Difference between revisions of "Geography of Wesnoth/fr"
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== Far North == | == Far North == | ||
− | + | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wesnoth/wesnoth/master/data/campaigns/Son_Of_The_Black_Eye/images/maps/sotbe.png | |
+ | |||
+ | Map of the Far North | ||
Cold, harsh, and inaccessible, the Far North is the ancestral home of the Orcish Clannate. It lies north of the Heart Mountains, which the Orcs call the Haggid-Dargor and claim (without merit) as their own. To the east lie the Unaligned Tribes of the Wild Steppe, who fell out of the control of the Clannate, instead roaming with wild human barbarians and clashing with the High Elves of the North Plains (known as North Elves in human lands). The High Elves themselves reside further east, where it is rumored they rule a vast kingdom. | Cold, harsh, and inaccessible, the Far North is the ancestral home of the Orcish Clannate. It lies north of the Heart Mountains, which the Orcs call the Haggid-Dargor and claim (without merit) as their own. To the east lie the Unaligned Tribes of the Wild Steppe, who fell out of the control of the Clannate, instead roaming with wild human barbarians and clashing with the High Elves of the North Plains (known as North Elves in human lands). The High Elves themselves reside further east, where it is rumored they rule a vast kingdom. | ||
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Featured in [http://wiki.wesnoth.org/Mainline_Campaigns#Dead_Water Dead Water]. | Featured in [http://wiki.wesnoth.org/Mainline_Campaigns#Dead_Water Dead Water]. | ||
− | + | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wesnoth/wesnoth/master/data/campaigns/Dead_Water/images/maps/dw.png | |
+ | |||
+ | Map of area around Tirigaz | ||
* Notable cities: | * Notable cities: | ||
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The geography features in [http://wiki.wesnoth.org/Mainline_Campaigns#The_Rise_of_Wesnoth The Rise of Wesnoth]. | The geography features in [http://wiki.wesnoth.org/Mainline_Campaigns#The_Rise_of_Wesnoth The Rise of Wesnoth]. | ||
− | + | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wesnoth/wesnoth/master/data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/images/maps/green_isle.png | |
+ | |||
+ | Map of The Green Isle | ||
=== Wesfolk Land === | === Wesfolk Land === | ||
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The campaign maps feature [http://wiki.wesnoth.org/CampaignDialogue:LOW#Labels map labels] | The campaign maps feature [http://wiki.wesnoth.org/CampaignDialogue:LOW#Labels map labels] | ||
====LOW Custom Map==== | ====LOW Custom Map==== | ||
− | + | https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth/blob/master/data/campaigns/Legend_of_Wesmere/images/low-map.png | |
This map is a bit further east than the normal Wesnoth map, showing Lintanir Forest to the east of the Heart Mountains. | This map is a bit further east than the normal Wesnoth map, showing Lintanir Forest to the east of the Heart Mountains. |
Revision as of 14:08, 25 October 2019
[hide]- 1 Irdya
- 2 Wesnoth et ses environs
- 3 Far North
- 4 The Green Isle
- 5 Campaign References
- 5.1 Heir To The Throne
- 5.2 A Tale of Two Brothers
- 5.3 An Orcish Incursion
- 5.4 The South Guard
- 5.5 Liberty
- 5.6 The Rise of Wesnoth
- 5.7 The Legend of Wesmere
- 5.8 Eastern Invasion
- 5.9 The Hammer of Thursagan
- 5.10 Descent Into Darkness
- 5.11 Scepter of Fire
- 5.12 Son Of The Black Eye
- 5.13 Dead Water
- 5.14 Secrets of the Ancients
- 5.15 Delfador's Memoirs
- 5.16 Northern Rebirth
- 5.17 Under The Burning Suns
- 6 See Also
Le nom de la planète sur laquelle se situe le Royaume de Wesnoth est Irdya. Ce terme n'est cependant que très rarement utilisé pendant l'ère dépeinte par la carte du ci-dessous. Ses habitants parlent d'Irdya en disant simplement "Le monde", ou, plus poétique, "Le grand monde vert".
