This page contains basic examples of WML. For more examples, you can look at the data of Wesnoth using a text editor.
to flash the screen red for a moment, we might go,
[colour_adjust] red=200 [/colour_adjust] [delay] time=20 [/delay] [colour_adjust] red=0 [/colour_adjust]
A unit remarking what a tough fight it was when they kill an Ogre:
[event] name=die [filter] type=Ogre [/filter] [message] id=tough_fight_ogre speaker=second_unit message= _ "Whew! That was a tough fight!" [/message] [/event]
Konrad remarks that he is scared at the start of a scenario: (Note the difference between the speaker= and the description= attributes in the two examples).
[event] name=start [message] id=konrad_scared description=Konrad message= _ "I feel uneasy about this place" [/message] [/event]
A selection of which way they should go at the end of a scenario:
[event] name=victory [message] id=which_way speaker=narrator message= _ "Which way do you wish to go?" [option] id=go_north message= _ "North" [command] [endlevel] result=victory next_scenario="Northern Advance" [/endlevel] [/command] [/option] [option] id=go_south message= _ "South" [command] [endlevel] result=victory next_scenario="Southern Citadel" [/endlevel] [/command] [/option] [/message] [/event]
Suppose you want to make it so that if a certain character, we will call him Fred the Peasant, survives in a certain scenario, he will leave, but return in a later scenario. We can do this in the first scenario:
[event] name=victory [if] [have_unit] description=Fred [/have_unit] [then] [message] description=Fred message= _ "I must go now, friends, but will return later!" [/message] [kill] description=Fred [/kill] [set_variable] name=fred_is_alive value=yes [/set_variable] [/then] [/if] [/event]
This makes it so that if Fred is alive, he says something, then is removed from the game, and the variable 'fred_is_alive' is set to yes.
In a later scenario, we can use the following code:
[event] name=turn 7 [if] [variable] name=fred_is_alive equals=yes [/variable] [then] [unit] type=Peasant description=Fred side=1 x=8 y=1 [/unit] [message] description=Fred message= _ "I have returned to aid you friends!" [/message] [/then] [else] [message] description=Konrad message= _ "I wish Fred were still alive. He would know what to do!" [/message] [/else] [/if] [/event]
If the variable 'fred_is_alive' equals 'yes' then this will create a unit, Fred, a Peasant, at (8,1), and he will give a greeting message. Otherwise, Konrad will lament Fred being dead.
Suppose the player has just come across some undead, you might like to find if the player has a unit that would truly hate the undead, and if so, and get it to say something:
[role] role=undead_hater type=Mage of Light,Paladin,White Mage [/role] [message] role=undead_hater message= _ "The foul hordes of the undead approach, this battle will surely be tough!" [/message]
[teleport] [filter] name=Garcimore [/filter] x=10 y=20 [/teleport]
See Also