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==Timeline of Pre-Wesnoth or Ancient Irdya==
==War of Legends Campaigns Timeline==
This is meant to be a list of the historical events of Irdya that took place before the Kingdom of Wesnoth was established. It is un-official but provides enough details for any curious UMC creator.  
This is meant to be a reference for the '''War of Legends canon''', which is the setting for the campaigns designed by Lord-Knightmare. '''It is imperative to acknowledge that this timeline does NOT follow the official Timeline of Wesnoth nor the Irdya canon timeline and exists in an alternate continuity'''. Even though it is not required, the timeline stated here is done in relation to the Official Wesnoth timeline for comparison.
BW: Before Wesnoth
YW: Years Wesnoth
===Geographical Locations===
====Great Continent====
====Great Continent====
Information to be added soon.
This is Irdya's largest known continent. However, only a small portion of it has been explored.
=====The Sandy Wastes=====
This is a great desert that exists between Wesnoth and the Silver Lands. It is rumoured that the Dunefolk may reside in settlements here. However, there is no evidence of their existence.
=====The Silver Lands=====
The community lying to the east of Wesnoth is known as the Silver Lands. At its north, lies the southeastern part of the Lins-Elen (Lintair Forest) and the Eventide cities of Noct and Diurna, a volcano known as the Fire Cloud Peak that is home to the Silver Drakes and Ssyuriss Fenn, a swamp home to the hyena-like Gnolls and saurian tribes. The Bitter Swamp and the Sandy Wastes desert separate this region from Wesnoth. The Triththa Mountains lie at its heart and is the home of the Dwarves of Triththa. Lake Aoir lies to the South and the Minotaur country is situated around this lake.
Explorers say that this may be the eastern edge of the Great Continent, but no evidence has supported their stories... yet.
=====Kingdom of Wesnoth=====
This is the most prominent kingdom in Irdya, almost associated with the entire western part of the Continent. Its capital is Weldyn located at the kingdom's eastern regions. Its most significant city is Dan'Tonk.
[[Timeline of Wesnoth]]
[[Geography of Wesnoth]]
A lorddom near Wesnoth's western border. This city state is sometimes a part of Wesnoth or sometimes considered to be an independent nation. Either way, it has been an ally of Wesnoth almost throughout its history.
=====The Northlands=====
The region lying between the northern shore of the Great River and the south of the Heart Mountains is known as the Northlands. Notable locations include Wesmere Forest, home of the Kalian council, and Dwarven Doors.
=====The Far North=====
The region beyond the Heart Mountains is known as the Far North. This is home mostly to the orcish tribes, although a xenophobic faction of elves reside within the Silent Forest in the aftermath of the First Elven Civil War.
=====The Far South=====
The region that lies beyond the southern border of Wesnoth and the Aethenwood is known as the Far South. There is no factual account of what actually exists here, but many adventurers who had opportunity to explore the region state there is only a vast desert known as the Ashland Desert, which is actually an extension of the Sandy Wastes.
Information to be added soon.
A vast island, directly west from the Far North region of the Great Continent, and separated from the mainland by the Great Ocean. It is considered by most explorers as a small continent.  
The actual name of the continent that is referred in Wesfolk lore as the Old Continent.  
The actual name of the continent that is referred in Wesfolk lore as the Old Continent. It is smaller than the Great Continent but, no data has ever confirmed this. This land was where Haldric's people, the Valefolk, first originated from. The human Empire of Anaktoran was once a glorious empire, stretching from the eastern edge of the continent to the very heart of it. The western parts are the orcish homelands and some Minotaurs have also been seen in these regions. The Orcs reside in the hills, while the Minotaurs reside in the forests. It is not confirmed what lies at its northern shores but the southern portions house a vast forest. Not many things about this forest are known, save for the fact that it is rumoured to be the abode of many strange creatures — abominations and undead-like begins. King Dowrein I, the first king ever to lead an expedition to the forest and survive its ordeal, named the forest the '''Forest of Nightmares'''. The far southern part of this mainland is said to be a vast desert with multiple oases inhabited by tribes of the Dunefolk.  
More information to be added.
====The Sun's Cradle====
====The Green Isle====
This is a land distant from most centres of civilization; lying to the north of Argea, it is believed by some to be where orcs and minotaurs first appeared before spreading to Argea and then to the rest of the world. The first humans to reach this continent were the Windsong, who used is as a lab for their experiments; centuries after they were last seen there, the Sun's Cradle was again visited by humans of both the Aragwaith and the Hannuk people led by Myra of Hiera'Shirsha; there they founded the city of Maat'Kare.
A large island lying somewhere on the Great Ocean, between the landmasses of Argea and the Great Continent (Argh! Somebody please make a better name this!). It is thought to be the place where the Wose first came into existence (the evidence backing this up is very fragile and thus, could be ignored).
A remarkable geographic feature of this continent is the Sun Path, a long valley that crosses the Sun's Cradle from east to west, and which is run by the great River Ruthen, with the Dark Island in its middle. To the north lie the frozen mountains of the vampires, while the southern mountains are ruled by the Motsoghnir and the Aigathol dwarves. Further southwards, there is the Silent Desert, which got its name from the fact that it is never plagued by storms.
To the west, one can find the plains and hills where orcs and goblins dwell; and, to the east, the city of Maat'Kare and its satellite towns are situated.
The central and southern area are home to the Isle-folk (Halric's people) — descendants of the refugees from Anaktoran who initially settled there - and over time these Isle-folk settlements had developed into small cities such Southbay, Stormvale and Clearwater. Decades later, the Wesfolk, led by Jevyan, arrive in the northern shores of the Green Isle and a lengthy war is fought between the two sides. The Isle-folk prevail, pushing the Wesfolk to settle in small communities, although two of these settlements developed into cities, namely Jevyan's Haven and Blackmore.
Centuries after Maat'Kare's founding, a catastrophic conflict known as the War of the Jewel reshaped the continent's landscape and political map, but little is known about it for now.
====Lands of the Icy North====
The northern most landmass of Irdya, or in simple terms, the 'North Pole.' This region has long been the home of the Windsong Foundation however, neither the foundation's exact location nor its existence has been confirmed.
BW: Before Wesnoth
====Unknown Landmass====
Located somewhere between the landmasses of Argea and the Great Continent and perpetually surrounded by the endless ocean, the land was divided evenly between two nations - the Celestials and the Ceresians - in a forgotten era. At the heart of the continent, there is a vast mountain which has a legend centred around it. The mythos stated that the remains of Mor-Inal were kept deep inside the core of the mountain however, the legend has been largely dismissed by both Ceresians and Celestials.
YW: Years Wesnoth
==== Distant Past (circa ~12000 BW) ====
*Ancient legends tell that the dragons were once the dominant species on Irdya, threatening the balance of nature. The High Dragons of Water, Fire and of the Sky - Nitiballi, Agniballi and Svarballi - are created by the Guardians to restore it. Svarballi is, however, corrupted; Agniballi and Nitiballi defeat him after a catasthrophic war, and seal up his soul. Nitiballi sacrifices himself to heal the world's wounds, and his crystallized body becomes the Fountain of Life.
==== Circa ~3800 BW ====
*The Aragwaithi, most ancient of all known human peoples, found Garet-Desh, considered the cradle of human civilization, at the Aragwaith Meadows, central Great Continent. Its first king is Maethar the Great, the first owner of the Rod of Justice.
==== 3500 BW ====
*Ancient Dragon first appears, Shek'har first appears.
==== Circa ~3400 BW ====
===== Circa ~5000 BW : The First Irdyan War =====
