LotI Abilities

From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki

This is an auto-generated wiki page listing all the abilities and weapon specials currently available in the campaign "Legend of the Invincibles". This was generated at Sat May 18 17:31:25 2024 using version git-0a0a7e9 of LotI and version of the generation script. As this is auto-generated, DO NOT EDIT THIS PAGE. Instead, create a new issue at the tracker and the script will be adjusted.

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absorbs (1) – dummy

When this unit is hit, it takes its regular damage, but heals 1 HP after it.

absorbs (2) – dummy

When this unit is hit, it takes its regular damage, but heals 2 HP after it.

absorbs (3) – dummy

When this unit is hit, it takes its regular damage, but heals 3 HP after it.

absorbs (4) – dummy

When this unit is hit, it takes its regular damage, but heals 4 HP after it.

blood drinking – dummy

When a unit adjacent to this unit takes damage, this unit heals 5% of the damage.

cancer – dummy

This unit is poisoned at the beginning of its turn.

cowardice – dummy

If this unit runs out of moves with no adjacent units, it loses its attack that turn but gains its moves back.

dark aura – dummy

All adjacent enemies will be poisoned at the beginning of their turn.

eats walking corpses – dummy

This unit will eat a Walking Corpse of its own side at the start of its turn to become fed for a turn.

electrical discharge – dummy

When this unit is hit with a melee attack, the resulting discharge of electricity causes an equal amount of lightning damage to be taken by the attacker. It can kill.

evisceration – dummy

When this unit kills another unit, nearby allies heal 10 HP.

feeding – dummy

This unit gains 1 hitpoint added to its maximum whenever it kills a living unit.

firecast – dummy

When this unit hits with a melee attack in offence, a randomly chosen fire spell is cast at the target.

flaming radiance – dummy

All adjacent foes to this unit take fire damage every turn. At first turn, they take 8 damage and this number increases by 8 every turn they stand in the range of this ability. This ability cannot kill.

freezing aura – dummy

All adjacent enemies will be slowed at the beginning of their turn.

from the ashes – dummy

If this unit is attacked and its hitpoints drop below 20, it heals 40 hitpoints and deals 40 fire damage to all nearby foes. This ability can be used only once per 10 turns.

frostbite – dummy

This unit takes 24 cold damage at the beginning of its turn.

fueled by death – dummy

All adjacent units to a unit with this ability lose 4 hitpoints at the beginning of this unit's turn. Half of the damage dealt increases this unit's damage in a way that decays to half every turn. Undrainable units are not hurt but contribute to the damage bonus notheless. It cannot kill.

greater evisceration – dummy

When this unit kills another unit, nearby allies heal 16 HP.

hate speech – dummy

When an adjacent unit offensively hits an enemy, its attack damage increases by 1. The added damage bonus halves each turn (rounded down).

innocence – dummy

Through magical means, this unit looks so innocent that attacking it causes the attacker to suffer emotional trauma that makes it deal 1 less damage for each hit. The damage decreased this way halves each turn.

killhunger – dummy

When this unit kills another unit, it heals 4 HP.

leeches – dummy

All adjacent enemy units to a unit with this ability lose 2 hitpoints at the beginning of this unit's turn. The damage dealt heals the unit. It cannot kill.

lesser evisceration – dummy

When this unit kills another unit, nearby allies heal 4 HP.

lesser redeem – dummy

When this unit attacks another unit, there is a chance that the target will be absorbed, inversely proportional to enemy level. When the redeem count reaches a certain level, the unit's properties will improve.

martyrdom – dummy

Hatred arouses among its comrades when this unit gets hurt. For every hit this unit takes, the damage of all adjacent allies increases by 1. The damage increased this way halves each turn (rounded down).

mockery – dummy

When an attack against this unit misses, he/she heals 2 HP.

murderlust – dummy

When this unit kills another unit during his/her turn, he/she heals 8 HP.

necromancy – dummy

If this unit dies, it becomes a lich.

northfrost aura – dummy

All enemies in the range of two hexes from this unit will be slowed at the beginning of their turn.

parasite – dummy

All adjacent allies to a unit with this ability lose 4 hitpoints at the beginning of this unit's turn. The damage dealt heals the unit. It cannot kill.

penetrates – dummy

This unit gains 1 movement after attacking, allowing it to slowly progress through ranks of enemies if it can survive their attacks.

producer – dummy

This unit occasionally earns some gold for his side.

push – dummy

When an ally standing next to this unit finishes attacking, it gains one movement point.

