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#REDIRECT [[Factions and Eras]]
There are 7 playable factions in Battle for Wesnoth. Here is a short guide to them, with links to longer articles.
<b>Loyalists</b> is a faction of multiple humans, mages and mermen. They have mighty knights and multiple units for every situation.<br><font color="darkgreen">Good faction for beginners</font>.
<div class="thumb tleft">https://units.wesnoth.org/1.15/pics/core%24images%24units%24human-loyalists%24horseman%24horseman.png</div>
* Loyalists are great on flat plains with their cavalry and supporting units
* Loyalists are lawful (stronger during day)
* they are fast and have access to healing, leadership and charge
* learn more about [[Loyalists ]] or visit guide on [[How to play Loyalists ]]
<b>Rebels</b> is a faction of elves, woses, mages and mermen. Most of them have ranged attack.<br><font color="darkgreen">Good faction for beginners</font>.
<div class="thumb tleft">https://units.wesnoth.org/1.15/pics/core%24images%24units%24elves-wood%24archer.png</div>
* Rebels fight great in forests, but they are fragile. Very effective in ranged combat.
* Elves are neutral (same strengh any time), mages and woses are lawful (stronger during day)
* they are fast and have access to healing, leadership and ambush
* learn more about [[Rebels]] or visit guide on [[How to play Rebels]]
<b>Northerners</b> is a faction of orcs, trolls, goblins and nagas.<br>Best for experienced players.
<div class="thumb tleft">https://units.wesnoth.org/1.15/pics/core%24images%24units%24orcs%24grunt.png</div>
* Northerners are cheap, close-range warriors and they can advance easily.
* Northerners are chaotic (stronger during night), with exception of nagas which are chaotic (stronger during night)
* they are resilient and have access to regeneration, poison and slowing
* learn more about [[Northerners]] or visit guide on [[How to play Northerners]]
<b>Undead</b> is a faction of numerous undead creatures and dark mages.<br>Best for experienced players.
<div class="thumb tleft">https://units.wesnoth.org/1.15/pics/core%24images%24units%24undead-skeletal%24skeleton%24skeleton.png</div>
* Undead have resistances to commons attacks, but are vulnerable to more specific ones.
* Undead are chaotic (stronger during night)
* they are deadly and have access to leech life, poison and plague
* learn more about [[Undead]] or visit guide on [[How to play Undead]]
<b>Knalgan Alliance</b> is a faction of dwarves, gryphons and human outlaws.<br>Best for experienced players.
<div class="thumb tleft">https://units.wesnoth.org/1.15/pics/core%24images%24units%24dwarves%24fighter.png</div>
* Knalgans moves on difficult terrains as fast as on flat plains. Dwarves are strong, outlaws are quick.
* dwarves are neutral (same strengh any time), outlaws are chaotic (stronger during night)
* they are balanced and have access to backstab, steadfast and berserk
* learn more about [[Knalgan Alliance]] or visit guide on [[How to play Knalgans]]
<b>Drakes</b> and saurians are the opposites, yet they are very strong together. Drakes are very expensive and loses are very painful.<br>Best for experienced players.
<div class="thumb tleft">https://units.wesnoth.org/1.15/pics/core%24images%24units%24drakes%24fighter.png</div>
* Drakes are the fastest faction and they can also cross water and other obstacles. Three units have wings.
* Drakes are lawful (stronger during day), saurians are chaotic (stronger during night)
* they can quickly attack and retreat and have access to skirmisher, first strike and healing
* learn more about [[Drakes]] or visit guide on [[How to play Drakes]]
<b>Dunefolk</b> is a new faction with sand people and nagas.<br>Best for experienced players.
<div class="thumb tleft">https://units.wesnoth.org/1.15/pics/core%24images%24units%24dunefolk%24soldier%24soldier.png</div>
* Dunefolk is well adapted to sand terrain and they can heal their warriors
* Dunefolk are lawful (stronger during day) or liminal (strong at dawn and dusk)
* they command infandry and cavalry with access to healing, skirmisher and charge
* learn more about [[Dunefolk]] or visit guide on [[How to play Dunefolk]]
[[Category: How to Play]]

Latest revision as of 07:16, 7 April 2023

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This page was last edited on 7 April 2023, at 07:16.