From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki
The [command] tag
The [command] tag is used to specify an action in a replay. It has the following attributes:
- dependent if true, this command is not a lone-standing command and instead belongs to an earlier command, for example an advancement choice for an earlier attack command which issued an advancement.
- from_side the side which issued the command. Only present for dependent commands.
- sent used internally in networked mp, to know which commands were already sent to the other clients.
The following tags are recognized for dependent=no(default):
- [start]: is used to initialize the replay so that generated random numbers can be saved.
- [move]: the player moved a unit.
- x,y: the path the unit walks.
- skip_sighted: whether the unit doesn't stop when discovering another unit, possible values are 'only_ally', 'all' or no, (default no).
- [recruit]: the player recruited a unit.
- type: the id of the type of unit recruited.
- x and y: the castle tile the unit is recruited on.
- [from]
- x and y: the keep tile the unit is recruited from.
- [recall]: the player recalled a unit. Same keys as [recruit], except that value is the id of the unit being recalled.
- [attack]: the player attacked.
- weapon: the index number of the weapon. Weapons are indexed by the unit designer.
- defender_weapon: the index number of the defenders weapon. Weapons are indexed by the unit designer, '-1' to choose the best weapon locally.
- [source]: the location of the attacking unit.
- [destination]: the location of the defending unit.
- [disband]: the player removes a unit from his recall list.
- value the id of the removed unit.
- [end_turn]: the player ended his turn.
- [init_side]: new turn is starting for a side. This fires begin of turn events.
- [fire_event]: a specific event was raised
- raise: the name of the event
- [source]: the location of the event
- [set_variable]: set WML variable(s) before firing
- name: the name of the variable
- value: a string value (literal)
- [lua_ai]
- code the lua code that is executed.
- [auto_shroud] a player toggled delayed shroud update
- active whether automatic shroud updates will be active.
- [update_shroud] a player manually updated shroud.
Non dependent commands can have a [checkup] tag which is used to check whether the data generated in the replay matches the data generated during the original game, The [checkup] tag can contain different [result] tags whose content is different for the different actions. For [attack] commands the [result]s give information about the single hits and can have the following attributes:
- chance: the percent chance that the attack had to hit.
- damage: the amount of damage that the attack would do if it hits.
- hits: whether the attack hits.
- dies: whether the defender dies from the hit.
The following tags are recognized for dependent=true:
- [choose]: the player was given an option by the scenario or for an advancement path.
- value: the index number of the option chosen. Index numbers are given by the scenario designer.
- [input]: if a lua code used LuaWML:Misc#wesnoth.synchronize_choice this tag contains the returned table.
- [global_variable] a WML code used with [get_global_variable]
- [random_seed] A user actions uses the rng and thus new random seed is needed.