reflect – dummy

When this unit is hit, a half of the damage it took is dealt also to the attacker. It cannot kill, unlike thorns.

reflect aura – dummy

When an adjacent ally of unit is hit, an half of the damage it took is dealt also to the attacker. It cannot kill, unlike thorns.

regrowing – dummy

When this unit begins combat, offensively or defensively, it heals an amount of hitpoints equal to two times their level.

retribution – dummy

When this unit is hit, an amount of fire damage equal to a quarter of the damage dealt hurts the attacker.

soul eater – dummy

When this unit kills a certain amount of beings, it obtains special advancements.

steals – dummy

When this unit hits an enemy with a melee attack, it has a chance to earn some gold.

supreme murderlust – dummy

When this unit kills another unit, he/she heals 8 HP and is ridden of poison and slow.

tax collector – dummy

When this unit hits an enemy, it has a chance to tax its own side and part it from some gold.

temptation – dummy

This unit makes its enemies of opposite gender infatuated at the beginning of their turn, making them unable to attack, but able to break this charm by fleeing.

thorns – dummy

Any unit that attacks this unit suffers 4 points of piercing damage. Unlike reflect, it can kill.

thorns aura – dummy

Any unit that attacks an adjacent ally of this unit suffers 4 points of piercing damage. Unlike reflect, it can kill.

triggerable – dummy

This unit's attack damage increases by 1 when hit. Does not work when hit by a retaliating unit. The added damage bonus halves each turn (rounded down).

unforgiving – dummy

This unit's attack deals 50% additional fire damage when directly hitting a unit type that hit it in the last 5 turns. Does not work when hit by a retaliating unit.

unholy hunger – dummy

This unit craves for the souls of living beings. When it kills a living unit, it will heal 10 HP and its maximum HP will increase by 3. When it is not fed continually, it starts to starve, and loses 1 maximum HP more for each turn it did not kill something at the beginning of each turn. The hunger has no effect if the unit is cared by a healer or standing in a village.

vindictive – dummy

This unit's attack damage increases by 1 when an adjacent ally is hit. Does not work when hit by a retaliating unit. The added damage bonus halves each turn (rounded down).

wardrums – dummy

All adjacent members of the same side get +2 to movement at the start of their turn.

weak reflect – dummy

When this unit is hit, an quarter of the damage it took is dealt also to the attacker. It cannot kill, unlike thorns.

weak reflect aura – dummy

When an adjacent ally of unit is hit, an quarter of the damage it took is dealt also to the attacker. It cannot kill, unlike thorns.

wrath – dummy

When offensively hitting an enemy, this unit's attack damage increases by 1. The added damage bonus halves each turn (rounded down).

Aggressive Blood

corrosive blood (DAMAGE) – aggressive_blood

When this unit is hit, adjacent enemy units take 2 fire damage and become poisoned. It can kill.


grim presence – attacks

Adjacent enemies have 1 less attack


radiating insanity – berserk

All nearby allies fight with a bloodlust equal to the dwarvish berserk on melee attacks.

Chance to Hit

cantor – chance_to_hit

This unit grants marksman to all ranged attacks of all adjacent allies.


murderous presence – damage

All nearby allies get melee backstab.

warlord's rule – damage

All nearby allies deal and take 50% more melee damage.


aura of hunger – drains

All adjacent allies gain melee drain that drains 25% of the damage dealt (instead of the usual 50%).


zeal aura – firststrike

All nearby allies get firststrike.


heals +VALUE – heals

This unit combines herbal remedies with magic to heal units more quickly than is normally possible on the battlefield. A unit cared for by this healer may heal up to VALUE HP per turn, or be cured of poisoning.

unholybane (INTENSITY) – heals

The unit damages adjacent undead enemies at the beginning of your turn, causing a loss of INTENSITY HP (max. down to 1 HP, never kills). The ability ignores any of the enemy's resistances or weaknesses, so it is very powerful against spirits!


lesser ambush – hides

This unit can hide in deciduous forest when not next to an enemy unit, and remain undetected by its enemies. Any enemy unit that first discovers this unit immediately loses all its remaining movement.

lesser nightstalk – hides

The unit becomes invisible during night when not next to an enemy unit, but only in forests, hills, mountains and villages. Any enemy unit that first discovers this unit immediately loses all its remaining movement.

nocturnal ambush – hides

The unit becomes invisible in forests when not next to an enemy unit, but only at night. Any enemy unit that first discovers this unit immediately loses all its remaining movement.

shadowstalk (radius RADIUS) – hides

The unit becomes invisible when a unit is nearby, hiding in its shadow. The unit must have no ability to hide.

