(Version 1.17.0 and later only)
- mathx.clamp(value, min, max) → clamped value
Clamps a value between a specified minimum and maximum. If the value is less then min, it returns min. If the value is greater than max, it returns max. Otherwise, it returns value.
(Version 1.17.0 and later only)
- mathx.lerp(min, max, alpha) → interpolated value
Calculates a linear interpolation between min and max. If alpha is 0, it will return min. If alpha is 1, it will return max. If alpha is between 0 and 1, it interpolates between them. Values outside the range will yield an extrapolation.
(Version 1.19.4 and later only)
- mathx.lerp_index(array, ratio) → closest value
Returns the element of the array that falls closest to the specified ratio of its length.
Example: mathx.lerp_index({12, 32, 8, 97}, 0.27})
returns 32.
- mathx.random([m, [n]]) → random number
This function returns a random number generated by the synced random generator, which is also used by [set_variable]rand=. This function has the same interface as math.random so it can take 0, 1 or 2 arguments. Some things to watch out:
- When giving 1 argument, you need to guarantee that it is greater than 0.
- If your smallest value possible is 0, you can use the form mathx.random(0, n) instead.
- When giving 2 arguments, the first is not allowed to be bigger than the second one.
In map generation scripts, the values returned by this function depend on the seed the map author has input (if any).
Be careful as random is not safe in certain events, see Multiplayer_safety.
- mathx.random_choice(spec) → choice
Chooses a random element from its input. The input can be a string (as set_variable's rand=), in which case it will be split on commas and consider integer ranges; or it can be a Lua array, in which case the elements can be either simple values or a table of two integers, representing a range.
-- create a random unit at (1, 1) on side=1 : wesnoth.units.to_map{ type = mathx.random_choice{"Dwarvish Fighter", "Dwarvish Thunderer", "Dwarvish Scout"} x = 1, y = 1 }
Note that random_choice is only safe in certain events, see Multiplayer Safety.
- mathx.round(n) → number
Rounds a number to the nearest integer, using the "round half away from zero" method (see here for a more detailed explanation).
-- this number will be rounded up mathx.round(345.67) -- returns 346 -- this one will be rounded down mathx.round(543.21) -- returns 543 -- an integer stays integer mathx.round(123) -- returns 123 -- works also for negative numbers mathx.round(-369.84) -- returns -370 mathx.round(-246.42) -- returns -246
- mathx.shuffle(array, [random function])
This function randomly sorts in place the elements of the table passed as argument, following the Fisher-Yates algorithm. It returns no value.
local locs ={ terrain="G*" } mathx.shuffle(locs)
This function uses the synced RNG (mathx.random) by default and should not cause out-of-sync errors. It is also possible to pass a different random generator as a second argument; a random generator is a function that takes two integers a and b and returns a random integer in the range [a,b]. For example, math.random can be passed if you need unsynced random calls (for example because it's used for user interface code):
local locs ={ terrain="G*" } mathx.shuffle(locs, math.random)