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Title(s): Queen consort of Wesnoth
Gender: Female


Unit type(s):

Jessene (also known as Lady Jessene and Queen Jessene) was the husband of Haldric I and first royal consort of Wesnoth. She was born into nobility as a princess of the Wesfolk. During the time of peace between the Wesfolk and the Green Isle kingdoms, she was the navigator responsible for the Crown Prince's voyage to the Great Continent.

After her return, war broke out again, and she was forced to flee her home as an outcast when the Lich-Lords built a portal, allowing orcs to invade. At first, she attempted to settle with her fellow refugees in Stormvale, but was soon driven out. When Stormvale itself fell under siege by the orcs, however, she joined forces with its evacuees. She served as an important ally and advisor to Haldric during his exodus to the Great Continent, translating the Book of Fire and Darkness such that Haldric was able to use the Ruby of Fire.

When Jessene and Haldric reached the Great Continent, she helped Haldric complete each of the Ka’lian's four tasks, and discovered the elves' plan to betray their pact. She aided Haldric in deceiving Jevyan by hiding the Ruby of Fire inside a cave located in the Brown Hills. By the time of the establishment of the Kingdom of Wesnoth, she had earned Haldric's trust and admiration. The two were subsequently married, making Jessene the queen consort of Wesnoth. Jessene had multiple children, including Haldric II, the second King of Wesnoth.


Wesfolk noble

I am the Lady Jessene, a noble, a princess of the Wesfolk! I was betrayed by the Lich-Lords’ dark pact with the orcs, in no small part because your fool Prince of Southbay convinced them that their immortal un-lives were over!
—Lady Jessene reveals her true identity to Haldric.

Jessene was born a princess of the Wesfolk,[1] and had an understanding of the Old Wesfolk tongue,[2] as well as an awareness of the dangers the Wesfolk had escaped from the land to the west. During the time of peace between the two peoples of the Green Isle, she became a companion and the navigator for the Crown Prince of Southbay.[3] Despite a strong north wind over the Eastern Ocean, Jessene was able to compensate for this by sailing northeast.[4]

During a voyage with the Crown Prince, she sailed with him in a single[a] ship to the east, receiving assistance from the merman Lord Typhon in return for steel.[5] During her explorations, she had discovered a formerly volcanic island, slowly sinking into the ocean. Though the island had resources suitable for sea-faring,[5] it was dominated by a number of hostile drakes, which were subsequently pacified.[6] The most important discovery of the voyage, however, was the Great Continent, where the ship caught the attention of the elves.[7] Her vital role in the journey was forgotten after the death of the Crown Prince, however.[3]


See to it that you trouble us no more, for the custom states that you may invoke surrender but once. If we meet again, I won’t be so merciful.
—Eldaric warns Jessene never to return to Stormvale.

When the new Crown Prince of Southbay declared war against the Wesfolk, the Lich-Lords eventually became desperate enough to open a gate to the distant west, from which they brought forth orcs against their enemies.[4] As a result, the Wesfolk faced being eaten by the orcs or forced into slavery.[1]

To avoid this fate, many of the Wesfolk, led by a masked Lady Jessene, fled as refugees to the Kingdom of Stormvale, seizing the Northern Keep near the time of the summer harvest. After threatening Prince Haldric and his men, Jessene was captured, but invoked the right of surrender. When questioned why she encroached on Stormvale's lands, she confessed her plight, and was made to leave.[4]

Despite this, she later returned and settled in the mouth of the southern pass, blocking Haldric's flight south. Once again, Haldric managed to defeat her Wesfolk forces and capture her once more. As King Eldaric IV was about to have her beheaded, she pleaded for her life, offering to lend her services to the Stormvale evacuees. Eldaric allowed Haldric to decide whether or not to take up her offer.[8]

signpost.png Plot branch : Haldric chose to spare Jessene's life
Haldric decided that Jessene would be useful for the future, so he spared Jessene's life. In turn, Jessene conceded command of her fighting men to Haldric. Refusing to reveal her identity, she chose to be called by the alias "Lady Outlaw". She accompanied Haldric and the people of Stormvale south, while Eldaric remained behind to cover their retreat.[8]