*The Order of the Windsong first appears; they establish Foundations all over the Great Continent, but enter in conflict with various humans nations and also elves, their fiercest enemies.
* Seven prominent kingdoms/empires rule throughout Irdya, the names of these kingdoms/empires were never found. Mor-Inal, the first head of the Chaplain of Darkness and ruler of one of the kingdoms, commissions Moradin of the Dwarves to create a sceptre of unsurpassed power.
* The Sceptre of Power is crafted after 70 years of hard-work and research.
* Mor-Inal with the Sceptre of Power achieves supreme power becoming one of the most powerful beings in existence.
* Mor-Inal declares war on the other kingdoms, unleashing his undead, nightmares, monstrosities and elemental warriors.
* The Empire situated at Arkenova falls. Emperor Kaliban is slain in battle by Mor-Inal. Mor-Inal execrates Kaliban and his army to fight for him in undeath.
* The remaining kingdoms/empires unite against Mor-Inal, forming the first ever '''Alliance of Irdya'''.
* Various battles at different locations of Irdya destroy the lands, terraforming it in many cases.
* The remaining three kingdoms/empires are vanquished by Mor-Inal. Mor-Inal's apprentice, Vaddyn, realising what a monster his master had become and ambushes Mor-Inal at his lair. Mor-Inal is supposedly destroyed; his sceptre is disassembled. The details of this battle has never been recovered or disclosed.
* The remainder of Mor-Inal's forces scatter to remote locations of the planet.
* Vaddyn decides that the gemstones of Power (Dragon Eye, White Sapphire, Dark Emerald and the Opal of Air) must be dispersed throughout Irdya to prevent the occurrence of a second catastrophic war. He transforms the '''Dragon Eye''' into a feral dragon and allows it to leave and roam Irdya; the '''Opal of Air''' is granted to the survivors of the three kingdoms, the Aragwaithi; the '''Dark Emerald''' is hidden underneath the Southern Mountains of the Old Continent/Argea; and finally, Vaddyn takes the '''White Sapphire''' and places it within the Realm of Fire, confident of the protectorship of the Fire Elementals.
* Survivors of the Seven Kingdoms split into numerous groups and go there separate ways.
* '''The Windsong Foundation''' is established at the Farthest North, formed by a large group of female explorers, mages and scholars of the fallen empires.
==== 3370 BW ====
===== Circa ~4200 BW : Creation of the Vampires =====
*The Windsong Foundation of Hiera'Shirsha is established in the Windy Mountains; its Librarian manages to forge friendly ties with neighbouring peoples.
* The human nation of Dhagonth, situated at North-Eastern Argea begin experimentation with blood magic, which eventually leads to the creation of the vampires. The vampiric 'disease' engulfs the city like a plague and a point is reached where the vampires have seized authority and the remaining humans are degraded to serfs.
==== 3230 BW ====
===== 4100 BW : Rise of the Wargs =====
*By this year, all Windsong Foundations have been either destroyed or abandoned, but for Hiera'Shirsha.
* A human community, located deep inside the vast forests south of Dhagonth, encounter a lich and her undead army. They eradicate the monstrosity but as she swept into the death realm, she placed a powerful curse on the community. This curse transformed the humans into wolflike creatures, giving birth to the Wargs. Due to their wolflike instincts, the unity of the community dissolve and some Warg packs end up leaving the forest. However, the majority of their populace are there, refusing to leave due to the abundant game.
==== 3200 BW ====
===== 4000 BW - 3200 BW : Battle of the Supernaturals =====
*First Kalian - great council of the peoples of the great continent- named after the council of the elves - convened at Hiera'Shirsha to decide the peace between the Windsong and the elves; the Aragwaithi and the Aigathol Dwarves serve as mediators.
==== 3090 BW ====
* Frequent battles between the Wargs and the Vampires lead to an all-out war between the two races. The battle rages on for centuries and eventually reaches a stalemate with neither side gaining the upper hand.
*Second age of the Aragwaithi Kingdom upon the great continent, King Abhai I founds Abhan dynasty.
* Greater hostilities gradually cease however, there are frequent skirmishes between them.
==== 2835-2834 BW ====
===== 3800 BW =====
*The dragon Krathon rebels against the High Dragon of Fire, Agniballi and attacks the Aragwaith Meadows from the south while the Aragwaithi are fighting a civil war.
* Vampiric settlers arrive at the southeastern shores of Arkenova, naming it the Peninsula of Ichor.
*Against his father's orders, Prince Abhai of Garet-Desh and his best friend, Aryon, go to the Windsong Foundation of Hiera'Shirsha to seek their help; there they meet the Weaver Maat.
*Fractured Aragwaithi mount little effective resistance against Krathon; however the other races of the Windy Mountains near the Meadows unite to face the threat. United armies of Dwarves, Aragwaithi, Elves and Windsong meet Krathon outside of Garet-Desh. The king is mortally wounded; he gives the Rod of Justice to Abhai, who harnesses its power and repels the enemy army.
*Abhai leads Garet-Desh's army to Unyathan, where he faces Krathon again. Aryon is killed, buts Abhai kills Krathon. In the same year, he is crowned King Abhai III of Garet-Desh.
==== 2828 BW ====
===== 3500 BW : Origins of the Minotaurs =====
*Abhai III takes advantage of his kingdom's might to proclaim himself the High King of the Aragwaithi, thus decisively ending the Aragwaithi Civil War.
* Human settlement of Karkas, somewhere near the Flamebreath Desert, is struck by droughts and famine, resulting in a multitude of deaths. The humans find cattle and consider the bulls to be deities: an action which causes their original deity to become infuriated and she curses the humans, transforming them into the Minotaurs, half-human and half-bull.
* As a means of communicating with their god, their deity created 3 crystals: allowing only a Minotaur king or an apostle to use them.
==== 2826 BW ====
===== Circa ~2800 BW =====
*Myra, later known as Myra of Hiera'Shirsha, is born at the village of Kiera, in the southern Meadows.
* Elves inhabit Lin-Elens (Lintair Forest).
* Minotaurs start residing on the plains around the Lake Aoir.
* Dwarves live in the mountains around Firecloud Peak. They are prohibited by treaty with the elves from claiming the hills south of the great river.
* The Eltireans live in floating isles hidden above the eastern side of the Flamebreath Desert.
* Saurians live in the Ssyuriss Fenn.
==== 2820 BW ====
===== 2700 BW =====
*Maat is chosen as the new Head of the Windsong Order, the youngest and - arguably - most powerful of them all.
* Minotaurs settle at the northeastern area of Arkenova.
==== 2804 BW ====
===== 2600 BW =====
*Shek'har, viceroy of the Dragons' Land, still bitter over Krathon's unavenged death, awakens Svarballi. Svarballi kills Agniballi and starts preparing a massive attack on the western areas of the Great Continent. Dragon army sweeps across Great Continent.
* Empire of Anaktoran is founded.
*Princess Alenya of Lintanir is sent to the Aragwaith Meadows, where she'd arrive in the following year.
==== 2803 BW ====
===== 2400 BW =====
*The drake armies commanded by Khrakrahs besiege Hiera'Shirsha while Maat is not there; the saurian Assix steals the Book of the Dead from there and begins raising the first large-scale undead army in recorded history, save perhaps for those of Lich Lords Cahal and Jevyan; Hiera'Shirsha falls, and Myra leads the remaining Windsong to Garet-Desh. '''A Song of Fire''' begins.
* Civil war erupts in Anaktoran, leaving hundreds of thousands dead. First dark age. Anaktoran eventually re-united at some point.
*Myra seeks the Fountain of Life in an attempt to find a way in which to defeat Svarballi, accompanied by a soldier, Jevyan of Garet-Desh.
*A massive attack led by Shek'har himself forces the elves, the trolls and the dwarves to evacuate the Windy Mountains.
*Final battle of the Last War takes place at Garet-Desh; the allies resist until Svarballi himself appears. Maat sacrifices herself to trap the souls of Svarballi and three other dragons inside a gem, which Myra finds. Varthan, son of Abhai III and the new owner of the Rod of Justice, leads the Aragwaithi, the trolls, the elves and a few Windsong to the north, whilst Myra leads the Windsong, the dwarves and a few Aragwaithi to the east.
==== 2802-2800 BW ====
===== Circa ~2000 BW =====
*The refugees led by Myra enter the Hannuk Steppes, where she meets her father, Tarkyn.
* Galderien dynasty begins in Anaktoran; Anaktoran absorbs lesser the kingdom of Helletia. Capital moved to Gyaldon, later renamed as "The Imperial City".