Enemy units cannot see this unit during dawn or dusk, except if they have units next to it. Any enemy unit that first discovers this unit immediately loses all its remaining movement.

snow ambush – hides

This unit can hide on frozen terrains when not next to an enemy unit, and remain undetected by its enemies. Any enemy unit that first discovers this unit immediately loses all its remaining movement.

twilightstalk – hides

The unit becomes invisible during dawn or dusk, hiding in long shadows created by the sun near the horizon.

Enemy units cannot see this unit during dawn or dusk, except if they have units next to it. Any enemy unit that first discovers this unit immediately loses all its remaining movement.


darkens – illuminates

This unit darkens the surrounding area, making chaotic units fight better, and lawful units fight worse.

Any units adjacent to this unit will fight as if it were dusk when it is day, and as if it were night when it is dusk.

darkens badly – illuminates

This unit darkens the surrounding area, making chaotic units fight better, and lawful units fight worse.

Any units adjacent to this unit will fight as if it were dusk when it is day, as if it were night when it is dusk and the improvement of the chaotic units during the night is incredible.

darkens severely – illuminates

This unit darkens the surrounding area, making chaotic units fight better, and lawful units fight worse.

Any units adjacent to this unit will fight almost as if it were night when it is day, as if it were darker than the darkest night when it is dusk and the improvement of the chaotic units during the night is incredible.

great illumination – illuminates

This unit illuminates the surrounding area, making lawful units fight better, and chaotic units fight worse.

Any units adjacent to this unit will fight as if it were almost day when it is night, better than if it were day when it is dusk, and far better during the day (worse if they are chaotic or liminal).

improved illumination – illuminates

This unit illuminates the surrounding area, making lawful units fight better, and chaotic units fight worse.

Any units adjacent to this unit will fight as if it were dusk when it is night, as if it were day when it is dusk, and even better during the day (worse if they are chaotic or liminal).


NAME (INTENSITY) – leadership

Adjacent allies will do INTENSITY% more damage.

all damage aura (INTENSITY) – leadership

This unit and any adjacent units do INTENSITY% more damage.

alliance – leadership

This unit is very well versed in team tactics so that adjacent units with the same ability deal 35% more damage.

anathema – leadership

This unit's behaviour is loathsome, it spreads foul smell and droplets containing neisseria gonorrhoeae. Others absolutely loathe fighting next to it. Adjacent allies deal 30% less damage.

antisocial – leadership

This unit's manners are incredibly bad, others hate fighting next to it. Adjacent allies deal 20% less damage.

despair (INTENSITY) – leadership

This unit's presence is so darkly ominous that all adjacent enemies struggle with despair, dealing INTENSITY% less damage.

leadership – leadership

This unit can lead other troops in battle.

All adjacent lower-level units from the same side deal 25% more damage for each difference in level.

leadership (as level LEVEL unit) – leadership

This unit can lead your own units that are next to it, making them fight better. Adjacent own units of lower level will do more damage in battle. When a unit adjacent to, of a lower level than, and on the same side as a unit with Leadership engages in combat, its attacks do 25% more damage times the difference in their levels.

lesser antisocial – leadership

This unit's manners are very bad, others hate fighting next to it. Adjacent allies deal 10% less damage.

socratic – leadership

This unit can ask good enough questions to help stronger units rethink their strategy. Adjacent own units of higher level will do more damage in battle. When a unit adjacent to, of a higher level than, and on the same side as a unit with Leadership engages in combat, its attacks do 25% more damage times the difference in their levels. This is limited to 75%.

Periodic Damage Aura

Deathaura (INTENSITY) – periodic_damage_aura

This ability causes its bearer unit to poison and injure adjacent enemy units at the beginning of your turn (INTENSITY damage). It cannot kill.

burns foes (POWER) – periodic_damage_aura

The unit singes adjacent enemies at the beginning of your turn, causing them to take POWER fire damage. It can kill.


radiation – poison

All nearby allies get poisonous attacks.


bloodbound – regenerate

The unit will heal itself 32 HP per turn if adjacent to another unit with the bloodbound ability. If it is poisoned, it will remove the poison instead of healing.

devouring embers – regenerate

This unit heals 16 HP per turn when above lava. If poisoned, the poison will be cured instead.

regenerates (VALUE) – regenerate

The unit will heal itself VALUE HP per turn. If it is poisoned, it will remove the poison instead of healing.

regenerates slightly – regenerate

The unit will heal itself 4 HP per turn. If it is poisoned, these two effects will negate themselves.


