FloodWML works for 1.9 and above
You can find sources at the bottom of the page. It's too long to include it here.
NOTE: these macros are performing lots of complex calculations thus they are quite slow. They can make your scenario lag and so make a serious blow on user experience, especially on older machines. To make sure you've minimized the negative effects, please read the Optimization section below.
To create a flood:
{CREATE_FLOOD "1,1;2,3" "ne,n" "Gg>Ww;Gs>Wwt" awesome_flood}
Where "1,1;2,3" is a semicolon separated list of coordinate pairs where the flood starts from, "ne,n" is a comma separated list of directions in which the flood will spread, "Gg>Ww;Gs>Wwt" is a semicolon separated list of transformations where a>b means that the hexes with the terrain code a will be converted to b, and finally awesome_flood is the variable to store the current state of the flood in (but you might better think about it as the flood's id).
To spread a flood by one hex:
{SPREAD_FLOOD awesome_flood}
Where awesome_flood is the flood's id :)
To modify a flood's data:
{SET_FLOOD_DIRECTIONS "se,s" awesome_flood} {SET_FLOOD_TERRAIN_TABLE "Gg>Wwg;Gs>Ww" awesome_flood} {SET_FLOOD_SOURCE "3,3;5,4;6,6" awesome_flood}
One note: all of these macros replace current data in awesome_flood, so old information is lost. This is especially important for SET_FLOOD_SOURCE because that alters the list of hexes which are currently form the first wave of the flood. So if you call it, the original flood will stop and a new one will start from "3,3;5,4;6,6" or whatever you specify.
When to do it?
The part consuming up most of the macro's run time is choosing the appropriate terrain type to convert the original to. If you have a wide-spreading flood, this will have to be done for many hexes. Conclusively, if you have a big flood with a big terrain table, it's likely that you'll have to optimize it.
Ranking terrain codes
When searching for the matching terrain code for a specific hex, the algorithm will iterate through the terrain table's elements in the order you gave them, and quits the iteration when the appropriate string is found. If you put the more often terrains to the front, you can achieve radical performance improvements.
Switching terrain table
Sometimes it's hard decide which code to put first because different ones are common in the different stages of the flood. For example, an avalanche starts at a mountain, where there are mostly hills, but it reaches the plains where it founds more of flat terrain. In this case, it's the best to completely replace the terrain table with the SET_FLOOD_TERRAIN_TABLE macro, so you can give higher rankings to the new common terrains.
Tips & Tricks
Two-wave flood
It's not unimaginable that you want to make your flood heterogeneous - for example, shallow water on the edges and deep water in the middle. You can't do this with one flood - but you can with two! You set up the first one just as normal, and the second one in a way that that it converts shallow water to deep (in this example). You start to spread the second with a delay so that the first wave will be ahead.
Avoiding obstacles
Imagine that you have a little stream which spreads straight to south and can transform green grass to shallow water. So what does happen if it accidentally meets a mountain? It stops. Well, we don't want that - but neither to convert the mountain to anything else. So we can add this to the terrain table:
This won't change the mountains type (more precisely, it will be changed from Mm to Mm), but the flood won't regard it as an obstacle anymore. Our example stream will continue on the other side of the mountain hex.