*The vanguard of Shek'har's armies attack Tarkyn's lands, led by an undead Assix, who is vanquished by Myra.
*At the city of Ughure, Myra and her people are found by Shek'har and betrayed by the other Hannuks. Myra unleashes Svarballi's power to destroy Shek'har and most of his army, but is nearly killed by the explosion. Later, Jevyan calls the gem 'Sky Soul' for the first time.
*After the Battle of a Thousand Tears, during which a drake army led by Khrakrahs is held off, the refugees leave the Great Continent and sail eastwards, towards a continent known by the Windsong as the Sun's Cradle.
*On the way to the Sun's Cradle, Myra finds the Trident of the Seas, a weapon forged by Nitiballi himself.
==== 2799 BW ====
===== 1550 BW =====
*The refugees reach the Sun's Cradle, and meet the orc sovereign Ogesh and the Celestial Seraphin Lords. The refugees take the Land's End peninsula, granted to them by the wargs,from vampires and minotaurs. The legendary city of Maat'Kare is founded there.  
* Vaddyn returns to Arkenova from a distant land and builds the Academy for his small group of followers.
==== 2797-2796 BW ====
===== 1380 BW =====
*The Aragwaithi reach the northern shore and set sail towards the northern horizons. They arrive at the shores of the Farthest North. They start building settlements which would eventually become great cities.
* The mighty Kor Vas, a dragon suspected to be immortal, arrives in the northern shores of Arkenova with his Drake flight and eventually establish the Drake Empire, the second mightiest empire ever to be situated in Arkenova.
==== 2794 BW ====
===== 1185 BW - 1184 BW : '''Library of Kratemaqht''' =====
*Continental War begins in the Sun's Cradle between the vampires and the orcs led by Hagor against all other nations. An army led by Myra defeats the vampire lord Vrykos; almost at the same time, the new Windsong Foundation of Hiera'Laksha is besieged by a Celestial horde. The Celestial lord Grigorius steals the Sky Soul, and in an attempt to harness its powers, is possessed by Svarballi. Myra manages to defeat him, but the Sky Soul is lost after the battle. '''A Song of Fire''' ends.
* Cahal, a nobleman residing in the Imperial City of Anaktoran, leads an expedition against the dragon Arkinas. His party finds and slays the dragon. Cahal and his disciples secretly examine the corpse and Cahal extracts the Dragon Eye from the dead dragon's forehead. He dubs it the ''Dragon Stone''.
* Lord Lenvan suspects Cahal of deception and kills him. Cahal uses the stone to resurrect himself as a Lich Lord, the first one ever recorded in Irdya's history to be not affiliated with the Dark Elementalist.
* War breaks out between the Empire of Anaktoran and Lich Lord Cahal. At first, the forces of the empire are victorious and Jevyan is crowned emperor. On his first day as emperor, he succumbs to old age and accepts Lich Lord Cahal's offer of becoming a Lich Lord. Antheia, granddaughter of Ariphon - advisor to the emperor — takes most of the remaining population and sets sail away from Anaktoran, leaving it to be devastated by the Lich Lords.
===== 1182 BW =====
* Human refugees from the destroyed empire of Anaktoran arrive at the western shores of Arkenova. Finding the land fit for colonisation, they start to build a new empire.
====2785 BW ====
===== 1180 BW - 986 BW =====
*Maat'Karian explorers discover a new land-mass southwards from the Sun's Cradle, separated by a strait. Maat'Karian colonists start building settlements there. They name it Argea (the Aragwaithi true name of the continent upon which Wesnoth will later be situated).
* Another group of human refugees from the destroyed empire of Anaktoran arrive at the northern shores of the eastern Great Continent.
* Refugees make contact with the Elves of Lin-Elens and are granted the plains east of the forest in exchanged for their allegiance and gold.
* Refugees build a few colonies at various locations near the rivers, Cythring, Xalal and Silverrill.
* Wandering magic-casters, former disciples of Vaddyn from Arkenova, arrive at the settlements and teach magic.
* The refugee-turned-colonists rapidly expand their territory.
* Ideological conflict about types of magic starts fracturing the new nation.
* The opposing sides eventually consolidate around the cities of Noct and Diurna, on opposite sides of the river.
==== 2735 BW ====
===== 984 BW =====
*Various settlements, which have gradually grown into cities, break free from Maat'Kare, declaring themselves a separate country.
* The Empire of New Anaktoran, situated at the western portion of Arkenova, is found.
==== 2700 BW ====
===== 865 BW =====
*Empire of Anaktoron is founded.
* Mage scholars of New Anaktoran, sensing the strong elemental magic, leave the empire and enrol as residents and students of the Academy.
==== 2600 BW ====
===== 820 BW : Origins of the Quenoth Elves =====
*Civil war erupts in Anaktoron, leaving hundreds of thousands dead. First dark age. Anaktoron eventually re-united at some point.
* Orcish Warlords of Northern Arkenova invade the elven lands with their relentless hordes. Forests are torched and the elven population is killed en masse. The remnants of the elven society flee southwards and arrive at the Lands of the Burning Sky (a term used by the elves instead of desert) and build settlements, eventually becoming the Desert Elves or the Quenoth.
==== Circa ~2000 BW ====
===== 590 BW - 585 BW =====
*Galderien dynasty begins in Anaktoron; Anaktoron absorbs lesser kingdom of Helletia. Capital moved to Gyaldon.
* The Orcish Warlords of Northern Arkenova wage a war against the mighty dragon Kor Vas. Saurians, trolls and goblins are drawn into the conflict.
* Five years later, the orcs sign a peace treaty, but end up breaking it a year later.
==== 1185 BW ====
===== 460 BW =====
*War breaks out between the land of Anaktoron and Lich Lord Cahal. At first, the forces of the empire are victorious and Jevyan is crowned emperor. On his first day as emperor, he succumbs to old age and accepts Lich Lord Cahal's offer of becoming a Lich Lord. Antheia, granddaughter of Ariphon - advisor to the emperor, takes most of the remaining population and sets sail away from Anaktoron, leaving it to be devastated by the Lich Lords. '''[Library of Kratemaqht]'''
* A human lord gathering his loyal followers, leaves the New Anaktoran Empire and journeys into the former home of the elves. They build a settlement at the heart of Arkenova, which eventually becomes the city of Verdanyn.
===== 300 BW =====
* Vampires attack and conquer Verdanyn, enslaving the populace.
==== 1184 BW ====
===== 280 BW - 278 BW =====
*Human refugees from the empire of Anaktoron arrive at the western shores of the Arkenova. Seeing that the land is fit for colonization, they start to build a new empire.
* Kratemaqht, guardian of the Library at the ancient capital of Anaktoran, is visited by a mage, who had heard about the Library from a story, and the great dragon allows the mage and his students to live and study there.
==== 1182 BW ====
===== 210 BW =====
*Distrustful of the Lich Lords, Maat'Kare cuts off any remaining contact it had with Argea.
* Lich Lord Cahal visits the library of ancient Anaktoran in search of a book, but the great dragon denies him any access. Enraged, the lich summons his minions, which Kratemaqht easily overcomes. Defeated, the lich lord vows to return and kill him.
==== 1146 BW ====
===== 209 BW - 198 BW =====
*The Empire of New Anaktoron is founded.
* Kratemaqht forges an alliance of the various races including the Dunefolk tribes in Argea and declares war on the Lich Lords.
* After a long war, Lich Lord Cahal is destroyed, and Jevyan takes the remainder of his followers and sets sail to the Green Isle.  
==== 1145 BW ====
===== 180 BW =====
*Kaliban, seeing a new human kingdom expand sends his most loyal general - a vampire lord -  to deal with them.
* Dwarves from Firecloud Peak cross the Great River and colonise the hills of Triththa.
==== 1144 BW ====
===== 146 BW =====
*The Maat'Karian mages Akhen, Merwe and Mahyus, alongside the vampiress Nyx, arrive at the western shores of Arkenova. They help repel the attack of Kaliban and are given the ranks of advisors to the Emperor.
* The Ruby of Fire (the Dragon Eye) finds its way into the hands of Lich Lord Lenvan.
==== 1136 BW ====
===== 130 BW =====
*Nyx is exposed as a vampire, and this causes the empire to turn against her and her friends. They flee east, accompanied by their young apprentice mages. Akhen, Merwe and Nyx return to Maat'Kare, but Mahyus stays at Arkenova. He and his students arrive at a secluded island in the central-northern part, where he uses his mighty elemental powers to establish the Great Academy. He then changes his name to the more native-sounding Markus.