Wesnoth et ses environs
Cette carte est valable depuis l'AM 450. Les citées qui y sont nommées ont été fondées durant l'Âge d'or de Wesnoth et existent donc depuis au moins 200 ans.
Les lieux cités en gras sont présents sur la carte. Les noms des lieux en français seront suivis des noms en anglais entre parenthèse, vous permettant de vous repérer sur la carte.
Lieux principaux :
- Le Grand Océan (The Great Ocean): Situé à l'ouest du continent, le Grand Océan est la destination de toutes les rivières et fleuves d'Irdya.
- La Baie des perles (Bay of Pearls): La péninsule d'Elensefar au Nord, et l'île d'Alduin au Sud-Ouest séparent la baie du Grand Océan. C'est en ces terres que se réfugièrent les humain de l'île verte en l'AM 1.
- Île d'Alduin (Isle of Alduin): Cette île inhabitée à l'ouest des côtes du Grand Continent est le centre de la Grand Académie de Magie et est un lieu traditionnel des arts des arcanes .
- Les Trois Sœurs (The Three Sisters): Groupe de trois îles au Nord - Nord-Ouest d'Alduin. La plus proche est connue sous le nom d'Île des Damnées, et a une réputation maléfique.
- Le Grand Fleuve (Great River): Le Grand Fleuve traverse le continent d'Est en Ouest, et de nombreuses rivières se jettent dedans.
- Gué d'Abez (Ford of Abez): Point le plus à l'Est pour traverser le Grand Fleuve sans bateau, il est le traditionnel point de passage des armées d'invasion, que ce soit vers le nord ou vers le sud.
- Rivière Weldyn (River Weldyn): Affluent prenant sa source dans les collines Dulatus et se jetant dans le Grand Fleuve.
- Le Fleuve Aethen (River Aethen): Sa source se situe également sur les collines Dulatus, mais il s'écoule sur l'autre versant pour se jeter directement dans le Grand Océan.
- Le Cœur des Montagnes (Heart Mountains): C'est la principale chaîne montagneuse. Le lac Vrug se situe en son sein.
Le royaume de Wesnoth est situé dans la partie centrale Nord du Grand Continent. La majorité des campagnes s'y déroulent. Il est bordé par le Grand Fleuve au Nord, les rivages du Grand Océan à l'Ouest, la forêt d'Aethen au Sud-Ouest et des marais Amers au Sud-Est.
Au delà du fleuve Aethen, au Sud de Fort Tahn, se trouve la région frontalière de Wesnothian. Elle est bordée au Sud (zone hors carte) par des grandes et denses forêts desquelles la forêt d'Aethen peut être considérée comme leur extension Nord.
Cités importantes:
- Weldyn: La capitale de Wesnoth.
- Aldril: Cette ville portuaire est située à l'extrémité Nord-Est de la baie des Perles.
- Port d'Eauxnoires (Blackwater Port): C'est à l'extrémité Sud de la baie des Perles, au Sud-Est de l'île d'Alduin, que se situe cette ville portuaire.
- Carcyn: Cette cité se trouve entre les bois Gris et le Grand Fleuve.
- Dan'Tonk: Il s'agit de la plus grosse cité de Wesnoth, située au centre du pays, à l'Ouest - Nord-Ouest de Weldyn et au Sud-Ouest de Tath.
- Soradoc: C'est l'avant-poste le plus au Nord et à l'Est de Wesnoth, il contrôle le confluent de la rivière Weldyn et du Grand Fleuve.
- Fort Tahn: C'est l'avant-poste le plus au sud, il contrôle la route Nord/Sud qui traverse la rivière Aethen.
- Tath: Cité fortifiée au nord de Dan'Tonk exerçant le contrôle sur les contrées sauvages qui s'étendent à l'est des Collines Brunes et au Nord du Gué d'Abez.