NAME (POWER) – resistance

This unit can rally the adjacent allies to ignore damage taken better, increasing their resistances by POWER%, up to a maximum of 80%.

adamant – resistance

This unit’s resistances are tripled, up to a maximum of 80%, when defending. Vulnerabilities are not affected.

antimagic (INTENSITY) – resistance

This unit's presence weakens surrounding magic, increasing resistances of oneself and any nearby units by INTENSITY%, up to a maximum of 80%.

careful – resistance

This unit’s resistances are increased by INTENSITY, up to a maximum of 80%, when defending. Vulnerabilities are not affected.

conviction (INTENSITY) – resistance

This unit's presence is so darkly ominous that all adjacent enemies struggle with the guilt of their evil deeds, reducing their fire, cold and arcane resistances by INTENSITY%.

death blending – resistance

This unit is so familiar death that it can gain a more undead-like constitution whenever standing next to at least two allied undead, increasing its resistances to blade, pierce and cold by 30%.

exile – resistance

This unit’s resistances are increased by 10% (up to a maximum of 70%) if it has no adjacent allies.

forsaken – resistance

This unit’s resistances are increased by 20% (up to a maximum of 70%) if it has no adjacent allies.

frail tide (INTENSITY) – resistance

This unit's presence is so darkly ominous that all adjacent enemies struggle with a decrepifying feeling of age and weariness, reducing their resistances to pierce, blade and impact by INTENSITY%.

lifeforce transfer – resistance

This unit's presence bestows bits of life to adjacent undead allies, giving them living-like vulnerabilities, increasing their resistances to fire, impact and arcane by 30%.

memories of life – resistance

This unit remembers slightly how it was to be alive, and if standing near at least 2 allied non-undead units, its resistances to fire, arcane and impact are increased by 30%.

shield (INTENSITY) – resistance

This unit's presence is so glorious that all adjacent allies are honoured and inspired by them, increasing their resistances by INTENSITY%, up to a maximum of 60%.

spell eater – resistance

This unit feeds on nearby magical energies, increasing nearby allied units' arcane resistance by 100% and grows stronger when a nearby allied unit is hit with arcane, fire or cold damage.

unyielding – resistance

This unit’s resistances are doubled, up to a maximum of 70%, when defending. Vulnerabilities are not affected.

weapon repulsion (INTENSITY) – resistance

This unit's presence causes enemy weapons to be pushed away, increasing resistances of oneself and any nearby units by INTENSITY%, up to a maximum of 80%.

withering presence – resistance

This unit's presence drains the life essence from adjacent enemies, giving them undead-like vulnerabilities, reducing their resistances to fire, impact and arcane by 30%.

zeal – resistance

This unit's resistances are doubled, up to a maximum of 70%, when attacking. Vulnerabilities are not affected.


gossamer dispenser – slow

All adjacent allies will slow targets with melee attacks.


blackwatch – teleport

While in darkness, this unit can teleport to any hex adjacent to a unit of the same side that is adjacent to an enemy, up to 3 hexes from its last location.

combat recall – teleport

This unit may teleport to any hex up to 3 hexes from a leader of its side.

homecoming – teleport

This unit may teleport to an Ancient Lich, Arch Necromancer, Demilich or Lich King.

recall – teleport

This unit may teleport to a leader of its side.

shadowalk – teleport

While in darkness, this unit can teleport to any hex adjacent to an adjacent enemy.

Weapon Specials


cone – dummy

With this attack enemies next to attacker and target suffer 1/2 the damage. The foe behind the defender takes 1/2 of the damage too, while their adjacent comrades take 1/4 of it. It is so tiring that the unit's damage decreases by 6 after the attack, the damage penalty will half each turn. Works only offensively.

dazzle – dummy

This weapon special limits the target's chance to hit to 50% for one turn.

doom – dummy

If this attack hits offensively, opponent's resistances will drop by 5% until he advances.

extra damage (+5; impact) – dummy

After the damage with this weapon is dealt, the target takes 5 points of impact damage, that is unaffected by charge or slow.

hit and run – dummy

When this attack is used, the unit regains half of its max MP.

horrid – dummy

When this attack is used offensively, the damage of retaliation attacks is decreased by 33%.

hose – dummy

If this attack us used offensively, many enemies behind and around the original target are hit. It is so tiring that the unit's damage decreases by 12 after the attack, the damage penalty will half each turn.

