Outline for Wesnoth 1.6 release schedule
- 21 February - today
- 22 February - tagging 1.6 beta3
- 1 March - tagging 1.6 rc1
- 8 March - tagging 1.6 rc2
- 15 March - if everything is fine, tag 1.6
- several days later - announce 1.6 and celebrate
The schedule in detail
The first two beta releases for 1.6 are out and everything is under string and feature freeze. Currently it is time for bug hunting.
22 February
If the state of trunk allows 1.6 beta3 should be tagged/released. That is if the two reported bugs marked as "security issue" are fixed.
1 March
About a week after 1_6beta3 assuming that everything is fine, the first rc for 1.6 will be tagged and announced.
It should basically be working nicely, but needs some *real* testing. From this release on there should be no more changes that break compatibility between releases (eg unit balancing and stuff like this) so that the RC versions and the final stable line are compatible on the MP server.
Beside this the release announcement for 1.6 has to be written. It can maybe be modeled after the 1.4 announcement which was really well done. And we need lots of screenshots to be created so that we got something to show off together with the new stable release.
8 March
A week after rc1 get another release candidate out to have the latest changes and fixes tested a little more.
15 March
Tagging 1.6 and branching it into branches/1.6 once we are sure that the quality level we want to achieve is met. Packagers and translators should have "several days" (at least three or four) to finalize the announcement and all devs should give the release tarball some extra testing to make sure that everything works basically as expected.
Three or four days later
Big announcement of 1.6/party in IRC/holidays/whatever.
All time in between
Work on the bugs and test as much as possible to find the bad bugs. If you find any that should be blockers for 1.6, list them here.
Collect spelling mistakes in the wiki, so that we can fix them in a big batch, which is a little easier for translators (especially since esr created pofix.py).
See also
Spelling mistakes to be added applied to trunk
bugs.wesnoth.org - List of known and reported bugs