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- We talk about the 'KISS [1] principle' here a lot, and I think that that is the most core First of all, the concept of 'KISS' is a software development principle.16 KB (2,907 words) - 07:00, 16 May 2020
- * blood kiss : baiser sanguinaire3 KB (438 words) - 18:46, 15 July 2024
- "KISS" KISS principle makes this game almost perfect - and ideas, hard work etc. make i18 KB (3,081 words) - 09:08, 24 May 2021
- == Princíp KISS == Základný princípom hry je tzv. "princíp KISS" (z anglického "Keep it simple, stupid"; "Nechaj to jednoduché a hlúpe")5 KB (958 words) - 19:58, 6 August 2012
- *KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid: Applies to coding, not game rules (although in11 KB (1,796 words) - 15:00, 17 November 2024
- * blood kiss : ciuman darah (dipakai oleh Vampire Lady)12 KB (1,582 words) - 06:40, 26 November 2011
- ...who needs yer help anyway, weaklings? Leave now, or feel my axe! That same kiss of steel will greet all intruders. Anyone who sets foot on the eastern bank66 KB (11,665 words) - 04:34, 8 May 2023
- pet the resentment, enjoy the scorning, cuddle the abhorrence, kiss all the foul.</i></span><br/>248 KB (38,160 words) - 16:31, 18 May 2024
- == Princíp KISS == Základný princípom hry je tzv. "princíp KISS" (z anglického "Keep it simple, stupid"; "Nechaj to jednoduché a hlúpe")23 KB (4,113 words) - 06:42, 18 April 2023
- '''Attacked Unit:''' Yer precious Landar can kiss my axe.51 KB (9,142 words) - 13:28, 6 February 2012
- This is a tentative list of issues resolved, options removed (more KISS) and of areas of the code that will get cleaned up or completely removed as36 KB (6,013 words) - 07:32, 10 November 2020
- boost::asio. It is important to have a good initial design, after that: KISS. The rewritten code should look much more simpler than the original, this i A KISS-designed API using Wesnoth as a study case will get the job done.36 KB (6,071 words) - 04:17, 3 May 2023
- *Keeping both violates the KISS principle by having two systems side by side that provide rather similar fu9 KB (1,508 words) - 22:48, 10 April 2010
- were beside me so that I may die in your arms! So that I may feel the kiss of your lips on mine one last time!123 KB (22,117 words) - 06:31, 8 September 2022
- ...nt programming experience. After that I moved to gedit. It just follow the KISS principle.15 KB (2,631 words) - 03:10, 21 March 2013