Régions importantes :
- Mont Griffon (Gryffon Mt.): Demeure des légendaires Griffons.
- Gué d'Abez (Ford of Abez): Les forces Wesnothiennes contrôlent ce guet où le Grand Fleuve est suffisamment peu profond pour laisser passer des troupes sans navire.
- Rivière Weldyn (Weldyn River): Cet affluent du Grand Fleuve prend sa source plus au Sud dans les collines Dulatus.
- Grande plaine centrale: Cette plaine bordée par la Rivière Weldyn, Dan'Tok et Fort Tahn est le berceau de la majeure partie de la population Wesnothienne.
- Collines Dulatus (Dulatus Hills): Ces collines jouxtant la Grande Plaine Centrale sont la réserve de chasse et composent la majeure partie des terres cultivées de Wesnoth.
- Collines brunes: Ces terres désolées entourent le Mont Griffon. Peu de gens les peuple et il s'agit d'une zone dangereuse pour les voyageurs imprudents.
- Les Plaines aux Chevaux: Ces plaines situées au Sud du Grand Fleuve sont bordées par la forêt de Glyn à l'Ouest et la rivière Weldyn à l'Est, et la Grande Plaine Centrale au Sud. De nombreux et puissants clans y ont élu domicile. L'herbe verdoyante de ces plaines a su attirer les meilleurs chevaux de Wesnoth qui viennent y brouter.
- Collines Estmark (Estmark Hills): Ces collines se trouvent dans la partie Sud-Est de l'affluent de la rivière Weldyn se jetant dans le Grand Fleuve. Ces terres habitées sont les plus au Nord et les plus proches de la rivière Weldyn. Elles ont été colonisées à différentes époques mais le royaume peine à maintenir son contrôle sur cette région, proie des bandits qui y pullulent.
- Forêt de Glyn (Glyn's Forest: Certains l'appellent également la forêt royale. Elle tient son nom de l'un des fils du roi Haldric II.
- Les Bois Gris (Grey Woods): Cette grande forêt au milieu des terres sauvages de Wesnoth se trouve entre les citées Carcyn et Aldril. Beaucoup de gens la disent hantée.
- Suivant les événements de SdA (Secret des Anciens), une bataille gigantesque a eu lieu pendant une guerre civile elfe plusieurs centaines d'années avant Wesnoth. Les bois gris sont déjà hantés avant SdA, même si les sauriens sont déjà allé prospecter du métal.
- In 23 AM, la partie nord du champ de bataille est composée de Woses, qui détestent les nécromanciens, ainsi que d'un elfe qui surveille les magies maléfiques. L'elfe et certains Woses sont tués durant les événements de SdA.
- Pendant l'épilogue de SdA, une armée de morts-vivants marche sur Elensefar, l'hypothèse générale étant que des adeptes auraient désertés et se seraient réfugiés dans les bois.
- En 363 AM, c'est l'habitat des elfes, qui ne sont pas dérangés par les nécromanciens (l'Histoire des Deux Frères).
- En 501 AM, les bois sont occupés par des mages qui étudient les arts sombres, sans pour autant être des nécromanciens (Liberté).
- Les Marais Verts (Green Swamp): Ces vastes marais se situent au Sud d'Aldril. Ils sont alimentés par l'eau provenant des Collines Brunes et alimentent en partie le Grand Fleuve.
Les terres Elfiques du Sud-Ouest
Les elfes des bois n'ont que de très rares échanges avec les Wesnothiens du Nord ou les autres peuples alentours. Leur forêt est bordée par les Marais Verts au Nord-Est, le désert au Sud, et le Grand Océan à l'Ouest.
Cités importantes
Aucune citée importante importante n'est à ce jour connu, les elfes des bois préférant vivre en communion avec la nature sans lui imposer d'importantes constructions qui lui porteraient préjudice.
