LotI Walkthrough-Part2-Chapter10
Part II, Into the Light, Chapter 10, Dawning of a New Era
[dabber] Chapter 10 is really tough. It plays differently than everything except maybe the first couple scenarios of chapter 1. You have almost no equipment and no experience (Krux and Vritra lose all previous AMLAs) and you face really powerful enemies. The equipment you bring through on Krux and Vritra from chapter 8 is critical. The only saving grace is you can still access your gem stash, so SPEND IT. Craft the big stuff and/or craft a lot. If you didn't equip the kids for this back in chapter 8, you are in trouble. If you spent lots of cool gems in chapter 9, you are in trouble. If you made both mistakes ... cheat or go back.
If you have the right equipment, and the gems to cast awesome stuff like Dugi's Ward, you can make Krux or Vritra into good solo-fighters. But they won't be as good as their parents. By the end of chapter 9, Efraim or Lethalia should be able to walk into a mass of a dozen demon warriors and slaughter them all in a single turn. Vritra with good equipment and a dozen AMLAs will die facing half that many basic demons.
Krux Krux wants Doombringer. Because Krux uses it for both melee and ranged, this gives him slow and suck on both, which might keep him alive. Even if I don't want to give him ranged AMLAs, I often have to give him some to upgrade his number of attacks to ensure he hits with a slow. You may also want to disable his other ranged retaliation attacks to ensure the slow and suck from Doombringer matter. Chapter 10 Krux has good leadership AMLAs, better than chapter 8, including healing. If you want to level him that way, it can be valuable.
Vritra just has fighting AMLAs, although she's good at it. You should probably balance her melee upgrades (which can eventually get to slow), with her ranged upgrades. Like with Krux, you may want to disable her other ranged retaliation attacks to ensure she uses her cold slow attack.
[dwarftough] I haven't really played this chapter recently but I believe in the beginning of this chapter a lot depends on which items you carried out from chapter 8 on Vritra and Krux (cause that's the only two with their items who got carried through). So it's worth thinking about it in Chapter 8 and probably equip Krux and Vritra in the best possible items there (for Efraim and Lethalia you have vast Inferno to loot items). For example, I would prefer to carry heal +40 Cactus ring here, not in Chapter 9 (in Chapter 9 you probably have enough heal and healers even without this ring).
[WHU] Back to Krux and Vritra, along with a batch of new loyal allies. You have no recall list, no items in storage (but you do have your gem collection), and several items on the ground. You are going to be encountering some tough enemies, and you want to protect your loyal units, and you probably have a decent gem collection, so now is the time to do some crafting. I like Forestburner melee weapons for my units that do not, and in particular will not after advancing, have ranged attacks. Wretched Defiler gives one more attack, and creates undead that can be used as fodder, a good choice for units with few powerful attacks, such as a paladin. At a minimum, lots of Konrad's Might weapons and Mastadon armor items.
[WHU] Move forward (north), slowly and carefully, and remember to check the demons' stats carefully. There are caves to be explored, some good, some bad. It's best to enter a cave with a few movement points remaining, the gryphon rider with speed upgrade is good for that. Try to take out the enemies one at a time with overwhelming force. No early finish bonus, and plenty of turns, it may be a good idea to go after some XP here, if possible.
And Another Orcish Assault
[WHU] This one has been improved as of 3.2.7d, but it can still be pretty nasty. The best luck I've had is with Krux helping defend the orc leader while his troops are slaughtered (mostly by suicide), while Vritra leads an assassination force up the east side of the map. You might get a chance to recruit some fodder, but be aware you'll need as much gold as possible for the next scenario. Once the demon force is committed to heading south, kill the leader as quickly as possible.
[Thrash] This is probably the hardest scenario. I hang back just south of the orcish line and use Vitra and Krux to pick off demons while lettings the orcs shield them from retaliation.
[WHU] Again, no idea. If there were more turns, I'd capture some villages and keep recruiting fodder so I could take on the superior demons one or two at a time. But there's not enough turns to begin with. I usually get to about turn 4 or 5 before I remember that I hate this chapter and quit. That's probably not the recommended strategy. Maybe I need to spend a lot more time crafting in the first scenario.
[Thrash] The trick is to try to deal with the demons 1 or 2 at a time while not running out of time. Hopefully some of your secondary units are getting tough enough to gang up on and kill demons as well at this point. Some of the ruins damage units and other do... I don't know what. Once you get past the demons, the fight at the end should be a cake walk.
Betrayers of Humankind
[WHU] Finally. You have to kill a demon leader, then Delly. You don't get any extra turns, so you want to make sure you're making progress towards her. This is mostly a straight up fight where you can use terrain to your advantage. I like to use walking dead to screen and distract the enemy.
The Chase
[WHU] A castle of recalls is plenty. Move forward and find terrain advantage, fight off the first wave and take out Delly. Assume position in "her" castle, using the mountains for cover if the next wave contains strong mounted units with charge. There's a cave with villages and loot in the northwest, a fast gryphon rider would be great to explore it. There's another cave to the east and just south of the second castle. Defeat the second wave, advance and take out Delly, again. The third time you defeat her the objectives will change, so make sure you do it at the beginning of a turn and when your army is present and not lagging behind. This would be a good time to recruit a few units to gather some XP.
[Thrash] Watch out for lancers.
