Wesnoth development currently uses the Subversion software tool to keep developers in sync with each other. See the SVN book for more on how to use Subversion.
Browse the code
You can use your web browser to navigate through the source code:
There are currently two main streams of development: trunk (1.1.x) and branch (1.0.x). There is also a branch for a Python interface to the AI. To check out trunk:
svn co http://svn.gna.org/svn/wesnoth/trunk wesnoth
or to check out the 1.0 branch:
svn co http://svn.gna.org/svn/wesnoth/branches/1.0 wesnoth
More info on the repository: https://gna.org/svn/?group=wesnoth
Do this from the "wesnoth" directory:
svn up
Note that when you update from Subversion, you should always run 'autogen.sh' and 'make clean' before 'configure' and 'make'. If you don't do this, the game may crash or behave strangely. You may be able to skip the 'autogen.sh' if the makefiles and configure.ac have not changed, and 'make clean' is becoming less critical also.