Régions importantes
- Forêt d'Aethen (Aethenwood): Il s'agit de la forêt la plus vaste au Sud. Elle s'enfonce très loin au Sud-Ouest (hors carte). Les elfes y vivent en harmonie avec la nature.
Elsensefar, suivant les époques, a été une province de Wesnoth, une région indépendante, ou sous un traité fédérationniste avec Wesnoth. Elle est bordée par le Grand Fleuve au Nord, une frontière imprécise avec Wesnoth à l'Est, la baie de Perles au Sud, et le Grand Océan à l'Ouest. L'histoire de Wesnoth comporte plus d'informations à son sujet.
Cités importantes
- Elensefar : C'est la capitale des Elfes. Elle se trouve sur une île située dans le Delta du Grand Fleuve.
- Carcyn : Cette ville frontalière entre Wesnoth et Elensefar est régulièrement sujette de tensions pour son appartenance à l'un ou à l'autre des royaumes.
Régions importantes
- Le Grand Fleuve : le lit du Grand Fleuve est particulièrement profond et large autour d'Elensefar, la protégeant ainsi des invasions terrestres du Nord et lui offrant à la fois une route maritime et une route fluviale pour ses échanges commerciaux.
Les terres du Nord
Il n'y a pas de gouvernement dans les terres du Nord. Des groupes très variés d'orc, de nains, de barbares et même d'elfes peuplent la région, dont les frontières Nord et Est ne sont pas défini. On limite cependant ces terres au Grand Fleuve pour ce qui est de la partie Sud, et au Grand Océan pour l'Ouest.
Cités importantes
- Glamdrol : Une capitale tribale Orc
- Rumyr : Une autre capitale tribale Orc
- Forêt de Wesmere (Wesmere Forest): Le lieu du Conseil Elfe, le Ka'lian.
- Les Portes des Nains (Dwarven Doors) : Une ville mixte (humain/nain) dans la région de Knalga, dans les soutterains du Cœur des Montagnes. Les Portes des Nains sont aussi un important lieu d'échange commerciaux.
- Dallben et Delwyn : Villages Humains construits par des colons qui ont traversé le Grand Fleuve pendant l'expansion de l'Âge d'Or de Wesnoth. Ils sont maintenant abandonnés. La forêt au Nord-Est d'Elensefar, où ces villages se trouvaient, avait été nommée "Province d'Annuvin" par les hommes, mais est plus connue aujourd'hui sous le nom que les elfes lui ont donnée, Wesmere.
Régions importantes
- Le Cœur des Montagnes (Heart Mountains): Une barrière pratiquement infranchissable entre la contrée des rivières et les terres du Nord.
- Crocœur (Heatfangs): Zone particulièrement menaçante du Cœur des Montagnes, elle est composée de hauts pics et se trouve entre le Lac Vrug, et au Nord de la Forêt de Wesmere. La portion la plus dangereuse et inhabitable du Cœur des Montagnes, seuls des ermites, des fous et des mages (ne seraient-ils pas fous, finalement ?) vivent à cet endroit.
- Les Marais de l'Effroi (Swamp of Dread): Tourbière très étendue située entre le Cœur des Montagnes et le Grand Fleuve connue pour être très dangereuse.
- Lac Vrug (Lake Vrug): Un grand lac de montagne qui alimente la rivière Arkan-thoria, taillant son chemin à travers le Cœur des Montagnes.
- Arkan-thoria : La rivière qui part du Lac Vrug. Arkan-thoria est son nom Elfique, les Humains l'appellent Longlier.
- Rivière Listra (River Listra): L'affluent du Grand Fleuve courant vers le Sud, dans lequel Arkan-thoria se jette à sa sortie du Cœur des Montagnes.
- Forêt de Lintanir (Lintanir Forest): La portion la plus au Sud de la Grande Forêt Nordique, cette forêt gigantesque dont les frontières Nord et Est ne sont connues que des Elfes. Leur capitale, Elensiria, n'a été que très rarement visitée par des Humains.