[WHU] A quick fight. Recall a front line that can get hit hard, and then a second force to push the counterattack forward while the front line heals.
[Thrash] Possible Beelzebub monument here at 15,12.
[WHU] Proceed southwest to your keep, and clean it out. Recall a couple of castles. A couple fast flying units will be helpful. Let your ally do a lot of the fighting, or at least the dying part. Send several units to help your ally deal with the enemies coming up from the south, then probably no more than a couple to help finish off the southern leader and collect the goods. Watch out for enemies with charge and lots of movement, especially early on, some goblin fodder my be in order.
[WHU] Most of the fight will be along the river to the west of your keep. Keep it well covered so the enemy can't cross, leaving his forces to die in the icy river. Once the western enemy has used up most of his forces, send a few units to kill the leader, and start your push northwest.
Empire of Twilight
[WHU] Recruit/recall heavily (like 20 units), as you will be fighting on several fronts at once. There is a cave just to the northeast with some nasty demons. If you follow the obvious path mostly southwest, you'll find a castle in the center. At this point, you'll have enemies constantly upon you from the west and south, and soon possibly demons from the northeast. There's a castle directly to the south that is constantly recruiting, so either split your force and take out that leader as quickly as possible, or milk some XP. Watch out for skirmishers and fast moving units with charge who can get behind your lines to attack your injured units.
[WHU] Once the first two enemies are dispatched, head west through the gap in the mountains and take out the third group (or fourth if you went into the cave). Send someone almost directly south, staying just west of the mountains and you will find the entrance of a cave that leads southeast to an optional scenario. Here you have a choice, there are two more leaders to the west, who will be triggered if you move even a few tiles west of the third castle. They are just mid-level humans, though they have some chargers who can hit you out of the shroud. Fight them for XP, or don't trigger them and sneak away (with one unit) through the southern cave.
[Thrash] Possible Beelezbub monument at 48,16.
[WHU] There aren't a lot of turns here to find and kill ALL dwarves (not just the leaders), so make sure your army can move through caves. Several whelps would be useful for scouting, and generally getting in the way of dwarves that might surprise you. There are two dwarf castles, one in the center of the map and one to the southeast of center.
Corrupted Town
[WHU] Supposedly, you're to use the frozen hills to protect you from the first wave, then counterattack. Doesn't work for me, because the "first" wave never ends. If you try it that way, make sure you are using units that move well on frozen hills so you can rotate them out successfully.
[WHU] The enemy leaders have a pretty healthy income, and will just keep recruiting. Every unit you kill is just less they have to spend on support. They can't recruit if you kill them, or at least knock them off their keep, so I say, "ATTACK!". Using overwhelming force, head out quickly. Bring along a handful of fodder to protect your army, I like whelps due to the low price, decent pierce protection, and regeneration. Ideally, your army would be powerful enough to split and take out the two southernmost leaders in the first line, ending their recruitment as quickly as possible. Then the smart move is probably to end the northeast leader, then sweep west. Ignoring the northeast leader is possible, but not simple.
[WHU] There are a lot of units that are in castle that have no keep. They will remain stationary until you get too close, so concentrate on killing those enemy leaders (that you need to, remember the objective is to reach the temple, not kill all enemy leaders) carefully. Like most of this chapter, I like to make extensive use of walking corpses to shield my troops, particularly from charging units. I also recruit a lot of fodder (whelps and goblin spearmen) to shield my army and delay my pursuers when I am ready to move from one castle to another. Watch carefully for the demons that look like humans, but are very, very much stronger.
Idols Falling
[WHU] Play each step perfectly. Be very, very lucky. Run out of turns before you can reach the enemy leader.
[WHU] You are going to be hit, hard, initially, so use some fodder to protect your key units. Again, I like whelps here, lots of them. To the northeast are demons with temptation, so be sure to send a mix of genders, and more than one of each so you can rotate them out as necessary. To the southeast are imps, a couple of good units with a lot of blade resistance should take most of them out on defense. The rest are demons.
[Thrash] A couple extra fast and strong recalls will be helpful to explore quickly as time is a bit of an issue. There is nothing else in starting room, and no benefit to villages so don't waste time there. The rooms are always the same but I believe the portals (red circles), which teleport you between rooms, are random but seem to always be symmetrical (if you go through one, the one you arrive at will take you back to where you came.) A portals will be blocked if something sits on the receiving end, so don't send a unit through unless they have some movement as they can get blocked on the portal unable to move and you will be unable to send help to them. I use labels to capture what goes where.
Black Souls
[WHU] I managed to complete this within the turn limit, once, but only because Grumbul had a pretty good Eidolon set giving him unholybane, along with Dark Dragon legacy upgrades for arcane penetration.
[Thrash] Skirmishers will be very valuable here to close portals. If your units are fast enough, it's possible to outrun the portals being created and avoid a lot of fighting.
End of the World
[WHU] This scenario is basically a victory lap. All you have to do is keep Efraim and Lethalia from being attacked, and don't move them. You could simply recall everything you can, surround them, and wait. But you also have your entire recall list, gem selection, and inventory from Part II, you could experiment with all kinds of combinations of gear, build some superheroes, and go on offense. It's a game. Play it your way, and have fun.
[Thrash] Possible to have a Beelzebub monument at 41,38. If you take it on (there is no real reason to do so), watch out for flies going after Efraim and Lethalia and causing you to lose.
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