LotI Unit Advancements

From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki

This is an auto-generated wiki page listing all the advancements that are unit specific currently available in the campaign "Legend of the Invincibles". See LotI Standard Advancements for general advancements such as legacies and books. This was generated at Sat May 18 17:31:25 2024 using version git-0a0a7e9 of LotI and version of the generation script. As this is auto-generated, DO NOT EDIT THIS PAGE. Instead, create a new issue at the tracker and the script will be adjusted.

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Horror tales about terrifying undead usually lie. They describe ghasts as the most nightmarish beings that ever existed. And that is just plain wrong. There is Abomination, a mutated kind of ghast that scares even the most courageous monster hunters. It has literally a dozen mouths, most of them belonging to ghoul homunculi attached to its body with tentacles.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Biting Better – bite1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 3 for the bite attack

Dealing 50% More Damage to Poisoned Enemies – bite-eager

This advancement can be taken once
New weapon special for the bite attack: eager

Biting Faster – bite2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bite1 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the bite attack

Biting Faster if Healthy – bite2-swarn

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements bite1 and bite2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bite attack: swarm
3 more attacks for the bite attack

Feasting on Enemies when Biting – bite2-leech

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bite1 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bite attack: leech

Biting Better – bite3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement bite2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the bite attack

Healing More from Kills – murderlust

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: killhunger
New ability: supreme murderlust

Able to Regurgitate Culinary Feasts as Walking Corpses – regurgitate1

This advancement can be taken once
New weapon special for the bite attack: plague

Able to Regurgitate Culinary Feasts as Ghouls – regurgitate2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement regurgitate1 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bite attack: plague (Ghoul)
Remove weapon special for the bite attack: plague

Damaging Adjacent Enemies when Hit More – corrosive_blood

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: corrosive blood (2)
New ability: corrosive blood (6)

Damaging Adjacent Enemies when Hit More – corrosive_blood2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement corrosive_blood to be achieved first
Remove ability: corrosive blood (6)
New ability: corrosive blood (12)

Causing Nearby Enemies to Deal Less Damage – despair

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: despair (10)

Causing Nearby Enemies to Deal Even Less Damage – despair2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement despair to be achieved first
Remove ability: despair (10)
New ability: despair (15)

Causing Nearby Enemies to Deal Even Less Damage – despair3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement despair2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: despair (15)
New ability: despair (20)

Causing Nearby Enemies to Deal Even Less Damage – despair4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement despair3 to be achieved first
Remove ability: despair (20)
New ability: despair (25)

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Ancient Demon (Lilith)

An ancient demon is a creature living since time immemorial, powerful enough to survive eons. They were either born with that power, or achieved it by arcane means, collecting powerful spells and artefacts of power, or a combination of the two. In any case, their survival was more likely because of great precaution than because of luck, so killing them might be a great challenge. Many legends tell of great heroes slaying ancient demons only to see them come back to life after some time.

– amla_demon_lord

This advancement can be taken 100 times
100 more hitpoints
Damage increased by 8 (in EASY difficulty), 9 (in MEDIUM difficulty), 10 (in HARD difficulty)

Ancient Demoness (Lilith Ally)

An ancient demoness is a creature living since time immemorial, powerful enough to survive eons. They were either born with that power, or achieved it by arcane means, collecting powerful spells and artefacts of power, or a combination of the two. In any case, their survival was more likely because of great intelligence than because of luck. They know how to get through anything alive, and because of this, all their schemes have backdoors and escape routes. If their alliance turns out to be weak, they turn their coat and join the winners or escape. If they lead an army into a battle that shows to be going to be a defeat, they betray their soldiers and flee into safety or trick the winners that they were helping them all the time. If their keep is under siege, they prepare a flight instead of a defence or a last stand.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Faster at Axe Combat – axe

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Faster at Axe Combat – axe-speed

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement axe to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Axe Combat – axe-damage

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement axe to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Striking More Precisely with Axe – axe-marksman

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement axe-damage to be achieved first
New weapon special for the axe attack: marksman

Stronger with Hatchet – hatchet

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the hatchet attack

Faster with Hatchet – hatchet2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement hatchet to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the hatchet attack
1 more attacks for the hatchet attack

Stronger with Hatchet – hatchet3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement hatchet2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the hatchet attack

Able to Hurl Hatchets in a Long Stream – hatchet-anger

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement hatchet3 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the hatchet attack: anger

Better with Fireball – fireball

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the fireball attack

Faster with Fireball – fireball2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireball to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the fireball attack
1 more attacks for the fireball attack

Better with Fireball – fireball3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement fireball2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the fireball attack

Hitting More Enemies with Fireball – fireball-cone

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireball3 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the fireball attack: cone

Better at Dodging (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 4 times
1 more movement points

Ancient Lich

A being of this order is a revenant of ages long past. Anyone who encounters an Ancient Lich likely has far worse things to worry about than death.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Faster at Melee Combat – melee

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Creating Zombies from Enemies Killed at Melee – melee2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
New weapon special (melee attacks only): plague

Better at Melee – melee3

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements melee and melee2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

A Better Caster – magic

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

A Faster Caster of Chill Tempests – magic-chill

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the chill tempest attack

Slowing with Chill Tempest – magic-chill3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic-chill to be achieved first
New weapon special for the chill tempest attack: slow

A Faster Caster of Shadow Waves – magic-shadow

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the shadow wave attack

A Better Caster of Chill Tempests – magic-chill2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements magic-chill and magic to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the chill tempest attack

Slowing Multiple Enemies with Chill Tempest – magic-chill-slow-extra

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements magic-chill3 and magic-chill2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the chill tempest attack: explosive slow

A Better Caster of Shadow Waves – magic-shadow2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements magic-shadow and magic to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the shadow wave attack

Leeching Health from Enemies with Shadow Wave – magic-shadow-leech

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic-shadow2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the shadow wave attack: leech

Making Adjacent Non-Undead Enemies Less Resistant to Arcane, Fire and Impact – withering presence

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement lifeforce transfer to be achieved first
New ability: withering presence

More Resistant to Arcane, Fire and Impact is Standing Next to at Least 2 Allied Non-Undead – memories of life

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement lifeforce transfer to be achieved first
New ability: memories of life

More Undead-Like Resistance (Improved Resistances, Slightly Worsened Weaknesses) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by -1%
Resistance to pierce increased by 3%
Resistance to fire increased by -1%
Resistance to cold increased by 3%
Resistance to arcane increased by -2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 2 times
1 more movement points

Arch Necromancer

The greatest of the necromancers are greatly prepared to become liches, but they prefer to enjoy life while they are still living. They are much stronger in human body, and when they die, they become liches, but their magic abilities will diminish during the transformation.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Faster at Melee Combat – melee

This advancement can be taken 2 times
Damage decreased by 2 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – melee2

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Transforming Enemies into Soulless Also with the Infection – melee3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
New weapon special (melee attacks only): greater infect
Remove weapon special (melee attacks only): infect

A Better Caster of Chill Waves – magic-chill

This advancement can be taken 3 times
Damage increased by 2 for the chill wave attack

A Faster Caster of Chill Waves – magic-chill2

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement magic-chill to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 5 for the chill wave attack
1 more attacks for the chill wave attack

Slowing with Chill Wave – magic-chill3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic-chill2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the chill wave attack: slow

A Faster Caster of Shadow Waves – magic-shadow

This advancement can be taken 2 times
Damage decreased by 3 for the shadow wave attack
1 more attacks for the shadow wave attack

A Better Caster of Shadow Waves – magic-shadow2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement magic-shadow to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the shadow wave attack

Creating Ghosts from Victims of Shadow Wave – magic-shadow3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic-shadow2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the shadow wave attack: plague (Ghost)

A Better Caster, Generally – magic

This advancement can be taken 10 times
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

Making Adjacent Undead More Resistant to Arcane, Fire and Impact – lifeforce transfer

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: lifeforce transfer

More Resistant to Cold, Blade and Impact if Adjacent to at Least 2 Allied Undead – death blending

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement lifeforce transfer to be achieved first
New ability: death blending

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 2 times
1 more movement points


Blackguards are either outlaws who were even knighted for causing severe havoc in a land by a rival landlord, or knights whose love for war and gold has gone far beyond reason. They do not behave like knights, rather like a twisted opposite of knights. Clad in black armour, radiating darkness, prefering to fight in the dead of night, attacking by surprise and scaring enemies by their appearance.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Striking Better with Scourge – scourge

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the scourge attack

Striking Faster with Scourge – scourge2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement scourge to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the scourge attack

Striking Better with Scourge – scourge3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements scourge2 and scourge to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the scourge attack

Better Protected from Physical Blows (3% Better Resistances; +5% Resist Impact) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 3%
Resistance to impact increased by 5%
Resistance to pierce increased by 3%

Able to Darken Even the Night – darken

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: darkens
New ability: darkens badly

Radiating Unearthly Darkness – darken2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement darken to be achieved first
Remove ability: darkens badly
New ability: darkens severely

Able to Teleport to an Adjacent Endangered Ally – darken

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: blackwatch

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Celestial Messenger

Gods are legendary beings living from humans' worship. They are greatly powerful and usually out of our reach, but sometimes even gods give birth to children with humans. Their children retain some of their power, but this power fades over generation. However, priestly white magic can awaken it, greatly enhancing the powers of Light inside his body, allowing the White Mage to become far more exalted than he could ever hope to.
Thanks to the feathered wings on their backs, they can travel much faster through difficult terrains than others.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better with Magic – lightbeam

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the lightbeam attack

Faster with Magic – lightbeam2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement lightbeam to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the lightbeam attack
1 more attacks for the lightbeam attack

Better with Magic – lightbeam3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement lightbeam2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the lightbeam attack

Faster with Mace – mace

This advancement can be taken once
Damage decreased by 1 for the mace attack
1 more attacks for the mace attack

Better with Mace – mace2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement mace to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the mace attack

Able to Heal Allies Better – heal

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: cures
New ability: heals (11)

Able to Heal Allies Better – heal2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement heal to be achieved first
Remove ability: heals (11)
New ability: heals (14)

Able to Heal Allies Better – heal3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements heal and heal2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: heals (14)
New ability: heals (16)

Able to Make Enemies Feel Their Guilt (-10% to Non-Physical Resistances) – conviction

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements mace and heal3 to be achieved first
New ability: conviction (10)

Making Enemies Feel Their Guilt Stronger (-15% to Non-Physical Resistances) – conviction2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement conviction to be achieved first
Remove ability: conviction (10)
New ability: conviction (15)

Making Enemies Feel Their Guilt Stronger (-20% to Non-Physical Resistances) – conviction3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement conviction2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: conviction (15)
New ability: conviction (20)

Making Enemies' Sins Burn Them from Inside (-16 Enemy Heal) – guilt

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement conviction2 to be achieved first
New ability: burns foes (16)

Able to Illuminate Even the Day – aura_illuminate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements heal and conviction to be achieved first
Remove ability: illuminates loti
New ability: improved illumination

Illuminating Everything Around Better – aura_illuminate2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements aura_illuminate, heal2 and conviction2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: improved illumination
New ability: great illumination

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 4 times
1 more movement points


After hundreds of battles and duels, the survivor learns that victory is not as important as survival. The best warrior is not the one who kills the most enemies, but the one who survives the most battles. Even with fewer kills per battle, the one who lives longer will eventually kill more people than fighters who kill enemies in large numbers. And the secret of survival is proper defence. Even in duels, the winner is the one who does not get hit, not the one who can hit the best.
Those who understand this rule learn to defend extremely well and become so legendary in duels that even kings call them their champions in various occasions, like trials by combat. Sometimes they even adapt to wearing a light armour to protect themselves.
Gameplay notes:
This unit is highly defensive and focused on counterattacks, not on damage.
Advancements are defense-oriented, this unit's potential in avoiding hits is the greatest of all units.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Faster at Melee Combat – sword

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Faster with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword and sword2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better with Sword – sword4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword, sword2 and sword3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the saber attack

Faster with Crossbow – crossbow

This advancement can be taken once
Damage decreased by 9 for the crossbow attack
1 more attacks for the crossbow attack

Better at Defending (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 3%) – block

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 3%

Better Protected from Physical Blows (3% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 3%
Resistance to impact increased by 3%
Resistance to pierce increased by 3%

10% Better Resistances when Defending – careful

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: careful (10)

20% Better Resistances when Defending – careful2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement careful to be achieved first
Remove ability: careful (10)
New ability: careful (20)

25% Better Resistances when Defending – careful3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement careful2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: careful (20)
New ability: careful (25)

Better with Crossbow – crossbow2

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement crossbow to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 (pierce attacks only)

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 4 times
1 more movement points

Champion Bowman

Although any Master Bowman claims he has have reached the zenith of his art, inasmuch as any human is capable, it is far from truth. Their elite archers can become Champion Bowmen, that are really the ones who have reached the zenith of their art, inasmuch as any human is capable.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Striking Better with Bow – bow

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the bow attack

Striking Faster with Bow – bow2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the bow attack
1 more attacks for the bow attack

Striking Better with Bow – bow3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement bow2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the bow attack

Shooting Insanely Precisely – bow-precision

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bow attack: focused
Remove weapon special for the bow attack: marksman

Able to Shoot a Storm on Arrows Without Giving the Enemy a Chance to Counterattack (New Attack) – arrowstorm

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: arrow storm (100% damage and 80% attacks of the base attack, ranged)
New weapon special for the arrow storm attack: distant attack

Shooting Arrow Storms Better – arrowstorm2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement arrowstorm to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10% for the arrow storm attack
5% more attacks for the arrow storm attack

Able to Shoot a Massive Hail of Arrows to Hit Many Enemies (New Attack) – hail_of_arrows

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: hail of arrows (60% damage and 80% attacks of the base attack, ranged)
New weapon special for the hail of arrows attack: hose

Shooting Hails of Arrows Better – hail_of_arrows2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement hail_of_arrows to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10% for the arrow storm attack
5% more attacks for the arrow storm attack

Striking Better with Sword – sword

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Striking Faster with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the sword attack
1 more attacks for the sword attack

Striking Better with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement sword2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Chaos Rider

The daring deeds of Cavaliers are known, but only some of them choose to play with fire. Wizards bind spirits of fire into their swords and horses, making them one of the most dangerous things on the battlefield.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Striking Better with Sword – sword

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Striking Faster with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the sword attack
1 more attacks for the sword attack

Incinerating Enemies with Sword – sword-incinerate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the sword attack: incinerate

Striking Better with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword2 and sword to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Stomping Enemies Better – stomp

This advancement can be taken 10 times
Damage increased by 4 for the stomp attack

Better with Fireball – fireball

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the fireball attack

Faster with Fireball – fireball2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireball to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the fireball attack
1 more attacks for the fireball attack

Better with Fireball – fireball3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement fireball2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the fireball attack

Able to Hit Multiple Enemies with Fireball – fireball_cone

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireball to be achieved first
New weapon special for the fireball attack: cone

Able to Hit Even More Enemies with Fireball – fireball_explosive

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireball_cone to be achieved first
New weapon special for the fireball attack: explosive
Remove weapon special for the fireball attack: cone

Dealing More Damage with Burning Aura – burning_aura

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: burns foes (8)
New ability: burns foes (12)

Dealing More Damage with Burning Aura – burning_aura2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement burning_aura to be achieved first
Remove ability: burns foes (12)
New ability: burns foes (16)

Casting a Fiery Spell on Every Melee Hit – firecast

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements burning_aura2, fireball2 and sword2 to be achieved first
New ability: firecast

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 4 times
1 more movement points

Dark Shade

Dark shade is a spirit of something so dark that it was not allowed to exist in the real world. Only its shadow appears on walls and attacks the shadows of its victims - and the victims will get hurt too.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Clawing Better – claws

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the claws attack

Clawing Better – claws2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement claws to be achieved first
New weapon special for the claws attack: greater backstab
Remove weapon special for the claws attack: backstab
Damage increased by 1 for the claws attack

Backstabbing Better – claws2-backstab

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement claws2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the claws attack: uber backstab
Remove weapon special for the claws attack: greater backstab

Clawing Faster – claws3

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancements claws and claws2 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the claws attack
1 more attacks for the claws attack

Backstabbing Better – claws3-backstab

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements claws3 and claws2-backstab to be achieved first
New weapon special for the claws attack: charging backstab

Clawing Better – claws4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements claws, claws2 and claws3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the claws attack

Draining Enemies Better – sip

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the soul sip attack

Draining Enemies Faster – sip2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sip to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the soul sip attack

Draining More from Living, Able to Drain a Bit from the Non-Living as Well – sip3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sip and sip2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the soul sip attack: leech

Draining Enemies Better – sip4

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements sip and sip2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the soul sip attack

Able to Hide in the Shadows of Others – shadowstalk

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: shadowstalk (1)

Able to Hide Close to the Shadows of Others – shadowstalk2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement shadowstalk to be achieved first
Remove ability: shadowstalk (1)
New ability: shadowstalk (2)

Able to Hide Near the Shadows of Others – shadowstalk3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement shadowstalk2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: shadowstalk (2)
New ability: shadowstalk (3)

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 5 times
1 more movement points


Clad in a dark armour radiating with evil power of their controller, carrying a battle axe made not of steel, but of bones of its victims put together with malevolent magic, these terrible knights of evil bring doom to everyone who crosses their path. Cruelty is not what it seeks, but warfare is the only thing it remembers from its previous life, and so it fights; without any purpose or goal, it is simply the only thing its mindless body can do.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better at Melee Combat – axe

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – axe2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement axe to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Faster at Melee Combat – axe3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe and axe2 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – axe4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements axe, axe2 and axe3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Able to Attack in a Terrible Way that Lowers Enemy Resistance (New Attack) – doom

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: doom (70% damage and 70% attacks of the base attack, melee)
New weapon special for the doom attack: doom

Crippling Enemies Better – doom2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement doom to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the doom attack
5% more attacks for the doom attack

Better at Blocking Attacks (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 4%) – block

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 4%

Better with Crossbow – xbow

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the crossbow attack

Faster with Crossbow – xbow2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement xbow to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the crossbow attack

Shooting Poisonous Arrows – xbow-poison

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements xbow2 and xbow to be achieved first
New weapon special for the crossbow attack: poison

Better with Crossbow – xbow3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements xbow2 and xbow to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the crossbow attack

3% Better Resistance – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 3%
Resistance to impact increased by 3%
Resistance to pierce increased by 3%
Resistance to fire increased by 3%
Resistance to cold increased by 3%
Resistance to arcane increased by 4%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Demigod (Efraim God)

Half-gods are things so rare, that nobody ever cared to describe their full powers. Telling everything a half-god can do would be too lengthy. But a matter to consider is that they have developed compassion out of a desire to save their wretched enemies from sins, pain, suffering and misery, they are able to redeem tormented souls. Even if this 'redeem attack' can be used only once every three turns.
Gameplay notes:
It is imperative to use the redeem attack from time to time. After redeeming a certain amount of enemies, redeem becomes more effective (possibly also a good offensive weapon) and the unit gains a new advancement line of choice. Some of them add new spells, others add new abilities. Spells gained have huge ranges, incomparable to other spells, and converge into Particle storm, an attack hitting many enemies and dealing severe arcane damage. Physical abilities converge into Spiritual Transformation, that is an attack that makes the unit attack a single target with huge damage and taking only 33% of the damage.
Without these advancements, the unit will never get particularly strong, and low level enemies may become rare to find.
The leadership is equal to the leadership of a level 5 unit.
This unit also has god AMLA advancements

Better with Sword – sword1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Faster with Sword (Affects Also Whirlwind) – sword1_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the sword attack
Damage decreased by 1 for the whirlwind attack
1 more attacks for the whirlwind attack

Better with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

More Precise with Sword – sword2_marksman

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword1 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the sword attack: marksman

Better with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1 and sword2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Better with Sword – sword4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2 and sword3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Incinerating Enemies with Sword – sword4_flames

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3 and sword4 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the sword attack: incinerate

Better with Sword – sword5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3 and sword4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Faster with Sword (Affects Also Whirlwind) – sword5_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3, sword4, sword5 and sword1_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the sword attack
Damage decreased by 1 for the whirlwind attack
1 more attacks for the whirlwind attack

Better with Sword – sword6

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3, sword4 and sword5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Able to Attack Twice in a Row – berserk1

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3 and sword2_marksman to be achieved first
New bonus attack: mberserk2 (80% damage and 100% attacks of sword, melee blade)
New weapon special for the mberserk2 attack: lesser berserk (2)
New weapon special for the mberserk2 attack: swarm
New weapon special for the mberserk2 attack: marksman

Able to Attack Thrice in a Row – berserk2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement berserk1 to be achieved first
New bonus attack: mberserk3 (80% damage and 100% attacks of sword, melee blade)
New weapon special for the mberserk3 attack: lesser berserk (3)
New weapon special for the mberserk3 attack: swarm
New weapon special for the mberserk3 attack: marksman

Able to Attack Five Times in a Row – berserk3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement berserk2 to be achieved first
New bonus attack: mberserk5 (80% damage and 100% attacks of sword, melee blade)
New weapon special for the mberserk5 attack: lesser berserk (5)
New weapon special for the mberserk5 attack: swarm
New weapon special for the mberserk5 attack: marksman

Doing More Damage with the Furious Attack – berserk1_damage

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement berserk1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10% for the mberserk2 attack
Damage increased by 10% for the mberserk3 attack
Damage increased by 10% for the mberserk5 attack