- Le Grand Fleuve (Great River): La source de ce fleuve se trouve quelque par à l'Est des terres du Nord.
The location of the Ka'lian - the Elvish Council in the Eastern part of the forest. The river Telfar flows through the forest. The Kal'ian is on an island in the Telfar. The River Telfar is crossed by the Northern Shallows, the Ford of Alyas, the Ford of Tifranur and the North Bridge. Villages surrounding the Ka'lian are named Telionath, Arthen, Arryn, Illissa, Viricon, Tireas, Essarn, Valcathra, Aelion, Elendor, Erethean. Other areas near the Ka'lian are Brightleaf Wood, Telfar Green (an opening in the forest), Dancer’s Green (an opening in the forest), Karmarth Hills, Westwind Wood (possibly the foothills of the Heart Mountains to the north east of Wesmere), Southwind Wood. East and outside are the forest are the villages of Dallben and Delwyn.
Far North
Map of the Far North
Cold, harsh, and inaccessible, the Far North is the ancestral home of the Orcish Clannate. It lies north of the Heart Mountains, which the Orcs call the Haggid-Dargor and claim (without merit) as their own. To the east lie the Unaligned Tribes of the Wild Steppe, who fell out of the control of the Clannate, instead roaming with wild human barbarians and clashing with the High Elves of the North Plains (known as North Elves in human lands). The High Elves themselves reside further east, where it is rumored they rule a vast kingdom.
- Notable cities:
- Barag Gor, a city home to the Orcish Council
- Bitok
- Borstep
- Castelfrang
- Farzi
- Festog
- Grisbi
- Lmarig
- Melmog
- Prestim
- Tirigaz
- Notable land features:
- Swamp of Desolation
- Mountains of Dorth
- Mountains of Haag
- Green Forest (named Greenwood on the SotBE map. Corresponds to Gitamoth in LoW's journey tracker)
- Silent Forest (previously named Gitamoth according to the text in LoW's epilogue)
- Forest of Thelien
- River Oumph
- River Bork
- Wild Steppe
Area around Tirigaz
Featured in Dead Water.
Map of area around Tirigaz
- Notable cities:
- Tirigaz
- Jotha
- Agvorad
- Notable land features:
- Swamp of Desolation
- Mountains of Dorth
- Bilheld, a large island.
- A small island of coast of Bilheld
The Green Isle
The geography features in The Rise of Wesnoth.
Map of The Green Isle
Wesfolk Land
This is where the Wesfolk live, with their Lich overlords. The boundary between it and the Islefolk land is the hilly area running south-west to north-east. The Wesfolk land is in the north-west. Little is known about what happened to the island after Haldric left.
- Notable cities:
- Jevyan's Haven: The capital of the Wesfolk, where Jevyan reigned; presumably where the gates to orcland were opened
Islefolk Land
This is where the Islefolk (Haldric's folk) live. The boundary is the same as that of the Wesfolk; the islefolk land is to the southeast.
- Notable cities:
- Blackmore: {??}
- Clearwater Port: {??}
- Southbay: {??}
Campaign References
This section collates specific facts about geography asserted in the the text of mainline campaigns, implied by map dots (track) or by features on a battle map (map). It aims to be complete as to locations on the main map and identifiably adjacent to it. Two groups of off-map locations are confined to single campaigns, the Green Isle in The Rise of Wesnoth and the Far North in Son of the Black Eye; those locations are not listed here.
