I will delete this text later: max_moves, max_experience, max_hitpoints are missing. Maybe more attributes are missing, but
I don't know whether all attributes shown in Game Inspector work inside [unit]
It does. I have added it.
scope of applicability of attributes
(by SlowThinker)
what do you mean by "It does"? Do all attributes shown in Game Inspector work inside [unit]?
There are several areas where these attributes may appear:
1) inside [unit] 2) inside [store_unit] 3) inside [unstore_unit] 4) inside Game Inspector 5) in savefiles
The question is: if an attribute appears/takes effect in one point above, does it also appear/take effect in all other points? If the answer is yes then it should be stressed in wiki.
Note: InternalActionsWML#.5Bstore_unit.5D indicates the attributes that are shown by [store_unit] is a proper subset of attributes that take effect with [unstore_unit]