Whirling Better – whirlwind

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the whirlwind attack

Whirling Better – whirlwind2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements whirlwind, whirlwind, whirlwind and sword4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the whirlwind attack

Whirling Better – whirlwind3

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancements whirlwind2, whirlwind2, whirlwind2 and sword6 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the whirlwind attack

Better with Knives – knives1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the knife attack

Backstabbing with Knives – knives1_backstab

This advancement can be taken once
New weapon special for the knife attack: backstab

Better with Knives – knives2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement knives1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the knife attack

More Precise with Knives – knives2_precision

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements knives1 and knives2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the knife attack: marksman

Better with Knives – knives3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements knives1 and knives2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the knife attack

Faster with Knives – knives3_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements knives1, knives2 and knives3 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the knife attack
1 more attacks for the knife attack

Better with Knives – knives4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements knives1, knives2 and knives3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the knife attack

Backstabbing with Knives Better – knives4-backstab

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements knives4 and knives1_backstab to be achieved first
New weapon special for the knife attack: greater backstab
Remove weapon special for the knife attack: backstab

Better with Knives – knives5

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements knives1, knives2, knives3 and knives4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the knife attack

Faster with Knives – knives5_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements knives1, knives2, knives3, knives4 and knives3_speed to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 2 for the knife attack
1 more attacks for the knife attack

Casting Fireballs Better – fireball

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the fireball attack

Incinerating the Primary Target of the Fireballs – fireball1_incineration

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireball to be achieved first
New weapon special for the fireball attack: incinerate

Casting Fireballs Better – fireball2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireball to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the fireball attack

Casting Fireballs Faster – fireball3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements fireball and fireball2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the fireball attack

Decreasing Enemy Fire Resistance by 10% – fireball3_penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements fireball, fireball2 and fireball3 to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to fire decreased by 10%

Casting Fireballs Faster – fireball4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements fireball, fireball2 and fireball3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the fireball attack

Shooting Fireballs with Better Precision – fireball4_precision

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements fireball, fireball2, fireball3 and fireball4 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the fireball attack: focused
Remove weapon special for the fireball attack: magical

Casting Fireballs Faster – fireball5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements fireball, fireball2, fireball3 and fireball4 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the fireball attack

Shooting Fireballs with Better Precision – fireball5_precision

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements fireball, fireball2, fireball3, fireball4 and fireball4_precision to be achieved first
New weapon special for the fireball attack: guided
Remove weapon special for the fireball attack: focused

Casting Fireballs with Greater Damage – fireball6

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancements fireball, fireball2, fireball3 and fireball4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the fireball attack

Able to Cast Iceball – iceball

This advancement can be taken once
New attack: iceball (12 - 2, cold)
New weapon special for the iceball attack: magical
New weapon special for the iceball attack: slow

Dealing More Damage with Iceball – iceball2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement iceball to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the iceball attack
1 more attacks for the iceball attack

Dealing Damage to Multiple Enemies with Iceball – iceball3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement iceball2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the iceball attack: explosive
1 more attacks for the iceball attack

Slowing Groups of Enemies with Iceball – iceball4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement iceball3 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the iceball attack: explosive slow
Damage increased by 1 for the iceball attack

Dealing More Damage with Iceball – iceball5

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement iceball4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the iceball attack

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken once
1 more movement points

Faster – movement2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement movement to be achieved first
1 more movement points

Able to Muster Enough Mental Powers to Levitate Through Hard Terrains – movement3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements movement and movement2 to be achieved first
Movement costs through forests set to 1
Movement costs on frozen lands set to 1
Movement costs on flat terrains set to 1
Movement costs through dark caves set to 1
Movement costs through mushroom groves set to 2
Movement costs through villages set to 1
Movement costs through castles set to 1
Movement costs in shallow waters set to 1
Movement costs on coastal reefs set to 1
Movement costs in deep waters set to 1
Movement costs through swampy places set to 1
Movement costs on hills set to 1
Movement costs on mountains set to 2
Movement costs across sands set to 1
Movement costs above unwalkable places set to 1
Movement costs through impassable walls set to {UNREACHABLE}

Harder to be Hit – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Better Protected from Magical Attacks (2% Better Resistances) – shield

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to fire increased by 2%
Resistance to cold increased by 2%
Resistance to arcane increased by 2%

Demigod (Lethalia God)

Half-gods are things so rare, that nobody ever cared to describe their full powers. Telling everything a half-god can do would be too lengthy. But a matter to consider is that they have developed compassion out of a desire to save their wretched enemies from sins, pain, suffering and misery, they are able to redeem tormented souls. Even if this 'redeem attack' can be used only once every three turns.
Gameplay notes:
It is imperative to use the redeem attack from time to time. After redeeming a certain amount of enemies, redeem becomes more effective (possibly also a good offensive weapon) and the unit gains a new advancement line of choice. Some of them add new spells, others add new abilities. Spells gained have huge ranges, incomparable to other spells, and converge into Particle storm, an attack hitting many enemies and dealing severe arcane damage. Physical abilities converge into Spiritual Transformation, that is an attack that makes the unit attack a single target with huge damage and taking only 33% of the damage.
Without these advancements, the unit will never get particularly strong, and low level enemies may become rare to find.
This unit also has god AMLA advancements

Better with Staff – staff1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the staff attack

More Precise with Staff – staff1_marksman

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement staff1 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the staff attack: marksman

Better with Staff – staff2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement staff1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the staff attack

More Precise with Staff – staff2_focused

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2 and staff1_marksman to be achieved first
New weapon special for the staff attack: focused
Remove weapon special for the staff attack: marksman

Poisoning Enemies with Staff – staff2_plague

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1 and staff2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the staff attack: poison

Better with Staff – staff3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1 and staff2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the staff attack

Faster with Staff – staff3_attacks

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2 and staff3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the staff attack

Better with Staff – staff4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2 and staff3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the staff attack

Better with Staff – staff5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2, staff3 and staff4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the staff attack

Incinerating Enemies with Staff (Instead of Poison) – staff5_plague

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2, staff3, staff4, staff5 and staff2_plague to be achieved first
New weapon special for the staff attack: incinerate
Remove weapon special for the staff attack: poison

Dealing Fire Damage with Staff – staff5_fire

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2, staff3, staff4 and staff5 to be achieved first
Sets damage type to fire for the staff attack

Better with Staff – staff6

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2, staff3, staff4 and staff5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the staff attack

Faster with Staff – staff6_attacks

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2, staff3, staff4, staff5, staff6 and staff3_attacks to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the staff attack

Better with Staff – staff7

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2, staff3, staff4, staff5 and staff6 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the staff attack

Better with Axe – axe1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Better with Axe – axe2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement axe1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Faster with Axe (Affects Also Whirlwind) – axe1_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1 and whirlwind to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the axe attack
1 more attacks for the axe_whirlwind attack

Poisoning Enemies with Axe (Affects Also Whirlwind) – axe2_poison

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1, axe2 and whirlwind to be achieved first
New weapon special for the axe attack: poison
New weapon special for the axe_whirlwind attack: poison

Better with Axe – axe3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1, axe2 and whirlwind to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Faster with Axe (Affects Also Whirlwind) – axe3_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1, axe2, axe3 and axe1_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the axe attack
1 more attacks for the axe_whirlwind attack

Better with Axe – axe4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1, axe2 and axe3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Able to Hit Multiple Enemies with Axe – axe4_cleave

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1, axe2, axe3 and axe4 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the axe attack: cleave

Better with Axe – axe5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1, axe2, axe3 and axe4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Faster with Axe (Affects Also Whirlwind) – axe5_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1, axe2, axe3, axe4, axe5 and axe3_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the axe attack
1 more attacks for the axe_whirlwind attack

Better with Axe – axe6

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements axe1, axe2, axe3, axe4 and axe5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Faster with Axe (Affects Also Whirlwind) – axe6_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1, axe2, axe3, axe4, axe5, axe6 and axe5_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the axe attack
1 more attacks for the axe_whirlwind attack

Better at Whirling – whirlwind

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement axe1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe_whirlwind attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Able to Deal Damage to Multiple Units with Faerie Fire – faerie1_boom

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement faerie1 to be achieved first
New bonus attack: explosive faerie fire (100% damage and 100% attacks of faerie fire)
New weapon special for the explosive faerie fire attack: explosive

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement faerie1 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Decreasing Enemies' Arcane Resistance by 8% – faerie2_penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1 and faerie2 to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to arcane decreased by 8%

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1 and faerie2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie3_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2 and faerie3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2 and faerie3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Decreasing Enemies' Arcane Resistance by 7% – faerie4_penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4 and faerie2_penetrate to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to arcane decreased by 7%

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3 and faerie4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie5_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4 and faerie5 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie6

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4 and faerie5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie6_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6 and faerie5_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie7

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5 and faerie6 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie7_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6, faerie6_speed and faerie7 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie8

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6 and faerie7 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Poisoning Enemies with Spiderwebs – gossamer1

This advancement can be taken once
New weapon special for the gossamer attack: poison

Dealing More Damage with Spiderwebs – gossamer1_damage

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement gossamer1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the gossamer attack

Draining Enemies with Spiderwebs – gossamer2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement gossamer1 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the gossamer attack: drain

Dealing More Damage with Spiderwebs – gossamer2_damage

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements gossamer1, gossamer2 and gossamer1_damage to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the gossamer attack

Shooting Spiderwebs More Precisely – gossamer3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements gossamer1 and gossamer2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the gossamer attack: marksman

Dealing More Damage with Spiderwebs – gossamer3_damage

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements gossamer1, gossamer2, gossamer2_damage and gossamer3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the gossamer attack

Shooting Spiderwebs Even More Precisely – gossamer4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements gossamer1, gossamer2 and gossamer3 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the gossamer attack: focused
Remove weapon special for the gossamer attack: marksman

Dealing More Damage with Spiderwebs – gossamer4_damage

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements gossamer1, gossamer2, gossamer2_damage, gossamer3, gossamer4 and gossamer3_damage to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the gossamer attack

Shooting Spiderwebs Faster – gossamer4_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements gossamer1, gossamer2, gossamer3 and gossamer4 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the gossamer attack

Shooting Spiderwebs with Incredibly Fast Reactions – gossamer5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements gossamer1, gossamer2, gossamer3 and gossamer4 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the gossamer attack: firststrike

Dealing More Damage with Spiderwebs – gossamer5_damage

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements gossamer1, gossamer2, gossamer2_damage, gossamer3, gossamer4, gossamer4_damage and gossamer5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the gossamer attack

More Nimble (+1 Movement, 1% Better Defences on All Terrains) – wings1

This advancement can be taken once
1 more movement points
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 1%

More Nimble (+1 Movement, 1% Better Defences on All Terrains) – wings2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement wings1 to be achieved first
1 more movement points
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 1%

More Nimble (2% Better Defences on All Terrains) – wings3

This advancement can be taken 4 times
This advancement requires the advancements wings1 and wings2 to be achieved first
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 2%

More Attuned to the Woods – woods

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements wings1, wings2 and wings3 to be achieved first
New ability: nocturnal ambush
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 4%

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Better Protected from Magical Attacks (3% Better Resistances) – shield

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to fire increased by 3%
Resistance to cold increased by 3%
Resistance to arcane increased by 3%


Some liches are less than pleased with their frail skeletal body and experiment with ghosts to keep their ethereal enough to protect themselves from attack. Their ultimate goal is to look like the people they once were. This is a specimen of one that hasn't succeeded yet.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better at Melee Combat – melee

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 (melee attacks only)

Faster at Melee Combat – melee2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Creating Zombies from Enemies Killed at Melee – melee3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
New weapon special (melee attacks only): plague

Better at Melee – melee3

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

A Better Caster – magic

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

A Faster Caster of Chill Tempests – magic-chill

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the chill tempest attack

Slowing with Chill Tempest – magic-chill3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic-chill to be achieved first
New weapon special for the chill tempest attack: slow

A Better Caster of Chill Tempests – magic-chill2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement magic-chill to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the chill tempest attack

A Faster Caster of Shadow Waves – magic-shadow

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the shadow wave attack

A Better Caster of Shadow Waves – magic-shadow2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements magic-shadow and magic to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the shadow wave attack

Leeching Health from Enemies with Shadow Wave – magic-shadow-leech

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic-shadow2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the shadow wave attack: leech

More Spirit-Like Resistance (Improved Resistances, Slightly Worsened Arcane Resistance) – armour

This advancement can be taken 10 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 1%
Resistance to pierce increased by 1%
Resistance to fire increased by 2%
Resistance to cold increased by 1%
Resistance to arcane increased by -1%

Better at Dodging Enemy Attacks (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 4 times
1 more movement points

Demon Infiltrator (Romero)

Some demons are violent and war-loving, but others prefer more peaceful approach to their misdeeds. Pretending to be good and misleading the good to turn to evil is frequently more effective than brutish violence. But this does not mean that if it comes to fighting, it will be an easy fight.

– amla_demon_lord

This advancement can be taken 100 times
100 more hitpoints
Damage increased by 8 (in EASY difficulty), 9 (in MEDIUM difficulty), 10 (in HARD difficulty)

Demon Lord

Demon Lords are ancient creatures of supreme power and unexpectable abilities. Their nearly human appearance makes it easy for them to manipulate mortals into mischief.

– amla_demon_lord

This advancement can be taken 100 times
100 more hitpoints
Damage increased by 9 (in EASY difficulty), 10 (in MEDIUM difficulty), 11 (in HARD difficulty)

Demon Queen (Uria)

This is Uria, the worst thing ever known to mankind after the Fall. She is frequently considered to be the ultimate evil, and the source of evil.

– amla_demon_lord

This advancement can be taken 100 times
300 more hitpoints
Damage increased by 3 (in EASY difficulty), 5 (in MEDIUM difficulty), 5 (in HARD difficulty)

Demon Queen's Avatar (Uria Avatar)

This is Uria, the worst thing ever known to mankind after the Fall. She is frequently considered to be the ultimate evil, and the source of all evil.

– amla_demon_lord

This advancement can be taken 100 times
300 more hitpoints
Damage increased by 3 (in EASY difficulty), 5 (in MEDIUM difficulty), 5 (in HARD difficulty)

– amla_demon_lord

This advancement can be taken 100 times
300 more hitpoints
Damage increased by 3 (in EASY difficulty), 5 (in MEDIUM difficulty), 5 (in HARD difficulty)

– amla_demon_lord

This advancement can be taken 100 times
300 more hitpoints
Damage increased by 3 (in EASY difficulty), 5 (in MEDIUM difficulty), 5 (in HARD difficulty)


The strongest warriors of mankind, the Destroyers, are because of their strength and resilience sometimes considered to be not humans, but demons in human armour. No matter what they really are, their help in war is so significant that any warlord would pay great amounts of gold for every single destroyer he can have in his army.
Note: Destroyers can learn berserk.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Striking More Furiously with Scourge – scourge

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the scourge attack

Striking Faster with Scourge – scourge2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement scourge to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 5 for the scourge attack
1 more attacks for the scourge attack

Striking More Furiously with Scourge – scourge3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements scourge2 and scourge to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the scourge attack

Able to Enter a Battle Frenzy Like Dwarves, But Only when Attacking (New Attack) – berserk

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement scourge to be achieved first
New attack: mace_berserk (7 - 5, impact)
New weapon special for the mace_berserk attack: lesser berserk (3)

Striking Faster when in Battle Frenzy – berserk2

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement berserk to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the mace_berserk attack

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances; +4% Resist Impact) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 4%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Divine Emissary (Stormrider)

Sometimes a paladin swores to a good god an oath to fight the evil that may pose a thread to the entire world, gaining new powers. They can feel where is a danger to the entire world starts and they try destroy it in the beginning of its growth.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Swinging Faster with the Sword – sword

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack
1 more attacks for the sword attack

Swinging More Precisely with the Sword – sword1_precision

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
New weapon special for the sword attack: marksman

Swinging Better with the Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Swinging Better with the Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword and sword2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Swinging Faster with the Sword – sword3_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword, sword2 and sword3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the sword attack

Swinging Better with the Sword – sword4

This advancement can be taken 30 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword, sword2 and sword3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Striking Better with Lance and Charging More Powerfully (2.5 Times More Damage) – lance

This advancement can be taken once
New weapon special for the lance attack: charge (2.5)
Remove weapon special for the lance attack: charge
Damage increased by 1 for the lance attack

Striking Better with the Lance – lance2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement lance to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the lance attack

Striking Faster with the Lance – lance2_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement lance to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 2 for the lance attack
1 more attacks for the lance attack

Striking Better with the Lance – lance3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement lance2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the lance attack

Charging More Powerfully with the Lance (3 Times More Damage) – lance3_damage

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements lance and lance2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the lance attack: charge (3)
Remove weapon special for the lance attack: charge

Charging Even More Powerfully with the Lance (3.5 Times More Damage) – lance4_damage

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements lance, lance2 and lance3_damage to be achieved first
New weapon special for the lance attack: charge (3.5)
Remove weapon special for the lance attack: charge

Striking Better with the Lance – lance4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements lance, lance2 and lance3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the lance attack

Striking Even Better with the Lance – lance5

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancements lance, lance2, lance3 and lance4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the lance attack

Throwing Stronger Lightnings – storm

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the stormride attack

Throwing More Lightnings – storm_speed

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the stormride attack

Throwing Stronger Lightnings – storm2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement storm to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the stormride attack

Charging with Lightnings – storm2_charge

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements storm and storm2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the stormride attack: charge

Throwing Stronger Lightnings – storm3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements storm and storm2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the stormride attack

Throwing More Lightnings – storm3_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements storm, storm2, storm3 and storm_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the stormride attack

Casting Better Lightnings – storm4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements storm, storm2 and storm3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the stormride attack

Able to Summon a Powerful Thunder that Can Kill with a Single Hit – thunder

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements storm and storm2 to be achieved first
New attack: thunder (60 - 1, lightning)

Better with Thunders – thunder2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancements storm, storm2 and thunder to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10 for the thunder attack

Surrounded by an Aura that Hurts Nearby Enemies (-8 HP) – aura

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: burns foes (8)

Better with the Enemy Hurting Aura (-16 HP) – aura2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement aura to be achieved first
Remove ability: burns foes (8)
New ability: burns foes (16)

Better with the Enemy Hurting Aura (-24 HP) – aura3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements aura and aura2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: burns foes (16)
New ability: burns foes (24)

Able to Illuminate Everything Around – aura_illuminate

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: illuminates loti

Able to Illuminate Even the Day – aura_illuminate2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement aura_illuminate to be achieved first
Remove ability: illuminates loti
New ability: improved illumination

Illuminating Everything Around Better – aura_illuminate3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement aura_illuminate2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: improved illumination
New ability: great illumination

Healing Nearby Allies Better – healing

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: heals
New ability: cures

Healing Nearby Allies Better – healing2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement healing to be achieved first
Remove ability: cures
New ability: heals (16)

Healing Nearby Allies Better – healing3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement healing2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: heals (16)
New ability: heals (24)

More Resistant to Damage (4% Better Resistances) – armor

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 4%
Resistance to impact increased by 4%
Resistance to pierce increased by 5%

Able to Move Faster – movement1

This advancement can be taken 5 times
1 more movement points

Doppelgänger (Efraim Doppelganger)

Through dark magic, it is possible to grab a part of one's soul and make it appear as a material being. The soul essentially becomes a part of two bodies. The creator and the doppelgänger have their minds interconnected. The doppelgänger is controlled as tightly as possible without annoying his master, being incapable of individual opinions but able to perform most activities and make necessary decisions by itself.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better at Melee Combat – melee

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – melee2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – melee3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement melee2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Better in Ranged Combat – ranged

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

Better in Ranged Combat – ranged2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement ranged to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 (ranged attacks only)
1 more attacks (ranged attacks only)

Better in Ranged Combat – ranged3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement ranged2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

Better at Dodging (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 2%

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 4 times
1 more movement points

Doppelgänger (Lethalia Doppelganger)

Through dark magic, it is possible to grab a part of one's soul and make it appear as a material being. The soul essentially becomes a part of two bodies. The creator and the doppelgänger have their minds interconnected. The doppelgänger is controlled as tightly as possible without annoying his master, being incapable of individual opinions but able to perform most activities and make necessary decisions by itself.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better at Axe Combat – melee

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Better with Axe – melee2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better with Axe – melee3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement melee2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Better in Ranged Combat – ranged

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

Better in Ranged Combat – ranged2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement ranged to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 (ranged attacks only)
1 more attacks (ranged attacks only)

Better in Ranged Combat – ranged3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement ranged2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

Better at Dodging (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 2%

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 4 times
1 more movement points

Dragon Rider

The greatest elite of human warriors is sometimes invited to join a special order, the Dragon Riders. Relatively unknown to the world, they managed to control the mightiest creatures of the world. They appear when the world is in danger.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Commanding the Dragon to Bite Better – bite

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Damage increased by 2 for the bite attack

Able to Order the Dragon to Eat Bits of Freshly Torn Meat During Battle – bite-drain

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bite to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bite attack: drain

Striking Better with Lance – lance

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the lance attack

Striking Faster with Lance – lance2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement lance to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 3 for the lance attack
1 more attacks for the lance attack

Charging More Powerfully with Lance (2.5 Times More Damage) – lance3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements lance and lance2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the lance attack: charge (2.5)
Remove weapon special for the lance attack: charge

