From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki
This page is related to Summer of Code 2013 |
See the list of Summer of Code 2013 Ideas |
[hide]- 1 I want to be one of your Google Summer of Code students, what should I do?
- 2 Information about our project
- 3 People to bug on IRC
- 4 List of ideas for the project (suggestions from Wesnoth developers)
- 5 Student proposals not submitted to Google
- 6 Student proposals submitted both to wiki and Google
- 7 Result from Google acceptance
I want to be one of your Google Summer of Code students, what should I do?
Welcome! Here is a quick list of things to do:
- MOST IMPORTANT Submit your application to Google till May 3rd.
- MOST IMPORTANT Join the IRC channel (#wesnoth-dev on and talk about your project and your appilication. We will not give formal interviews, but we will clearly favor people we have learned to know during the selection process (basically communication via IRC is mandatory for our project! it is the main way of "every day communication" for Wesnoth. For the same reason, it's also a good idea to regularly read the IRC logs.).
- VERY IMPORTANT Create a wiki page about you and your idea, using the wiki source for the student proposal page template. To create a new page, enter the desired URL for the page in your browser's address bar, e.g.
.- Fill the questionnaire.
- Describe and explain your idea in as much detail as possible. Look at other student pages, and provide a timeline, milestones, and studies you've done.
- If you haven't done so yet, create an account on (required for pull requests and for granting you commit access to the main repository).
- If you haven't done so yet, create an account in the forums, and tell a leader of the Summer of Code group or forum administrator on the IRC channel to give it SoC group membership. Forum administrators and SoC group leaders are: Boucman, Crab, fendrin/fabi, Ivanovic, mordante/SkeletonCrew, Noy, shadowm, Gambit, Turuk, Soliton.
- Though not mandatory, it is highly advisable to take a look at the EasyCoding and NotSoEasyCoding pages and implement one of the proposed ideas ideas (or any idea of similar scope) so we can have an idea of how you work. Be sure to use your GitHub account when submitting pull requests so we know who it is coming from. You can also implement some features from our feature request database at When you implement something, also list it on your own page with a reference to the patch. This should give you a good idea what the Wesnoth sourcecode is like and will provide a good start to getting used to our coding style, too. You can also start working on your project and submit patches/prototypes related to it
- For working on Wesnoth you have to be able to compile Git master. To do so you should have a look at the page about the repository and the guide on compiling Wesnoth.
Information about our project
The information we provided Google with about our project can be looked up at the site SoC Information for Google.
Also see the developer resources listing (linked from the Project page).
People to bug on IRC
We have prepared a list of people with their areas of competence. This should give you an idea of which areas those people can help you with. Of course you should always ask in the IRC channel first.
List of ideas for the project (suggestions from Wesnoth developers)
Note: this list of ideas is automatically generated from the 'description' section of pages in Summer of Code 2013 Idea category. DO NOT TRY TO EDIT THIS LIST BY HAND - IT WON'T WORK. Instead, create a new page copying the student proposal page template: SoC2013 Template of Student page): |
Student proposals not submitted to Google
Student proposals submitted both to wiki and Google
(Marked by hand, so if your proposal is not here, don't panic; check Google's site instead and ping us, if necessary.)
Result from Google acceptance
List of proposals accepted by Google will be available on (DATE)
This page was last edited on 15 May 2020, at 20:11.