Playable Factions/fr
Cette page est un résumé des 7 factions de bases qu’un joueur peut contrôler dans La Bataille pour Wesnoth.
Les loyalistes sont composés d’humains et de tritons. Ce sont de robustes chevaliers, de puissants mages, de rapides cavaliers, tous fidèlent à leur chef.
Convient aux débutants.
- Les loyalistes sont avantagés sur les plaines, les collines et les forêts,
- Ils sont loyales, forts pendant la journée,
- Ils disposent d’unités de front, de support (commandement, soin…), et de quelques unes visant à percer les lignes adverses (cavalier, bretteur…),
- En savoir plus sur les Loyalists ou voir How to play Loyalists
Rebels is a faction of elves, woses, mages and mermen. Most of them have ranged attack.
Good faction for beginners.
- Rebels fight great in forests, but they are fragile. Very effective in ranged combat.
- Rebels are both neutral (same strengh any time) and lawful (stronger during day)
- they are fast and have access to healing, leadership and ambush
- learn more about Rebels or visit guide on How to play Rebels
Northerners is a faction of orcs, trolls, goblins and nagas.
Best for experienced players.
- Northerners are cheap, close-range warriors and they can advance easily.
- Northerners are mostly chaotic (stronger during night)
- they are resilient and have access to regeneration, poison and slowing
- learn more about Northerners or visit guide on How to play Northerners
Undead is a faction of numerous undead creatures and dark mages.
Best for experienced players.
- Undead have resistances to commons attacks, but are vulnerable to more specific ones.
- Undead are chaotic (stronger during night)
- they are deadly and have access to leech life, poison and plague
- learn more about Undead or visit guide on How to play Undead
Knalgan Alliance is a faction of dwarves, gryphons and human outlaws.
Best for experienced players.
- Knalgans moves on difficult terrains as fast as on flat plains. Dwarves are strong, outlaws are quick.
- dwarves are neutral (same strengh any time), outlaws are chaotic (stronger during night)
- they are balanced and have access to backstab, steadfast and berserk
- learn more about Knalgan Alliance or visit guide on How to play Knalgans
Drakes and saurians are the opposites, yet they are very strong together. Drakes are very expensive and loses are very painful.
Best for experienced players.
- Drakes are the fastest faction and they can also cross water and other obstacles. Three units have wings.
- Drakes are lawful (stronger during day), saurians are chaotic (stronger during night)
- they can quickly attack and retreat and have access to skirmisher, first strike and healing
- learn more about Drakes or visit guide on How to play Drakes
Dunefolk is a new faction with sand people and nagas.
Best for experienced players.
- Dunefolk is well adapted to sand terrain and they can heal their warriors
- Dunefolk are lawful (stronger during day) or liminal (strong at dawn and dusk)
- they command infandry and cavalry with access to healing, skirmisher and charge
- learn more about Dunefolk or visit guide on How to play Dunefolk
Factions of the Default Era |
Loyalists •
Rebels •
Northerners •
Undead •
Knalgan Alliance •
Drakes •