Charging Even More Powerfully with the Lance (3 Times More Damage) – lance4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements lance, lance2 and lance3 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the lance attack: charge (3)
Remove weapon special for the lance attack: charge

Striking Even Better with the Lance – lance5

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements lance and lance2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the lance attack

Commanding the Dragon to Breathe Fire Better – fire

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the fire breath attack

Commanding the Dragon to Breathe Fire Faster – fire2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fire to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the fire breath attack

Commanding the Dragon to Breathe Fire Better – fire3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement fire2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the fire breath attack

Incinerating Enemies with Dragon Breath – fire-incinerate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fire3 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the fire breath attack: incinerate

Able to Lead Allies into Battle (Like a Level 2 Unit) – leadership

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: leadership (as level 2 unit)

Able to Lead Allies into Battle (Like a Level 3 Unit) – leadership2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement leadership to be achieved first
Remove ability: leadership (as level 2 unit)
New ability: leadership (as level 3 unit)

A Greater Leader in Battle (Like a Level 4 Unit) – leadership3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement leadership2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: leadership (as level 3 unit)
New ability: leadership (as level 4 unit)

A Greater Leader in Battle (Like a Proper Level 5 Unit) – leadership4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement leadership3 to be achieved first
Remove ability: leadership (as level 4 unit)
New ability: leadership (as level 5 unit)

Riding a Tougher Dragon (2% Better Resistances; +3% Resist Pierce) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 3%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Duelist Wizard

Duelist Wizards are a rare group of mages, who instead of studying magic deeper and deeper decided to start using it to defeat other mages. The main motivation of this was of course the desire to get higher in ranks among other magi, who usually underestimate them because of their weaker knowledge of magical theories. Their philosophy is not based on the seek of knowledge, but on the desire to be stronger than other magi.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better with Magic – magic

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

Better with Magic Missile – missile

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the missile attack

Faster with Magic Missile – missile2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements magic and missile to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the missile attack
1 more attacks for the missile attack

Better with Magic Missile – missile3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements magic and missile2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the missile attack

Better with Fireball – fireball

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement magic to be achieved first
Damage increased by 3 for the fireball attack

Better with Chill Tempest – chill

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement magic to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the chill tempest attack

Better with Staff – melee

This advancement can be taken 10 times
Damage increased by 1 for the staff attack

Able to Return 2 Pierce Damage to Every Attacker – retribution

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: thorns

Able to Return a Part of Damage to the Attacker – retribution2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement retribution to be achieved first
New ability: retribution

Able to Heal from Enemies' Attacks – absorb1

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: absorbs (1)

Able to Heal from Enemies' Attacks Better – absorb2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement absorb1 to be achieved first
Remove ability: absorbs (1)
New ability: absorbs (2)

Able to Heal from Enemies' Attacks Better – absorb3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements absorb2 and absorb1 to be achieved first
Remove ability: absorbs (2)
New ability: absorbs (3)

-15% to Magical Resistances of All Adjacent Enemies – conviction

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements absorb2 and retribution2 to be achieved first
New ability: conviction (15)

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points


If those who have earned the title of Grand Marshal are fearsome, those leaders of battle known as Dukes make them seem like lowly corporals. Few other commanders leave such a great mark on battlefield and state alike, as the sheer strategic prowess of the Duke inevitably carries over into political life. Though some may best him in single combat, few have ever triumphed over a Duke in charge of a full army; not only can he exhort those in his command to greater efficiency as a unit, his mere presence is enough to stir his troops to rash death-or-glory charges against the enemy.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Faster at Melee – melee

This advancement can be taken once
Damage decreased by 1 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee – melee2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Better with Crossbow – xbow

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the crossbow attack

Faster with Crossbow – xbow2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement xbow to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the crossbow attack

Better with Crossbow – xbow3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements xbow2 and xbow to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the crossbow attack

Better Protected from Physical Blows (3% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 3 times
Resistance to blade increased by 3%
Resistance to impact increased by 3%
Resistance to pierce increased by 3%

Possessing the Leadership of a Level 6 Unit – leadership

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: leadership loti
New ability: leadership (as level 6 unit)

Able to Make All Adjacent Allies Capable to Attack First Even when Defending – leadership2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement leadership to be achieved first
New ability: zeal aura

Able to Let All Adjacent Allies Gain 1 Movement Point After Attacking – leadership3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement leadership to be achieved first
New ability: push

Able to Heal Allies – heal1

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: cures

Able to Heal Allies Better – heal2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement heal1 to be achieved first
Remove ability: cures
New ability: heals (12)

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Dwarvish Battlerager

Dwarvish Lords are always thinking about ways to make their army more powerful. One of their frequent decisions is that Berserkers, a rare caste of Dwarves, who work themselves into a towering rage before combat, disdain all notion of defence, thinking only of the unrelenting assaults for which they are legendary, should wear armours. Berserkers usually refuse, because armour would prevent them from attacking as strongly as possible. Sometimes a cunning Dwarvish Lord decides to forge an armour to appeal to them. These armours are black, heavy, and there is a lot of spikes on them, that attires the attention of any Berserker. Clad in a spiky armour, a Berserker becomes a Battlerager, an even more scary warrior than Berserkers.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Frenzying Better – axe

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the berserker frenzy attack

Frenzying Faster – axe2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement axe to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the berserker frenzy attack
1 more attacks for the berserker frenzy attack

Frenzying Better – axe3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe and axe2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the berserker frenzy attack

Frenzying Better – axe4

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancements axe, axe2 and axe3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the berserker frenzy attack

Tougher (2-3% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 3%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 3%
Resistance to fire increased by 2%
Resistance to cold increased by 2%
Resistance to arcane increased by 2%

Impaling Enemies on Spikes on Armour Better, Also in Range – spikes

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: thorns
New ability: weak reflect

Impaling Enemies on Spikes on Armour Better – spikes2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement spikes to be achieved first
Remove ability: weak reflect
New ability: reflect

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 4 times
1 more movement points

Dwarvish Hero

Dwarvish Heroes are the strongest, toughest and wisest from the dwarves. Hardened by centuries of warfare under the ground and also above it, their strength and wisdom grew beyond measure. Their incredible skill with smithing granted them the mightiest hammers and most solid armours ever, and even dwarvish kings have a strong respect towards them.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Striking Stronger with Axe – axe

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the battle axe attack

Faster with Axe – axe2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement axe to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the battle axe attack
1 more attacks for the battle axe attack

Faster with Axe – axe3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe and axe2 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 2 for the battle axe attack
1 more attacks for the battle axe attack

Better with Axe – axe4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements axe and axe2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the battle axe attack

Stronger with Hammer – hammer

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the hammer attack

Stronger with Hammer – hammer2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement hammer to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the hammer attack

Faster with Hammer – hammer_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement hammer2 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 7 for the hammer attack
1 more attacks for the hammer attack

Stronger with Hammer – hammer3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement hammer2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the hammer attack

Stronger with Hatchet – hatchet

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the hatchet attack

Faster with Hatchet – hatchet2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement hatchet to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 2 for the hatchet attack
1 more attacks for the hatchet attack

Stronger with Hatchet – hatchet3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement hatchet2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the hatchet attack

Better at Blocking (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2-4%) – block

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 4%

Capable to Use Lightning (New Attack) – lightning

This advancement can be taken once
New attack: lightning (22 - 2, fire)
New weapon special for the lightning attack: magical

Casting Stronger Lightnings – lightning2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement lightning to be achieved first
Damage increased by 3 for the lightning attack

Casting Lightnings Faster – lightning3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement lightning2 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 7 for the lightning attack
1 more attacks for the lightning attack

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 2 times
1 more movement points

Dwarvish Protector

Dwarvish Protectors are the hardiest from all dwarves. A wall of Dwarvish Protectors can resist enemy blows better than a stone wall - and is much more dangerous.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Striking Better with Spear – spear

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the spear attack

Striking Faster with Spear – spear2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement spear to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 2 for the spear attack
1 more attacks for the spear attack

Striking Better with Spear – spear3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement spear2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the spear attack

Throwing Javelins Faster – javelin

This advancement can be taken once
Damage decreased by 2 for the javelin attack
1 more attacks for the javelin attack

Throwing Javelins Better – javelin2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement javelin to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the javelin attack

Able to Charge into Battle (New Attack) – charge

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: charge (100% damage and 70% attacks of the base attack, melee)
New weapon special for the charge attack: charge

Better Resistances when Defending – adamant

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: unyielding
New ability: adamant

Better at Blocking (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2-4%) – block

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 4%

Better Protected from Physical Blows (3% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 3%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 3%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 2 times
1 more movement points

Dwarvish Technocrat

Dwarves always have some secrets they never tell even to their closest friends if they are not dwarves too. One of them is also the secret of their technical invention, the thunderstick. Although it is a very powerful weapon itself, they still seek to improve it and make it even more powerful.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better at Shooting – gun

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 10 for the thunderstick attack

Better at Shooting – gun2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement gun to be achieved first
Damage increased by 8 for the thunderstick attack

Better at Shooting – gun3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement gun2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 6 for the thunderstick attack

Better at Shooting – gun4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement gun3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 5 for the thunderstick attack

Better at Shooting – gun5

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement gun4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 4 for the thunderstick attack

Better with Dagger – dagger

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Damage increased by 1 for the dagger attack

Able to Backstab with the Dagger – dagger2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement dagger to be achieved first
New weapon special for the dagger attack: backstab

More Technically Skilled, Using a Gun that Can Fire Very Quickly (New Attack) – storm

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: bullet storm (10% damage and 600% attacks of the base attack, ranged)

Shooting Bullet Storms Faster – storm2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement storm to be achieved first
Damage increased by 3% for the bullet storm attack
100% more attacks for the bullet storm attack

More Technically Skilled, Using a Very Precise Gun (New Attack) – blunderbuss

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: blunderbuss (60% damage and 100% attacks of the base attack, ranged)
New weapon special for the blunderbuss attack: marksman

Doing More Damage when Shooting Precisely – blunderbuss2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement blunderbuss to be achieved first
Damage increased by 20% for the blunderbuss attack

Shooting Bullets that Penetrate Armour Better (+10% Pierce Resistance Penetration) – bullets

This advancement can be taken once
Enemy resistances to pierce decreased by 10%

Shooting Bullets that Penetrate Armour Better (+5% Pierce Resistance Penetration) – bullets2

This advancement can be taken 4 times
This advancement requires the advancement bullets to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to pierce decreased by 5%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken once
1 more movement points

Elder Mage

Great Magi spread rumours that only several mages per century are given the title of a great mage, but the truth is quite different. They are speaking about Elder Magi, and misuse the similarity and the rarity of them. Among them, there is an even sparser number who, despite their blessed age, are more progressive than the younger professional fraternity. Elder Magi are the real masters of magic, the ones who make new spells and truly understand the arcane. Even if they are not trained for battle, their powerful magic can destroy most enemies before the need for quick reflexes comes.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better with Fireball – fireball

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the fireball attack

Breaking Through Enemy Fire Resistances Better (8%) – fire-penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireball to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to fire decreased by 8%

Breaking Through Enemy Fire Resistances Better (7%) – fire-penetrate2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements fireball and fire-penetrate to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to fire decreased by 7%

Breaking Through Enemy Fire Resistances Better (5%) – fire-penetrate3

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancements fireball and fire-penetrate2 to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to fire decreased by 5%

Faster with Fireball – fireball2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireball to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the fireball attack
1 more attacks for the fireball attack

Better with Fireball – fireball3

This advancement can be taken 15 times
This advancement requires the advancement fireball2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the fireball attack

Dealing Damage to Multiple Enemies with Fireball – fireball3-explosion

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireball3 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the fireball attack: explosive
1 fewer attacks for the fireball attack

Better with Lightning – lightning

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the lightning attack

Faster with Lightning – lightning2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement lightning to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 3 for the lightning attack
1 more attacks for the lightning attack

Breaking Through Enemy Arcane Resistances Better (8%) – arcane-penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement lightning2 to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to arcane decreased by 8%

Breaking Through Enemy Arcane Resistances Better (7%) – arcane-penetrate2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements lightning2 and arcane-penetrate to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to arcane decreased by 7%

Breaking Through Enemy Arcane Resistances Better (5%) – arcane-penetrate3

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancements lightning2 and arcane-penetrate2 to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to arcane decreased by 5%

Ignoring Enemy Resistances (and Vulnerabilities) with Lightning – lightning3-lightning

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement lightning3 to be achieved first
Sets damage type to lightning for the lightning attack

Better with Lightning – lightning3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement lightning2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the lightning attack

Capable to Cast Fire Blast (New Attack) – fireblast1

This advancement can be taken once
New attack: fire blast (12 - 3, fire)
New weapon special for the fire blast attack: magical
New weapon special for the fire blast attack: hose

Casting Fire Blasts Better – fireblast2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireblast1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the fire blast attack

Casting Fire Blasts Faster – fireblast2_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireblast2 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the fire blast attack
1 more attacks for the fire blast attack

Casting Fire Blasts Better – fireblast3

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement fireblast2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the fire blast attack

Able to Curse Enemies to Cut Their Resistances – curse

This advancement can be taken once
New attack: curse (2 - 5, arcane)
New weapon special for the curse attack: doom

Better with Staff – melee

This advancement can be taken 3 times
Damage increased by 1 for the staff attack

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Elvish Assassin

Unlike human assassins, elvish assassins are honoured warriors who have proven their incredible skill in archery by killing the enemy warband's leader just by shooting him from a distance, or even a whole enemy clump by covering them by a deadly arrow storm before they came to him. Even when cornered and forced to fight in melee range, they can defeat their enemies with trickery, without properly fighting them.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Faster at Melee – melee

This advancement can be taken 2 times
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee – melee2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Faster with the Bow – bow

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the longbow attack

Better with Bow – bow2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the longbow attack

Shooting Insanely Precisely – bow-precise

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements bow and bow2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the longbow attack: focused
Remove weapon special for the longbow attack: marksman
Damage decreased by 1 for the longbow attack

Faster with the Bow – bow3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements bow and bow2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the longbow attack

Better with the Bow – bow4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements bow, bow2 and bow3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the longbow attack

Able to Shoot a Storm of Arrows Without Giving the Enemy a Chance to Counterattack (New Attack) – arrowstorm

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: arrow storm (80% damage and 60% attacks of longbow, ranged)
New weapon special for the arrow storm attack: distant attack

Shooting Arrow Storms Better – arrowstorm2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement arrowstorm to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10% for the arrow storm attack
5% more attacks for the arrow storm attack

Executing Enemy Bosses Better – execution

This advancement can be taken 3 times
Damage increased by 10% for the execution_bonus_attack attack

Better at Dodging (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 5 times
1 more movement points

Elvish Gryphon Rider

With enough skill in archery and horse riding, an elf can decide to ride giant birds instead of horses, gaining incredible mobility and an ability to shoot his foes from above, relatively protected from enemy blows.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better at Commanding the Gryphon to Attack Fast – melee

This advancement can be taken once
Damage decreased by 2 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Commanding the Gryphon to Attack Fast – melee2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Commanding the Gryphon – melee3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Faster with the Bow – bow

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the longbow attack

Better with Bow – bow2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the longbow attack

Shooting Very Precisely – bow-precise

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements bow and bow2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the longbow attack: marksman
Damage decreased by 1 for the longbow attack

Faster with the Bow – bow3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements bow and bow2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the longbow attack

Better with the Bow – bow4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements bow, bow2 and bow3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the longbow attack

Able to Move One Hex After Attacking an Enemy – penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: penetrates

Able to Move More Hexes After Attacking an Enemy (Only After Bow Attack) – penetrate2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement penetrate to be achieved first
New weapon special for the longbow attack: hit and run

More Nimble (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 4%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 4%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Elvish Juggernaut

Elves are known to be excellent archers, but that is only because they prefer bows as primary weapons. They can be equally good with swords, but only a few elves develop this talent. They can whirl their swords in their hands like if they were just small sticks, but with the force of a furious storm, cutting their enemies asunder.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Striking Better with Sword – sword

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Striking Faster with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the sword attack
1 more attacks for the sword attack

Striking Better with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword2 and sword to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Faster with the Bow – bow

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the bow attack

Better with the Bow – bow2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the bow attack

More Precise with Bow – bow-precise

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements bow and bow2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bow attack: marksman
Damage decreased by 1 for the bow attack

Better with the Bow – bow3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements bow and bow2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the bow attack

Better with the Bow – bow4

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements bow, bow2 and bow3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the bow attack

Able to Attack in a Terribly Scary Way (New Attack) – horrid

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: grim strike (80% damage and 100% attacks of the base attack, melee)
New weapon special for the grim strike attack: horrid

Scaring Enemies with the Sword Attack Better – horrid2

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement horrid to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the grim strike attack

Able to Maim Enemies, Lowering Their Damage Until They Advance (New Attack) – mayhem

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
New bonus attack: mayhem (80% damage and 60% attacks of the base attack, melee)
New weapon special for the mayhem attack: mayhem

Striking Better when Maiming Enemies – mayhem2

This advancement can be taken 4 times
This advancement requires the advancement mayhem to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10% for the mayhem attack
5% more attacks for the mayhem attack

Regenerating 6 Hitpoints per Turn – regeneration1

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: regenerates (6)

Regenerating 12 Hitpoints per Turn – regeneration2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement regeneration1 to be achieved first
Remove ability: regenerates (6)
New ability: regenerates (12)

Regenerating 18 Hitpoints per Turn – regeneration3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement regeneration2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: regenerates (12)
New ability: regenerates (18)

Better at Blocking (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 2%

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Elvish Nightprowler

Sometimes, elvish avengers will become so good at stealth, that they can even leave the forest at night, remaining concealed.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better with the Bow – bow

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

Faster with Bow – bow2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow to be achieved first
1 more attacks (ranged attacks only)

Shooting Very Precisely – bow-precise

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow to be achieved first
New weapon special (ranged attacks only): marksman

Faster with the Bow – bow3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements bow and bow2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks (ranged attacks only)

Better with the Bow – bow4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements bow, bow2 and bow3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

Faster at Melee Combat – sword

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Faster at Melee Combat – sword3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword and sword2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – sword4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword, sword2 and sword3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Able to Stab Backs – sword-backstab

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword and sword2 to be achieved first
New weapon special (melee attacks only): backstab

Able to Enter a Shooting Frenzy Like Dwarves with Axes, But Only when Attacking (New Attack) – berserk

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow2 to be achieved first
New bonus attack: bow_berserk (70% damage and 60% attacks of bow, ranged)
New weapon special for the bow_berserk attack: lesser berserk (3)

Shooting Faster when in Shooting Frenzy – berserk2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement berserk to be achieved first
10% more attacks for the bow_berserk attack

Shooting Better when in Shooting Frenzy – berserk2_damage

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement berserk to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the bow_berserk attack

Better at Blocking (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 5 times
1 more movement points

Elvish Overlord

Some elvish fighters who use faerie powers a lot may eventually become a male half-fairy. It gives them unusual dexterity and their skill with swords will get even better. The main problem with it is that touching iron causes pain to them - that is why they use weapons made from various rare metals.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Faster at Melee Combat – sword

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Faster at Melee Combat – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – sword3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword and sword2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

A Faster Caster – faerie

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks (ranged attacks only)

A Better Caster – faerie2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement faerie to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

A Faster Caster – faerie3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie and faerie2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks (ranged attacks only)

A Better Caster – faerie4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements faerie, faerie2 and faerie3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

Able to Cover His Sword in Sticky Spiderwebs to Slow Enemies (New Attack) – gossamer

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement faerie2 to be achieved first
New bonus attack: spiderweb sword (60% damage and 100% attacks of the base attack, melee)
New weapon special for the spiderweb sword attack: slow

Dealing More Damage with the Spiderweb Sword – gossamer2

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement gossamer to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the spiderweb sword attack

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Repulsing Enemy Weapons Better – repulsion

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: weapon repulsion (10)
New ability: weapon repulsion (20)

Repulsing Enemy Weapons Better – repulsion2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement repulsion to be achieved first
Remove ability: weapon repulsion (20)
New ability: weapon repulsion (30)

Able to Lead Allies into Battle (Like a Level 3 Unit) – leadership

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: leadership (as level 3 unit)

A Greater Leader in Battle (Like a Proper Level 4 Unit) – leadership2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement leadership to be achieved first
Remove ability: leadership (as level 3 unit)
New ability: leadership (as level 4 unit)

Better at Blocking (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 3%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 3%

Better Protected from Magical Attacks (7/3/3% Better Resistances to Arcane/Fire/Cold) – magic_resilience

This advancement can be taken 3 times
Resistance to fire increased by 3%
Resistance to cold increased by 3%
Resistance to arcane increased by 7%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Elvish Seer

Sometimes, an elf can get so close to the faerie world, that it grants her a knowledge all the other beings never even dreamed about. This allows her to be both a good healer and a powerful spell-caster.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Faster at Melee Combat – melee

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the faerie touch attack

Better at Melee Combat – melee2

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie touch attack

Able to Create a Sword from Pure Magic (New Attack) – sabre

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: faerie sabre (110% damage and 120% attacks of the base attack, melee arcane)
New weapon special for the faerie sabre attack: struggle

Doing More Damage with Faerie Sabre – sabre2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement sabre to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the faerie sabre attack

Faster with Spiderwebs – web

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the gossamer attack

Better with Spiderwebs – web2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement web to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the gossamer attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – magic

