Using the gui.show_dialog function, you can create pretty much any custom dialog you want using the standard GUI2 markup that constructs most of Wesnoth's built-in UIs. This page is dedicated to a fully-working example that demonstrates some of the intricacies of the system.
We're going to create a character selection dialog, similar to the tutorial dialog, but with more than two choices. Since there will be several choices, we'll use a listbox. In order to be as user-friendly as possible, we'll register an ActionWML tag that calls the dialog and stores an ID in a variable.
The Dialog WML
First, you need to write your GUI2 WML. We recommend putting the WML in a .cfg file, in a [resolution] tag. Though the resolution tag is not required, using it means you could have multiple versions of the dialog in the same file (for example, a different layout for small screens) and choose between them, if the API is updated to support this in the future (which is likely).
The remainder of this example will assume this code is pasted into a file called "Your_Addon/character_select.cfg".
#textdomain wesnoth-gui-example {gui/macros} # Built-in macros that are useful for GUI WML; not used in this example [resolution] definition = "default" automatic_placement = true vertical_placement = "center" horizontal_placement = "center" maximum_width = 800 maximum_height = 600 [linked_group] id = "image" fixed_width = true [/linked_group] [linked_group] id = "item" fixed_width = true [/linked_group] [tooltip] id = "tooltip" [/tooltip] [helptip] id = "tooltip" [/helptip] [grid] [row] grow_factor = 0 [column] grow_factor = 1 border = "all" border_size = 5 horizontal_alignment = "left" [label] id = "title" definition = "title" [/label] [/column] [/row] [row] grow_factor = 0 [column] grow_factor = 1 border = "all" border_size = 5 horizontal_alignment = "left" [scroll_label] id = "message" definition = "default" [/scroll_label] [/column] [/row] [row] grow_factor = 1 [column] grow_factor = 1 horizontal_grow = true vertical_grow = true border = "all" border_size = 5 [listbox] id = "characters" definition = "default" [list_definition] [row] [column] vertical_grow = true horizontal_grow = true [toggle_panel] definition = "default" return_value_id = "ok" [grid] [row] [column] grow_factor = 0 horizontal_grow = false border = "all" border_size = 5 [image] id = "image" definition = "default" linked_group = "image" [/image] [/column] [column] grow_factor = 0 horizontal_grow = false border = "all" border_size = 5 [label] id = "item" definition = "default" linked_group = "item" [/label] [/column] [column] grow_factor = 1 horizontal_grow = true border = "all" border_size = 5 [label] id = "description" definition = "default" linked_group = "item" [/label] [/column] [/row] [/grid] [/toggle_panel] [/column] [/row] [/list_definition] [/listbox] [/column] [/row] [row] grow_factor = 0 [column] horizontal_alignment = "right" [grid] [row] grow_factor = 0 [column] border = "all" border_size = 5 horizontal_alignment = "right" [button] id = "ok" definition = "default" label = _ "OK" [/button] [/column] [column] border = "all" border_size = 5 horizontal_alignment = "right" [button] id = "cancel" definition = "default" label = _ "Cancel" [/button] [/column] [/row] [/grid] [/column] [/row] [/grid] [/resolution]
The Implementation
local _ = wesnoth.textdomain "wesnoth-gui-example" -- Some sample data for the dialog local characters = { { id = "konrad", name = _ "Konrad", image = "units/konrad-fighter.png", description = _ "A bright young prince, skilled with the sword!" }, { id = "lisar", name = _ "Li'sar", image = "units/human-princess.png~RC(magenta>red)", description = _ "A bright young princess, skilled with the sword!" }, { id = "delfador", name = _ "Delfador", image = "units/human-magi/elder-mage.png~RC(magenta>red)", description = _ "A jaded old mage, wields powerful lightning magic!" }, { id = "kalenz", name = _ "Kalenz", image = "units/elves-wood/high-lord.png~RC(magenta>green)", description = _ "A jaded old mage, wields powerful lightning magic!" }, -- Add more characters here, if you want! } function wesnoth.wml_actions.select_character(cfg) -- If you uncomment this line you can specify the character options directly in the WML tag. -- Just add a [character] subtag for each character with id, name, image, and description. --local characters = wml.child_array(cfg, 'character') local selection = 1 function pre_show(self) -- Set the title and text. -- Normally you'd do this in the WML if they're static text, but for this example we show how you can update them dynamically if needed. self.title.label = _ "Select a Character" self.message.label = _ "Before you get started, you need to select a character." -- Look up the list box by its ID local listbox = self.characters for i, character in ipairs(characters) do -- Add a new blank item to the list local new_item = listbox:add_item() -- The new item has "image" and "item" subwidgets, -- so set their values appropriately new_item.image.label = character.image new_item.item.label = new_item.description.label = character.description end listbox.selected_index = selection end function post_show(self) selection = self.characters.selected_index end local dialog_wml = wml.load("character_select.cfg", true, "schema/gui_window.cfg") wml.variables.selected_character = wesnoth.sync.evaluate_single(function() local result = false if -1 == gui.show_dialog(wml.get_child(dialog_wml, 'resolution'), pre_show, post_show) then result = characters[selection].id end return {selected = result} end).selected end