* The descendants of the Valefolk finally establish dominance over the Green Isle, pushing the Wesfolk to marginal lands.
==== 1080 BW ====
===== 120 BW - 119 BW =====
*Succumbed by old age, Markus transforms himself into an undead lich.
* The Silver Drakes attack Firecloud peak and the surrounding area, drafting most of the saurians from Ssyuriss Fenn into their ranks.
* The dwarven defences crumble under the combined offensive. When it becomes clear that the war is lost, the survivors evacuate to Triththa.
* The saurians suffer the brunt of the casualties in the war and the remainder are enslaved by the Silver Drakes.
* The saurians remaining in Ssyuriss Fenn are soundly defeated by a Triththan offensive in the following year. The remnants of their civilisation are a number of disorganised tribes.
==== 1030 BW ====
===== 62 BW =====
* The elves of the Twilight Forest, growing fearful of the rising Markus, sent forth their armies against him. Markus' elemental army decimates the elven attackers and the elemental master, in his rage, casts a spell that destroys the sacred home of the elves.
* Lich Lord Lenvan is trapped beneath Greenwood Forest in the Green Isle; with him goes the Ruby of Fire.
* Orcish Warlords, seeing that the elves were vulnerable without their forest, invaded. The remnants of the elven society flees further eastwards and divides into two groups, one going North and the other going South.
* The northern faction of elves are forced into the underground realm by the saurians and with the help of the Faeries, they create the Last Forest.
* The southern faction of elves arrive at the land of the Burning Sky (a term used by the elves instead of desert) and build a settlement, gradually developing into a thriving and prosperous city.
==== 650-645 BW ====
===== 12 BW =====
*Settlers of New Anaktoron arrive at new land, south of Arkenova and start establishing settlements, eventually emancipating themselves from the empire.
* The Crown Prince of Southbay, one of the many kingdoms of the Isle-folk, discovers the Great Continent.
==== 590-585 BW ====
===== 11 BW - 07 BW =====
*Orcs wage a war against the mighty dragon Kor Vas. Saurians, trolls and goblins are drawn into the conflict.
* The Crown Prince makes several voyages between the Green Isle and the Great Continent.
==== 560 BW ====
===== 10 BW - 07 BW =====
*A human lord, Tegwyn, gathering his loyal followers, leaves the Empire of New Anaktoron and journeys into the former capital of the elves. Acquiring the aid of the Elemental Wizards, he constructs Genesis - the first human city to be built in the Wild Lands. '''[Rise of Genesis]'''
* An unknown chain of events lead to the return of Mor-Inal. Seeing the planet brimming with life and still vexed of not being able to conquer the world, he vows to extinguish all life on Irdya.
* A faction of the Ceresian Empire become corrupted by the influence of the Dark Elementalist's presence and eventually succumb to his dark command, becoming '''The Accursed'''. The Celestials, on the other hand, remain un-corrupted due to their affinity to the Light.
* The Quenoth elves of Arkenova begin researching into greater magic spells deep inside their mountain temple and end up creating a portal to the world of Urvatha (known later as the Inferno). Demons arrive and are considered deities by the elves. Under the leadership of the demonic generals, the elves prepare to conquer the known lands, that is, Arkenova. The agenda of the demonic generals wanting dominion is never explicitly stated.
* The Celestial Empire is one of the first to be subjected to the Dark Elementalist's vengeance, resulting in an all-out war. The stalemate continues for years as the Celestial armies prove moderately sufficient at keeping his dark forces at bay.
* The other factions of the Ceresian Empire are also drawn into the conflict, engulfing the entire continent in a bitter and seemingly endless war.
==== 543 BW ====
===== 06 BW =====
*Lord Tegwyn passes away, succumbed by old age. His son, Gwydoc becomes his successor.
* The Isle-folk wage a war with the Wesfolk and their Lich-Lords.
* The Lich-Lords sense they will be destroyed and open gates to the homeland of the Orcs in the West (Argea).
==== 540 BW ====
===== 06 BW - 04 BW : '''Epic of Jalin''' =====
*Dantori, son of Gwydoc, is born.
* Settlements of Gaelia and Marhelm northeast of the lands soon to be called Wesnoth fall. Lich-General Vaxmos (one of Mor-Inal's Chosen) is ousted by Jalin, restoring relative peace. Jalin then sails west, stumbles upon Arkenova and consequently, gets captured and imprisoned by the elves.
==== 530-528 BW ====
===== 05 BW - 02 BW =====
*A new War Chief among the orcs has risen and he lauches a full-scale assault on Genesis. Lord Gwydoc falls, and Genesis is captured. Dantori flees and vows to avenge his father.
* The Green Isle is overrun with Orcs.
*Dantori saves a troll tribe from orcs and earns their trust. They attack Genesis next and are successful in recapturing it. The orcs War Chief dies leaving the orcs in another civil war. Genesis is repaired, trolls and humans start living together in harmony. Humans live inside the city, and the trolls reside in the underground catacombs beneath the city.
* The Wesfolk desert their Lich-Lords as they fear becoming prey for the Orcs.
*In 528 BW, the vampires launch a campaign of dominating the entire island. They begin first by attacking Genesis. Dantori falls after a long siege and the human population is enslaved alongside trolls. '''[Fall of Genesis]'''
* Haldric leads the evacuation of the survivors to the Great Continent. '''The Rise of Wesnoth''' begins.
==== 520 BW ====
===== 07 BW - 04 YW : Descent of the Eltireans =====
*War spreads throughout the northern regions of Arkenova - orcs, trolls, goblins, saurians and drakes enter a bitter war.
* The Silver Drakes find a way to into the Flying Isles and realise its true value as a nesting ground.
* Eltireans are attacked by endless legions of the Silver Drakes. High Council of the Eltireans decide to send colonists to the ground to establish settlements as a contingency plan. Eltire, a mage of Light possessing demigod-like powers, opens the gate to the Surface Realm and preparations for the exodus are made.
* The first group of settlers establish a settlement near the eastern edge of Flamebreath Desert.
==== 260 BW ====
===== 03 BW - 05 YW: Book I of the Lithian Codex (A Nation Divided) =====
*Kratemaqht - guardian of the Library at the ancient capital of Anaktoron is visited by a mage, who had heard about the Library from a story, and the great dragon allows the mage and his students to live and study there.
* Minotaur warlords split up land and contend against each other for dominance over their territory near Lake Aoir. Civil war between the minotaurs breaks out and eventually, three families achieve prominence: the Ranorm family in the south west (guardians of Lithia and the crystals), the Turan family in the north, and the Kimmor family in the east.
* The civil war persists, Talok Ranorm, head of the Ranorm family is slain. His eldest son, Rilend, ascends as the new leader of the Ranorms.
* Rilend leads a massive expedition and defeats the Turans and Kimmors.
* In uniting the land, he is granted the title of Rilend Iron-fist and made the first king of Lithia (where the Lithian codex and the three crystals are kept).
* The Minotaur Elder Zeal becomes the first apostle sacrificing his sight to be able to see his creator through the crystals.
==== 220 BW ====
===== 01 BW =====
*Lich Lord Cahal visits the library in search of a book, but the great dragon denies him any access. Enraged, the lich summons his minions, which Kratemaqht easily overcomes. Defeated, the lich lord vows to return and kill him.
* Human settlers, led by Prince Haldric, arrive at the western coast of the Great Continent (the landfall occurs in the future Bay of Pearls) in large numbers.
==== 210-198 BW ====
===== 01 YW =====
*Kratemaqht forges an alliance of various races in the Old Continent and declares war on the Lich Lords.
* Haldric is granted the plains north and south of the Great River.
*After a long war, Lich Lord Cahal is destroyed, and Jevyan takes the remainder of his followers and sets sail to the Green Isle. A faction of Jevyan's followers, led by Prince Caldor arrive on the southwestern shores of Arkenova. He leads his people to mercilessly conquer the broken Kingdom of Estersage and finds a new kingdom called New Wesland.
* Haldric agrees to a Pact of Mutual Defence with the Elves, but the Ka'lian decides it will betray him and allow humans and orcs to exhaust each other in war if the opportunity presents. Haldric, learning of this, considers the Pact a dead letter.
