[hide]- 1 General
- 1.1 Events
- 1.2 Context & Info
- 1.2.1 Multiplayer Lobby
- 1.2.2 Multiplayer Join
- 1.2.3 Multiplayer Staging
- 1.2.4 Multiplayer Create
- context.create
- context.quit
- context.load
- context.update_settings
- context.set_name
- context.set_password
- context.select_level
- context.select_type
- context.select_era
- context.save_game
- info.get_selected
- info.find_level
- info.find_era
- info.find_mod
- 1.2.5 Game
- 1.2.6 titlescreen
- 1.2.7 Dialog
- 1.2.8 init
A plugin is a Lua script loaded via the command-line option --plugin that runs as a coroutine in parallel with the game UI. Examples of their use in mainline are the host.lua and join.lua scripts which are used during CI to test hosting and joining a game through the multiplayer lobby.
Within the script, data from the game is retrieved via coroutine.yield() which returns three values: events, context, and info:
events, context, info = coroutine.yield()
A table of events the plugin manager has been made aware of, with each event containing the event name in the [1] index and the event data in the [2] index.
Currently there is only the chat event, which occurs when a chat message or a whisper is sent and contains the following attributes:
- sender - String. The player sending the message.
- message - String. The message being sent.
- whisper - Boolean. Whether the message was sent as a whisper or as a general chat message.
Context & Info
The context object contains various functions which can be called to change or set data (mutators).
The info object contains the name attribute which identifies which context the game is currently in, as well as various functions to retrieve data (accessors) based on the current context.
The different contexts and their associated mutator and accessor functions are listed below.
Multiplayer Lobby
- π context.join(config)
Joins the currently selected game as a player, moving to the Multiplayer Join context. The config argument should be an empty table.
- π context.observe(config)
Joins the currently selected game as an observer. The config argument should be an empty table.
- π context.create(config)
Moves to the game creation screen. The config argument should be an empty table.
- π context.quit(config)
Leaves the lobby. The config argument should be an empty table.
- π
Sends a public chat message. The config argument must have an attribute message, which will be the text to send as a chat message.
- π context.select_game(config)
Selects a current game. Must be called before trying to join or observe a game. The config argument must have either the attribute id which which is the ID of the game to select, or the attribute index which is the index of the game to select in the list of games displayed in the lobby (filtering is ignored).
- π info.game_list() β config
Returns a config containing the list of games in the lobby and their associated information. This list ignores any filtering.
Multiplayer Join
- π context.launch(config)
Joins the game. The config argument provided should be an empty table.
- π context.quit(config)
Returns to the lobby. The config argument provided should be an empty table.
- π
Sends a public chat message to players who have joined. The config argument provided must have the message attribute, which is the text to be sent as the chat message.
Multiplayer Staging
- π context.launch(config)
Starts the game. The config argument provided should be an empty table.
- π context.quit(config)
Returns to the lobby. The config argument provided should be an empty table.
- π
Sends a public chat message to players who have joined. The config argument provided must have the message attribute, which is the text to be sent as the chat message.
Multiplayer Create
- π context.create(config)
The config argument provided should be an empty table.
Moves to the Multiplayer Staging context using the currently selected content, the same as if the Ok button was clicked.
- π context.quit(config)
The config argument provided should be an empty table.
Moves to the Multiplayer Lobby context using the currently selected content, the same as if the Cancel button was clicked.
- π context.load(config)
The config argument provided should be an empty table.
Opens the Game Load dialog.
- π context.update_settings(config)
Updates various multiplayer game settings based on which attributes of the below attributes are present:
- turns
- gold
- support
- experience
- start_time
- fog
- shroud
- time_limit
- init_turn_limit
- turn_bonus
- reservoir
- action_bonus
- observers
- strict_sync
- private_replay
- shuffle_sides
- π context.set_name(config)
The provided config argument must have the name attribute.
Sets the name of the game which will be displayed in the lobby.
- π context.set_password(config)
The provided config argument must have the password attribute.
Sets the password needed to join the game.
- π context.select_level(config)
The provided config argument must have the index attribute.
Selects the content at the specified index. The index is based on the content that is currently visible on the UI based on the name filter.
- π context.select_type(config)
The provided config argument must have the type attribute.
Selects the type of content to choose from. The value of type must be one of scenario, user_map, user_scenario, random_map, campaign, sp_campaign. Otherwise the default of scenario will be used.
- π context.select_era(config)
The provided config argument must have the index attribute.
Selects the era at the specified index in the list of eras.
- π context.save_game(config)
The provided config argument must have the index attribute.
Toggles whether the modification at the specified index is enabled or disabled.
- π info'.'get_selected(config) β config
The config argument provided should be an empty table.
Returns a config containing the following attributes:
- id: The ID of what is currently selected.
- name: The user visible, translatable name of what is currently selected.
- icon: The icon of what is selected. Only populated when it's a campaign.
- description: The user visible, translatable description of what is selected.
- allow_era_choice: Whether selecting an era is allowed or not.
- type: The type of content that is currently selected. Possible values are scenario, user_map, user_scenario, random_map, campaign, sp_campaign.
- π info.find_level(config) β config
The config argument provided must contain the id attribute.
Returns a config containing the following attributes:
- index: The index of the content with the provided ID. If not found, this will be -1.
- type: The type of content that is currently selected. Possible values are scenario, user_map, user_scenario, random_map, campaign, sp_campaign.
- π info.find_era(config) β number
The config argument provided must contain the id attribute.
Returns the index of the era with the provided ID. If not found, this will be -1.
- π info.find_mod(config) β number
The config argument provided must contain the id attribute.
Returns the index of the modification with the provided ID. If not found, this will be -1.
- π context.save_game(config)
Triggers a save of the game. The config argument must have an attribute filename, which will be the filename of the resulting save file.
- π context.save_replay(config)
Saves a replay of the game. The config argument must have an attribute filename, which will be the filename of the resulting replay file.
- π context.quit(config)
Leaves the currently joined game. The config argument provided should be an empty table.
- π info.scenario_name().scenario_name β string
Returns the name of the current scenario. This is the translatable scenario name as shown on the UI during game creation.
- π context.play_multiplayer()
Attempts to connect to the multiplayer server.
- π info.command_line β config
Returns the command line options provided when starting Wesnoth.
- π context.skip_dialog(config)
Closes the current modal dialog like the Ok button was clicked. The config argument should be an empty table.
- π context.quit(config)
Does nothing. The config argument should be an empty table.
None are available.