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Better with Faerie Fire – magic2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement magic to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Able to Heal Allies Better – heal

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: heals
New ability: cures

Able to Heal Allies Better – heal2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement heal to be achieved first
Remove ability: cures
New ability: heals (12)

Able to Heal Allies Better – heal3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement heal2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: heals (12)
New ability: heals (16)

Better at Defending (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – block

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 5 times
1 more movement points

Elvish Sprite

Some elves who chose to walk the path of faerie decided to use their supernatural dexterity in melee combat. Clad in armour of magical metal, that does not burn faerie beings, Elvish Sprites make potent melee combatants and spellcasters in the same person.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Faster at Melee Combat – melee

This advancement can be taken once
Damage decreased by 1 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – melee2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Faster with Spiderwebs – web

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the gossamer attack

Better with Spiderwebs – web2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement web to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the gossamer attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – magic

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks (arcane attacks only)

Better with Faerie Fire – magic2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement magic to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (arcane attacks only)

Better at Defending – block

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Elvish Sylph

Tremendously powerful in unfathomable ways, the sage-like Sylphs are masters of manipulating the bridge between the mundane and arcane worlds. Long years spent peering into the ethereal realm have eroded the ability of these elves to view the physical world; in return, they are granted an abstract sight, gaining the ability to view one or even several different aspects of reality’s essence. Like the many shards of a broken mirror, the myriad fractures of the material world reflect the light of the arcane through its many different facets. Careful practice allows one to follow these strands of light from pane to pane, observing how the outcome of physical reality evolves with each choice made of free will. While direct weaving of the connecting fabric is usually impossible to achieve, indirect manipulation is feasible by machination in the corporeal plane where the reflection of the arcane plane is strongest. The ability of a Sylph to locate these ‘reflection pools’ and steer them is one of her greatest — and most feared — abilities.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Faster at Melee Combat – melee

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the faerie touch attack

Better at Melee Combat – melee2

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie touch attack

Faster with Spiderwebs – web

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the gossamer attack

Better with Spiderwebs – web2

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement web to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the gossamer attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – magic

This advancement can be taken 2 times
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Better with Faerie Fire – magic2

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement magic to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Decreasing Arcane Resistance of Opponents by 10% – arcane_penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
Enemy resistances to arcane decreased by 10%

Decreasing Arcane Resistance of Opponents by 5% More – arcane_penetrate2

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement arcane_penetrate to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to arcane decreased by 5%

Able to Make Enemies Feel Their Guilt (-15% to Non-Physical Resistances) – conviction

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: conviction (15)

Deal 20% More Damage, Make All Adjacent Units Deal 20% More Damage – all_damage_aura

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: all damage aura (20)

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Elvish Warlord

Some elves are not so peace-loving as others, and intentionally seek war. They are not trying to start wars, just joining wars where they know which side is evil. Their skill at leading allies into combat is incredibly good, so that trying to outsmart an Elvish Warlord usually results in an even more humiliating defeat than fighting them using usual strategies.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Striking Better with Sword – sword

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Striking Faster with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the sword attack
1 more attacks for the sword attack

Striking Better with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword2 and sword to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Faster with the Bow – bow

This advancement can be taken once
Damage decreased by 2 (ranged attacks only)
1 more attacks (ranged attacks only)

Better with Bow – bow2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the bow attack

Shooting Very Precisely – bow-precise

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements bow and bow2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bow attack: marksman
Damage decreased by 1 for the bow attack

Faster with the Bow – bow3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements bow and bow2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the bow attack

Better with the Bow – bow4

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements bow, bow2 and bow3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the bow attack

A Better Leader (Like a Level 5 Unit) – leadership

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: leadership loti
New ability: leadership (as level 5 unit)

Able to Improve Nearby Allies' Reactions – leadership2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement leadership to be achieved first
New ability: zeal aura

Able to Help Adjacent Allies to Slow Enemies in Melee Range – leadership3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement leadership2 to be achieved first
New ability: slow leadership

Able to Attack in a Terribly Scary Way (New Attack) – horrid

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: grim strike (80% damage and 100% attacks of the base attack, melee)
New weapon special for the grim strike attack: horrid

Scaring Enemies with the Sword Attack Better – horrid2

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement horrid to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the grim strike attack

Better at Blocking (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 2%

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 2 times
1 more movement points


Masters of the Assassins are almost always sent to slay their victims rather than to steal something. Their favourite technique is to stab enemies from behind with a dagger, but because not all murders can be done silently, they also practised standard combat, and carry a scythe they can wield with scary skill, that is particularly useful when surrounded. Deadly at night, exterminators are less able fighting under the sun.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Faster with Dagger – dagger

This advancement can be taken 2 times
1 more attacks for the dagger attack

Better at Backstabbing – dagger2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement dagger to be achieved first
New weapon special for the dagger attack: greater backstab
Remove weapon special for the dagger attack: backstab
Damage decreased by 1 for the dagger attack

Better with Dagger – dagger2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement dagger to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the dagger attack

Better with Scythe – scythe

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the scythe attack

Faster with Scythe – scythe2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement scythe to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 3 for the scythe attack
1 more attacks for the scythe attack

Better with Scythe – scythe3

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement scythe2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the scythe attack

Faster with Knives – knife

This advancement can be taken 2 times
1 more attacks for the knife attack

Insanely Precise with Knives – knife2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement knife to be achieved first
New weapon special for the knife attack: focused
Remove weapon special for the knife attack: marksman

Better with Knives – knife3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements knife and knife2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the knife attack

Able to Charge at Enemies when Backstabbing if Selected (New Attack) – murderous_frenzy

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: murderous frenzy (70% damage and 100% attacks of dagger, melee)
New weapon special for the murderous frenzy attack: charging backstab

Charging at Enemy Backs Better – murderous_frenzy2

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement murderous_frenzy to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10% for the murderous frenzy attack

Able to Perform a Whirlwind Attack (New Attack) – whirlwind

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: whirlwind-scythe (70% damage and 70% attacks of scythe, melee)
New weapon special for the whirlwind-scythe attack: whirlwind
New weapon special for the whirlwind-scythe attack: magical

Whirling Better – whirlwind2

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement whirlwind to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the whirlwind-scythe attack

Able to Move at Night Without Being Seen on Useful Terrains – nightstalk

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: lesser nightstalk

Able to Move at Night Without Being Seen on All Accessible Terrains – nightstalk2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement nightstalk to be achieved first
Remove ability: lesser nightstalk
New ability: nightstalk

Better at Defending (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 3%) – block

This advancement can be taken once
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 3%

Better at Defending (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – block2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement block to be achieved first
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%

Better at Defending (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 1%) – block3

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements block and block2 to be achieved first
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 1%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 4 times
1 more movement points

Faerie Incarnation

Some elves have gone so far on the faerie path, that they are much more a fairy than an elf. This gives them unearthly beauty and otherworldly powers commanding plants. However, this transformation also includes behavioural changes, and their integration into elvish society is problematic.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Commanding Vines to Attack Faster – melee

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Commanding Vines Better – melee2

This advancement can be taken 4 times
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Ensnaring Faster – ensnare

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the ensnare attack

Ensnaring Better – ensnare2

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement ensnare to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the ensnare attack

Piercing with Thorns Better – thorns

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the thorns attack

Piercing with Thorns Faster – thorns2

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement thorns to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the thorns attack
1 more attacks for the thorns attack

Piercing with Thorns Better – thorns3

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement thorns2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the thorns attack

Slowly Draining Adjacent Enemies – leeches

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement thorns to be achieved first
New ability: leech

Able to Heal Allies Better – heal

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: heals (16)
New ability: heals (22)

Able to Heal Allies Better – heal2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement heal to be achieved first
Remove ability: heals (22)
New ability: heals (28)

Able to Heal Allies Better – heal3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements heal and heal2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: heals (28)
New ability: heals (34)

Decreasing Non-Physical Resistances of Adjacent Enemies (-20%) – conviction

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: conviction (20)

Decreasing Non-Physical Resistances of Adjacent Enemies (-30%) – conviction2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement conviction to be achieved first
Remove ability: conviction (20)
New ability: conviction (30)

Decreasing Non-Physical Resistances of Adjacent Enemies (-40%) – conviction3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement conviction2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: conviction (30)
New ability: conviction (40)

Able to Poison All Adjacent Enemy Units – vine_toxic

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement conviction to be achieved first
New ability: dark aura

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points


Fencers belong to a school of thought that considers the armor most soldiers wear in combat to be their own worst enemy. While armor can only soften a blow, evading it leaves the defender completely unharmed. Being able to reliably dodge any offensive move is a luxury only afforded to the fit of body, and then only to those who endure rigorous training.
Outfitted with only a dagger and saber, fencers are light on their feet and useful in many situations where their armor-bound peers are at a disadvantage. They relish dancing circles around troops like heavy infantry, mocking the weight of their full armor.

Better with Sword – sword

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better with Magic – magic

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (arcane attacks only)
1 more attacks (arcane attacks only)

Much Better at Defending – block

This advancement can be taken once
Chance to get hit in forests increased by 25%
Chance to get hit on frozen places increased by 40%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains increased by 30%
Chance to get hit in caves increased by 35%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves increased by 35%
Chance to get hit in villages increased by 25%
Chance to get hit in castles increased by 25%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters increased by 50%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs increased by 40%
Chance to get hit in swamps increased by 50%
Chance to get hit on hills increased by 25%
Chance to get hit on mountains increased by 25%
Chance to get hit on sands increased by 50%

Better with Sword – sword

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better with Crossbow – crossbow

This advancement can be taken once
Damage decreased by 5 (pierce attacks only)
1 more attacks (pierce attacks only)

Better with Magic – magic

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (arcane attacks only)
1 more attacks (arcane attacks only)

Much Better at Defending – block

This advancement can be taken once
Chance to get hit in forests increased by 25%
Chance to get hit on frozen places increased by 40%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains increased by 30%
Chance to get hit in caves increased by 35%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves increased by 35%
Chance to get hit in villages increased by 25%
Chance to get hit in castles increased by 25%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters increased by 50%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs increased by 40%
Chance to get hit in swamps increased by 50%
Chance to get hit on hills increased by 25%
Chance to get hit on mountains increased by 25%
Chance to get hit on sands increased by 50%

Better with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better with Magic – magic2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (arcane attacks only)
1 more attacks (arcane attacks only)

Ridiculously Good at Defending – block2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement block to be achieved first
Chance to get hit in forests increased by 20%
Chance to get hit on frozen places increased by 30%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains increased by 20%
Chance to get hit in caves increased by 30%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves increased by 30%
Chance to get hit in villages increased by 20%
Chance to get hit in castles increased by 20%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters increased by 40%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs increased by 30%
Chance to get hit in swamps increased by 40%
Chance to get hit on hills increased by 20%
Chance to get hit on mountains increased by 20%
Chance to get hit on sands increased by 40%

Better with Sword – sword

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)
Damage increased by 3 (arcane attacks only)
1 more attacks (arcane attacks only)

Better with Crossbow – crossbow

This advancement can be taken once
Damage decreased by 5 (pierce attacks only)
1 more attacks (pierce attacks only)
Damage increased by 3 (arcane attacks only)
1 more attacks (arcane attacks only)

Better with Magic – magic

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (arcane attacks only)
1 more attacks (arcane attacks only)
Damage increased by 3 (arcane attacks only)
1 more attacks (arcane attacks only)

Much Better at Defending – block

This advancement can be taken once
Chance to get hit in forests increased by 25%
Chance to get hit on frozen places increased by 40%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains increased by 30%
Chance to get hit in caves increased by 35%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves increased by 35%
Chance to get hit in villages increased by 25%
Chance to get hit in castles increased by 25%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters increased by 50%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs increased by 40%
Chance to get hit in swamps increased by 50%
Chance to get hit on hills increased by 25%
Chance to get hit on mountains increased by 25%
Chance to get hit on sands increased by 50%
Damage increased by 3 (arcane attacks only)
1 more attacks (arcane attacks only)

Better with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)
Damage increased by 3 (arcane attacks only)
1 more attacks (arcane attacks only)

Better with Magic – magic2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (arcane attacks only)
1 more attacks (arcane attacks only)
Damage increased by 3 (arcane attacks only)
1 more attacks (arcane attacks only)

Ridiculously Good at Defending – block2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement block to be achieved first
Chance to get hit in forests increased by 20%
Chance to get hit on frozen places increased by 30%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains increased by 20%
Chance to get hit in caves increased by 30%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves increased by 30%
Chance to get hit in villages increased by 20%
Chance to get hit in castles increased by 20%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters increased by 40%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs increased by 30%
Chance to get hit in swamps increased by 40%
Chance to get hit on hills increased by 20%
Chance to get hit on mountains increased by 20%
Chance to get hit on sands increased by 40%
Damage increased by 3 (arcane attacks only)
1 more attacks (arcane attacks only)

Better with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword and sword2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)
Damage increased by 3 (arcane attacks only)
1 more attacks (arcane attacks only)

Better with Crossbow – crossbow2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement crossbow to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 (pierce attacks only)
Damage increased by 3 (arcane attacks only)
1 more attacks (arcane attacks only)

Better with Magic – magic3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements magic and magic2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (arcane attacks only)
Damage increased by 3 (arcane attacks only)
1 more attacks (arcane attacks only)


Foresters are people who abandoned the life with other people, craving for the solitude in wild places. They can live in places where others would lack food and shelter, and no animal can escape their precise shot.
Due to their solitude, they lack any relation to other humans, and so they do not have any problem to kill anyone they do not like. This lack of understanding can be exploited by bandits, who occasionally persuade them to join their cause.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Striking Better with Bow – bow

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the bow attack

Striking Faster with Bow – bow2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the bow attack
1 more attacks for the bow attack

Striking Better with Bow – bow3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement bow2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the bow attack

Shooting Insanely Precisely – bow-precise

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements bow, bow2 and bow3 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bow attack: focused
Remove weapon special for the bow attack: marksman
Damage decreased by 1 for the bow attack

Striking Better with Sword – sword

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Able to Deflect Enemy Shots to Hit Enemies when They Miss – reflect

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bow attack: reflects
Remove weapon special for the bow attack: marksman
Damage decreased by 1 for the bow attack

Striking Faster with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the sword attack
1 more attacks for the sword attack

Striking Better with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement sword2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Able to Attack Parrying Enemy Blows (New Attack) – parry

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: parry (80% damage and 70% attacks of the base attack, melee)
New weapon special for the parry attack: parry

Parrying Better – parry2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement parry to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10% for the parry attack
5% more attacks for the parry attack

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances; +1% Resist Impact) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 1%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Better at Defending (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – block

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Goblin Ravager

To perform their destructive work effectively, Goblin Pillagers must be able to move fast. In the event of a shortage of wolves, another mount has to fill in. Though giant spiders are far less intelligent than wolves, the fear spread by their sight makes up for this imperfection. Taming those beasts claims high casualties and their appetite for riders in front of them is detrimental – but one has to overlook such little mishaps leniently: Goblins are numerous, useless for most other jobs, and since birth used to submit to their fates.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Biting Better – fangs1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the fangs attack

Able to Hit Enemies in Villages with 90% Chance with the Spider's Attack – fangs-denial

This advancement can be taken once
New weapon special for the fangs attack: denial of cover

Biting Faster – fangs2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fangs1 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the fangs attack
1 more attacks for the fangs attack

Feasting on Enemies when Biting – fangs2-leech

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fangs1 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the fangs attack: leech
Damage decreased by 1 for the fangs attack

Biting Better – fangs3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement fangs2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the fangs attack

Torching Better – torch

This advancement can be taken 10 times
Damage increased by 1 for the torch attack

Able to Torch Enemies in Villages with 90% Chance – torch-denial

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement torch to be achieved first
New weapon special for the torch attack: denial of cover

Torching Faster – torch2

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement torch to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 2 for the torch attack
1 more attacks for the torch attack

Incinerating with Torch – torch3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement torch2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the torch attack: incinerate
Damage decreased by 1 for the torch attack

Throwing Nets Better – net

This advancement can be taken 10 times
Damage increased by 1 for the net attack

Able to Throw Nets at Enemies in Villages with 90% Chance – net-denial

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement net to be achieved first
New weapon special for the net attack: denial of cover

Throwing Nets Faster – net2

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement net to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the net attack
1 more attacks for the net attack

More Nimble (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 4%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 4%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 5 times
1 more movement points

Goblin Warbanner (Goblin Warbaner)

Some goblins, after surviving an improbably high number of fights, become experienced enough to lead other goblins to battle, or even weaker orcs. These goblins are no longer bullied by orcs, but still used to lead a tiring force.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Striking Better with Spear – spear

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the spear attack

Striking Faster with Spear – spear2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement spear to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 2 for the spear attack
1 more attacks for the spear attack

Striking Better with Spear – spear3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement spear2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the spear attack

Throwing Spears Faster – javelin

This advancement can be taken once
Damage decreased by 2 for the javelin attack
1 more attacks for the javelin attack

Throwing Spears Better – javelin2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement javelin to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the javelin attack

Throwing Spears More Precisely – javelin3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement javelin2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the javelin attack: marksman

Able to Drum in a Way that Makes Allies March Faster – wardrums

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: wardrums

A Better Leader – leadership

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: leadership loti
New ability: leadership (as level 3 unit)

Able to Advise to Stronger Units Instead of Leading Weaker Units – leadership

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: leadership (as level 3 unit)
New ability: socratic

Better at Dodging Enemy Attacks (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Grim Knight

Grim Knights are undead who can ride a living horse thanks to dark magic controlling the horse's mind and altering its body. Undead legions use them for approximately the same purposes as living armies use their horsemen.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Striking Better with Lance – lance

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the lance attack

Dealing Double Damage to Enemies Who Have no Adjacent Allies – lance-lurk

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement lance to be achieved first
New weapon special for the lance attack: lurk

Striking Faster with Lance – lance2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement lance to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 3 for the lance attack
1 more attacks for the lance attack

Charging More Powerfully with Lance (2.5 Times More Damage) – lance3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements lance and lance2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the lance attack: charge (2.5)
Remove weapon special for the lance attack: charge

Charging Even More Powerfully with the Lance (3 Times More Damage) – lance4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements lance, lance2 and lance3 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the lance attack: charge (3)
Remove weapon special for the lance attack: charge

Striking Even Better with the Lance – lance5

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements lance, lance2 and lance3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the lance attack

Able to Knock Enemies Back (New Attack) – knockback

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: knockback (100% damage and 100% attacks of lance, melee)
New weapon special for the knockback attack: knockback

Better at Axe Combat – axe

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Better at Axe Combat – axe2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement axe to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Faster at Axe Combat – axe3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe and axe2 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the axe attack
1 more attacks for the axe attack

Better at Axe Combat – axe4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements axe, axe2 and axe3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

More Rider-Like Resistances (More Resistant to Blade and Impact, Slightly Less to Pierce) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 3%
Resistance to impact increased by 4%
Resistance to pierce increased by -1%

Causing a Severe Frailty Complex in Enemies' Minds (-10% Physical Resistances) – frail_tide

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: frail tide (10)

Causing Adjacent Enemies to Deal 1 Less Attack – grim_presence

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement frail_tide to be achieved first
New ability: grim presence

Causing an Even Worse Frailty Complex in Enemies' Minds (-15% Physical Resistances) – frail_tide2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement frail_tide to be achieved first
Remove ability: frail tide (10)
New ability: frail tide (15)

Causing a Really Terrible Frailty Complex in Enemies' Minds (-20% Physical Resistances) – frail_tide3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement frail_tide2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: frail tide (15)
New ability: frail tide (20)

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 5 times
1 more movement points

Half-Robotic Freak (Akula Steel Finale)

She was once a normal person. Until she found some forgotten ruins with weapons of great technical level, and manipulating with one of them transformed her into this. She survived it only thanks to necromancy, but now she is a whole new level freak.

Better at Melee Combat – sword

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – sword3

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword and sword2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

A Better Caster – magic

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks (ranged attacks only)

A Better Caster – magic2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

A Better Caster – magic3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements magic and magic2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks (ranged attacks only)

A Better Caster – magic4

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements magic, magic2 and magic3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks (ranged attacks only)

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken once
1 more movement points

Half-Robotic Freak (Akula Steel)

She was once a normal person. Until she found some forgotten ruins with weapons of great technical level, and manipulating with one of them transformed her into this. She survived it only thanks to necromancy, but now she is a whole new level freak.