Source Code
#define INVERT_DIRECTIONS DIRECTIONS OUT_VAR #a macro to change directions to their opposites (n->s, sw->ne, etc) #DIRECTIONS is a comma-separated list of directions #OUT_VAR is the variable to write the output in. Output is an array [set_variables] name=TMP_inverted_directions [split] list={DIRECTIONS} separator="," key=direction remove_empty=yes [/split] [/set_variables] {FOREACH TMP_inverted_directions TMP_ID_i} [set_variable] name=TMP_inverted_directions[$TMP_ID_i].direction value="-" + $TMP_inverted_directions[$TMP_ID_i].direction [/set_variable] {NEXT TMP_ID_i} {CLEAR_VARIABLE {OUT_VAR}} [set_variable] name={OUT_VAR} [join] variable=TMP_inverted_directions separator="," key=direction [/join] [/set_variable] {CLEAR_VARIABLE TMP_inverted_directions} #enddef #define STORE_FLOODABLE_LOCATIONS SOURCE DIRECTIONS TERRAINS OUT_VAR #stores hexes of type TERRAINS whose neighbour in one of DIRECTIONS directions is one of SOURCE_X ; SOURCE_Y #SOURCE_X & SOURCE_Y comma-separated list of coordinates #DIRECTIONS is a list of directions #TERRAINS comma-separated list of terrain codes #OUT_VAR the variable to write the output in # #NOTE: this macro is in fact used to store the hexes of type TERRAINS which are neighbours of SOURCE_X ; SOURCE_Y in #certain directions, but we achieve that by inverting those directions outside of this macro. See INVERT_DIRECTIONS. [store_locations] variable={OUT_VAR} terrain={TERRAINS} [filter_adjacent_location] adjacent={DIRECTIONS} find_in={SOURCE} [/filter_adjacent_location] [/store_locations] #enddef #define SPLIT_PAIRS PAIRS SEP1 SEP2 OUT_VAR [set_variables] name=TMP_pairs [split] list={PAIRS} key=pair separator={SEP1} remove_empty=true [/split] [/set_variables] {FOREACH TMP_pairs TMP_SP_i} [set_variables] name=TMP_splitted [split] list=$TMP_pairs[$TMP_SP_i].pair separator={SEP2} key=value [/split] [/set_variables] [set_variable] name={OUT_VAR}[$TMP_SP_i].value1 value=$TMP_splitted[0].value [/set_variable] [set_variable] name={OUT_VAR}[$TMP_SP_i].value2 value=$TMP_splitted[1].value [/set_variable] {NEXT TMP_SP_i} {CLEAR_VARIABLE TMP_pairs} {CLEAR_VARIABLE TMP_splitted} #enddef #define FLOOD_SINGLE_HEX X Y TERRAIN_TABLE [store_locations] variable=TMP_current_hex x={X} y={Y} [/store_locations] {FOREACH {TERRAIN_TABLE} FSH_i} [if] [variable] name=TMP_current_hex.terrain equals=${TERRAIN_TABLE}[$FSH_i].value1 [/variable] [then] {MODIFY_TERRAIN ${TERRAIN_TABLE}[$FSH_i].value2 {X} {Y}} [set_variable] name=FSH_i value=${TERRAIN_TABLE}.length [/set_variable] [/then] [/if] {NEXT FSH_i} {CLEAR_VARIABLE TMP_current_hex} #enddef #define SET_FLOOD_TERRAIN_TABLE TERRAIN_TABLE DATA_VAR {SPLIT_PAIRS {TERRAIN_TABLE} ";" ">" {DATA_VAR}.terrain_table} [set_variable] name={DATA_VAR}.floodable_terrains [join] variable={DATA_VAR}.terrain_table separator="," key=value1 [/join] [/set_variable] #enddef #define SET_FLOOD_DIRECTIONS DIRECTIONS DATA_VAR {INVERT_DIRECTIONS {DIRECTIONS} {DATA_VAR}.directions} #enddef #define SET_FLOOD_SOURCE SOURCE DATA_VAR {SPLIT_PAIRS {SOURCE} ";" "," TMP_source_coordinates} [set_variable] name=TMP_fields_x [join] variable=TMP_source_coordinates key=value1 separator="," [/join] [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=TMP_fields_y [join] variable=TMP_source_coordinates key=value2 separator="," [/join] [/set_variable] [store_locations] variable={DATA_VAR}.fields x=$TMP_fields_x y=$TMP_fields_y [/store_locations] #enddef #define CREATE_FLOOD SOURCE DIRECTIONS TERRAIN_TABLE DATA_VAR [clear_variable] name={DATA_VAR} [/clear_variable] {SET_FLOOD_SOURCE {SOURCE} {DATA_VAR}} {SET_FLOOD_TERRAIN_TABLE {TERRAIN_TABLE} {DATA_VAR}} {SET_FLOOD_DIRECTIONS {DIRECTIONS} {DATA_VAR}} #enddef #define SPREAD_FLOOD DATA_VAR {STORE_FLOODABLE_LOCATIONS {DATA_VAR}.fields ${DATA_VAR}.directions ${DATA_VAR}.floodable_terrains {DATA_VAR}.fields} {FOREACH {DATA_VAR}.fields TMP_SF_i} {FLOOD_SINGLE_HEX ${DATA_VAR}.fields[$TMP_SF_i].x ${DATA_VAR}.fields[$TMP_SF_i].y {DATA_VAR}.terrain_table} {NEXT TMP_SF_i} [redraw][/redraw] #enddef