As they proceeded through the southern pass, they encountered two orcish encampments blocking them. In the ensuing battle, Haldric's men discovered a nearby house where Burin the Lost, a dwarf, resided. Excited by the prospect of fighting orcs, Burin agreed to accompany Haldric and Jessene south. They eventually managed to kill the orcish warlords, arriving at a crossroads, the southeast path leading to the Swamp of Esten, while the southwest path led to the Midlands.[9]

signpost.png Plot branch : Haldric chose to to travel southeast


Jessene accompanies Prince Haldric in the Swamp of Esten.
To Jessene's approval, Haldric decided to take the river road through the Swamp of Esten.[9] A shroud of fog covered the swamp, and Jessene was particularly unnerved by the silence. In a nearby temple, Haldric's forces found Minister Edren, a white mage who resided in the swamp, who offered to join the refugees in their journey. With his help, Jessene and Haldric cleared the swamp of undead, and killed the three dark cultists who had settled there. Before they could proceed further south, they were intercepted by Sir Ruddry from Clearwater Port, who informed them that the road ahead was blocked by orcs. As a result, Haldric's forces were forced to take a detour through the Oldwood forest.[10]
signpost.png Plot branch : Haldric chose to travel southwest

In spite of Jessene's concerns, Haldric decided to travel through the Midlands.[9] They arrived at the Midlands in the aftermath of its sacking by the orcs. However, some of the orcs still remained, and Haldric's forces engaged with them in battle, killing the orcish warlords there. Before they can proceed onwards towards Southbay, they were approached by Sir Ladoc, who reported that the road towards Southbay was blocked by the bulk of the orcish armies. They decided to change their trajectory and travel instead through the Oldwood Forest to Clearwater Port, with Sir Ladoc joining their company.[11]

She explored the area ahead of Haldric's refugees, discerning that the road leading southwest to Southbay was blocked by orcs, whereas the road leading east to Clearwater Port was clear. She returned to Haldric immediately after he had found the Ruby of Fire, and informed him of her discoveries. Haldric expressed surprise that she'd returned, but was still suspcious that she might betray him.[1]

They eventually reached Oldwood Forest, where they discovered a group of woses under siege from the orcs. The leader of the woses, Elilmaldur-Rithrandil, demanded that the refugees prove their non-aggression by helping the woses kill the surrounding orcish chieftains, Tan-Gralg and Tan-Rugar. Afterwards, Haldric inquired as to whether Elilmaldur-Rithrandil could help fight the orcs, who instead offered Haldric the opportunity to seize a powerful artifact, sealed underground with a Lich-Lord some time prior. Jessene realized that the wose was referring to the Ruby of Fire. Haldric accepted the wose's offer, who then opened the catacombs beneath the nearby temple for Haldric's men to enter. Jessene refused to go with him, stating her discomfort with confronting a Lich-Lord. Haldric voiced confusion as to why the Wesfolk had allowed themselves to be led by the Lich-Lords, so she explained the ambition and thirst for power that had driven them to pursue necromancy. Haldric allowed Jessene instead to scout the path ahead.[12]

In order to gain Haldric's trust, Jessene removed her mask and told him her true identity as a former noblewoman of the Wesfolk. She led Haldric to understand they shared a common plight, and encouraged him to continue onwards to Clearwater Port before winter arrived. Hadric considered her to speak the truth, and they left Oldwood Forest to continue east.

signpost.png Plot branch : Haldric chose to execute Jessene
Deciding that Jessene was too untrustworthy, he ordered her execution. Before this could be carried out, however, she managed to slip away, having to leave behind some of her gold.[8] Having evaded capture, she explored the area ahead of Haldric's refugees, discerning that the road leading southwest to Southbay was blocked by orcs, whereas the road leading east to Clearwater Port was clear. She returned to Haldric immediately after he had found the Ruby of Fire, and informed him of her discoveries. Haldric voiced confusion as to why the Wesfolk had allowed themselves to be led by the Lich-Lords, so she explained the ambition and thirst for power that had driven them to pursue necromancy.[1]

Haldric's advisor

Haldric, I feel a strong foreboding. Have you noticed that anything that happens to be strong in the ways of magic can sense that ruby? Elilmaldur-Rithrandil felt it, and so did Lich-Lord Caror, now these two.
—Jessene voices her concern regarding the Ruby of Fire.

Though the orcs continued their pursuit, Haldric and Jessene eventually arived at Clearwater Port during the onset of winter, where Haldric alarmed to discover that there were no ships docked at the shore. Commander Aethyr informed him that the King of Clearwater and the bulk of his fighting men had perished in an attempt to drive back the orcs, leaving the survivors until the ice set to evacuate the city on three separate ships. Though Aethyr was initially questioned Haldric's judgement in aiding the Wesfolk, Jessene insisted that she and the Wesfolk would be needed for the fight ahead. Though orcs attacked on three fronts, Haldric's forces successfully held out long enough to board a ship with his men and set sail, though Aethyr remained behind, intending to fight to the death. On the advice of Lady Jessene, Haldric set sail not for Southbay, but instead for Fallen Lich Point to claim the Book of Fire and Darkness, a study of the Ruby of Fire, then to navigate to Southbay through a nearby sewer.[13]

