Mainline Campaigns
These scenarios are included in the Wesnoth distribution. Most were written by fans of the game. See ReferenceWML for information on how to make your own scenarios using the Wesnoth Markup Language.
Heir to the Throne
by Dave
This is the original campaign, and probably the most played. It features Konrad, fighting to overturn the rule of the dark queen Asheviere. It is 24 scenarios, no more are planned, and is considered complete.
- Walkthrough: HeirToTheThrone
- Story Outline: HtttStoryLine (spoilers!)
Son of the Black Eye
by Benj
This campaign features the quest of an orcish ruler to save his people, under attack from humans. This is a work in progress. It has 10 scenarios, no more are planned, but the campaign needs some balancing.
- Link: SonOfTheBlackEye
- Forum thread:
- Walkthrough: SonOfTheBlackEyeChapterOne
- Story Outline: SotbeStoryLine (spoilers!)
The Dark Hordes
- by Circon
- currently maintained by Bruno Wolff III
NOTE: This campaign is NOT included in 1.0, due to being rather incomplete. It is still available as a download from the campaign server.
This campaign is about Gwiti Ha'atel the Necromancer's adventures. There are 8 scenarios, but more are planned.
- Link: UndeadCampaign
- Walkthrough: TheDarkHordes
- Story Outline: TdhStoryLine (spoilers!)
The Eastern Invasion
by Turin
This campaign follows Gweddry, a Wesnothian Army Officer, battling against undead invaders. It has 17 scenarios, no more are planned, but the campaign needs some balancing.
- Link: LoyalistCampaign
- Forum thread:
- Walkthrough: TheEasternInvasion
- Story Outline: EiStoryLine (spoilers!)
The Rise of Wesnoth
by Shade
This campaign revolves around the events that brought Haldric I to the 'Great Continent' to found the Kingdom of Wesnoth. It has 20 scenarios, and is considered complete.
- Forum thread:
- Walkthrough: TheRiseOfWesnoth
- Story Outline: TrowStoryLine (spoilers!)