incinerate – dummy

This attack incinerates its targets. Burning units lose 16 HP every turn until they are cured. Flames can kill a unit, the attacker that incinerated the unit gets the experience.

lesser lethargy – dummy

When hitting an enemy, the opponent's attack damage decreases by 1. The reduction of damage bonus halves each turn (rounded down).

lethargy – dummy

When hitting an enemy, the opponent's attack damage decreases by 2. The reduction of damage bonus halves each turn (rounded down).

massive missile – dummy

If this attack is used offensively, multiple enemies behind the target are hurt as well, dealing DECAY% of previous target's damage to a subsequent target, until the damage gets below 10. The user loses 6 damage points after the attack, the damage penalty will half each turn.

mayhem – dummy

If this attack hits offensively, opponent's damage is lowered by 1, until he advances.

mind raid – dummy

This weapon special steals 2 experience from the opponent, increasing the user's experience. It does not work if the target does not have enough experience.

parry – dummy

When a defender target misses, the attacker will hit him without any checks.

pierce – dummy

If this attack is used offensively, the enemy behind the target is hurt as well, for 1/2 of the damage. The user loses 2 damage points after the attack, the damage penalty will half each turn.

purify – dummy

When an undead unit is killed by this attack, it becomes living again. Does not work on undead demons, black souls or other otherworldly undead-like abominations.

reflects – dummy

Causes opponents's attacks to hit the opponent when the opponent misses.

storm – dummy

The damage of this attack will affect also a lot of other enemy units around the caster, and will also deal some impact damage. It is so tiring that the unit's damage decreases by 12 after the attack, the damage penalty will half each turn.

trickery – dummy

If this attack hits offensively, opponent's defence on all terrains is lowered by 5%, until he advances.


anger – attacks

When used offensively, this attack doubles the attacks done by both attacker and defender.

distant attack – attacks

When this attack is used, the enemy will not counter.

quickstrike – attacks

When this attack is used, the attacker loses no movement. However, this does not give back the movement lost due to entering a unit's ZoC.

whirlwind – attacks

When this attack is used, all enemies adjacent to the attacker take the damage and the enemy cannot retaliate. It is so tiring that the unit's damage decreases by 10 after the attack, the damage penalty will half each turn.


lesser berserk (COUNT) – berserk

Whether used offensively or defensively, this attack presses the engagement until one of the combatants is slain, or COUNT rounds of attacks have occurred.

Chance to Hit

chaos – chance_to_hit

When used defensively, this attacks damages all surrounding foes for a half of the damage, and it always has a 70% chance to hit regardless of the defensive ability of the attacking unit. Whether in defence or on attack, it is so tiring that the unit's damage decreases by 2 afterwards and then halves with each turn.

denial of cover – chance_to_hit

This attack always has a chance to hit at least 90% against units in villages.

focused – chance_to_hit

This attack always has at least a 80% chance to hit.

guided – chance_to_hit

This attack always has an 90% chance to hit, regardless of the defensive ability of the defending unit.

imprecise – chance_to_hit

This attack has a 10% lower chance to hit.

struggle – chance_to_hit

This attack causes the opponent to have a 10% lower chance to hit.


Raijer's saloon – damage

Every blow with this attack has a chance to add all the victims' hitpoints to the hitpoints of attacker and attacker's nearby allies (divided by the number of healed units), killing the victim. The chance depends on victim's level. Works only in offence.

anarchy – damage

This attack does 50% more damage to lawful units.

chaotic – damage

This attack is 25% better at night and 25% worse at day.

chaotic and lawful – damage

This attack is 25% better at night. This attack is 25% better at day.

charge – damage

When used offensively, this attack deals multiplied damage to the target. It also causes this unit to take multiplied damage from the target's counterattack.

charging backstab – damage

When used offensively, this attack deals double damage if there is an enemy of the target on the opposite side of the target, and that unit is not incapacitated (turned to stone or otherwise paralysed). It also causes this unit to take double damage from the target’s counterattack.

cleave – damage

This attack will hit additional enemies in the two hexes that are adjacent to both the attacker and defender, in a crescent moon shape, for 50% of the original damage. It is so tiring that the unit's damage decreases by 2 after the attack, the damage penalty will half each turn.

disintegrate – damage

Every blow with this weapon has a 2% chance to kill an enemy without any checks.

eager – damage

This attack deals 50% more damage to poisoned enemies.