Better at Melee Combat – sword

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – sword3

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword and sword2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

A Better Caster – magic

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks (ranged attacks only)

A Better Caster – magic2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

A Better Caster – magic3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements magic and magic2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks (ranged attacks only)

A Better Caster – magic4

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements magic, magic2 and magic3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks (ranged attacks only)

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken once
1 more movement points

Infernal Knight

Tales are told of the mightiest warriors and generals, who, cursed with hate and stung by betrayal, have experimented with demonic magic and returned back to this world as Infernal Knights. Wielding the same weapons as in life, they command both fire and the Undead in their quest for revenge.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Casting Random Fire Spells on Enemies when Attacking Them with an Axe – firecast

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements fireball and axe3 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 2
New ability: firecast

Better at Melee Combat – axe

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – axe2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement axe to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Faster at Melee Combat – axe3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe and axe2 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – axe4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements axe, axe2 and axe3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Better with Fireball – fireball

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the fireball attack

Faster with Fireball – fireball2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireball to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 2 for the fireball attack
1 more attacks for the fireball attack

Better with Fireball – fireball3

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement fireball2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the fireball attack

Dealing Damage to Multiple Enemies with Fireball – fireball3-explosion

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireball3 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the fireball attack: explosive
1 fewer attacks for the fireball attack

A Greater Leader in Battle (Like a Level 5 Unit) – leadership

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: leadership loti
New ability: leadership (as level 5 unit)

10% More Resistant to Fire – fire_resist

This advancement can be taken 10 times
Resistance to fire increased by 10%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Lesser Demigod (Krux Later)

Divine blood flows in the veins of those whose parents were gods. They can learn to be powerful and wise incredibly fast, their bodies show supernatural abilities, and they radiate an aura that affects everything around in a way that suits them.
Being an offspring of an elf and human, he looks like a human to elves and like an elf to humans.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better with Sword – sword1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack
Damage increased by 1 for the spectral blades attack

Faster with Sword – sword1_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the sword attack
Damage increased by 1 for the spectral blades attack

Better with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack
Damage increased by 1 for the spectral blades attack

More Precise with Sword – sword2_focused

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword1 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the sword attack: focused
Remove weapon special for the sword attack: marksman

Better with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1 and sword2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack
Damage increased by 1 for the spectral blades attack

Better with Sword – sword4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2 and sword3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Slowing Enemies with Sword – sword4_plague

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3 and sword4 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the sword attack: slow

Better with Sword – sword5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3 and sword4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Faster with Sword – sword5_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3, sword4, sword5 and sword1_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the sword attack

Better with Sword – sword6

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3, sword4 and sword5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Faster with Spectral Blades – spectral_blades_speed

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more attacks for the spectral blades attack

Better with Spectral Blades – spectral_blades

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement spectral_blades_speed to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the spectral blades attack

Better with Spectral Blades – spectral_blades_2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements spectral_blades_speed and spectral_blades to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the spectral blades attack

More Precise with Spectral Blades – spectral_blades_marksman

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement spectral_blades_2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the spectral blades attack: marksman

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement faerie1 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Decreasing Enemies' Arcane Resistance by 8% – faerie2_penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1 and faerie2 to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to arcane decreased by 8%

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1 and faerie2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the faerie fire attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie3_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2 and faerie3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2 and faerie3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the faerie fire attack

Decreasing Enemies' Arcane Resistance by 7% – faerie4_penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4 and faerie2_penetrate to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to arcane decreased by 7%

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3 and faerie4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the faerie fire attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie5_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5 and faerie3_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie6

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4 and faerie5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the faerie fire attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie6_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6 and faerie5_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie7

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5 and faerie6 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the faerie fire attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie7_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6, faerie6_speed and faerie7 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie8

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6 and faerie7 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the faerie fire attack

Casting Fireballs Better – fireball

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 3 for the fireball attack

Casting Fireballs Better – fireball2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireball to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the fireball attack

Casting Fireballs with Better Precision – fireball2_precision

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireball to be achieved first
New weapon special for the fireball attack: focused
Remove weapon special for the fireball attack: magical

Casting Fireballs Better – fireball3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement fireball2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 3 for the fireball attack

Better with Magic – magic

This advancement can be taken 10 times
Damage increased by 2 for the fireball attack
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Dealing More Damage with Burning Aura – burning_aura

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: burns foes (30)
New ability: burns foes (36)

Dealing More Damage with Burning Aura – burning_aura2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement burning_aura to be achieved first
Remove ability: burns foes (36)
New ability: burns foes (42)

Dealing More Damage with Burning Aura – burning_aura3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement burning_aura2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: burns foes (42)
New ability: burns foes (48)

Possessing the Leadership of a Level 3 Unit – leadership1

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: leadership (as level 3 unit)

Possessing the Leadership of a Level 4 Unit – leadership2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement leadership1 to be achieved first
Remove ability: leadership (as level 3 unit)
New ability: leadership (as level 4 unit)

Possessing the Leadership of a Level 5 Unit – leadership3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement leadership2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: leadership (as level 4 unit)
New ability: leadership (as level 5 unit)

Able to Heal Allies Better – heal

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: heals (16)
New ability: heals (22)

Able to Heal Allies Better – heal2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement heal to be achieved first
Remove ability: heals (22)
New ability: heals (28)

Able to Heal Allies Better – heal3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements heal and heal2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: heals (28)
New ability: heals (34)

Causing an Even Worse Frailty Complex in Enemies' Minds (-20% Physical Resistances) – conviction

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: frail tide (15)
New ability: frail tide (20)

Causing a Really Terrible Frailty Complex in Enemies' Minds (-25% Physical Resistances) – conviction2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement conviction to be achieved first
Remove ability: frail tide (20)
New ability: frail tide (25)

Better at Defending (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – block

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Lesser Demigod (Krux)

Divine blood flows in the veins of those whose parents were gods. They can learn to be powerful and wise incredibly fast, their bodies show supernatural abilities, and they radiate an aura that affects everything around in a way that suits them.
Being an offspring of an elf and human, he looks like a human to elves and like an elf to humans.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better with Sword – sword1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack
Damage increased by 1 for the spectral blades attack

Faster with Sword – sword1_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the sword attack
Damage increased by 1 for the spectral blades attack

Better with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack
Damage increased by 1 for the spectral blades attack

More Precise with Sword – sword2_marksman

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword1 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the sword attack: marksman

Better with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1 and sword2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack
Damage increased by 1 for the spectral blades attack

Better with Sword – sword4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2 and sword3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Slowing Enemies with Sword – sword4_plague

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3 and sword4 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the sword attack: slow

Better with Sword – sword5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3 and sword4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Faster with Sword – sword5_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3, sword4, sword5 and sword1_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the sword attack

Better with Sword – sword6

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3, sword4 and sword5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Faster with Spectral Blades – spectral_blades_speed

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more attacks for the spectral blades attack

Better with Spectral Blades – spectral_blades

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement spectral_blades_speed to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the spectral blades attack

Better with Spectral Blades – spectral_blades_2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements spectral_blades_speed and spectral_blades to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the spectral blades attack

More Precise with Spectral Blades – spectral_blades_marksman

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement spectral_blades_2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the spectral blades attack: marksman

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement faerie1 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Decreasing Enemies' Arcane Resistance by 8% – faerie2_penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1 and faerie2 to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to arcane decreased by 8%

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1 and faerie2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie3_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2 and faerie3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2 and faerie3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Decreasing Enemies' Arcane Resistance by 7% – faerie4_penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4 and faerie2_penetrate to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to arcane decreased by 7%

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3 and faerie4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie5_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5 and faerie3_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie6

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4 and faerie5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie6_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6 and faerie5_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie7

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5 and faerie6 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie7_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6, faerie6_speed and faerie7 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie8

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6 and faerie7 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the faerie fire attack

Casting Fireballs Better – fireball

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 3 for the fireball attack

Casting Fireballs Better – fireball2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireball to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the fireball attack

Casting Fireballs with Better Precision – fireball2_precision

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireball to be achieved first
New weapon special for the fireball attack: focused
Remove weapon special for the fireball attack: magical

Casting Fireballs Better – fireball3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement fireball2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 3 for the fireball attack

Better with Magic – magic

This advancement can be taken 10 times
Damage increased by 2 for the fireball attack
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Dealing More Damage with Burning Aura – burning_aura

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: burns foes (20)
New ability: burns foes (26)

Dealing More Damage with Burning Aura – burning_aura2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement burning_aura to be achieved first
Remove ability: burns foes (26)
New ability: burns foes (32)

Dealing More Damage with Burning Aura – burning_aura3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement burning_aura2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: burns foes (32)
New ability: burns foes (40)

Possessing the Leadership of a Level 3 Unit – leadership1

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: leadership (as level 3 unit)

Possessing the Leadership of a Level 4 Unit – leadership2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement leadership1 to be achieved first
Remove ability: leadership (as level 3 unit)
New ability: leadership (as level 4 unit)

Possessing the Leadership of a Level 5 Unit – leadership3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement leadership2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: leadership (as level 4 unit)
New ability: leadership (as level 5 unit)

Able to Heal Allies Better – heal

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: heals
New ability: heals (12)

Able to Heal Allies Better – heal2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement heal to be achieved first
Remove ability: heals (12)
New ability: heals (18)

Able to Heal Allies Better – heal3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements heal and heal2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: heals (18)
New ability: heals (24)

Better at Defending (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – block

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Lich King

Lich Kings are powerful undead warriors with free will and magic powers. Unlike other undead, they are not obeying a master, they are raising and controlling their minions, and unlike liches, they are leading their minions into battles.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better at Melee Combat – axe

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – axe2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement axe to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Faster at Melee Combat – axe3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe and axe2 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – axe4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements axe, axe2 and axe3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Able to Attack in a Terrible Way that Lowers Enemy Resistance (New Attack) – doom

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: doom (70% damage and 70% attacks of the base attack, melee)
New weapon special for the doom attack: doom

Crippling Enemies Better – doom2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement doom to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the doom attack
5% more attacks for the doom attack

A Better Caster – magic

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

Casting Chill Tempests Faster – magic-chill

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the chill tempest attack

Casting Shadow Waves Faster – magic-shadow

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the shadow wave attack

A Better Caster of Chill Tempests – magic-chill2

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements magic-chill and magic to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the chill tempest attack

A Better Caster of Shadow Waves – magic-shadow2

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements magic-shadow and magic to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the shadow wave attack

A Greater Leader in Battle (Like a Level 5 Unit) – leadership

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement axe to be achieved first
Remove ability: leadership loti
New ability: leadership (as level 5 unit)

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Lord of the Flies (Beelzebub)

Ancient nobles of demonkind are among the scariest visitors from Inferno. Their vast power and number of followers allow them to destroy armies, bringing death and destruction whenever they come. Fortunately for mankind, they live in Inferno and rarely get out of there. However, some of them have made spells to summon them are known and sometimes come into the hands of the foolish...

– amla_demon_lord

This advancement can be taken 100 times
20% more hitpoints
Damage increased by 6 (in EASY difficulty), 9 (in MEDIUM difficulty), 9 (in HARD difficulty)

Lunatic Knight

Lunatic knights are ones of the most zealous warriors a warlord might employ. The reason why they fight is neither glory nor gold. They enjoy the thrill of battles, and that motivates them to join armed conflicts. In battle, they are feared adversaries, their fervour, speed and strength are a huge threat for anyone. They usually die before they realise that Lunatic Knights are not quite well protected, and can fall whenever their charge fails to defeat their target.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Striking Better with Lance – lance

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the lance attack

Striking Faster with Lance – lance2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement lance to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 3 for the lance attack
1 more attacks for the lance attack

Charging More Powerfully with Lance (2.5 Times More Damage) – lance3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements lance and lance2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the lance attack: charge (2.5)
Remove weapon special for the lance attack: charge

Charging Even More Powerfully with the Lance (3 Times More Damage) – lance4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements lance, lance2 and lance3 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the lance attack: charge (3)
Remove weapon special for the lance attack: charge

Striking Even Better with the Lance – lance5

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements lance and lance2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the lance attack

Able to Move One Hex After Attacking an Enemy – penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: penetrates

Able to Move More Hexes After Attacking an Enemy – penetrate2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement penetrate to be achieved first
Remove ability: penetrates
New weapon special: hit and run

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances; +3% Resist Pierce) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 3%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points


When a Walking Corpse kills a victim and reanimates it to unlife, it also drains a part of its soul. This rarely has an effect, but sometimes, when much of the flesh has rotten away already, this accumulated soul energy reshapes the corpse into a horrid, tentaculous form with bones protruding from it that floats around, scaring everything.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Hitting Harder – melee

This advancement can be taken 10 times
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Hitting Faster – melee-speed

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Transforming Enemies into Soulless Also with the Plague – soulless

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements melee and melee-speed to be achieved first
New weapon special (melee attacks only): plague (Soulless)
Remove weapon special (melee attacks only): plague

Leeching Some Life from Targets – leeching

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements melee, melee, melee and melee to be achieved first
New weapon special (melee attacks only): leech

Able to Consume Adjacent Walking Corpses to Unlock a Devastating Wail Attack For a Turn – wail

This advancement can be taken once
New attack: wail (32 - 4, cold)
New weapon special for the wail attack: needs feeding
New ability: eats walking corpses

Wailing Even More Terribly – wail-damage

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement wail to be achieved first
Damage increased by 8 for the wail attack

Wailing Faster – wail-speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements wail and wail-damage to be achieved first
1 more attacks (wail attacks only)

Spreading a Stronger Feeling of Dread – haunt

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: despair (15)
New ability: despair (20)

Spreading a Stronger Feeling of Dread – haunt2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement haunt to be achieved first
Remove ability: despair (20)
New ability: despair (25)

Spreading a Stronger Feeling of Dread – haunt3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements haunt and haunt2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: despair (25)
New ability: despair (30)

Better at Dodging Enemy Attacks (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 3%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 5 times
1 more movement points

Orcish Nightblade

A blade in the dark, dripping with poison — for many orcish warlords the last thing they see. Due to their high fees, orcish nightblades specialize in “resolving internal conflicts” and are rarely seen on the battlefield. Practice makes perfect, and few can rival them in that regard: they have long lost count of their victims, though that admittedly isn’t too hard for an orc with only ten fingers.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Clawing Better – claws

This advancement can be taken 10 times
Damage increased by 2 for the claws attack

Clawing Faster – claws2

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement claws to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 2 for the claws attack
1 more attacks for the claws attack

Clawing with Backstab – claws3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements claws and claws2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the claws attack: backstab

Kicking Better – kick

This advancement can be taken 10 times
Damage increased by 1 for the kick attack

Kicking Faster – kick2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement kick to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the kick attack
1 more attacks for the kick attack

Throwing Enemies Back with Kicks – kick3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements kick and kick2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the kick attack: knockback

Throwing Many Enemies Back with Kicks – kick4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements kick, kick2 and kick3 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the kick attack: shockwave
Remove weapon special for the kick attack: knockback
1 fewer attacks for the kick attack

Faster with Knives – knife

This advancement can be taken 2 times
Damage decreased by 1 for the throwing knives attack
1 more attacks for the throwing knives attack

Using Fire-Enchanted Knives – knife2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement knife to be achieved first
Sets damage type to fire for the throwing knives attack

Using Cold-Enchanted Knives – knife2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement knife to be achieved first
Sets damage type to cold for the throwing knives attack

Using Arcane-Enchanted Knives – knife2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement knife to be achieved first
Sets damage type to arcane for the throwing knives attack

Better with Knives – knife3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement knife to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the throwing knives attack

Using Magically Returning Knives (New Berserk Ranged Attack) – knife-berserk

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement knife2 to be achieved first
New bonus attack: throwing berserk (100% damage and 100% attacks of throwing knives, ranged)
New weapon special for the throwing berserk attack: lesser berserk (3)

Able to Move at Night Without Being Seen on Useful Terrains – nightstalk

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: lesser nightstalk

Able to Move at Night Without Being Seen on All Accessible Terrains – nightstalk2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement nightstalk to be achieved first
Remove ability: lesser nightstalk
New ability: nightstalk

Better at Defending (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 3%) – block

This advancement can be taken once
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 3%

Better at Defending – block2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement block to be achieved first
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%

Better at Defending – block3

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements block and block2 to be achieved first
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 1%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Orcish Strafer

Orcs are generally believed to be simple-minded and unable even to manufacture their crossbows. But it is wrong. The intellect of orcs is not inferior by any means, but they usually prefer not to use it. But competition and battle prowess is usually far the greatest motivation, and if better gear looks like a possibility to get stronger, they start thinking about improvements. One of their inventions is the slurbow, some orcs get them from plunder, some manufacture them themselves. However, even slurbows are not the best, and some creative orcs in times of peace manage to improve it so that it can be operated with a single hand. This way, they can carry two ranged weapons into battle, and devastate most enemies with their deadly and quick shots.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better with Crossbow – xbow

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the crossbow attack

Faster with Crossbow – xbow2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement xbow to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the crossbow attack
1 more attacks for the crossbow attack

Shooting Poisonous Arrows – xbow-poison

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement xbow to be achieved first
New weapon special for the crossbow attack: poison

Faster with Crossbow – xbow3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements xbow2 and xbow to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the crossbow attack
1 more attacks for the crossbow attack

Shooting More Precisely – xbow-marksman

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements xbow2 and xbow3 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the crossbow attack: marksman

Incinerating Enemies with Fiery Shots – xbow-incinerate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements xbow2 and xbow to be achieved first
New weapon special for the crossbow attack (fire attacks only): incinerate

Better with Crossbow – xbow4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements xbow2 and xbow to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the crossbow attack

Shooting so Hard that Enemies Behind Targets Will be Hit as Well – xbow-pierce

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements xbow4 and xbow3 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the crossbow attack (pierce attacks only): pierce

Striking Better with Sword – sword

This advancement can be taken 10 times
Damage increased by 1 for the short sword attack

Striking Faster with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the short sword attack
1 more attacks for the short sword attack

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 4 times
1 more movement points

Orcish Warmonger

This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Striking Better with Sword – sword

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the greatsword attack

Striking Faster with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 2 for the greatsword attack
1 more attacks for the greatsword attack

Attacking in a Scary Way – sword2-horror

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword and sword2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the greatsword attack: horrid
Remove weapon special for the greatsword attack: horrid,horrid_dummy
Damage decreased by 1 for the greatsword attack

Striking Better with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword2 and sword to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the greatsword attack

Able to Attack in a Terrible Way that Lowers Enemy Resistance (New Attack) – doom

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: doom (70% damage and 70% attacks of the base attack, melee)
New weapon special for the doom attack: doom

Crippling Enemies Better – doom2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement doom to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the doom attack
5% more attacks for the doom attack

Better with Bow – bow

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the bow attack

Faster with Bow – bow2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the bow attack

Shooting Poisonous Arrows – bow-poison

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements bow2 and bow to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bow attack: poison

Better with Bow – bow3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements bow2 and bow to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the bow attack

Able to Lead Allies into Battle (Like a Level 2 Unit) – leadership

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: leadership (as level 2 unit)

A Better Leader (Like a Level 3 Unit) – leadership2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement leadership to be achieved first
Remove ability: leadership (as level 2 unit)
New ability: leadership (as level 3 unit)

A Better Leader (Like a Level 4 Unit) – leadership3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement leadership2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: leadership (as level 3 unit)
New ability: leadership (as level 4 unit)

Able to Cause Nearby Allies to Attack Like Bloodthirsty Fanatics – leadership2_bloodthirst

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement leadership2 to be achieved first
New ability: warlord's rule

Better at Gruesome Things that Arouse Nearby Allies – evisceration

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: lesser evisceration

Better at Gruesome Things that Arouse Nearby Allies – evisceration2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement evisceration to be achieved first
Remove ability: lesser evisceration
New ability: evisceration

Better at Gruesome Things that Arouse Nearby Allies – evisceration3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement evisceration2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: evisceration
New ability: greater evisceration

Better Protected from Physical Blows (3% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 3%
Resistance to impact increased by 3%
Resistance to pierce increased by 3%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points


Undead lords sometimes figure out a way to make their deathblades fully use their potential. They remove their legs, replacing them with a ghostly tail allowing them to float and spin as they want. They also add them an additional pair of arms, to make these minions more destructive. Phantoms are, however, quite vulnerable.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better at Axe Combat – axe

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Better at Axe Combat – axe2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement axe to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Faster at Axe Combat – axe3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe and axe2 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the axe attack
1 more attacks for the axe attack

Better at Axe Combat – axe4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements axe, axe2 and axe3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Able to Perform a Whirlwind Attack (New Attack) – whirlwind

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: whirlwind-axe (70% damage and 70% attacks of the base attack, melee)
New weapon special for the whirlwind-axe attack: whirlwind
New weapon special for the whirlwind-axe attack: magical

Whirling Better – whirlwind2

This advancement can be taken 4 times
This advancement requires the advancement whirlwind to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10% for the whirlwind-axe attack

Able to Teleport to a Leader – recall

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: recall

Able to Teleport Anywhere Near a Leader – recall2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement recall to be achieved first
Remove ability: recall
New ability: combat recall

More Nimble (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 4%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken 3 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 4%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Pilum Master

Some javelineers came to an incredible skill with javelins, and improved their javelins into pilums. These weapons are hard to use, but they can deal heavy damages to anyone before they even come close enough to hit, even if they are attacked. Although many soldiers consider their weapons obsolete, they wield them proudly, because unlike swords or bows, pilums can be used both in melee and ranged combat.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Striking Better with Pilum – spear

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the spear attack

Striking Faster with Pilum – spear2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement spear to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 2 for the spear attack
1 more attacks for the spear attack

Striking Better with Pilum – spear3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement spear2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the spear attack

Throwing Pilums Better – javelin

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the javelin attack

Throwing Pilums Faster – javelin_speed

This advancement can be taken once
Damage decreased by 2 for the javelin attack
1 more attacks for the javelin attack

Throwing Pilums Better – javelin2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement javelin to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the javelin attack

Throwing Pilums More Precisely – javelin3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement javelin2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the javelin attack: marksman

Throwing Pilums Stronger Through Enemies – javelin-massive

This advancement can be taken once
New weapon special for the javelin attack: massive missile (80)
Remove weapon special for the javelin attack: massive missile

