
From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki

My Projects

My campaign

Antar, Son of Rheor

   'Antar, Son of Rheor' is a single-player-campaign for BfW 1.9.13 or later.
   "With enemies pressing on all sides, Lord Rheor is called away to relieve his neighbour, Othar.
   His son, Lord Antar is left in command of the peaceful kingdom.
   But evil strikes in the form of Baron Malbeth,
   and soon, realising the hordes of Orcs and Undead cannot be defeated with what forces he has,
   Antar seeks an alliance with the elves and the dwarves.
   Yet the enemy is dark and well-versed in the lore of necromancy, 
   and even with their new allies it  will be a long battle.
   For behind all the evil is a single, sinister power… Mal-Kazur."
       Hope you enjoy playing. :)
       Bug reports, balancing ideas and any other feedback are all welcome.

A Campaign I've ported from older versions for BfW version 1.12

A Vision Blinded

Link: A Vision Blinded

by Lemontea

Stuff I also work on

Guide to UMC Campaigns

Link: Guide to UMC Campaigns

started by Taptap.

Planed is a site that lists all campaigns (1.10 / 1.11) to help players to decide what Add-On the may download and play next.

Players' Review(s)

Link: Guide to UMC Campaigns / Player reviews

A collection of reviews for the Guide to UMC Campaigns.

Planed is a site that lists Reviews for all campaigns (1.10 / 1.11) to help players to decide what Add-On the may download and play next.

How To Use Filters / .pdf

Link: How To Use Filters / .pdf

Examples how to use filters written by Pyrophorus.

For UMC creators with less coding experience.

Downloadable .pdf file.

How To Use Filters / wiki

Link: How To Use Filters / wiki site

Examples how to use filters.

For UMC creators with less coding experience.

Wiki site.

How To Use Variables / .pdf

Link: How To Use Variables / .pdf

Examples how to use variables written by Pyrophorus.

For UMC creators with less coding experience.

Downloadable .pdf file.

How To Use Variables / wiki

Link: How To Use Variables / wiki site

Examples how to use variables written by Pyrophorus.

For UMC creators with less coding experience.

Wiki site.

Usermade Campaigns I really like

  In order in which I've played them

The Devils Flute

by Lipk
Description: "Creona, the well-known assassin, gets a strange job from a strange person. So, in fact, it's no surprise that things take a strange turn..."
Link: The Devils Flute

Besieged Druids

by Celtic_Minstrel
Description: "The druid citadel where elf maidens are trained in their art comes under siege. Who is the perpetrator? In your quest you may happen upon unexpected and unusual allies. (9 scenarios)"
Link: Besieged Druids

Library of Kratemaqht

by Cephalo (Rich Marinaccio)
Description: "An ancient story from the old continent."
Link: Library of Kratemaqht

Forward they Cried

by Glowing Fish
Description: "You are the leader of an advanced detachment that has been tasked with capturing a bridgehead while the main army prepares to attack. It should be a simple enough assignment.
Novice Level, 1 scenario."
Link: Forward they Cried


by Homunculus
Description: "A bard (an aging criminal) is walking in wasteland. Nothing but two hands in his pockets, and nothing but stones around. Suddenly he sees a knight on errand--a dangerous opponent, especially in broad daylight. The two strangers are soon sitting by the campfire, and the bard is telling a story.
Intermediate level, 12+ fights"
Link: Ruthless

Return to Noelren

by Pyrophorus
Description: "A story in the first Dark Age of Wesnoth. See how various heroes band together to shun the threat of black magics, restore the secret kingdom of Noelren and install Garard I on the throne of Wesnoth.
Easy level, 26 scenarios."
Link: Return to Noelren

Only Death Behind

by NoQ
Description:"Legends of the Emerald Forest, chapter II: Only Death Behind.
Three ghosts have escaped from the land of the dead. Yet they don't remember anything about their past.
This is an Undead campaign that references certain characters and events from 'The Flight of Drakes', yet it can be played separately.
Intermediate level, 7 scenarios."
Link: Only Death Behind

Galdur's First Journey

by Mattsc (Matthias Schoeck)
Description: "While the belligerence of orcs is nothing new, their intensifying attacks on a fledgling colony of elves in Pindir Forest begin to show signs of a deeper malice, forcing Galuldur, the young son of the colony's adventurous founder Galur, to venture out of his forest's friendly trees in search of help. His simple errand quickly turns into a frantic quest to unearth the roots of the mysterious evil threatening his people. As you lead him through unknown lands, Galuldur, forced to match wits with unexpected adversaries at nearly every turn in a desperate attempt to save his world, quickly learns that the world is neither a friendly nor a simple place.
Intermediate level. 8 or 9 scenarios depending on choices made in game."
Link: Galdur's First Journey
This page was last edited on 2 August 2015, at 08:38.