*King Caldor starts a campaign against the cave cultists who had abducted his sister Eliza. He is successful at infiltrating the heart of the enemy lands, but fails to vanquish the Lich Shirzo. He brings down the capital, but is later killed by the incoming enemy army. '''[The Wesfolk Prince]'''
* The Ruby of Fire is temporarily hidden, and the lich-lord Jevyan is deceived into believing it is held by the Elves.
* Haldric founds the country of Wesnoth in the central plain south of the great River.
==== 146 BW ====
* Reign of Haldric I (formerly prince Haldric) begins. '''The Rise of Wesnoth''' ends.
*The Ruby of Fire finds its way into the hands of Lich lord Lenvan.
==== 100 BW ====
===== 02 YW =====
*Markus is impressed with the abilities of two twin mages, Morin and Morgan and takes takes them under his wing.
* Orcs, following the ships fleeing from the Green Isle, begin to arrive on the Great Continent.
* These Orcs are defeated by Haldric's forces.
* Some of the Orcish survivors flee back to the Green Isle, others move to attack the Elves.
* King Haldric helps the Elves fight the surviving Orcs.
==== 62 BW ====
===== 08 YW =====
*Lich Lord Lenvan is trapped beneath Greenwood Forest in the Green Isle; with him goes the Ruby of Fire.  
* A second wave of Orcs arrive from the Green Isle; these Orcs begin claiming large portions of the northern Great Continent for themselves.
* Haldric I publicly repudiates the Pact he spoke with the Elves, refusing to give aid.
==== 40 BW ====
===== 09 - 11 YW =====
*The twins Morin and Morgan betrays Markus, and run away with a scroll about the Immortality Potion.
* Many Elves are killed in battle by the Orcs.
*Morgan is later caught and her soul is used to make a dark magic potion.
* Elvish emissaries are turned away from Wesnoth.
==== 38-24 BW ====
===== 10 YW =====
*The Grand Academy's High Mistress finds a wood elf infant in her garden. She finds herself bonded with the child, and raises Gioviel, the elf infant, as her own.
* Meherab and Mahir, friends of Jahin are born.
*The ten-year-old Gioviel shows magical abilities and is trained in the elemental arts.
*Gioviel accidentally drinks an evil potion and is banished from the academy. She searches for a new home, and finds the Last Forest - An underground forest, created and inhabited by a faction of the Twilight Elves. She battles the undead and earns her place alongside them. '''[An Elven Elementalist]'''
==== 19 BW ====
===== 11 YW =====
*Jahin, later known as the Lord of New Genesis, the Dragon-Conquerer, and the Protector of Irdya, is born.
* Jahin, later known as the Hero of Irdya, is born.
==== 16 BW ====
===== 12 YW =====
*Barus, a power-hungry orc warlord,  ascends to be the High Chief of all the orcs in Arkenova.
* Orcs fail to take the Wesmere Forest and instead march down the coast, devastating human settlements there.
* Elves refuse to aid the Humans in confronting the Orcs.
* Human refugees from the coastal settlements relocate in what will become known as the Great Central Plain. Dan'Tonk, which will become Wesnoth's largest city, is founded.
==== 15 BW ====
===== 25 YW : The Second and Final Irdyan War =====
*The Chaos Imperialists, alongside their demonic allies brought into Irdya from the Inferno, start to attack nearby lands.  
* Mor-Inal sends his minions throughout Irdya in order to subjugate it, igniting the chain of events known as the '''Battle for Irdya'''.
==== 14-12 BW ====
===== 29 YW : '''Sepulchre of Elran''' =====
*Kingdoms of Gaelia and Marhelm to the East of the lands soon to be called Wesnoth falls. The lands to the North and East of the Lins-Elens fall into chaos. First Ka'lian dissolved, with many elves moving westward, toward the lands where the followers of Haldric are soon to land. Demon Lord Vaxmos ousted by Jalin, restoring relative peace. He sails Northwest and stumbles upon Arkenova.
The ancient tomb of King Elran, a legendary king of the Lins-Elens, is raided by forces of the Dark Elementalist. Lady Gioviel of Lins-Elen is dispacthed with an army to investigate the mausoleum.
* Jalin unites the dwarves, elves, merfolk, carapaces and human settlers against the greater menace - the Chaos Empire.
==== 03-01 BW ====
===== 30 YW - 32 YW : '''Hero of Irdya: Book I''' =====
*In the Lands of the Icy North, the Steppe Clans declare war against the Aragwaithi. The Aragwaithi lose and are forced to flee southwards. Having sailed for over a month, they arrive at Arkenova.
* Jahin and his friends escape the vampire-occupied Verdanyn and flee to the Academy, where they stay and learn for six months.
* Relentless attacks orchestrated independently by the Drakes, Elves, Trolls, Orcs, and the Vampires ignite the '''Great Arkenovan War'''.
* Kor Vas recruits Jahin to find allies to aid him win the war. Drakes, Trolls, Minotaurs, and the Dwarves unite and form the Alliance of Arkenova.
* During his journey, Jahin retrieves the White Sapphire from its guarded location but later surrenders to the Desert Elves when they attack the Dwarven gates.
* Verdanyn is liberated from vampire occupation by the Alliance. Jahin is promoted to Lord by the Alliance leaders and his Loyalists.
* Several locations of Arkenova are attacked by the forces of the Dark Elementalist. The Academy of Magic is destroyed by the hordes of undead. Vaddyn, having been deterioted for having existed over 5000 years, is vanquished. The secret to stopping Mor-Inal is lost forever.
* The Desert elves and their demon allies are subjected to attacks from the Dark Elementalist.
* The Alliance of Arkenova force the vampires to surrender, defeats the elves, rescues Jalin, forces the orcs, naga and saurians to surrender, and establishes a peace treaty with the Empire of New Anaktoran.
* The White Sapphire is lost to the forces of Mor-Inal during the battle at Red Mountain.
==== 01-05 YW ====
===== 31 YW - 32 YW : '''Frigid Nightmares''' =====
* The Windsong Foundation at the Farthest North or Lands of the Icy North is attacked by the minions of the Dark Elementalist.
* The Farthest North is engulfed in Eternal Night.
* Sauda of the Windsong rallies the Windsong and other races against the invaders.
* The coalition of the Northern allies manage to repel the attack but are left severely weakened.
'''The Legend Begins''' takes place during this time.
===== 32 YW - ?? YW : '''Great Strife''' =====
* Saurians residing at Firecloud Peak, revolt against the remaining drake overseers and liberate themselves from slavery.
* Mor-Inal's wizards destroy the cities of Noct and Diurna. The survivors of the cities set their differences aside and band together as the Eventide. The Eventide army set out to extract their vengeance on Irdya.
* Eltireans prepare for the defence against the Silver Drakes and the Minotaurs.
* The Silver Drakes send a significant portion of their armies towards the Flying Isles.
* Under the banner of Rilend Iron-fist, the minotaurs start expanding their territory. Lacking the expertise and materials to cross the Bitter Swamps, the Minotaurs send their armies north and southeastwards.
* The dwarves of Triththa suddenly see themselves threatened by multiple militaristic belligerents.
* The aforementioned events within the Silver Lands incite the '''Great Strife'''.
* Jahin inspires the slaves of Genesis to revolt and frees Genesis.
===== 628 YW =====
* Accompanied by his friends, he leaves the city in search of allies.
* In response to Mal-Ravanal's attack, a hidden council of magic-casters from every race is started, named the '''Secret Council''', with it's headquarters situated in the magical hidden ruined Elven Citadel of ''Eil-En-Seiril''.
* Jahin returns with the aid of the Orcs, Trolls, Drakes, Saurians, and Elves and breaks the vampiric occupation over Genesis, and renames it New Genesis.
===== 878 YW =====
* Jahin is given the title, the Lord of New Genesis.  
* The Frost Mage, '''Erinna''' is born.
* Gathering enough allies, Jahin is able to defeat the Vampires, driving the majority away from Arkenova for good.
===== 897 YW: '''Journey of a Frost Mage'''=====
* Jahin is successful in closing the portal to the Inferno opened by Shirzo.
* Events of '''Journey of a Frost Mage''' start.
* Jahin slays the Red Dragon and earns the title Jahin the Dragon-conquerer.
* Jahin leads the Alliance of Light against the Chaos remnants, but the latter sails westwards.
* Jahin defeats or breaks all enemies and establishes the Alliance of Light.
Information is derived from the campaigns:
Information has been derived from the following UMC add-ons:
* A Song of Fire
* Era of Strife
* Library of Kratemaqht
* Library of Kratemaqht
* Rise of Genesis
* Fall of Genesis
* Epic of Jalin
* Epic of Jalin
* The Legend Begins
* Nightmares of Meloen
* An Elven Elementalist
* The Rise of Wesnoth
* The Wesfolk Prince
* War of Legends
* Hero of Irdya: Book I
* Sepulchre of Elran
* Frigid Nightmares
* Journey of a Frost Mage