The refugees sailed along the southern shoreline until reaching Fallen Lich Point, where two orcish chieftains, Tan-Pulk and Ut'Tan-Grilg, were garrisoned. Jessene assured Haldric that she would be able to translate the text they sought. Amidst the ensuing battle, Haldric's forces discovered a monolith near the entrance of the Lich-Lord Caror's castle which kept Caror bound in stone, along with the Book of Fire and Darkness. Haldric uttered the inscribed incantation, thereby releasing Caror, who immediately sensed the Ruby of Fire. Upon killing Caror, Haldric's forces hastened northwards with the book and managed to enter the sewers, despite the orcs guarding the entrance.[2]

As the refugees made their way into the sewers, they met banished twin Magi, Tinry the Red and Daellyn the Red, who were both able to sense the Ruby of Fire's presence. This worried Jessene, given that Elilmaldur-Rithrandil and the Lich-Lord Caror were also capable of sensing the Ruby of Fire. Haldric and his troops fought off bats, scorpions and subservient red magi until they reached the sewer exit on the other side, leading to the heart of Southbay.[14]

Leaving the Green Isle

Learn the lesson of my people. If we had fled here while even one of our great cities still stood we could have taken this Isle with ease. But we fought on until the bitter end. There can be no compromise with the orcs, their numbers are limitless, and you have no way to stop more orcs from coming.
—Jessene warns King Addroran IX not to stay at Southbay.

Haldric and Jessene emerged from the sewer and sought an audience with the King of Southbay, King Addroran IX. When Addroran saw Jessene, realizing she was one of the Wesfolk, he was initially hostile, but Haldric persuaded him that the Wesfolk had been of service. Jessene revealed her role as a navigator for the former Crown Prince of Southbay, and that unless they fled to the west, the orcs would kill them, a fate that had once befallen the majority of the Wesfolk. Seeing her words as truthful, Addroran conceded that the people of Southbay could flee eastwards, but only after winter had finished. During the winter, Jessene worked on translating the Book of Fire and Darkness.[3]

Eventually, Jessene managed to complete her translation of the Book of Fire and Darkness, allowing Haldric to use the Ruby of Fire. Soon thereafter, a group of orcs launched an offensive against Southbay. As night fell on the battlefield, the Lich-Lord Jevyan emerged with his familiar and the reanimated corpse of the second Crown Prince of Southbay, Addroran's son. Jevyan was able to sense the power of the Ruby of Fire, and left a number of undead to aid the orcs in their siege. During that night, Lord Typhon returned with a number of mermen, seeking the first Crown Prince of Southbay. As before, Jessene negotiated a deal with him, and the mermen joined the fight against the orcs. With Typhon's mermen at their disposal, Haldric defeated the orcs and undead, including the second Crown Prince. Nevertheless, Jessene remained worried that Jevyan would now continue to seek the Ruby of Fire. Haldric agreed to return to Southbay to rescue survivors if possible before setting sail with the refugees to the east.[5]

After some time at sea, Jessene navigated towards the volcanic island she'd previously visited on her previous voyage to the Great Continent, surprised to see that the drakes they had pacified had since returned, and were no less hostile than before. In order to be able to reprovision their ships in peace, Haldric attacked the drakes and killed their leaders. From a distance, the familiar of Jevyan kept watch, monitoring their activities.[6]

Queen consort


  1. ^ Glimir, an elvish marshal, noted that there had only been a single ship which arrived at the Great Continent.[7]


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Return to Oldwood, The Rise of Wesnoth
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Fallen Lich Point, The Rise of Wesnoth
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 Southbay in Winter, The Rise of Wesnoth
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 A Summer of Storms, The Rise of Wesnoth
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 5.2 A Final Spring, The Rise of Wesnoth
  6. Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 Peoples in Decline, The Rise of Wesnoth
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 A New Land, The Rise of Wesnoth
  8. Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 8.2 The Fall, The Rise of Wesnoth
  9. Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 9.2 A Harrowing Escape, The Rise of Wesnoth
  10. Jump up The Swamp of Esten, The Rise of Wesnoth
  11. Jump up The Midlands, The Rise of Wesnoth
  12. Jump up The Oldwood, The Rise of Wesnoth
  13. Jump up Clearwater Port, The Rise of Wesnoth
  14. Jump up Sewer of Southbay, The Rise of Wesnoth
Establishment of Wesnoth Queen consort of Wesnoth
Succeeded by