Throwing Pilums Stronger Through Enemies – javelin-massive2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements javelin and javelin-massive to be achieved first
New weapon special for the javelin attack: massive missile (85)
Remove weapon special for the javelin attack: massive missile

Throwing Pilums Stronger Through Enemies – javelin-massive3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements javelin2 and javelin-massive2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the javelin attack: massive missile (90)
Remove weapon special for the javelin attack: massive missile

Able to Attack in a Tricky Way that Lowers Enemy Defence (New Attack) – trickery

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: trickery (70% damage and 70% attacks of the base attack, melee)
New weapon special for the trickery attack: trickery

Tricking Enemies Better – trickery2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement trickery to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the trickery attack
10% more attacks for the trickery attack

Better at Blocking (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2-3%) – block

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 3%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points


Master huntsmen often get to like hunting more than anything else. Their deadly passion guides them, and they care only a little if their prey is human or animal. These predators may attack anything they spot, if it is not too numerous. Provided that one has enough guards around, it is possible to parlay with them, or even to employ them.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Striking Better with Bow – bow

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the bow attack

Shooting Insanely Precisely – bow-precise

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bow attack: focused
Remove weapon special for the bow attack: marksman
Damage decreased by 1 for the bow attack

Striking Faster with Bow – bow2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the bow attack
1 more attacks for the bow attack

Striking Better with Bow – bow3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement bow2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the bow attack

Shooting Unbelievably Precisely – bow-precise2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements bow, bow2, bow3 and bow-precise to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bow attack: guided
Remove weapon special for the bow attack: focused
Damage decreased by 1 for the bow attack

Able to Deal Heavy Damage with a Single Shot (New Attack) – execution

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: execution (55% damage and 100% attacks of the base attack, ranged)

Executing Enemy Bosses Better – execution2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement execution to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10% for the execution attack

Very Good at Slaying Humans – bow-hunting-humans

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bow attack: misanthropia
Damage decreased by 1 for the bow attack

Very Good at Slaying Undead – bow-hunting-imps

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements bow2 and bow-hunting-humans to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bow attack: misinmurtuia
Damage decreased by 1 for the bow attack

Very Good at Slaying Orcs – bow-hunting-orcs

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bow attack: misorcia
Damage decreased by 1 for the bow attack

Very Good at Slaying Elves – bow-hunting-elves

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bow attack: misdryadia
Damage decreased by 1 for the bow attack

Very Good at Slaying Dragons – bow-hunting-drakes

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bow attack: misdraconia
Damage decreased by 1 for the bow attack

Very Good at Slaying Imps – bow-hunting-imps

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements bow2 and bow-hunting-orcs to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bow attack: misimpia
Damage decreased by 1 for the bow attack

Very Good at Slaying Demons – bow-hunting-demons

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements bow2 and bow-hunting-imps to be achieved first
New weapon special for the bow attack: misdemonia
Damage decreased by 1 for the bow attack

Striking Better with Dagger – dagger

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the dagger attack

Striking Faster with Dagger – dagger2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement dagger to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the dagger attack
1 more attacks for the dagger attack

Striking Better with Dagger – dagger3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement dagger2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the dagger attack

Better at Defending (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – block

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Preserved Lich (Argan Lich)

Preserved liches are an exotic kind of liches, they are far more powerful than mere liches.
Gameplay notes:
Advancements with sword add marksman and plague, and lots of damage.
Advancements with crossbow add great precision.
This unit also has soul eater AMLA advancements

Better with Sword – sword1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the lichsword attack

Faster with Sword – sword1_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the lichsword attack

Better with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the lichsword attack

More Precise with Sword – sword2_marksman

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword1 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the lichsword attack: marksman

Better with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1 and sword2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the lichsword attack

Better with Sword – sword4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2 and sword3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the lichsword attack

Raising Undead with Sword – sword4_plague

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3 and sword4 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the lichsword attack: plague

Better with Sword – sword5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3 and sword4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the lichsword attack

Faster with Sword – sword5_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3, sword4, sword5 and sword1_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the lichsword attack

Better with Sword – sword6

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3, sword4 and sword5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the lichsword attack

Better and Faster with Crossbow – xbow

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the crossbow attack
1 more attacks for the crossbow attack

Striking More Precisely with the Crossbow – xbow_marksman

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement xbow to be achieved first
New weapon special for the crossbow attack: marksman

Better with Crossbow – xbow2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement xbow to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the crossbow attack

Faster with Crossbow – xbow2_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements xbow and xbow2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the crossbow attack

Better with Crossbow – xbow3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements xbow and xbow2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the crossbow attack

Striking More Precisely with the Crossbow – xbow-marksman

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements xbow, xbow2 and xbow_marksman to be achieved first
New weapon special for the crossbow attack: focused
Remove weapon special for the crossbow attack: marksman

Better with Crossbow – xbow4

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancements xbow, xbow2 and xbow3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the crossbow attack

Faster with Crossbow – xbow2_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements xbow, xbow2, xbow2_speed, xbow3 and xbow4 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the crossbow attack

Blocking Attacks Better (2 % Better Defence) – block

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Better Protected from Physical Blows (3% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 3%
Resistance to impact increased by 3%
Resistance to pierce increased by 3%

Better Protected from Magical Attacks (4% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to fire increased by 4%
Resistance to cold increased by 2%
Resistance to arcane increased by 4%

Preserved Lich (Delly Lich)

Preserved liches are an exotic kind of liches, they are far more powerful than mere liches.
This unit also has soul eater AMLA advancements

Faster at Melee Combat – sword

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Able to Chop Through More Enemies with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
New weapon special (melee attacks only): cleave

Faster with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword and sword2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Leeching with Sword – sword3-leech

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword and sword2 to be achieved first
New weapon special (melee attacks only): leech

Better with Sword – sword4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword, sword2 and sword3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Dealing More Damage with Knives – knife1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the knife attack

Faster with Knives – knife2

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement knife1 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the knife attack

More Precise with Knives – knife3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements knife1 and knife2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the knife attack: marksman

Better with Knives – knife4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements knife1 and knife2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the knife attack

Able to Move at Night Without Being Seen on Useful Terrains – nightstalk

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: lesser nightstalk

Able to Move at Night Without Being Seen on All Accessible Terrains – nightstalk2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement nightstalk to be achieved first
Remove ability: lesser nightstalk
New ability: nightstalk

Better at Defending – block

This advancement can be taken once
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 3%

Better at Defending – block2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement block to be achieved first
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%

Better at Defending – block3

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements block and block2 to be achieved first
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 1%

Able to Attack Parrying Enemy Blows (New Attack) – parry

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: parry (80% damage and 70% attacks of the base attack, melee)
New weapon special for the parry attack: parry

Parrying Better – parry2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement parry to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10% for the parry attack
5% more attacks for the parry attack

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 4 times
1 more movement points

Preserved Lich (Efraim Lich)

Preserved liches are an exotic kind of liches, they are far more powerful than mere liches.
Gameplay notes:
Advancements with sword add marksman, plague, and berserk-like attacks.
Advancements with whirlwind gain bonuses from sword advancements, and depend on advancements with sword.
Advancements with throwing knives are a potent source of weapon-related ranged damage, it may gain backstab.
Advancements with wave of fear bring huge damage, slow, explosive slow, leech, and after taking a lot of advancements also explosive damage.
Don't neglect defensive abilities. They stack additively with gear, while the effects of different parts of armour stack only multiplicatively.
The soul eater ability will add a lot of other advancements (new attacks, regeneration, healing, various abilities and much more).
Try to avoid learning from books, because while normal advancements add 20 to maximum experience to preserved liches, these advancements add 20% to maximum experience; that might later be an equivalent even to five advancements.
This unit also has soul eater AMLA advancements

Better with Sword – sword1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Faster with Sword (Affects Also Whirlwind) – sword1_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the sword attack
1 more attacks for the whirlwind attack

Better with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

More Precise with Sword – sword2_marksman

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword1 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the sword attack: marksman

Better with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1 and sword2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Better with Sword – sword4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2 and sword3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Raising Undead with Sword – sword4_plague

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3 and sword4 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the sword attack: plague

Better with Sword – sword5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3 and sword4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Faster with Sword (Affects Also Whirlwind) – sword5_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3, sword4, sword5 and sword1_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the sword attack
1 more attacks for the whirlwind attack

Better with Sword – sword6

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3, sword4 and sword5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Able to Attack Twice in a Row – berserk1

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: mberserk2 (80% damage and 100% attacks of sword, melee blade)
New weapon special for the mberserk2 attack: lesser berserk (2)
New weapon special for the mberserk2 attack: swarm
New weapon special for the mberserk2 attack: marksman

Able to Attack Thrice in a Row – berserk2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement berserk1 to be achieved first
New bonus attack: mberserk3 (80% damage and 100% attacks of sword, melee blade)
New weapon special for the mberserk3 attack: lesser berserk (3)
New weapon special for the mberserk3 attack: swarm
New weapon special for the mberserk3 attack: marksman

Able to Attack Five Times in a Row – berserk3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement berserk2 to be achieved first
New bonus attack: mberserk5 (80% damage and 100% attacks of sword, melee blade)
New weapon special for the mberserk5 attack: lesser berserk (5)
New weapon special for the mberserk5 attack: swarm
New weapon special for the mberserk5 attack: marksman

Doing More Damage with the Furious Attack – berserk1_damage

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement berserk1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10% for the mberserk2 attack
Damage increased by 10% for the mberserk3 attack
Damage increased by 10% for the mberserk5 attack

Whirling Better – whirlwind

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the whirlwind attack

Whirling Better – whirlwind2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements whirlwind, whirlwind, whirlwind and sword4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the whirlwind attack

Whirling Better – whirlwind3

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancements whirlwind2, whirlwind2, whirlwind2 and sword6 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the whirlwind attack

Better with Knives – knives1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the knife attack

Backstabbing with Knives – knives1_backstab

This advancement can be taken once
New weapon special for the knife attack: backstab

Better with Knives – knives2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement knives1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the knife attack

More Precise with Knives – knives2_precision

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements knives1 and knives2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the knife attack: marksman

Better with Knives – knives3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements knives1 and knives2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the knife attack

Faster with Knives – knives3_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements knives1, knives2 and knives3 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the knife attack
1 more attacks for the knife attack

Better with Knives – knives4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements knives1, knives2 and knives3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the knife attack

Backstabbing with Knives Better – knives4-backstab

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements knives4 and knives1_backstab to be achieved first
New weapon special for the knife attack: greater backstab
Remove weapon special for the knife attack: backstab

Better with Knives – knives5

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements knives1, knives2, knives3 and knives4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the knife attack

Faster with Knives – knives5_speed

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancements knives1, knives2, knives3, knives4 and knives3_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the knife attack

Causing a Spine-Chilling Fear – fear1_spine_chill

This advancement can be taken once
New weapon special for the wave of fear attack: slow

Causing Stronger Fear – fear1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the wave of fear attack

Causing Stronger Fear – fear2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fear1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the wave of fear attack

Causing Fear Faster – fear2_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fear2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the wave of fear attack

Causing Stronger Fear – fear3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fear2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the wave of fear attack

Having Fun when Scaring Enemies – fear3_leech

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fear3 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the wave of fear attack: leech

Causing Stronger Fear – fear4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fear3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the wave of fear attack

Causing Fear Faster – fear4_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements fear4 and fear2_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the wave of fear attack

Causing Stronger Fear – fear5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fear4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the wave of fear attack

Causing Fear to Groups of Enemies – fear5_mass_scare

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fear5 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the wave of fear attack: explosive slow

Causing Stronger Fear – fear6

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fear5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the wave of fear attack

Causing Fear Faster – fear6-speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements fear6 and fear4_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the wave of fear attack

Causing Stronger Fear – fear7

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements fear6 and fear4_speed to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the wave of fear attack

Causing Stronger Fear – fear8

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement fear7 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the wave of fear attack

Causing Insane Fear to Groups of Enemies – fear8_explosive

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fear8 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the wave of fear attack: explosive

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken once
1 more movement points

Faster – movement2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement movement to be achieved first
1 more movement points

Able to Muster Enough Mental Powers to Levitate Through Hard Terrains – movement3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements movement and movement2 to be achieved first
Movement costs through forests set to 1
Movement costs on frozen lands set to 1
Movement costs on flat terrains set to 1
Movement costs through dark caves set to 1
Movement costs through mushroom groves set to 2
Movement costs through villages set to 1
Movement costs through castles set to 1
Movement costs in shallow waters set to 1
Movement costs on coastal reefs set to 1
Movement costs in deep waters set to 1
Movement costs through swampy places set to 1
Movement costs on hills set to 1
Movement costs on mountains set to 2
Movement costs across sands set to 1
Movement costs above unwalkable places set to 1
Movement costs through impassable walls set to {UNREACHABLE}

Faster – movement4

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement movement3 to be achieved first
1 more movement points

Harder to be Hit – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Better Protected from Magical Attacks (3% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to fire increased by 3%
Resistance to cold increased by 2%
Resistance to arcane increased by 3%

Preserved Lich (Lethalia Lich)

Preserved liches are an exotic kind of liches, they are far more powerful than mere liches.
Gameplay notes:
Advancements with staff add plague, damage and precision.
Advancements with axe unlock a very useful whirlwind attack, and that unlocks most advancements with axe, many advancements with axe improve also whirlwind.
Advancements with faerie fire mostly improve damage; one of them removes swarm, but decreases the number of attacks significantly.
Advancements with gossamer add various weapon specials to it, but its damage is inferior.
Don't neglect defensive abilities. They stack additively with gear, while the effects of different parts of armour stack only multiplicatively.
The soul eater ability will add a lot of other advancements (new attacks, regeneration, healing, various abilities and much more).
Try to avoid learning from books, because while normal advancements add 20 to maximum experience to preserved liches, these advancements add 20% to maximum experience; that might later be an equivalent even to five advancements.
This unit also has soul eater AMLA advancements

Better with Staff – staff1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the staff attack

More Precise with Staff – staff1_marksman

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement staff1 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the staff attack: marksman

Better with Staff – staff2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement staff1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the staff attack

More Precise with Staff – staff2_focused

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2 and staff1_marksman to be achieved first
New weapon special for the staff attack: focused
Remove weapon special for the staff attack: marksman

Creating Undead with Staff – staff2_plague

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1 and staff2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the staff attack: plague

Better with Staff – staff3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1 and staff2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the staff attack

Faster with Staff – staff3_attacks

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2 and staff3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the staff attack

Better with Staff – staff4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2 and staff3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the staff attack

Faster with Staff – staff4_attacks

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2, staff3, staff4 and staff3_attacks to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the staff attack

Better with Staff – staff5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2, staff3 and staff4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the staff attack

Creating Better Undead with Staff – staff5_plague

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2, staff3, staff4, staff5 and staff2_plague to be achieved first
New weapon special for the staff attack: plague (Soulless)
Remove weapon special for the staff attack: plague

Dealing Fire Damage with Staff – staff5_fire

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2, staff3, staff4 and staff5 to be achieved first
Sets damage type to fire for the staff attack

Better with Staff – staff6

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2, staff3, staff4 and staff5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the staff attack

Faster with Staff – staff6_attacks

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2, staff3, staff4, staff5, staff6 and staff4_attacks to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the staff attack

Better with Staff – staff7

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements staff1, staff2, staff3, staff4, staff5 and staff6 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the staff attack

Better with Axe – axe1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Better with Axe – axe2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement axe1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Faster with Axe (Affects Also Whirlwind) – axe1_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1 and whirlwind to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the axe attack
1 more attacks for the axe_whirlwind attack

Poisoning Enemies with Axe (Affects Also Whirlwind) – axe2_poison

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1, axe2 and whirlwind to be achieved first
New weapon special for the axe attack: poison
New weapon special for the axe_whirlwind attack: poison

Better with Axe – axe3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1, axe2 and whirlwind to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Faster with Axe (Affects Also Whirlwind) – axe3_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1, axe2, axe3 and axe1_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the axe attack
1 more attacks for the axe_whirlwind attack

Better with Axe – axe4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1, axe2 and axe3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Able to Hit Multiple Enemies with Axe – axe4_cleave

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1, axe2, axe3 and axe4 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the axe attack: cleave

Better with Axe – axe5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1, axe2, axe3 and axe4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Faster with Axe (Affects Also Whirlwind) – axe5_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1, axe2, axe3, axe4, axe5 and axe3_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the axe attack
1 more attacks for the axe_whirlwind attack

Better with Axe – axe6

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements axe1, axe2, axe3, axe4 and axe5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Able to Use Whirlwind Attack with Axe – whirlwind

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement axe1 to be achieved first
New attack: axe_whirlwind (7 - 3, blade)
New weapon special for the axe_whirlwind attack: whirlwind
New weapon special for the axe_whirlwind attack: magical

Better at Whirling – whirlwind2

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements axe1 and whirlwind to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe_whirlwind attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement faerie1 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Able to Deal Damage to Multiple Units with Faerie Fire – faerie2_boom

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1 and faerie2 to be achieved first
New bonus attack: conical faerie fire (100% damage and 100% attacks of faerie fire)
New weapon special for the conical faerie fire attack: cone

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1 and faerie2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Without Dependence on Health with Faerie Fire (CAUTION: Significantly Fewer Attacks!) – faerie3_noswarm

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2 and faerie3 to be achieved first
Remove weapon special for the faerie fire attack: swarm
3 fewer attacks for the faerie fire attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie3_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3 and faerie3_noswarm to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2 and faerie3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Able to Deal Damage to Much More Units with Faerie Fire – faerie4_boom

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4 and faerie2_boom to be achieved first
New bonus attack: explosive faerie fire (100% damage and 100% attacks of faerie fire)
New weapon special for the explosive faerie fire attack: explosive

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3 and faerie4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie5_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4 and faerie5 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie6

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4 and faerie5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie6_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6 and faerie5_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie7

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5 and faerie6 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie7_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6, faerie6_speed and faerie7 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie8

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6 and faerie7 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Poisoning Enemies with Spiderwebs – gossamer1

This advancement can be taken once
New weapon special for the gossamer attack: poison

Dealing More Damage with Spiderwebs – gossamer1_damage

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement gossamer1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the gossamer attack

Draining Enemies with Spiderwebs – gossamer2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement gossamer1 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the gossamer attack: drain

Dealing More Damage with Spiderwebs – gossamer2_damage

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements gossamer1, gossamer2 and gossamer1_damage to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the gossamer attack

Shooting Spiderwebs More Precisely – gossamer3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements gossamer1 and gossamer2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the gossamer attack: marksman

Dealing More Damage with Spiderwebs – gossamer3_damage

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements gossamer1, gossamer2, gossamer2_damage and gossamer3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the gossamer attack

Shooting Spiderwebs Even More Precisely – gossamer4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements gossamer1, gossamer2 and gossamer3 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the gossamer attack: focused
Remove weapon special for the gossamer attack: marksman

Dealing More Damage with Spiderwebs – gossamer4_damage

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements gossamer1, gossamer2, gossamer2_damage, gossamer3, gossamer4 and gossamer3_damage to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the gossamer attack

Shooting Spiderwebs Faster – gossamer4_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements gossamer1, gossamer2, gossamer3 and gossamer4 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the gossamer attack

Shooting Spiderwebs with Incredibly Fast Reactions – gossamer5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements gossamer1, gossamer2, gossamer3 and gossamer4 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the gossamer attack: firststrike

Dealing More Damage with Spiderwebs – gossamer5_damage

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements gossamer1, gossamer2, gossamer2_damage, gossamer3, gossamer4, gossamer4_damage and gossamer5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the gossamer attack

More Nimble (+1 Movement, 1% Better Defences on All Terrains) – wings1

This advancement can be taken once
1 more movement points
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 1%

More Nimble (+1 Movement, 1% Better Defences on All Terrains) – wings2

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement wings1 to be achieved first
1 more movement points
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 1%

More Nimble (2% Better Defences on All Terrains) – wings3

This advancement can be taken 4 times
This advancement requires the advancements wings1, wings2 and wings2 to be achieved first
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 2%

More Attuned to the Woods – woods

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements wings1, wings2 and wings3 to be achieved first
New ability: nocturnal ambush
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 4%

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Better Protected from Magical Attacks (4% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to fire increased by 4%
Resistance to cold increased by 2%
Resistance to arcane increased by 4%

Princess of Shadows (Delly Start)

Although women are not very frequent in criminal gangs, those who are there may use their charm to expand their control over various noblemen. Sometimes, this can create good friendships and alliances between criminals and nobles.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Faster at Melee Combat – sword

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 (melee attacks only)

Able to Chop Through More Enemies with Sword – sword2_cleave

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword2 to be achieved first
New weapon special (melee attacks only): cleave
Damage increased by 2 (melee attacks only)

Faster with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword and sword2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better with Sword – sword4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword, sword2 and sword3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Able to Poison Enemies with Knives – knife-poison

This advancement can be taken once
New weapon special for the knife attack: poison

Faster with Knives – knife

This advancement can be taken 2 times
1 more attacks for the knife attack

Better with Knives – knife2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement knife to be achieved first
New weapon special for the knife attack: marksman

Better with Knives – knife3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements knife and knife2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the knife attack

Able to Move at Night Without Being Seen on Useful Terrains – nightstalk

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: lesser nightstalk

Able to Move at Night Without Being Seen on All Accessible Terrains – nightstalk2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement nightstalk to be achieved first
Remove ability: lesser nightstalk
New ability: nightstalk