Latest revision as of 13:40, 20 October 2024


War of Legends Campaigns Timeline

This is meant to be a reference for the War of Legends canon, which is the setting for the campaigns designed by Lord-Knightmare. It is imperative to acknowledge that this timeline does NOT follow the official Timeline of Wesnoth nor the Irdya canon timeline and exists in an alternate continuity. Even though it is not required, the timeline stated here is done in relation to the Official Wesnoth timeline for comparison.

BW: Before Wesnoth YW: Years Wesnoth

Geographical Locations

Great Continent

This is Irdya's largest known continent. However, only a small portion of it has been explored.

The Sandy Wastes

This is a great desert that exists between Wesnoth and the Silver Lands. It is rumoured that the Dunefolk may reside in settlements here. However, there is no evidence of their existence.

The Silver Lands

The community lying to the east of Wesnoth is known as the Silver Lands. At its north, lies the southeastern part of the Lins-Elen (Lintair Forest) and the Eventide cities of Noct and Diurna, a volcano known as the Fire Cloud Peak that is home to the Silver Drakes and Ssyuriss Fenn, a swamp home to the hyena-like Gnolls and saurian tribes. The Bitter Swamp and the Sandy Wastes desert separate this region from Wesnoth. The Triththa Mountains lie at its heart and is the home of the Dwarves of Triththa. Lake Aoir lies to the South and the Minotaur country is situated around this lake.

Explorers say that this may be the eastern edge of the Great Continent, but no evidence has supported their stories... yet.

Kingdom of Wesnoth

This is the most prominent kingdom in Irdya, almost associated with the entire western part of the Continent. Its capital is Weldyn located at the kingdom's eastern regions. Its most significant city is Dan'Tonk.

Timeline of Wesnoth

Geography of Wesnoth


A lorddom near Wesnoth's western border. This city state is sometimes a part of Wesnoth or sometimes considered to be an independent nation. Either way, it has been an ally of Wesnoth almost throughout its history.

The Northlands

The region lying between the northern shore of the Great River and the south of the Heart Mountains is known as the Northlands. Notable locations include Wesmere Forest, home of the Kalian council, and Dwarven Doors.

The Far North

The region beyond the Heart Mountains is known as the Far North. This is home mostly to the orcish tribes, although a xenophobic faction of elves reside within the Silent Forest in the aftermath of the First Elven Civil War.

The Far South

The region that lies beyond the southern border of Wesnoth and the Aethenwood is known as the Far South. There is no factual account of what actually exists here, but many adventurers who had opportunity to explore the region state there is only a vast desert known as the Ashland Desert, which is actually an extension of the Sandy Wastes.


A vast island, directly west from the Far North region of the Great Continent, and separated from the mainland by the Great Ocean. It is considered by most explorers as a small continent.


The actual name of the continent that is referred in Wesfolk lore as the Old Continent. It is smaller than the Great Continent but, no data has ever confirmed this. This land was where Haldric's people, the Valefolk, first originated from. The human Empire of Anaktoran was once a glorious empire, stretching from the eastern edge of the continent to the very heart of it. The western parts are the orcish homelands and some Minotaurs have also been seen in these regions. The Orcs reside in the hills, while the Minotaurs reside in the forests. It is not confirmed what lies at its northern shores but the southern portions house a vast forest. Not many things about this forest are known, save for the fact that it is rumoured to be the abode of many strange creatures — abominations and undead-like begins. King Dowrein I, the first king ever to lead an expedition to the forest and survive its ordeal, named the forest the Forest of Nightmares. The far southern part of this mainland is said to be a vast desert with multiple oases inhabited by tribes of the Dunefolk.

The Green Isle

A large island lying somewhere on the Great Ocean, between the landmasses of Argea and the Great Continent (Argh! Somebody please make a better name this!). It is thought to be the place where the Wose first came into existence (the evidence backing this up is very fragile and thus, could be ignored).

The central and southern area are home to the Isle-folk (Halric's people) — descendants of the refugees from Anaktoran who initially settled there - and over time these Isle-folk settlements had developed into small cities such Southbay, Stormvale and Clearwater. Decades later, the Wesfolk, led by Jevyan, arrive in the northern shores of the Green Isle and a lengthy war is fought between the two sides. The Isle-folk prevail, pushing the Wesfolk to settle in small communities, although two of these settlements developed into cities, namely Jevyan's Haven and Blackmore.

Lands of the Icy North

The northern most landmass of Irdya, or in simple terms, the 'North Pole.' This region has long been the home of the Windsong Foundation however, neither the foundation's exact location nor its existence has been confirmed.

Unknown Landmass

Located somewhere between the landmasses of Argea and the Great Continent and perpetually surrounded by the endless ocean, the land was divided evenly between two nations - the Celestials and the Ceresians - in a forgotten era. At the heart of the continent, there is a vast mountain which has a legend centred around it. The mythos stated that the remains of Mor-Inal were kept deep inside the core of the mountain however, the legend has been largely dismissed by both Ceresians and Celestials.


