Wesnoth is currently being translated into the following languages. Instructions on how to contribute are found here: WesnothTranslationsHowTo.
- Afrikaans - maintainer: Nico Oliver - [1]
- Basque - maintainer: Alfredo Beaumont (ziberpunk) - [2]
- Bulgarian maintainer: Georgi Dimitrov (oblak) - [3]
- Catalan - maintainer: Jordà Polo (ettin) - [4]
- Chinese - maintainer: Firen, [5] (email address not working)
- Czech - maintainer: Oto Buchta (tapik) - [6]
- Danish maintainer: Anders K. Madsen (madsen) - [7]
- Dutch - maintainer: Foppe Benedictus (Fopper) - [8]
- English (US) (this is the default) - maintainer: Sirp - [9]
- English (GB) - maintainer: pjr - [10]
- Esperanto - maintainer: Viliam Bur - [11]
- Estonian - maintainer: Mart Tõnso (rinjin) - [12]
- Filipino - maintainer: Joset Zamora (sophie^) - [13]
- Finnish - maintainer: Jussi Rautio (jgrr) - [14]
- French - maintainer: Guillaume Massart (Piou2fois) - [15]
- Galician - maintainer: Jacobo Fernandez (Xakobe) - [16] (email address not working)
- German - maintainer: Christoph Berg (chrber) - [17]
- Greek - maintainer: Konstantinos Egarhos [18]
- Hebrew maintainer: Oron Peled - [19]
- Hungarian - maintainer: Széll Tamás (TomJoad) - [20]
- Italian - maintainer: Luciano Montanaro - [21]
- Japanese - maintainer: Nobuhito Okada - [22]
- Korean - maintainer: Kim Woong - [23] (email address not working)
- Latin - maintainer: Marc Polo (mpolo) - No mail address specified
- Norwegian - maintainer: Gaute Jao (Gauteamus) - [24] or: Asgeir Aakre [25]
- Occitan - maintainer: Nobody, currently
- Polish - maintainer: Zbigniew Banach - [26]
- Portuguese Brazilian - maintainer: Claus Aranha (caranha) - [27]
- Russian - maintainer: Azamat H. Hackimov [28]
- Serbian - maintainer: Srecko Toroman (freecraft)- [29]
- Slovak - maintainer: Viliam Bur - [30]; wiki: (sk) Návod
- Slovenian - maintainer: Jaka Kranjc (lynx) - [31]
- Spanish - maintainer: Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso [32]
- Swedish - maintainer: Stefan Bergström (tephlon) - [33]
- Turkish - maintainer: Pınar Yanardağ (PINguAR) - [34]
- Valencian - maintainer: Mario (Mavorte) - [35]; wiki: MavorteValencia
- Vietnamese - maintainer: Do Hong Minh - [36]
Other ideas (remember, these are just ideas):
- Translations into Asian languages
- Asian languages are already supported. See WesnothAsianLanguages.
Mailing List
There now is a mailinglist dedicated to translation matters. It is mainly intended to be used for informing translation maintainers about important changes, to announce string freezes and other special things. Everyone is free to subscribe to this list. You can find this list, entitled wesnoth-i18n at the listing of all Wesnoth mailing lists:
The archive for this list is to be found here. Please keep in mind that this list is not meant for discussing changes for one single translation but stuff that is relevant to all translations.