This page is the hub for the transcription of campaign dialogue into the wiki as a resource for writers. As such, it consists entirely of spoilers.
These Wiki pages aren't automatically updated when the text in the campaign changes. However, files with all the text in each campaign are automatically generated as part of the support for translations. Link to the one for the tutorial. The others can be found by following that link and then replacing both tutorials in the URL with the campaign acronym (completely lowercase).
The campaigns are ordered chronologically. Each has a relevant year (generally beginning) listed.
Main article: CampaignDialogue:Tutorial
The Rise Of Wesnoth
Main article: CampaignDialogue:TROW
5 BW - 1 YW.
Winds of Fate
Main article: CampaignDialogue:WoF
3-4 YW.
An Orcish Incursion
Main Article: CampaignDialogue:AOI
8-9 YW.
Legend of Wesmere
Main Article: CampaignDialogue:LOW
12-93 YW.
Secrets of the Ancients
Main article: CampaignDialogue:SOTA
23 YW.
Sceptre of Fire
Main article: CampaignDialogue:SOF
25-40 YW.
Two Brothers
Main article: CampaignDialogue:TB1.9
363 YW.
Descent into Darkness
Main article: CampaignDialogue:DID
389 YW.
Delfador's Memoirs
Main article: CampaignDialogue:DM
468-470 YW.
Main Article: CampaignDialogue:L
501 YW.
Heir to the Throne
Main Article: CampaignDialogue:HttT
517-518 YW.
Northern Rebirth
Main Article: CampaignDialogue:NR
534-535 YW.
The Hammer of Thursagan
Main Article: CampaignDialogue:THOT
550-551 YW.
The South Guard
Main Article: CampaignDialogue:TSG
607-608 YW.
Eastern Invasion
Main Article: CampaignDialogue:EI
625-627 YW.
Dead Water
Main Article: CampaignDialogue:DW
626 YW.
Son of the Black Eye
Main Article: CampaignDialogue:SOTBE
742-758 YW.
Under the Burning Suns
Main article: CampaignDialogue:UTBS
??? AF.