LotI Walkthrough-Part2-Chapter06
Part II, Into the Light, Chapter 6, Rising from the Grave
[WHU] It's a new start.
[WHU] There's some really valuable information in the entry for "Friends No More" that will help you prepare for the rest of Part II.
[Thrash] There will be a couple of times (the Gladiator thread in Chapter VIII and then at the start of Chapter X) when you effectively start over without recalls or items, but your gems carry over and will very very valuable to equip new recruits, so you probably want to stockpile them for those two occassions.
[hide]The Awakening
[WHU] This one was rather nasty, became much more reasonable in 3.2.27d. Advance Lethalia's Fairie Fire, and don't get too cocky.
WDF: If time is a problem, there is a room with a necrophage in it, if you go to the bottom right of it [Thrash: specifically 23,18], Lethalia will trigger the cutscene with Efraim skipping a big chunk of this level
Who Am I
[WHU] Recruit a bunch of walking corpses as fodder to block enemy attacks. Protect your leaders with terrain. After the first wave is broken, head west, then north, and finally northeast.
[Thrash] Don't forget to equip Efriam with any useful items picked up in the previous scenario.
Into the Light
[WHU] Recruit a lot of skeletal units, which are pretty much all going to die (again). The demons you will encounter will have various, usually nasty, traits, so pay attention to each one. Head northeast, slowly. You may want to send a ghost to the north, staying along the west side where possible, to make a quick end to the scenario once you complete the other objectives.
[WHU] If you happen to recruit any loyal units, consider leaving them back to protect them. Your skeletons will die pretty easily, but if one gets a kill it's almost certain to level up. It's probably a good idea to start leveling a couple of skeletons on the revenant to death knight to internal knight or lich king path, their leadership will come in handy later.
[Thrash] Most of the demons you can kill by ganging up on them, but I believe it's possible to get one with the right combination of attributes (e.g. regrowth and a powerful ranged attack) to make it effectively unkillable for you at this point. You may just need to mob it and run your heroes by it.
I Hate You, I Hate You Too
[WHU] Recruit/recall a couple castles of undead. Send Lethalia out hunting to the north while the rest of the army follows the path to the northeast. No need to hurry, enemy forces will be fighting each other, and lots of items will be dropped. Collect as much as you can, then kill the enemy leader.
Friends No More
[WHU] I've always played as Efraim. Recruit some units you want to level, in my case a couple mages, a couple horsemen, and a couple heavy infantry. Send Efraim across the swamp to take most of the damage, while picking off the few units that make it into the city. Rotate out damaged units. When the way is clear, send the army down the road to deal with Lethalia.
[WHU] Keep the general alive. Initially, his leadership will be very valuable for advancing units. Definitely advance him to a Duke, and keep advancing him. I'm pretty sure he's the only unit you'll get that can become a Duke, and his special skills will be crucial later on. He may be the most important unit in Part II.
[WHU] NOTE: As Part II progresses, you're going to run into huge groups of demons, some of which are incredibly strong. The tough ones' nasty attacks are almost always cold or arcane ranged, so start building some units with a lot of HP and cold/arcane resistance. Giving them good movement will help, too, in case you need to send them out to block. There will also be some demons with lesser berserk melee attacks, so start preparing some units to protect against them (I love slow here, and things that benefit from being hit while defending like reflect or triggerable are a plus). Hit and run type attacks will be important, along with penetration to support your heavy hitters.
[Thrash] I've played once as Lethalia and it's essentially the same scenarios but with the heroes swapped (though sometimes an ally of Efriam will not be an ally of Lethalia). I believe Efriam is the easier path.
[WHU] A castle full of recalls is generally enough. Move slowly to the north, leading with your leader and staying out of the mud. When you can't go north any farther, turn east. Remember what they say about shortcuts. If you are playing Efraim, between his defensive strikes and whirlwind he should seriously weaken lots of your enemies, leaving easy XP for units you want to advance.
