continent, but a curse was placed upon the ancient civilization of these humans due to their disobedience towards their deity and creator. However some of the cursed ones prayed to their deity for forgiveness and therefore were rewarded with the inability to die by aging and therefore could only be killed by other means.
Era of Magic Factions
Main article: Barbarians
The Barbarians are the best in hand-to-hand combat. This multi-cultural society divided into Goblins, Orcs, Cyclops, Trolls, and Rocs with their own advantages and disadvantages can be a tough opponent, but separately they are very weak.
Darkblood Alliance
Main article: Darkblood Alliance
The Darkblood Alliance is a faction composed of agile lizards, humungous frogs, gigantic wyverns, and salamanders, who have perfected the art of disguise. At the head of the community stand shamans known for their water magic, which is used in battle as well as in healing.
Enlightened Ones
Main article: Enlightened Ones
The Enlightened Ones are a race powerful magi of all kinds. Their knowledge allows them to cast amazing spells and summon creatures like unstopable Golems or mysterious Mus. Masters of Elements and Gurus are one of the most powerful human beings in this Era.
Main article: Kharos
Kharos is the name of beautiful country ruled by prophets of Light. These peaceful people are masters of defense and support. Their formations of healers and Shielders assisted by Silver Warriors, who can teleport between friendly villages, are very hard to destroy.
Main article: Runemasters
The Runemasters use runic magic and equipment. They are also well known because of their protection against magic. The Runemasters create steam machines like Gyrocopters, Robots and even mighty Mechanical Dragons. Units from this faction are very resistant but slow.
Main article: Summoners
The Summoners are proud people who are good warriors and spell casters. They use magical circles and scrolls to summon amazing creatures like Jinns or elementals from another dimension called Abyss. These creatures can't be poisoned, which is a great advantage.
Main article: Warlocks
The fearsome Warlocks faction is very dangerous, especially at night. Cruel Dark Elves with their black magic and dreadful monsters like Hydras can demolish everything standing on their way. Being so powerful in attack, Warlocks faction hasn't got a healer unit, so they must push forward at all costs, or die from there injuries.