Heir To The Throne
Konrad was raised in the Aethenwood (track, The Elves Besieged). He returns to the mainland very near the location where Haldric the Great first landed in 1YW. (map, Bay of Pearls). The fight with Muff Malal takes place on the peninsula north of the Bay of Pearls (track, Bay of Pearls). The city of Elensefar is actually located on a large island in the mouth of the Great River (map, The Siege of Elensefar). The crossroads fight takes place where the roads from Carcyn, Dan'Tonk and Fort Tahn meet (track, Crossroads). Konrad meets Li'sar on the road between Dan'Tonk and Carcyn (track, The Princess of Wesnoth). Konrad fights undead in the Brown Hills southeast of Gryphon Mountain (track, Valley of Death). The track for Gryphon Mountain unsurprisingly lands on the Gryphon Mountain map feature; equally unsurprisingly, the track for Ford of Abez lands on the Ford of Abez map feature.
North of the Great River this campaign is our basic textual evidence for several important features. The country around the easternmost tip of the Swamp of Dread is described as "abundant pine forests nestled in rolling foothills" (track and text, Northern Winter) and, at least during the Turmoil of Asheviere, is inhabited by orcs. Dwarven Doors and Knalga are located in the center of the southern arm of the Heart Mountains, south-southeast of Lake Vrug (The Dwarven Doors). Lionel, the Lost General, is found in an orcish warren at the northern edge of the southern Heart Mountains, north-northeast of Knalga and adjacent to the valley of the Arkan-thoria (The Lost General). Konrad re-encounters Li'sar north across that valley in the foothills of the northern Heart Mountains (track, Hasty Alliance). The Scepter of Fire is found in those same foothills a bit further east and south, just north of the southernmost bend of the Arkan-thoria (Scepter of Fire).
Konrad's party travels southeast through the caverns, under the Arkan-thoria, to just south of a northward bend of the river (A Choice Must Be Made). Kalenz says that this river is called 'Longlier' by men and 'Arkan-thoria' by the Elves. He further says that the homeland of his people lies to the east and north. Kalenz identifies their location at the easternmost edge of the southern Heart Mountains (track, Snow Plains) as "...once the home of my people. We left here centuries ago" (text). In the next scenario, the North Elves are contacted at the confluence of the Arkan-thoria and the Listra (track, Home of the North Elves). Konrad's party take refuge in Emetria, an Elven castle located just within the border of the southern lobe Lintanir Forest. The Elven Council takes place in the elven capital of Elensiria, location not specified.
Konrad crosses the Great River into Wesnoth just north of Soradoc (Return to Wesnoth). The country between the Elven forests and the river is inhabited by, among other things, "hermit mages" (text). He then crosses the river into the Estmark Hills hills east of the Weldyn River (track, Test of the Clans).
Neither the Estmark Hills, nor the Heart Mountains, nor the swamp between them and the Great River are named in this campaign, but one scenario title refers to the latter as Swamp of Dread.
Continuity problems: the map for 'The Princess of Wesnoth' is difficult to reconcile with the track location; the lake to the south should be large enough to show on the main map and is difficult to fit in a valley in the Brown Hills. Likewise, the map for Home of the North Elves shows only an east-west river probably too small to be the Arkan-thoria, and not the Listra that it should flow into.
The campaign maps feature map labels
A Tale of Two Brothers
This campaign has a tracking map. In text, the village of Maghre is described as being in the "western reaches of Wesnoth" (Rooting Out a Mage). In The Chase, the haunted forest is identified as the Grey Woods.
An Orcish Incursion
This campaign has a map and a journey track. No places are named other than Wesmere; the action takes place north and west of there. A pass that is bottleneck route through the northern mountains figures in the action.
The South Guard
This campaign takes place off the main map and has its own background map.
We know from it that the city of Westin is located southwest of Fort Tahn (track, Born To The Banner) and is capital of the frontier province of Kerlath (text), also that the Aethenwood is to the west (text).
There is no map track after the second scenario. We learn that south of Westin , Kerlath is bounded by dense woods, "a bastion of the ancient heart forest of the Great Continent so dense and gloomy that even elves forbore from dwelling there." (Born to the Banner) South of it an unspecified distance lies the elven Vale of Tears, and much further south of that the Black River, of which Etheliel says "No elf, still living, has crossed it."