World Without Amity
[WHU] With Efraim, recruit/recall a castle of units. Send a couple horsemen, and maybe a quick unit that can travel in the mountains where he can watch as your "ally" stands on items so you can't get them, to the east and then north, collecting villages and dropped items. Wait a few turns before starting to move the rest of the army north so that the drakes will concentrate on the humans. Lead with Efraim, and keep him between the drakes and your army who keep back out of the way. Advance slowly.
[Thrash] Playing Lethalia, your goal will be to defeat the humans, but both will be your enemies, which means between the drakes and charging knights, you will have a lot of damage coming your way. I used the usual strategy of hunkering down until initial waves of enemies were handled and then pushed.
Misguiding Lives
[WHU] As Efraim, you can usually just push ahead with him. Charles is disposable, you can use him to draw off some of the enemy units, along with some fodder.
Across the Barren Land
[WHU] There are a lot of factions fighting each other, and a good bit of dropped loot, along with chests of gold. The safer path is north along the west side of the map. There's more loot, and more danger, to the east. There is a cave in the mountains with an opening to the east with goodies. Recall a decent size force, the factions you will encounter are large. Include a few, particularly low level, troops you want to level up. Lead with your leader, and keep your army in a tight formation with your weaker troops protected in the center.
[WHU] In this scenario, you can right click on your leader and teleport your units to your leader, but not more often than once every 10 turns. You will have no control over how they are positioned, so you probably want to teleport before moving any of your army other than your leader.
[WHU] Forward progress will probably be inconsistent as you fight large groups of enemies, and you can get bogged down quickly. In particular, I find that if I'm about halfway up the map with half the turns remaining, I'm probably going to have to hurry at some point, and likely leave some loot behind.
[WHU] Skirmisher can be very useful to Efraim here.
[Thrash] Your main choice will be to go over the mountains (to the west), under the mountains (east), or split your army and do both if you really want to harvest XP and loot. The route through the caves seems harder. Watch out for enemy catching up with you from the south.
Heart Mountains
[WHU] Send a few units that are good against undead north through the mountains and into the cave. Recall some powerful units and fight off the first enemy using the river. Advance and kill the leader, then prepare for the next wave. Send a single unit into the cave in the northwest. Advance and kill the next leader, and when you have collected all the loot, follow the road northwest to the end.
[Thrash] Note that upkeep and income from villages are back in effect. Calvary will be of limited use here. Any unit reaching the north edge of map suffices to win.
[WHU] Efraim can generally handle this one himself, but there will be a lot of loot to pick up. If you recall, pick some strong units and a healer or two, and keep them back at first as the enemies that bypass Efraim will hit hard. There's a decent early finish bonus, so try to be quick about it.
The Library
[WHU] It's a library, read some books. All of them, in fact. Then, since there's no early finish bonus, park yourself between the spawning thingy and the exit thingy and kill stuff.
[WHU] The phoenix hits very hard, and won't move forward unless it can advance and attack in one turn. Hopefully, you have something very fast with slow, and something very fast that does a lot of cold, arcane, or impact damage (NOT fire). This is quite likely a time to use some potion(s), like titanic strength for Efraim.
[Thrash] You can spam spearman who will wear down the Phoenix until Efriam can kill it (a furious attack is useful). With Lethalia, you can use slow. Any unit that can attack without retaliation (Scythemasters, bowman/assassins with arrow storm) are useful.
Frozen Land
[WHU] The phoenix has lots of resistances, especially fire, so resistance penetration and lightning is useful here.
[Thrash] Fireballs seem to do nothing here. The Phoenix is L10, so just attacking it is a good XP producer.
[WHU] Recall a few units you want to give experience to. Your leader has a new attack called redeem, read up on it and use it as often as possible on low level units. Efraim can just walk through this one alone, but I like to give out some XP to other units. No gold carryover, so you might as well milk XP in the enemy castle.
[Thrash] Note that your hero will have their abilities reset and then some new ones added, so it is a good time to study them. Your undead will not be available in the next scenarios (until the United scenario of Chapter VIII), so consider unequipping their items before the end of this scenario.
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