Circa ~5000 BW : The First Irdyan War
  • Seven prominent kingdoms/empires rule throughout Irdya, the names of these kingdoms/empires were never found. Mor-Inal, the first head of the Chaplain of Darkness and ruler of one of the kingdoms, commissions Moradin of the Dwarves to create a sceptre of unsurpassed power.
  • The Sceptre of Power is crafted after 70 years of hard-work and research.
  • Mor-Inal with the Sceptre of Power achieves supreme power becoming one of the most powerful beings in existence.
  • Mor-Inal declares war on the other kingdoms, unleashing his undead, nightmares, monstrosities and elemental warriors.
  • The Empire situated at Arkenova falls. Emperor Kaliban is slain in battle by Mor-Inal. Mor-Inal execrates Kaliban and his army to fight for him in undeath.
  • The remaining kingdoms/empires unite against Mor-Inal, forming the first ever Alliance of Irdya.
  • Various battles at different locations of Irdya destroy the lands, terraforming it in many cases.
  • The remaining three kingdoms/empires are vanquished by Mor-Inal. Mor-Inal's apprentice, Vaddyn, realising what a monster his master had become and ambushes Mor-Inal at his lair. Mor-Inal is supposedly destroyed; his sceptre is disassembled. The details of this battle has never been recovered or disclosed.
  • The remainder of Mor-Inal's forces scatter to remote locations of the planet.
  • Vaddyn decides that the gemstones of Power (Dragon Eye, White Sapphire, Dark Emerald and the Opal of Air) must be dispersed throughout Irdya to prevent the occurrence of a second catastrophic war. He transforms the Dragon Eye into a feral dragon and allows it to leave and roam Irdya; the Opal of Air is granted to the survivors of the three kingdoms, the Aragwaithi; the Dark Emerald is hidden underneath the Southern Mountains of the Old Continent/Argea; and finally, Vaddyn takes the White Sapphire and places it within the Realm of Fire, confident of the protectorship of the Fire Elementals.
  • Survivors of the Seven Kingdoms split into numerous groups and go there separate ways.
  • The Windsong Foundation is established at the Farthest North, formed by a large group of female explorers, mages and scholars of the fallen empires.
Circa ~4200 BW : Creation of the Vampires
  • The human nation of Dhagonth, situated at North-Eastern Argea begin experimentation with blood magic, which eventually leads to the creation of the vampires. The vampiric 'disease' engulfs the city like a plague and a point is reached where the vampires have seized authority and the remaining humans are degraded to serfs.
4100 BW : Rise of the Wargs
  • A human community, located deep inside the vast forests south of Dhagonth, encounter a lich and her undead army. They eradicate the monstrosity but as she swept into the death realm, she placed a powerful curse on the community. This curse transformed the humans into wolflike creatures, giving birth to the Wargs. Due to their wolflike instincts, the unity of the community dissolve and some Warg packs end up leaving the forest. However, the majority of their populace are there, refusing to leave due to the abundant game.
4000 BW - 3200 BW : Battle of the Supernaturals
  • Frequent battles between the Wargs and the Vampires lead to an all-out war between the two races. The battle rages on for centuries and eventually reaches a stalemate with neither side gaining the upper hand.
  • Greater hostilities gradually cease however, there are frequent skirmishes between them.
3800 BW
  • Vampiric settlers arrive at the southeastern shores of Arkenova, naming it the Peninsula of Ichor.
3500 BW : Origins of the Minotaurs
  • Human settlement of Karkas, somewhere near the Flamebreath Desert, is struck by droughts and famine, resulting in a multitude of deaths. The humans find cattle and consider the bulls to be deities: an action which causes their original deity to become infuriated and she curses the humans, transforming them into the Minotaurs, half-human and half-bull.
  • As a means of communicating with their god, their deity created 3 crystals: allowing only a Minotaur king or an apostle to use them.
Circa ~2800 BW
  • Elves inhabit Lin-Elens (Lintair Forest).
  • Minotaurs start residing on the plains around the Lake Aoir.
  • Dwarves live in the mountains around Firecloud Peak. They are prohibited by treaty with the elves from claiming the hills south of the great river.
  • The Eltireans live in floating isles hidden above the eastern side of the Flamebreath Desert.
  • Saurians live in the Ssyuriss Fenn.
2700 BW
  • Minotaurs settle at the northeastern area of Arkenova.
2600 BW
  • Empire of Anaktoran is founded.
2400 BW
  • Civil war erupts in Anaktoran, leaving hundreds of thousands dead. First dark age. Anaktoran eventually re-united at some point.
Circa ~2000 BW
  • Galderien dynasty begins in Anaktoran; Anaktoran absorbs lesser the kingdom of Helletia. Capital moved to Gyaldon, later renamed as "The Imperial City".
1550 BW
  • Vaddyn returns to Arkenova from a distant land and builds the Academy for his small group of followers.
1380 BW
  • The mighty Kor Vas, a dragon suspected to be immortal, arrives in the northern shores of Arkenova with his Drake flight and eventually establish the Drake Empire, the second mightiest empire ever to be situated in Arkenova.
1185 BW - 1184 BW : Library of Kratemaqht
  • Cahal, a nobleman residing in the Imperial City of Anaktoran, leads an expedition against the dragon Arkinas. His party finds and slays the dragon. Cahal and his disciples secretly examine the corpse and Cahal extracts the Dragon Eye from the dead dragon's forehead. He dubs it the Dragon Stone.
  • Lord Lenvan suspects Cahal of deception and kills him. Cahal uses the stone to resurrect himself as a Lich Lord, the first one ever recorded in Irdya's history to be not affiliated with the Dark Elementalist.
  • War breaks out between the Empire of Anaktoran and Lich Lord Cahal. At first, the forces of the empire are victorious and Jevyan is crowned emperor. On his first day as emperor, he succumbs to old age and accepts Lich Lord Cahal's offer of becoming a Lich Lord. Antheia, granddaughter of Ariphon - advisor to the emperor — takes most of the remaining population and sets sail away from Anaktoran, leaving it to be devastated by the Lich Lords.
1182 BW
  • Human refugees from the destroyed empire of Anaktoran arrive at the western shores of Arkenova. Finding the land fit for colonisation, they start to build a new empire.
1180 BW - 986 BW
  • Another group of human refugees from the destroyed empire of Anaktoran arrive at the northern shores of the eastern Great Continent.
  • Refugees make contact with the Elves of Lin-Elens and are granted the plains east of the forest in exchanged for their allegiance and gold.
  • Refugees build a few colonies at various locations near the rivers, Cythring, Xalal and Silverrill.
  • Wandering magic-casters, former disciples of Vaddyn from Arkenova, arrive at the settlements and teach magic.
  • The refugee-turned-colonists rapidly expand their territory.
  • Ideological conflict about types of magic starts fracturing the new nation.
  • The opposing sides eventually consolidate around the cities of Noct and Diurna, on opposite sides of the river.
984 BW
  • The Empire of New Anaktoran, situated at the western portion of Arkenova, is found.
865 BW
  • Mage scholars of New Anaktoran, sensing the strong elemental magic, leave the empire and enrol as residents and students of the Academy.
820 BW : Origins of the Quenoth Elves
  • Orcish Warlords of Northern Arkenova invade the elven lands with their relentless hordes. Forests are torched and the elven population is killed en masse. The remnants of the elven society flee southwards and arrive at the Lands of the Burning Sky (a term used by the elves instead of desert) and build settlements, eventually becoming the Desert Elves or the Quenoth.
590 BW - 585 BW
  • The Orcish Warlords of Northern Arkenova wage a war against the mighty dragon Kor Vas. Saurians, trolls and goblins are drawn into the conflict.
  • Five years later, the orcs sign a peace treaty, but end up breaking it a year later.
460 BW
  • A human lord gathering his loyal followers, leaves the New Anaktoran Empire and journeys into the former home of the elves. They build a settlement at the heart of Arkenova, which eventually becomes the city of Verdanyn.
300 BW
  • Vampires attack and conquer Verdanyn, enslaving the populace.
280 BW - 278 BW
  • Kratemaqht, guardian of the Library at the ancient capital of Anaktoran, is visited by a mage, who had heard about the Library from a story, and the great dragon allows the mage and his students to live and study there.
210 BW
  • Lich Lord Cahal visits the library of ancient Anaktoran in search of a book, but the great dragon denies him any access. Enraged, the lich summons his minions, which Kratemaqht easily overcomes. Defeated, the lich lord vows to return and kill him.
209 BW - 198 BW
  • Kratemaqht forges an alliance of the various races including the Dunefolk tribes in Argea and declares war on the Lich Lords.
  • After a long war, Lich Lord Cahal is destroyed, and Jevyan takes the remainder of his followers and sets sail to the Green Isle.
180 BW
  • Dwarves from Firecloud Peak cross the Great River and colonise the hills of Triththa.
146 BW
  • The Ruby of Fire (the Dragon Eye) finds its way into the hands of Lich Lord Lenvan.
130 BW
  • The descendants of the Valefolk finally establish dominance over the Green Isle, pushing the Wesfolk to marginal lands.
120 BW - 119 BW
  • The Silver Drakes attack Firecloud peak and the surrounding area, drafting most of the saurians from Ssyuriss Fenn into their ranks.
  • The dwarven defences crumble under the combined offensive. When it becomes clear that the war is lost, the survivors evacuate to Triththa.
  • The saurians suffer the brunt of the casualties in the war and the remainder are enslaved by the Silver Drakes.
  • The saurians remaining in Ssyuriss Fenn are soundly defeated by a Triththan offensive in the following year. The remnants of their civilisation are a number of disorganised tribes.
62 BW
  • Lich Lord Lenvan is trapped beneath Greenwood Forest in the Green Isle; with him goes the Ruby of Fire.
12 BW
  • The Crown Prince of Southbay, one of the many kingdoms of the Isle-folk, discovers the Great Continent.
11 BW - 07 BW
  • The Crown Prince makes several voyages between the Green Isle and the Great Continent.
10 BW - 07 BW
  • An unknown chain of events lead to the return of Mor-Inal. Seeing the planet brimming with life and still vexed of not being able to conquer the world, he vows to extinguish all life on Irdya.
  • A faction of the Ceresian Empire become corrupted by the influence of the Dark Elementalist's presence and eventually succumb to his dark command, becoming The Accursed. The Celestials, on the other hand, remain un-corrupted due to their affinity to the Light.
  • The Quenoth elves of Arkenova begin researching into greater magic spells deep inside their mountain temple and end up creating a portal to the world of Urvatha (known later as the Inferno). Demons arrive and are considered deities by the elves. Under the leadership of the demonic generals, the elves prepare to conquer the known lands, that is, Arkenova. The agenda of the demonic generals wanting dominion is never explicitly stated.
  • The Celestial Empire is one of the first to be subjected to the Dark Elementalist's vengeance, resulting in an all-out war. The stalemate continues for years as the Celestial armies prove moderately sufficient at keeping his dark forces at bay.
  • The other factions of the Ceresian Empire are also drawn into the conflict, engulfing the entire continent in a bitter and seemingly endless war.
06 BW
  • The Isle-folk wage a war with the Wesfolk and their Lich-Lords.
  • The Lich-Lords sense they will be destroyed and open gates to the homeland of the Orcs in the West (Argea).
06 BW - 04 BW : Epic of Jalin
  • Settlements of Gaelia and Marhelm northeast of the lands soon to be called Wesnoth fall. Lich-General Vaxmos (one of Mor-Inal's Chosen) is ousted by Jalin, restoring relative peace. Jalin then sails west, stumbles upon Arkenova and consequently, gets captured and imprisoned by the elves.
05 BW - 02 BW
  • The Green Isle is overrun with Orcs.
  • The Wesfolk desert their Lich-Lords as they fear becoming prey for the Orcs.
  • Haldric leads the evacuation of the survivors to the Great Continent. The Rise of Wesnoth begins.
07 BW - 04 YW : Descent of the Eltireans
  • The Silver Drakes find a way to into the Flying Isles and realise its true value as a nesting ground.
  • Eltireans are attacked by endless legions of the Silver Drakes. High Council of the Eltireans decide to send colonists to the ground to establish settlements as a contingency plan. Eltire, a mage of Light possessing demigod-like powers, opens the gate to the Surface Realm and preparations for the exodus are made.
  • The first group of settlers establish a settlement near the eastern edge of Flamebreath Desert.
03 BW - 05 YW: Book I of the Lithian Codex (A Nation Divided)
  • Minotaur warlords split up land and contend against each other for dominance over their territory near Lake Aoir. Civil war between the minotaurs breaks out and eventually, three families achieve prominence: the Ranorm family in the south west (guardians of Lithia and the crystals), the Turan family in the north, and the Kimmor family in the east.
  • The civil war persists, Talok Ranorm, head of the Ranorm family is slain. His eldest son, Rilend, ascends as the new leader of the Ranorms.
  • Rilend leads a massive expedition and defeats the Turans and Kimmors.
  • In uniting the land, he is granted the title of Rilend Iron-fist and made the first king of Lithia (where the Lithian codex and the three crystals are kept).
  • The Minotaur Elder Zeal becomes the first apostle sacrificing his sight to be able to see his creator through the crystals.
01 BW
  • Human settlers, led by Prince Haldric, arrive at the western coast of the Great Continent (the landfall occurs in the future Bay of Pearls) in large numbers.
01 YW
  • Haldric is granted the plains north and south of the Great River.
  • Haldric agrees to a Pact of Mutual Defence with the Elves, but the Ka'lian decides it will betray him and allow humans and orcs to exhaust each other in war if the opportunity presents. Haldric, learning of this, considers the Pact a dead letter.
  • The Ruby of Fire is temporarily hidden, and the lich-lord Jevyan is deceived into believing it is held by the Elves.
  • Haldric founds the country of Wesnoth in the central plain south of the great River.
  • Reign of Haldric I (formerly prince Haldric) begins. The Rise of Wesnoth ends.
02 YW
  • Orcs, following the ships fleeing from the Green Isle, begin to arrive on the Great Continent.
  • These Orcs are defeated by Haldric's forces.
  • Some of the Orcish survivors flee back to the Green Isle, others move to attack the Elves.
  • King Haldric helps the Elves fight the surviving Orcs.
08 YW
  • A second wave of Orcs arrive from the Green Isle; these Orcs begin claiming large portions of the northern Great Continent for themselves.
  • Haldric I publicly repudiates the Pact he spoke with the Elves, refusing to give aid.
09 - 11 YW
  • Many Elves are killed in battle by the Orcs.
  • Elvish emissaries are turned away from Wesnoth.
10 YW
  • Meherab and Mahir, friends of Jahin are born.
11 YW
  • Jahin, later known as the Hero of Irdya, is born.
12 YW
  • Orcs fail to take the Wesmere Forest and instead march down the coast, devastating human settlements there.
  • Elves refuse to aid the Humans in confronting the Orcs.
  • Human refugees from the coastal settlements relocate in what will become known as the Great Central Plain. Dan'Tonk, which will become Wesnoth's largest city, is founded.
25 YW : The Second and Final Irdyan War
  • Mor-Inal sends his minions throughout Irdya in order to subjugate it, igniting the chain of events known as the Battle for Irdya.
29 YW : Sepulchre of Elran