The campaign maps feature map labels
This campaign uses a modified version of the main Wesnoth map for tracking. The map shows the villages of Dallben and Delwyn, and some small patches of forest, between the forest of Wesmere and the ocean; also it labels the Grey Woods. Text (The Raid) identifies this as the province of Annuvin, a frontier area of Wesnoth. It is clear that Elensefar is the chief city of Annuvin.
Baldras and his party travel south to Elensefar (track, A Strategy of Hope). From there they go upriver to Carcyn (track, Hide And Seek), and south to the Grey Woods (track, The Grey Woods), then south on the road to Aldril. The campaign finishes at Halstead. In the Epilogue, there is a reference to villagers fleeing southwest to settle on the Three Sisters.
The scenario maps feature map labels
The Rise of Wesnoth
This campaign has its own tracking map for the Green Isle, which is our only actual source of information about the Green Isle's geography. The only Great Continent location of interest is the Ka'lian, which has the same location in the Forest of Wesmere that it does in other campaigns.
The lady Jessene uses the term "Old Continent" to describe the ancestral home of her people, and implies that it lies in "the far West".
The Legend of Wesmere
This campaign uses a modified version of the main Wesnoth map for tracking. The map shows far fewer settlements with the notable addition of a castle settlement in the Swamp of Dread, called Saurgrath (the location of The Saurian Treasury).
The map track for Hostile Mountains shows Kalenz starting from the Lintanir Forest and moving across the easternmost Heart Mountains to a spot on the Arkan-thoria. They travel to Wesmere Forest (The Ka'lian Under Attack); the map tracking runs almost lengthwise through the Heart Mountains. The Ka'lian is near the northeast edge of Wesmere forest; the Elvish treasury is further west (track, The Elvish Treasury). The Saurian treasury in the westernmost foothills of the Heart Mountains (track, The Saurian Treasury); Kalenz and his men avoid the direct route from it back to Wesmere by going north from it and that they return via the eastern approaches to Wesmere. On the way, they re-encounter Olurf in the southeastern reaches of the Heart Mountains (Acquaintance In Need). They march back to the north edge of Wesmere Forest (track, Elves' Last Stand).
In Council of Hard Choices we learn that the mage Crelanu lives in "the mountains of Thoria". The route north goes over the mountains to the "Arkan-thoria" (track: Bounty Hunters), the name is confirmed in text. The mountains of Thoria themselves are just north of the valley of the Arkan-thoria (track, Cliffs of Thoria). Crelanu's keep is well into the northern Heart Mountains, right at the northern edge of the map (track, Battle of the Book).
Kalenz and friends "return to the Ka'lian" (News From The Front); then to orcish forces are "encamped south of the Great River, and have surrounded the fortified human settlement of Tath". The track for Breaking the Siege indicates that the killing of the Great Chief took place at the southeastern tip of the Heart Mountains and that Breaking the Siege takes place on the River Listra, just north of the confluence with the Arkan-thoria.
The remaining scenarios convey no new information; the track points are all east of the River Listra between it and the Lintanir Forest.
Kalenz's home map has big water to the east. This has to be a lake off the NE corner of the main map, emptying into the main course of the Listra.
The campaign maps feature map labels
LOW Custom Map
This map is a bit further east than the normal Wesnoth map, showing Lintanir Forest to the east of the Heart Mountains.
The final battle takes place in the forest of Gitamoth, which is mostly off the north edge of the map. The journey tracker puts it in the forest labelled Greenwood on SotBE's map of the Far North, while the text says that it was later known as the Silent Forest (a different but nearby location on SotBE's map).
Eastern Invasion
This campaign has its own map, with the River Guard outposts shown, and a tracking map. The intro describes the location of the River Guard posts on "the near bank of the Weldyn", alludes to trouble in the Estmarks, and refers to "raiders from the great desert", location unspecified.
