From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki
Wesnoth is currently being translated into the following languages. Instructions on how to contribute are found here: WesnothTranslationsHowTo.
- Afrikaans - maintainer: Friedel Wolff - [1]
- Arabic - maintainer: Amnay Mokhtari - [2]
- Asturian - maintainer: David Sowa - [3]
- Basque - maintainer: Alfredo Beaumont (ziberpunk) - [4]
- Bulgarian maintainer: Ivan Petrov (TheWhiteKnight) - [5]
- Catalan - maintainer: Jordà Polo (ettin) - [6]
- Chinese - maintainer: CloudiDust - [7]
- Chinese (Taiwan) - maintainer: 楊綮銘 (Taiwan) - [8]
- Croatian - maintainer: Ivica Đurenec (charlieh65) - [9]
- Czech - maintainer: Martin Hrubý (hrubymar10) - [10]
- Danish maintainer: Joe Hansen (joedalton) - [11]
- Dutch - maintainer: Alexander van Gessel (AI/AI0867) - [12]
- English (GB) - maintainer: Wedge009 [13]
- English (Shaw) - maintainer: Arc Riley - [14]
- Esperanto - maintainer: Manuel Ortega - [15]
- Estonian - maintainer: Kaido Kikkas (UncleOwl) - [16]
- Filipino - maintainer: Karen Eso (keeve) - [17]
- Finnish - maintainer: Jarkko Patteri (Jarkko) - [18], Samu Voutilainen (Smar) - [19]
- French - maintainer: Mathieu Guilbaud (Guim) - Please use the translation team mailing list [20]
- Friulian - maintainer: Michele Calligaris (MayBug) - [21]
- Galician - maintainer: Adrián Chaves Fernández (Gallaecio) - [22] Proxecto Trasno
- German - maintainer:
- Greek - maintainer: Konstantinos Egarhos [23]
- Hebrew - maintainer: Oron Peled - [24]
- Hungarian - maintainer: Széll András - [25]
- Icelandic - maintainer: Gabríel A. Pétursson [26]
- Indonesian - maintainer: Yuristyawan Pambudi Wicaksana [27]
- Irish - maintainer: Carson "Mountain_King" [28]
- Italian - maintainer: Antonio Rosella - [29]
- Japanese - maintainer: Hironori Fujimoto (RatArmy) [30]
- Korean - maintainer: mistzone - [31]
- Latin - maintainer: Michael Babich (Aethaeryn)
- Latvian - maintainer: Reinis Danne - [32]
- Lithuanian - maintainer: Andrius Štikonas - [33]
- Marathi - maintainer: Sujit R Jadhav - [34]
- Macedonian - maintainer: Dimitar Ilccov (Mythological)
- Norwegian - maintainer: Gaute Jao (Gauteamus) - [35]
- Occitan - maintainer: Nobody, currently
- Old English - maintainer: no one (contact Espreon via private message on the forums for information)
- Polish - maintainer: Paweł Jackowski (fatality), contact via translation thread
- Portuguese Brazilian - maintainer: Diego Inácio Goergen - [36]
- Portuguese (European) - maintainer: trewe [37]
- RACV - maintainer: Mario (Mavorte) - [38]
- Romanian - maintainer: Alexandru Szasz [39]
- Russian - maintainer: Aldarisvet [40]
- Scottish Gaelic - maintainer: GunChleoc- [41]
- Serbian - maintainer: Srećko Toroman (freecraft)- [42]
- Slovak - maintainer: Aceman
- Slovenian - maintainer: Klemen Košir (nNa) - [43]
- Spanish - maintainer: Pepe - [44])
- Swedish - maintainer: Niklas Bolmdahl (dacovale) - [45]
- Turkish - maintainer: Nilgün Belma Bugüner - [46]
- Ukrainian - maintainer: robson - [47]
- Vietnamese - maintainer: Huynh Yen Loc (hhyloc) - [48]
Mailing List
There now is a mailing list dedicated to translation matters. It is mainly intended to be used for informing translation maintainers about important changes, to announce string freezes and other special things. Everyone is free to subscribe to this list.
Please keep in mind that this list is not meant for discussing changes for one single translation but instead subjects which are relevant to all translations.