The ancient tomb of King Elran, a legendary king of the Lins-Elens, is raided by forces of the Dark Elementalist. Lady Gioviel of Lins-Elen is dispacthed with an army to investigate the mausoleum.

30 YW - 32 YW : Hero of Irdya: Book I
  • Jahin and his friends escape the vampire-occupied Verdanyn and flee to the Academy, where they stay and learn for six months.
  • Relentless attacks orchestrated independently by the Drakes, Elves, Trolls, Orcs, and the Vampires ignite the Great Arkenovan War.
  • Kor Vas recruits Jahin to find allies to aid him win the war. Drakes, Trolls, Minotaurs, and the Dwarves unite and form the Alliance of Arkenova.
  • During his journey, Jahin retrieves the White Sapphire from its guarded location but later surrenders to the Desert Elves when they attack the Dwarven gates.
  • Verdanyn is liberated from vampire occupation by the Alliance. Jahin is promoted to Lord by the Alliance leaders and his Loyalists.
  • Several locations of Arkenova are attacked by the forces of the Dark Elementalist. The Academy of Magic is destroyed by the hordes of undead. Vaddyn, having been deterioted for having existed over 5000 years, is vanquished. The secret to stopping Mor-Inal is lost forever.
  • The Desert elves and their demon allies are subjected to attacks from the Dark Elementalist.
  • The Alliance of Arkenova force the vampires to surrender, defeats the elves, rescues Jalin, forces the orcs, naga and saurians to surrender, and establishes a peace treaty with the Empire of New Anaktoran.
  • The White Sapphire is lost to the forces of Mor-Inal during the battle at Red Mountain.
31 YW - 32 YW : Frigid Nightmares
  • The Windsong Foundation at the Farthest North or Lands of the Icy North is attacked by the minions of the Dark Elementalist.
  • The Farthest North is engulfed in Eternal Night.
  • Sauda of the Windsong rallies the Windsong and other races against the invaders.
  • The coalition of the Northern allies manage to repel the attack but are left severely weakened.
32 YW - ?? YW : Great Strife
  • Saurians residing at Firecloud Peak, revolt against the remaining drake overseers and liberate themselves from slavery.
  • Mor-Inal's wizards destroy the cities of Noct and Diurna. The survivors of the cities set their differences aside and band together as the Eventide. The Eventide army set out to extract their vengeance on Irdya.
  • Eltireans prepare for the defence against the Silver Drakes and the Minotaurs.
  • The Silver Drakes send a significant portion of their armies towards the Flying Isles.
  • Under the banner of Rilend Iron-fist, the minotaurs start expanding their territory. Lacking the expertise and materials to cross the Bitter Swamps, the Minotaurs send their armies north and southeastwards.
  • The dwarves of Triththa suddenly see themselves threatened by multiple militaristic belligerents.
  • The aforementioned events within the Silver Lands incite the Great Strife.
628 YW
  • In response to Mal-Ravanal's attack, a hidden council of magic-casters from every race is started, named the Secret Council, with it's headquarters situated in the magical hidden ruined Elven Citadel of Eil-En-Seiril.
878 YW
  • The Frost Mage, Erinna is born.
897 YW: Journey of a Frost Mage
  • Events of Journey of a Frost Mage start.


Information has been derived from the following UMC add-ons:

  • Era of Strife
  • Library of Kratemaqht
  • Epic of Jalin
  • Nightmares of Meloen
  • The Rise of Wesnoth
  • War of Legends
  • Hero of Irdya: Book I
  • Sepulchre of Elran
  • Frigid Nightmares
  • Journey of a Frost Mage
This page was last edited on 20 October 2024, at 13:40.