One path from An Unexpected Appearance leads west, the other east (text). But the western path forces Gweddry and his men to travel north, into "known forest country just south of the Great River" (text). On the other branch, Mal-Ravanal's capitol is in the Bitter Swamp (Mal-Ravanal's Capitol); the party flees "west and north" until they find a "low pass in the Estmarks, and [are] greatly relieved to see the valley of the Weldyn open before them." (text). In Undead Crossing, Gweddry's party crosses the Great River to the north (text). One of the following scenarios is named Lake Vrug. In Drowned Plains the party goes south to the Great River, crosses it, and Owaec announces that they have entered the Horse Plains. Weldyn is on the map of the final scenario.
The Orc kings stronghold map has map labels
The Hammer of Thursagan
This campaign has a tracking map. It begins at Knalga, and the heroes travel generally eastwards. There are no other specific geographical references in it, except to "the High Pass" about halfway between Knalga and Kal Kartha.
Descent Into Darkness
This campaign has a journey track, and a map on which the the "northern border town of Parthyn" (Saving Parthyn) appears. An eartly fight (Orc War) takes place near the river Longlier (the Arkan-thoria). This is denoted by a map label. Later in the campaign (Return To Parthyn) it is specified that Malin follows a trail south across the Great River and west to Parthyn. Part of the action (A Small Favor and three sequels) takes place in the city of Tath.
Scepter of Fire
This campaign has a tracking map. The campaign begins in "the foothills of Knalga" (text, A Bargain Is Struck) when Haldric II rides north from there from the Ford of Abez. Rugnur looks for Thursagan in "the northern wastelands", which is near the coast north-northeast of Rumyr (Searching for the Runecrafter). Much of the rest of the campaign takes place in the old eastern mines just north of the Arkan-thoria; this is where the Scepter will be found in Heir To The Throne. Alanin's running battle with the outriders takes place just north of the Ford of Abez (track, Outriding the Outriders).
(Note: earlier versions of SoF were set in a completely different location in the far western foothills of the Heart Mountains. This was an error by some hapless chronicler.)
Son Of The Black Eye
This campaign takes place off the northern edge of the main map and has its own tracking map (see "The Far North") above. There is no reference to anywhere on the main map other than Dwarven Doors, and that does not indicate either distance or direction.
Dead Water
This campaign has a tracking map. It takes place on and near the coast of the Far North; the port city of Tirigaz, mentioned in Son of the Black-Eye, is a locale of one scenario. We learn that one of the small islands off the coast is called Bilheld and is inhabited by drakes.
Secrets of the Ancients
This campaign has a tracking map. It begins on the isle of Alduin, moving from the Great Academy, through the town of Llorvin to take a ship from docks north of Llorvin. These docks aren't named in the campaign, they might be part of Llorvin but are a distance from the town.
The ship lands at Blackwater Port, everyone there is killed leaving no eye-witnesses.
The campaign then has two routes. One leader goes through Carcyn and then meets merfolk who were trading with Carcyn. The other through the Grey Woods, where there is the battlefield from an ancient elvish civil war, nagas and saurians are trading metal here, the saurians are probably scavenging from the battlefield, and the nagas are selling it to the merfolk. In a second scenario of the Grey Woods, there are woses and an elf who watches for necromancers from the battlefield.
The groups rejoin before crossing the Ford of Abez and continuing north travelling over the mountains of Knalga to the keep of Crelanu (a character, not a location).
The campaign then returns south through the tunnels of Knalga, with the finale battle north of Tath. In the epilogue, Ras-Tabahn's army attacks Elensefar.
Delfador's Memoirs
This campaign has a tracking map. Its scenario locations are in general well known from other campaigns. The campaign maps feature some map labels
Northern Rebirth
This campaign has a tracking map. It begins in Dwarven Doors. No distances or directions to places elsewhere in canon are indicated.
Under The Burning Suns
This campaign has no tracking map. It takes place long after the fall of Wesnoth and none of its locations can be clearly tied to anywhere in the main map.