Better at Defending (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 3%) – block

This advancement can be taken once
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 3%

Better at Defending (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – block2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement block to be achieved first
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%

Better at Defending (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 1%) – block3

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements block and block2 to be achieved first
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 1%

Able to Attack Parrying Enemy Blows (New Attack) – parry

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: parry (80% damage and 70% attacks of the base attack, melee)
New weapon special for the parry attack: parry

Parrying Better – parry2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement parry to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10% for the parry attack
5% more attacks for the parry attack

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 4 times
1 more movement points


Formerly either Paladins who decided to expand their knowledge of white magic or Magi of Light who decided that evil has to be defeated also by weapons of war, Prophets are the pious knights who both care about destroying the evil and about helping any righteous person.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Striking Better with Lance – lance

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the lance attack

Striking Faster with Lance – lance2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement lance to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 3 for the lance attack
1 more attacks for the lance attack

Charging More Powerfully with Lance (2.5 Times More Damage) – lance3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements lance and lance2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the lance attack: charge (2.5)
Remove weapon special for the lance attack: charge

Charging Even More Powerfully with the Lance (3 Times More Damage) – lance4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements lance, lance2 and lance3 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the lance attack: charge (3)
Remove weapon special for the lance attack: charge

Striking Even Better with the Lance – lance5

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements lance, lance2 and lance3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the lance attack

Faster with Sword – sword

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the sword attack

Better with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Faster with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword and sword2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the sword attack

Better with Sword – sword4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword, sword2 and sword3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Better with Magic – lightbeam

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the lightbeam attack

Faster with Magic – lightbeam2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement lightbeam to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the lightbeam attack
1 more attacks for the lightbeam attack

Better with Magic – lightbeam3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement lightbeam2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the lightbeam attack

Able to Heal Allies Better – heal

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: cures
New ability: heals (11)

Able to Heal Allies Better – heal2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement heal to be achieved first
Remove ability: heals (11)
New ability: heals (14)

Able to Make Allies Resist Damage Better (10% to Resistances) – shield

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: shield (10)

Able to Make Allies Resist Damage Better (15% to Resistances) – shield2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement shield to be achieved first
Remove ability: shield (10)
New ability: shield (15)

Able to Make Allies Resist Damage Better (20% to Resistances) – shield3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement shield2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: shield (15)
New ability: shield (20)

Causing a Severe Frailty Complex in Enemies' Minds (-15% Physical Resistances) – frail_tide

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements heal2 and shield3 to be achieved first
New ability: frail tide (15)

Causing an Even Worse Frailty Complex in Enemies' Minds (-20% Physical Resistances) – frail_tide2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement frail_tide to be achieved first
Remove ability: frail tide (15)
New ability: frail tide (20)

Causing a Really Terrible Frailty Complex in Enemies' Minds (-25% Physical Resistances) – frail_tide3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement frail_tide2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: frail tide (20)
New ability: frail tide (25)

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 5 times
1 more movement points


Reapers are abominations, brought from the world of the dead into our world, but maintaining connections to their world to drain excessive amounts of power from it, longing for nothing else but bringing as many souls into the world of the dead. In most cases, they are a creation of a necromancer, forcing a spirit to become a reaper, manipulating it to do what he wants.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better at Combat with a Scythe – scythe

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the baneblade attack

Faster at Combat with a Scythe – scythe2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement scythe to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the baneblade attack
1 more attacks for the baneblade attack

Faster at Combat with a Scythe – scythe3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements scythe and scythe2 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the baneblade attack
1 more attacks for the baneblade attack

Better at Combat with a Scythe – scythe4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements scythe, scythe2 and scythe3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the baneblade attack

Wailing More Times – wail

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the wail attack

Wailing Louder – wail2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement wail to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the wail attack

Wailing in a Way that Enemies Are Unable to Fight Against it – wail-uncounterable

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement wail2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the wail attack: uncounterable

Able to Attack with Claws, that Has a Chance to Slay the Enemy Regardless of His HP (New Attack) – claws

This advancement can be taken once
New attack: claws (7 - 3, blade)
New weapon special for the claws attack: disintegrate

Clawing Faster – claws2

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement claws to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the claws attack
1 more attacks for the claws attack

Clawing Better – claws2-damage

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement claws to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the claws attack

Better at Dodging (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 5%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken once
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 5%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 5%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 5%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 5%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 5%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 5%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 5%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 5%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 5%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 5%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 5%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 5%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 5%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 5%

Better at Dodging (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 3%) – dodge2

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement dodge to be achieved first
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 3%

More Resistant to Magic (4% Better Resistances) – magic_resist

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to fire increased by 4%
Resistance to cold increased by 4%
Resistance to arcane increased by 4%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points


The greatest weapon masters will eventually come to master scythes, whose dual-wielding is the most destructive possibility ever.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Impaling Better with Scythe – scythe

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the scythe attack

Impaling Faster with Scythe – scythe2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement scythe to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 3 for the scythe attack
1 more attacks for the scythe attack

Impaling Better with Scythe – scythe3

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement scythe2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the scythe attack

Whirling Better with Scythe – scythe-whirlwind

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the whirlwind-scythe attack

Whirling Faster with Scythe – scythe-whirlwind2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement scythe-whirlwind to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 5 for the whirlwind-scythe attack
1 more attacks for the whirlwind-scythe attack

Whirling Better with Scythe – scythe-whirlwind3

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement scythe-whirlwind2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the whirlwind-scythe attack

Able to Attack with a Confusing Attack (New Attack) – trickery

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: trickery (80% damage and 50% attacks of scythe, melee)
New weapon special for the trickery attack: trickery

Able to Attack Slightly Faster with the Confusing Attack – trickery2

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement trickery to be achieved first
10% more attacks for the trickery attack

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Shadow Prince

After years of life as a criminal, the outlaw gains pride and no longer feels the need to behave like a brute. To teach the others that they are superior too, they learn some magic, and practise fighting with a staff that they used when learning magic. Their authority above other criminals is so great that they can hide in any settlement.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Striking Better with Quarterstaff – quarterstaff

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the staff attack

Striking Faster with Quarterstaff – quarterstaff2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement quarterstaff to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the staff attack

Striking Faster with Quarterstaff – quarterstaff3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement quarterstaff2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the staff attack

Striking Better with Quarterstaff – quarterstaff4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement quarterstaff3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the staff attack

Better with Magic Blast – magic

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the magic blast attack

Faster with Magic Blast – magic2

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement magic to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the magic blast attack
1 more attacks for the magic blast attack

Better with Magic Blast – magic3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement magic to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the magic blast attack

Able to Strike All Nearby Enemies with Lightning – lightning

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic to be achieved first
New attack: wave of lightning (8 - 3, lightning)
New weapon special for the wave of lightning attack: magical
New weapon special for the wave of lightning attack: whirlwind

Faster with Wave of Lightning – lightning2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement lightning to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the wave of lightning attack
1 more attacks for the wave of lightning attack

Better with Wave of Lightning – lightning3

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement lightning to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the wave of lightning attack

Able to Hide in Forests at Night – ambush

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic3 to be achieved first
New ability: nocturnal ambush

Better at Defending (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 1-2%) – block

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%

Breaking Through Enemy Impact Resistances Better (8%) – penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
Enemy resistances to impact decreased by 8%

Breaking Through Enemy Impact Resistances Better (7%) – penetrate2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement penetrate to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to impact decreased by 7%

Breaking Through Enemy Impact Resistances Better (5%) – penetrate3

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement penetrate2 to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to impact decreased by 5%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points


Sometimes, the most dextrous from all masters of combat become Shadowalkers, fighters whose skill with sword is unmatched. No longer requiring illumination to fight, they can fight equally well under the sun and in dark caves. If the situation is not ideal for fencing, they can shoot a poisoned bolt at their enemy or surprise him with an unexpected spell.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Faster at Melee Combat – sword

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Faster with Crossbow – crossbow

This advancement can be taken once
Damage decreased by 9 for the crossbow attack
1 more attacks for the crossbow attack

Better and Faster with Magic – magic

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the shadow wave attack
1 more attacks for the shadow wave attack

Better at Defending (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 3%) – block

This advancement can be taken once
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 3%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 3%

Better with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Faster at Melee Combat – sword3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword and sword2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Faster with Magic – magic2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the shadow wave attack

Better at Defending – block2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement block to be achieved first
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%

Better at Defending – block3

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements block and block2 to be achieved first
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 1%

Better with Sword – sword4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword, sword2 and sword3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the saber attack

Better with Crossbow – crossbow2

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement crossbow to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 (pierce attacks only)

Better with Magic – magic3

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements magic and magic2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (arcane attacks only)

Able to Teleport Near Adjacent Enemies While in Darkness – shadowalk

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic to be achieved first
New ability: shadowalk

Able to Perform a Whirlwind Attack (New Attack) – whirlwind

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: whirlwind (70% damage and 70% attacks of the base attack, melee)
New weapon special for the whirlwind attack: whirlwind
New weapon special for the whirlwind attack: magical

Whirling Better – whirlwind2

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement whirlwind to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the whirlwind attack

Able to Attack Parrying Enemy Blows (New Attack) – parry

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: parry (80% damage and 70% attacks of the base attack, melee)
New weapon special for the parry attack: parry

Parrying Better – parry2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement parry to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10% for the parry attack
5% more attacks for the parry attack

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 4 times
1 more movement points

Siege Troll

Trolls rarely use more than the most basic of equipment. The Orcish tribes will occasionally outfit the biggest, strongest, toughest Troll they can find with heavy armour and use it as a siege weapon.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Stronger with Hammer – hammer

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 3 for the hammer attack

Stronger with Hammer – hammer2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement hammer to be achieved first
Damage increased by 3 for the hammer attack

Faster with Hammer – hammer_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement hammer2 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 7 for the hammer attack
1 more attacks for the hammer attack

Stronger with Hammer – hammer3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement hammer2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the hammer attack

Able to Attack in a Terribly Scary Way (New Attack) – horrid

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: grim strike (80% damage and 100% attacks of the base attack, melee)
New weapon special for the grim strike attack: horrid

Scaring Enemies with the Scary Attack Better – horrid2

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement horrid to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the grim strike attack

Able to Attack and Defend with a Single, Devastating Blow (New Attack) – devastation

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: devastation (60% damage and 100% attacks of the base attack, melee)

Attacking Better with the Single Blow – devastation2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement devastation to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the devastation attack

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Regenerating 4 Additional Hitpoints per Turn – regeneration1

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: regenerates
New ability: regenerates (12)

Regenerating 3 Additional Hitpoints per Turn – regeneration2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement regeneration1 to be achieved first
Remove ability: regenerates (12)
New ability: regenerates (15)

Regenerating 3 Additional Hitpoints per Turn – regeneration3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements regeneration1 and regeneration2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: regenerates (15)
New ability: regenerates (18)

Regenerating 2 Additional Hitpoints per Turn – regeneration4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements regeneration1, regeneration2 and regeneration3 to be achieved first
Remove ability: regenerates (18)
New ability: regenerates (20)

Regenerating 2 Additional Hitpoints per Turn – regeneration5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements regeneration1, regeneration2, regeneration3 and regeneration4 to be achieved first
Remove ability: regenerates (20)
New ability: regenerates (22)

Regenerating 2 Additional Hitpoints per Turn – regeneration6

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements regeneration1, regeneration2, regeneration3, regeneration4 and regeneration5 to be achieved first
Remove ability: regenerates (22)
New ability: regenerates (24)

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 2 times
1 more movement points

Skeletal Dragon

Even of the mightiest living creatures there will remain nothing but bones and dark sinew in the end. But dark powers that know no bounds raise also those back to life – and if they are downright nasty in the shape of a harmless looking pile of bone... Only few who have been deceived by that appearance lived long enough to realise their terrible mistake.
Gameplay notes: This unit can learn to use a dark breath that can, along with its jaws, turn this skeletal dragon into a doom to all living.
Keep in mind that this unit is a unique creation of magic, sacrificing it is not the best idea (and a crime against the preservation of biodiversity).
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Biting Better – jaws1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the jaw attack

Biting Faster – jaws2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement jaws1 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the jaw attack
1 more attacks for the jaw attack

Biting Better – jaws3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement jaws2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the jaw attack

Clawing Better – claws1

This advancement can be taken 10 times
Damage increased by 1 for the claws attack

Clawing Faster – claws2

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement claws1 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 5 for the claws attack
1 more attacks for the claws attack

Able to Breathe Dark Energy (New Attack) – breath

This advancement can be taken once
New attack: dark breath (12 - 2, arcane)
New weapon special for the dark breath attack: slow
New weapon special for the dark breath attack: drain

Breathing Dark Energy Faster – breath_speed

This advancement can be taken 2 times
This advancement requires the advancement breath to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 2 for the dark breath attack
1 more attacks for the dark breath attack

Breathing Darker Energy Better – breath_damage

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement breath to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the dark breath attack

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 5 times
1 more movement points

Sky Goblin

The best of goblin fighters get the right to ride giant birds, to scout terrains ahead and occasionally attack vulnerable units that they manage to approach.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Much Better at Commanding the Bird – melee

This advancement can be taken 2 times
Damage decreased by 1 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Commanding the Bird – melee2

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Better with the Bow – bow

This advancement can be taken once
Damage decreased by 1 (ranged attacks only)
1 more attacks (ranged attacks only)

Better with the Bow – bow2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

More Precise with the Bow – bow-precise

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements bow and bow2 to be achieved first
New weapon special (ranged attacks only): marksman
Damage decreased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

Faster with the Bow – bow3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements bow and bow2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks (ranged attacks only)

Better with the Bow – bow4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements bow, bow2 and bow3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

A Skirmisher – skirmisher

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: skirmisher

More Nimble (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 4%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 4%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 5 times
1 more movement points

Snow Hunter

Having lost their ancient homeland in forests after the Fall, some elves remained seeking last remains of forests and eventually found them in the north, but others tried to adopt to other areas. Several elves adopted to live in deserts, others adopted to live in tundras. Thanks to their adaptation abilities granted by their magic nature, they became as close to snow-covered tundras as their ancestors were close to their forests.
Because of the constant danger and harsh weather condition the Snow Elves live in, they are all trained for battle and skilled in usage of weapons. Thanks to their fast metabolism, they are highly resistant to frost, capable to sit half-naked in a circle and chat in freezing temperatures. They wear thick clothes when ice storms come, and others would freeze also in three layers of animal furs.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

A Much Better Fighter – melee

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

A Better Fighter – melee2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement melee to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 (melee attacks only)

A Better Fighter – melee3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement melee2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

A Better Fighter – melee4

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement melee3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Faster with Bolas – bolas

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks for the bolas attack

Better with Bolas – bolas2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bolas to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the bolas attack

Faster with Bolas – bolas3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bolas2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the bolas attack

Better with Bolas – bolas4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bolas2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the bolas attack

More Used to Frozen Lands (+5% Defence on Frozen Terrains, +5% Cold Resistance) – coldlife

This advancement can be taken once
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 5%
Resistance to cold increased by 5%

Frost-Hardier (Defence + Cold Resistance on Frozen Terrains +5%) – coldlife2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement coldlife to be achieved first
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 5%
Resistance to cold increased by 5%

More Used to Frozen Lands (+20% Cold Resistance) – coldlife3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement coldlife2 to be achieved first
Resistance to cold increased by 20%

More Used to Frozen Lands (Hiding on Snow) – coldlife4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement coldlife3 to be achieved first
New ability: snow ambush

Proficient with Cold Magic (New Attack) – magic

This advancement can be taken once
New attack: ice bolt (11 - 2, cold)
New weapon special for the ice bolt attack: magical

Faster with Cold Magic – magic2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the ice bolt attack
1 more attacks for the ice bolt attack

More Proficient with Cold Magic – magic3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 3 for the ice bolt attack

More Proficient with Cold Magic – magic4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the ice bolt attack

Faster with Cold Magic – magic5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic4 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 2 for the ice bolt attack
1 more attacks for the ice bolt attack

More Proficient with Cold Magic – magic6

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement magic5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the ice bolt attack

Able to Summon a Blizzard (New Attack) – blizzard

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements magic6 and coldlife4 to be achieved first
New attack: blizzard (14 - 2, cold)
New weapon special for the blizzard attack: magical
New weapon special for the blizzard attack: storm

Summoning Better Blizzards – blizzard2

This advancement can be taken 4 times
This advancement requires the advancement blizzard to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the blizzard attack

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 4 times
1 more movement points

Soul Shooter

Entrapped by the evil of their existence, their victims' souls frequently remain on the battlefield, too scared to leave into the world of the dead. Soul Shooters can exploit them by binding them into their arrows, making them incredibly powerful.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better with Bow – bow

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

Faster with Bow – bow2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 (ranged attacks only)
1 more attacks (ranged attacks only)

Better with Bow – bow3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements bow and bow2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

More Precise with Bow – bow-marksman

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow to be achieved first
New weapon special (ranged attacks only): marksman

Leeching Health from Enemies with Bow – bow-leech

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow2 to be achieved first
New weapon special (ranged attacks only): leech

Turning Enemies into Undead with Poison from Bow – bow-infect

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement bow3 to be achieved first
New weapon special (ranged attacks only): infect
Remove weapon special (ranged attacks only): poison

Able to Shoot Cursed Arcane Arrows (New Attack) – arcane

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: cursed arrow (120% damage and 100% attacks of the base attack, ranged arcane)

Shooting Arcane Cursed Arrows Better – arcane2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement arcane to be achieved first
Damage increased by 20% for the cursed arrow attack

Decreasing Arcane Resistance of Opponents by 10% – arcane_penetrate

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement arcane to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to arcane decreased by 10%

Able to Shoot Arrows Cursed with the Chill of Death (New Attack) – chill

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: cursed arrow (110% damage and 100% attacks of the base attack, ranged cold)

Shooting Chill Cursed Arrows Better – chill2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement chill to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the chill cursed arrow attack

Decreasing Cold Resistance of Opponents by 10% – chill_penetrate

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement chill to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to cold decreased by 10%

Better with Dagger – dagger

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Faster with Dagger – dagger2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement dagger to be achieved first
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better with Dagger – dagger3

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements dagger and dagger2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

Able to Backstab with Dagger – dagger-backstab

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements dagger, dagger2 and dagger3 to be achieved first
New weapon special (melee attacks only): backstab

Better Resistances – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 1%
Resistance to pierce increased by 3%
Resistance to fire increased by 1%
Resistance to cold increased by 3%
Resistance to arcane increased by 1%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points


Some royal guards show a great expertise with swords, not only good defensive abilities, so they act as the main offensive force of defensive forces. Shattering the lines of enemy defence in times of war and protecting castles in times of peace, swordmasters are the greatest elite of human soldiers.
Note: The ability upgrades may require some books to learn them from.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Striking Better with Sword – sword

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Striking Faster with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the sword attack
1 more attacks for the sword attack

Striking Better with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword2 and sword to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Able to Attack Parrying Enemy Blows (New Attack) – parry

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: parry (80% damage and 70% attacks of the base attack, melee)
New weapon special for the parry attack: parry

Parrying Better – parry2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement parry to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10% for the parry attack
5% more attacks for the parry attack

Able to Attack in a Terrible Way that Lowers Enemy Resistance (New Attack) – doom

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: doom (70% damage and 70% attacks of the base attack, melee)
New weapon special for the doom attack: doom

Crippling Enemies Better – doom2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement doom to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the doom attack
5% more attacks for the doom attack

Better at Defending (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – block

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

Troll Boulderlobber

Some trolls show an uncommon ability in throwing boulders. These Boulderlobbers throw enormous rocks, that common trolls could not even lift and that are often bigger than a man.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Throwing Boulders Better – sling

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 4 for the sling attack

Throwing Boulders Better – sling2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sling to be achieved first
Damage increased by 3 for the sling attack

Throwing Boulders Better – sling3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement sling2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the sling attack

Throwing Boulders that Stun Enemies – sling-slow

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sling2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the sling attack: slow

Punching Enemies Better – fist

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 2 for the fist attack

Punching Enemies Faster – fist2

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancement fist to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 4 for the fist attack
1 more attacks for the fist attack

Punching Enemies Better – fist3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement fist to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the fist attack

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Regenerating 4 Additional Hitpoints per Turn – regeneration1

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: regenerates
New ability: regenerates (12)

Regenerating 3 Additional Hitpoints per Turn – regeneration2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement regeneration1 to be achieved first
Remove ability: regenerates (12)
New ability: regenerates (15)

Regenerating 3 Additional Hitpoints per Turn – regeneration3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements regeneration1 and regeneration2 to be achieved first
Remove ability: regenerates (15)
New ability: regenerates (18)

Regenerating 2 Additional Hitpoints per Turn – regeneration4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements regeneration1, regeneration2 and regeneration3 to be achieved first
Remove ability: regenerates (18)
New ability: regenerates (20)

Regenerating 2 Additional Hitpoints per Turn – regeneration5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements regeneration1, regeneration2, regeneration3 and regeneration4 to be achieved first
Remove ability: regenerates (20)
New ability: regenerates (22)

Regenerating 2 Additional Hitpoints per Turn – regeneration6

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements regeneration1, regeneration2, regeneration3, regeneration4 and regeneration5 to be achieved first
Remove ability: regenerates (22)
New ability: regenerates (24)

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 2 times
1 more movement points

Unholy Breed (Lethalia Evil Good)

