The time of day influences damage done by lawful and chaotic units; this makes timing of your attack important. Graphically time of day is represented by a picture (landscape with sun or moon) in the status table, and by darkening the screen during night turns.
Scenario author can schedule the times of day in scenario; use the pre-defined time macros, or create new times of day.
The [time] tag
The [time] tag is a subtag of the [scenario] tag. However, most scenarios do not use these directly, but usually use ready-made macros to specify the day-night cycle. See data/core/macros/schedules.cfg for the definitions of these macros.
The [time] tag describes a single turn of a day/night sequence. When a scenario is played, the first turn is described by the first [time] tag; the second described by the second, until there are no more. After all the tags have described a turn, the next turn is described by the first tag again.
The [time] tag recognizes the following keys:
- id: the id by which you can reference this time, e.g. in the time_of_day tag of AiWML.
- name: (translatable) the name displayed when the cursor is over the day/night image.
- description: (translatable) the description of the time displayed in the in-game help.
- image: the image displayed at the top of the Status Table during turns of this type.
- mask: the image displayed over all hexes during turns of this type.
- lawful_bonus: units with alignment=lawful do +lawful_bonus % damage during turns of this type. Units with alignment=chaotic do -lawful_bonus % damage. Units with alignment=neutral are unaffected by this key. Units with alignment=liminal do -(abs(lawful_bonus)) % damage. lawful_bonus can be a negative number. This is useful if you want to give Chaotic units an advantage instead of Lawful ones.
- red, green, blue: describe the tint of the screen during the time period. Appears to be an integer value from -255 to 255. See schedules.cfg for examples.
- sound: a sound to play (in sounds/) when changing into this time of day.
Ready-made times and schedules
The following macros represent predefined times:
The latter three are typically used alone. The rest are more often used indirectly via one of the following predefined 6-step schedules:
Two alternate schedules are also available. Each individual time in these schedules has its own macro, but they won't be listed here.
Scheduling time
The [scenario] tag contains a few [time] tags (or macros). These time tags are used in a loop, that is: first time tag is used during the first turn, then second one,... and when all time tags passed then again the first one, second one, etc.
The typical day/night cycle looks like this:
To avoid day/night cycle, use a neutral time of day, for example {DAWN}. For underground scenarios, usually the {UNDERGROUND} time of day is used. It works like night; that is it gives advantage to chaotic units and disadvantage to lawful units.