explosive – damage

When this attack is used, all enemies adjacent to the target take 75% of the damage, and even those behind them will take a few if the damage is sufficiently high. It is so tiring that the unit's damage decreases by 10 after the attack, the damage penalty will half each turn.

explosive damage – damage

When this attack is used offensively, all units adjacent to the target take 10 damage.

explosive detonation – damage

When used on offense, this attack causes the attacker to explode, killing it instantly. All adjacent units will take damage of the weapon's type equal to the attacker's hitpoints.

explosive leech – damage

When this attack is used, all enemies next to the target take 1/4 of the damage the target was dealt and the life is added to the caster's health. It is so tiring that the unit's damage decreases by 6 after the attack, the damage penalty will half each turn.

explosive slow – damage

When this attack is used offensively, all enemies adjacent to a target are slowed.

explosive unprotected – damage

When this attack is used, all units adjacent to the target take 75% of the damage, including allies. It is so tiring that the unit's damage decreases by 8 after the attack, the damage penalty will half each turn.

greater backstab – damage

When used offensively, this attack deals 2.5 times more damage if there is an enemy of the target on the opposite side of the target, and that unit is not incapacitated (turned to stone or otherwise paralysed).

iceform – damage

When this attack is used, the user is transformed into a moving block of ice, taking 33% less cold, pierce and blade damage. It works both offensively and defensively.

kamikaze sprint – damage

If this attack hits offensively, the attacker first takes the damage of all the opponent's attacks. Then, the enemy behind the target takes a half of this attack's damage, the enemy behind him takes a quarter of the initial damage etc, until there are no more enemies in the row, and the attacker will appear there. If the opponent's damage would kill, the weapon special does not work.

knockback – damage

When this attack is used offensively, at the end of the fight the enemy will be knocked back.

lawful – damage

This attack is 25% better at day and 25% worse at night.

leeches – damage

This is similar to the drains ability, but it drains only 1/10 of the damage inflicted but it can leech also the magic bound in the undeath of non-living foes.

lord of the flies – damage

This attack does triple damage to flies.

lurk – damage

When used offensively and the target is not adjacent to any of its allies, it deals double damage to the target.

misanthropia – damage

This attack does double damage to humans.

misdemonia – damage

This attack does double damage to demons.

misdraconia – damage

This attack does double damage to drakes and dragons.

misdryadia – damage

This attack does double damage to elves.

misimpia – damage

This attack does double damage to imps.

misinmortuia – damage

This attack does double damage to undead.

misnania – damage

This attack does double damage to dwarves.

misorcia – damage

This attack does double damage to orcs.

nosferatu's gorge – damage

Every blow with this attack has a chance to add all the victims' remaining hitpoints to the attacker's hitpoints, killing the victim. The chance depends on victim's level. Works only in offence.

soul annihilation – damage

Every blow with this attack has a 1% chance to kill an enemy, dealing arcane damage to nearby enemies, the damage is the amount of the victim's remaining health divided by the number of nearby enemies with arcane damage.

soul extraction – damage

Every blow with this attack has a 1% chance to kill an enemy, summoning a Ghost in the process.

soul thrash – damage

Every blow with this attack has a 1% chance to kill an enemy, adding the victims' level to the attacker's wrath (increasing the damage temporarily, the increase is halved every turn). Works only offensively.

spiritual attack – damage

When this attack is used, the damage of physical retaliation attacks is divided by 3.

uber backstab – damage

When used offensively, this attack deals triple damage if there is an enemy of the target on the opposite side of the target, and that unit is not incapacitated (turned to stone or otherwise paralysed).

unholybane – damage

This attack does triple damage to undead (also other non-monster creations of magic).


needs feeding – disable

Available only if this unit was fed.

uncounterable – disable

An enemy cannot use an attack against this one.


plague (LANGUAGE_TYPE) – plague

When a unit is killed by a Plague attack, that unit is replaced with a unit on the same side as the unit with the Plague attack. This doesn’t work on Undead or units in villages.


greater infect – poison

The target of this weapon specials becomes poisoned in a special way: if it dies from this toxin or is killed while affected by it, it becomes a Soulless.

infect – poison

The target of this weapon specials becomes poisoned in a special way: if it dies from this toxin or is killed while affected by it, it becomes a Walking Corpse.


shockwave – slow

This attack is so strong that it slows the target, and creates a shock wave that knocks all enemies adjacent to the target 1 hex away from it, and causes them to take 8 impact damage. When used defensively, it only slows the attacker.

This page was last edited on 18 May 2024, at 16:31.