The wicked Queen of Darkness managed to escape her pursuers with very little power remaining, but it was still enough to possess people and perform dark experiments to create a body that would not deteriorate over time, and incarnate in it. Her growth was accelerated by her ancient soul, and is already old enough to use all black magic she learned before.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better with Sword – sword

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Faster with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the sword attack
1 more attacks for the sword attack

Better with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement sword2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Causing More Havoc with Magic – magic1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage decreased by 4 for the dark blast attack
1 more attacks for the dark blast attack
Damage decreased by 2 for the ophidian energy attack
1 more attacks for the ophidian energy attack

Causing More Havoc with Magic – magic2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 3 for the dark blast attack
Damage increased by 2 for the ophidian energy attack

Decreasing Enemies' Arcane and Cold Resistances by 8% – magic2_penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements magic1 and magic2 to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to cold decreased by 8%
Enemy resistances to arcane decreased by 8%

Causing More Havoc with Magic – magic3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements magic1 and magic2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 3 for the dark blast attack
Damage increased by 2 for the ophidian energy attack

Causing More Havoc with Magic – magic4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements magic1, magic2 and magic3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 2 for the dark blast attack
Damage increased by 2 for the ophidian energy attack

Decreasing Enemies' Arcane and Cold Resistances by 7% – magic4_penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements magic1, magic2, magic3, magic4 and magic2_penetrate to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to cold decreased by 7%
Enemy resistances to arcane decreased by 7%

Able to Attack with Magically Increased Speed (New Attack) – speed

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: speed (70% damage and 100% attacks of the base attack, melee)

Attacking Better Under the Effect of Quickening Spell – speed2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement speed to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the speed attack

Able to Attack with Magically Flaming Sword (New Attack) – fire

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: fiery saber (100% damage and 80% attacks of the base attack, melee fire)

Attacking Better with the Flaming Sword – fire2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement fire to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the fiery saber attack

Better at Dodging (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 4 times
1 more movement points

Unholy Breed (Vritra Later)

Born from a special breed between a serpent and an elf, she inherited elvish appearance and intelligence, and serpent-like malice and dexterity. She is rather good than evil because of her education, but the evil power within her was difficult to control, until she learned how to control it, using her anger only when she needs.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better with Sword – sword1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Faster with Sword – sword1_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the sword attack

Better with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Better with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1 and sword2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Better with Sword – sword4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2 and sword3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Slowing Enemies with Sword – sword4_plague

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1 and sword2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the sword attack: slow

Better with Sword – sword5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3 and sword4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Faster with Sword – sword5_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3, sword4, sword5 and sword1_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the sword attack

Better with Sword – sword6

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3, sword4 and sword5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Able to Attack Thrice in a Row – berserk2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement berserk1 to be achieved first
New bonus attack: mberserk3 (80% damage and 100% attacks of the base attack, melee blade)
New weapon special for the mberserk3 attack: lesser berserk (3)

Able to Attack Five Times in a Row – berserk3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement berserk2 to be achieved first
New bonus attack: mberserk5 (80% damage and 100% attacks of the base attack, melee blade)
New weapon special for the mberserk5 attack: lesser berserk (5)

Doing More Damage with the Furious Attack – berserk1_damage

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement berserk1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10% for the mberserk2 attack
Damage increased by 10% for the mberserk3 attack
Damage increased by 10% for the mberserk5 attack

Attacking Horrendously with Berserk Attacks – berserk2_damage

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements berserk1 and berserk1_damage to be achieved first
New weapon special for the mberserk2 attack: horrid
New weapon special for the mberserk3 attack: horrid
New weapon special for the mberserk5 attack: horrid

Doing More Damage with the Furious Attack – berserk3_damage

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancements berserk1 and berserk1_damage to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10% for the mberserk2 attack
Damage increased by 10% for the mberserk3 attack
Damage increased by 10% for the mberserk5 attack

Causing More Havoc with Magic – faerie1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack
Damage decreased by 4 for the dark blast attack
1 more attacks for the dark blast attack
1 more attacks for the ophidian energy attack

Able to Drain with Faerie Fire – faerie1_drain

This advancement can be taken once
New weapon special for the faerie fire attack: drain
Damage decreased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
1 fewer attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Magic – faerie2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement faerie1 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack
Damage decreased by 4 for the dark blast attack
1 more attacks for the dark blast attack
Damage increased by 2 for the ophidian energy attack

Decreasing Enemies' Arcane Resistance by 8% and Fire and Cold Resistances by 12% – faerie2_penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1 and faerie2 to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to fire decreased by 12%
Enemy resistances to cold decreased by 12%
Enemy resistances to arcane decreased by 8%

Causing More Havoc with Magic – faerie3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1 and faerie2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
Damage increased by 3 for the dark blast attack
Damage increased by 2 for the ophidian energy attack

Faster with Faerie Fire and Ophidian Energy – faerie3_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2 and faerie3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack
Damage increased by 1 for the dark blast attack
Damage decreased by 1 for the ophidian energy attack
1 more attacks for the ophidian energy attack

Causing More Havoc with Magic – faerie4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2 and faerie3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
Damage increased by 2 for the dark blast attack
Damage increased by 1 for the ophidian energy attack

Decreasing Enemies' Arcane Resistance by 7% and Fire and Cold Resistances by 10% – faerie4_penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4 and faerie2_penetrate to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to fire decreased by 10%
Enemy resistances to cold decreased by 10%
Enemy resistances to arcane decreased by 7%

Causing More Havoc with Magic – faerie5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3 and faerie4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
Damage increased by 2 for the dark blast attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie5_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4 and faerie5 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Magic – faerie6

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4 and faerie5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
Damage increased by 2 for the dark blast attack
Damage increased by 1 for the ophidian energy attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie6_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6 and faerie5_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack
Damage increased by 1 for the dark blast attack
Damage increased by 1 for the ophidian energy attack

Causing More Havoc with Magic – faerie7

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5 and faerie6 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
Damage increased by 2 for the dark blast attack
Damage increased by 1 for the ophidian energy attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie7_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6, faerie6_speed and faerie7 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack
Damage increased by 1 for the dark blast attack

Faster with Unleashing Ophidian Energy – ophidian_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6, faerie6_speed and faerie7 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the ophidian energy attack
Damage increased by 1 for the dark blast attack

Causing More Havoc with Magic – faerie8

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6 and faerie7 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
Damage increased by 2 for the dark blast attack
Damage increased by 1 for the ophidian energy attack

Better at Defending – block

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 4%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 4 times
1 more movement points

Unholy Breed (Vritra)

Born from a special breed between a serpent and an elf, she inherited elvish appearance and intelligence, and serpent-like malice and dexterity. She is rather good than evil because of her education, but the evil power within her is still hard to control. If it gets bad, a healing potion might help her.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Oops, Something Went Wrong – backup_amla

This advancement can be taken 500 times

Unknown (Akula)

This unit is shrouded in mystery. No one knows who she is, and why she is like she is.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Faster at Melee Combat – sword

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Faster at Melee Combat – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
1 more attacks (melee attacks only)

Better at Melee Combat – sword3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword and sword2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (melee attacks only)

A Faster Caster – magic

This advancement can be taken once
1 more attacks (ranged attacks only)

A Better Caster – magic2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement magic to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

A Faster Caster – magic3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements magic and magic2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks (ranged attacks only)

A Better Caster – magic4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements magic, magic2 and magic3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 (ranged attacks only)

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken once
1 more movement points

Unknown (Efraim Lich-Weakened)

Don't ask. Even he has no idea what he is.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better with Sword – sword1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Faster with Sword (Affects Also Whirlwind) – sword1_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the sword attack
1 more attacks for the whirlwind attack

Better with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

More Precise with Sword – sword2_marksman

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword1 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the sword attack: marksman

Better with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1 and sword2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Whirling Better – whirlwind

This advancement can be taken 3 times
Damage increased by 1 for the whirlwind attack

Better and Faster with Knives – knives1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the knife attack
1 more attacks for the knife attack

Backstabbing with Knives – knives1_backstab

This advancement can be taken once
New weapon special for the knife attack: backstab

Better with Knives – knives2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement knives1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the knife attack

More Precise with Knives – knives2_precision

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements knives1 and knives2 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the knife attack: marksman

Causing a Spine-Chilling Fear – fear1_spine_chill

This advancement can be taken once
New weapon special for the wave of fear attack: slow

Causing Stronger Fear – fear1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the wave of fear attack

Causing Stronger Fear – fear2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fear1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the wave of fear attack

Causing Fear Faster – fear2_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fear2 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the wave of fear attack

Causing Stronger Fear – fear3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fear2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the wave of fear attack

Having Fun when Scaring Enemies – fear3_leech

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fear3 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the wave of fear attack: leech

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken once
1 more movement points

Faster – movement2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement movement to be achieved first
1 more movement points

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Better Protected from Magical Attacks (3% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to fire increased by 3%
Resistance to cold increased by 2%
Resistance to arcane increased by 3%

Unknown (Lethalia Lich-Weakened)

Don't ask. Even she has no idea what she is.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better with Axe – axe1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Better with Axe – axe2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement axe1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Better with Axe – axe3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1 and axe2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Better with Axe – axe4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe1, axe2 and axe3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement faerie1 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Able to Deal Damage to Multiple Units with Faerie Fire – faerie2_boom

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1 and faerie2 to be achieved first
New bonus attack: conical faerie fire (100% damage and 100% attacks of faerie fire)
New weapon special for the conical faerie fire attack: cone

Causing More Havoc with Faerie Fire – faerie3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1 and faerie2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack

Poisoning Enemies with Spiderwebs – gossamer1

This advancement can be taken once
New weapon special for the gossamer attack: poison

Dealing More Damage with Spiderwebs – gossamer1_damage

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement gossamer1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the gossamer attack

Draining Enemies with Spiderwebs – gossamer2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement gossamer1 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the gossamer attack: drain

More Nimble (+1 Movement, 1% Better Defences on All Terrains) – wings1

This advancement can be taken once
1 more movement points
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 1%

More Nimble (+1 Movement, 1% Better Defences on All Terrains) – wings2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement wings1 to be achieved first
1 more movement points
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 1%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 1%

Better Protected from Physical Blows (2% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by 2%
Resistance to pierce increased by 2%

Better Protected from Magical Attacks (4% Better Resistances) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to fire increased by 4%
Resistance to cold increased by 2%
Resistance to arcane increased by 4%


This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better with Sword – sword1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Faster with Sword – sword1_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the sword attack

Better with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

More Precise with Sword – sword2_marksman

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword1 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the sword attack: marksman

Better with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1 and sword2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Better with Sword – sword4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2 and sword3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Slowing Enemies with Sword – sword4_plague

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3 and sword4 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the sword attack: slow

Better with Sword – sword5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3 and sword4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Faster with Sword – sword5_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3, sword4, sword5 and sword1_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the sword attack

Better with Sword – sword6

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements sword1, sword2, sword3, sword4 and sword5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the sword attack

Able to Attack Twice in a Row – berserk1

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: mberserk2 (80% damage and 100% attacks of the base attack, melee blade)
New weapon special for the mberserk2 attack: lesser berserk (2)
New weapon special for the mberserk2 attack: swarm
New weapon special for the mberserk2 attack: marksman

Able to Attack Thrice in a Row – berserk2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement berserk1 to be achieved first
New bonus attack: mberserk3 (80% damage and 100% attacks of the base attack, melee blade)
New weapon special for the mberserk3 attack: lesser berserk (3)
New weapon special for the mberserk3 attack: swarm
New weapon special for the mberserk3 attack: marksman

Able to Attack Five Times in a Row – berserk3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement berserk2 to be achieved first
New bonus attack: mberserk5 (80% damage and 100% attacks of the base attack, melee blade)
New weapon special for the mberserk5 attack: lesser berserk (5)
New weapon special for the mberserk5 attack: swarm
New weapon special for the mberserk5 attack: marksman

Doing More Damage with the Furious Attack – berserk1_damage

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement berserk1 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10% for the mberserk5 attack
Damage increased by 10% for the mberserk2 attack
Damage increased by 10% for the mberserk3 attack

Causing More Havoc with Magic – faerie1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack
Damage decreased by 4 for the dark blast attack
1 more attacks for the dark blast attack
1 more attacks for the ophidian energy attack

Able to Drain with Faerie Fire – faerie1_drain

This advancement can be taken once
New weapon special for the faerie fire attack: drain
Damage decreased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
1 fewer attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Magic – faerie2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement faerie1 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack
Damage decreased by 4 for the dark blast attack
1 more attacks for the dark blast attack
Damage increased by 2 for the ophidian energy attack

Decreasing Enemies' Arcane Resistance by 8% and Fire and Cold Resistances by 12% – faerie2_penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1 and faerie2 to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to fire decreased by 12%
Enemy resistances to cold decreased by 12%
Enemy resistances to arcane decreased by 8%

Causing More Havoc with Magic – faerie3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1 and faerie2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
Damage increased by 3 for the dark blast attack
Damage increased by 2 for the ophidian energy attack

Faster with Faerie Fire and Ophidian Energy – faerie3_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2 and faerie3 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack
Damage increased by 1 for the dark blast attack
Damage decreased by 1 for the ophidian energy attack
1 more attacks for the ophidian energy attack

Causing More Havoc with Magic – faerie4

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2 and faerie3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
Damage increased by 2 for the dark blast attack
Damage increased by 1 for the ophidian energy attack

Decreasing Enemies' Arcane Resistance by 7% and Fire and Cold Resistances by 10% – faerie4_penetrate

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4 and faerie2_penetrate to be achieved first
Enemy resistances to fire decreased by 10%
Enemy resistances to cold decreased by 10%
Enemy resistances to arcane decreased by 7%

Causing More Havoc with Magic – faerie5

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3 and faerie4 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
Damage increased by 2 for the dark blast attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie5_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4 and faerie5 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack

Causing More Havoc with Magic – faerie6

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4 and faerie5 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
Damage increased by 2 for the dark blast attack
Damage increased by 1 for the ophidian energy attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie6_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6 and faerie5_speed to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack
Damage increased by 1 for the dark blast attack
Damage increased by 1 for the ophidian energy attack

Causing More Havoc with Magic – faerie7

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5 and faerie6 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
Damage increased by 2 for the dark blast attack
Damage increased by 1 for the ophidian energy attack

Faster with Faerie Fire – faerie7_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6, faerie6_speed and faerie7 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the faerie fire attack
Damage increased by 1 for the dark blast attack

Faster with Unleashing Ophidian Energy – ophidian_speed

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6, faerie6_speed and faerie7 to be achieved first
1 more attacks for the ophidian energy attack
Damage increased by 1 for the dark blast attack

Causing More Havoc with Magic – faerie8

This advancement can be taken 5 times
This advancement requires the advancements faerie1, faerie2, faerie3, faerie4, faerie5, faerie6 and faerie7 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the faerie fire attack
Damage increased by 2 for the dark blast attack
Damage increased by 1 for the ophidian energy attack

Better at Defending – block

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on coastal reefs reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 4%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 4 times
1 more movement points


After numerous years of practice, Sword Magi and Knights of Magic went close to the pinnacle of warfare, that they became masters of both mundane and arcane combat. They can manage to unite these two skills into one, and become even more deadly. But still, because they simply cannot wear too much armour that causes difficulties to spellcasting and dodging, they are quite vulnerable to physical blows.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better with Sword – sword

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the saber attack

Faster with Sword – sword2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement sword to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the saber attack
1 more attacks for the saber attack

Better with Sword – sword3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement sword2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the saber attack

Better with Fireball – fireball

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the fireball attack

Faster with Fireball – fireball2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fireball to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the fireball attack
1 more attacks for the fireball attack

Better with Fireball – fireball3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement fireball2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the fireball attack

Able to Attack with Magically Increased Speed (New Attack) – speed

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: speed (70% damage and 100% attacks of the base attack, melee)

Attacking Better Under the Effect of Quickening Spell – speed2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement speed to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the speed attack

Able to Attack with Magically Flaming Sword (New Attack) – fire

This advancement can be taken once
New bonus attack: fiery saber (100% damage and 80% attacks of the base attack, melee fire)

Attacking Better with the Flaming Sword – fire2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement fire to be achieved first
Damage increased by 15% for the fiery saber attack

Much More Resilient (Much More Antisocial, Though) – social_skill

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: antisocial
New ability: anathema
12 more hitpoints
Resistance to blade increased by 6%
Resistance to impact increased by 5%
Resistance to pierce increased by 5%

Not so Antisocial (Less Damage, Though) – social_skill

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: antisocial
New ability: lesser antisocial
Damage decreased by 1

Better at Dodging (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 2%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 4 times
1 more movement points

Werewolf Rider

Sometimes it happens that an orc grows really unintelligent and naive, but blessed with extraordinary strength and predator-like instincts and ferocity. They have great difficulties with integration into the orcish community, but shamans usually perform a ritual that allows them to transform their body to the shape of an animal, which lets them use their innate abilities better. It is said that those orcs have the legacy of their beast ancestors of distant past and are considered sacred. They abandon orcish communities and hunt in the wilderness. They shift back into the humanoid form only rarely, usually only when they need to climb somewhere. Those orcs are half-men and half-beasts and are nearly impossible to tame. However, sometimes there are also battle-hardened and experienced goblin riders who are ambitious enough to search for those werewolves and even manage to tame one enough to ride with him into battle. Those goblins are called werewolf riders and whenever they appear on a battlefield, they strike fear into the hearts of their foes and are even respected by the greatest of the orcs.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Faster at Clawing – claws

This advancement can be taken once
Damage decreased by 1 for the claws attack
1 more attacks for the claws attack

Better at Clawing – claws2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement claws to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the claws attack

Faster at Clawing – claws3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement claws2 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the claws attack
1 more attacks for the claws attack

Better at Clawing – claws4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement claws3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the claws attack

Able to Claw in a Violent Fury (New Attack) – berserk

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement claws2 to be achieved first
New bonus attack: fury (100% damage and 60% attacks of claws, melee)
New weapon special for the fury attack: lesser berserk (3)

Clawing in an Even More Vicious Berserk – berserk2

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancements claws2 and berserk to be achieved first
Damage increased by 10% for the fury attack
10% more attacks for the fury attack

Biting Better – fangs1

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the fangs attack

Biting Faster – fangs2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fangs1 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the fangs attack
1 more attacks for the fangs attack

Feasting on Enemies when Biting – fangs2-leech

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement fangs1 to be achieved first
New weapon special for the fangs attack: leech
Damage decreased by 1 for the fangs attack

Biting Better – fangs3

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancement fangs2 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the fangs attack

Healing from Kills Even when Defending – murderlust

This advancement can be taken once
Remove ability: murderlust
New ability: supreme murderlust

More Nimble (Lowering the Chance to be Hit by 4%) – dodge

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Chance to get hit in forests reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on frozen places reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on flat terrains reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in caves reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in mushroom groves reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in villages reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in castles reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in shallow waters reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in deep water reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit in swamps reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on hills reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit on mountains reduced by 2%
Chance to get hit on sands reduced by 4%
Chance to get hit above unwalkable places reduced by 4%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 5 times
1 more movement points

Zombie Rider

During undead invasions, not only humans, but also farm animals die and are resurrected into undeath. These undead animals can be ridden by skeletons, producing units that are both zombie and skeleton in nature.
This unit also has generic AMLA advancements

Better at Axe Combat – axe

This advancement can be taken once
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Better at Axe Combat – axe2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement axe to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Faster at Axe Combat – axe3

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancements axe and axe2 to be achieved first
Damage decreased by 1 for the axe attack
1 more attacks for the axe attack

Better at Axe Combat – axe4

This advancement can be taken 10 times
This advancement requires the advancements axe, axe2 and axe3 to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the axe attack

Transforming Enemies into Soulless with the Plague – soulless

This advancement can be taken once
New weapon special for the touch attack: plague (Soulless)
Remove weapon special for the touch attack: plague

Causing Enemies to Become Soulless Even if Killed Indirectly – soulless_infect

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement soulless to be achieved first
New weapon special for the touch attack: greater infect
Remove weapon special for the touch attack: plague(Soulless)
Damage decreased by 1 for the touch attack

Transforming Enemies into Monstrosities with the Plague – monstrosity

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement soulless_infect to be achieved first
New weapon special for the touch attack: plague (Monstrosity)
Remove weapon special for the touch attack: greater infect
Damage decreased by 1 for the touch attack

Attacking Better when Making Plague – touch_damage

This advancement can be taken 3 times
This advancement requires the advancement monstrosity to be achieved first
Damage increased by 1 for the touch attack

Causing a Severe Frailty Complex in Enemies' Minds (-15% Physical Resistances) – frail_tide

This advancement can be taken once
New ability: frail tide (15)

Causing an Even Worse Frailty Complex in Enemies' Minds (-20% Physical Resistances) – frail_tide2

This advancement can be taken once
This advancement requires the advancement frail_tide to be achieved first
Remove ability: frail tide (15)
New ability: frail tide (20)

More Undead-Like Resistance (Improved Resistances, Slightly Worsened Weaknesses) – armour

This advancement can be taken 5 times
Resistance to blade increased by 2%
Resistance to impact increased by -1%
Resistance to pierce increased by 3%
Resistance to fire increased by -1%
Resistance to cold increased by 3%
Resistance to arcane increased by -2%

Faster – movement

This advancement can be taken 3 times
1 more movement points

This page was last edited on 18 May 2024, at 16:31.