
From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki


In the widget library the placement and sizes of elements is determined by a grid. Therefore most widgets have no fixed size.


We have two examples for the addon dialog, the first example the lower buttons are in one grid, that means if the remove button gets wider (due to translations) the connect button (4.1 - 2.2) will be aligned to the left of the remove button. In the second example the connect button will be partial underneath the remove button.

A grid exists of x rows and y columns for all rows the number of columns needs to be the same, there is no column (nor row) span. If spanning is required place a nested grid to do so. In the examples every row has 1 column but rows 3, 4 (and in the second 5) have a nested grid to add more elements per row.

In the grid every cell needs to have a widget, if no widget is wanted place the special widget spacer. This is a non-visible item which normally shouldn't have a size. It is possible to give a spacer a size as well but that is discussed elsewhere.

Every row and column has a grow_factor, since all columns in a grid are aligned only the columns in the first row need to define their grow factor. The grow factor is used to determine with the extra size available in a dialog. The algorithm determines the extra size work like this:

  • determine the extra size
  • determine the sum of the grow factors
  • if this sum is 0 set the grow factor for every item to 1 and sum to sum of items.
  • divide the extra size with the sum of grow factors
  • for every item multiply the grow factor with the division value


extra size 100
grow factors 1, 1, 2, 1
sum 5
division 100 / 5 = 20
extra sizes 20, 20, 40, 20

Since we force the factors to 1 if all zero it's not possible to have non growing cells. This can be solved by adding an extra cell with a spacer and a grow factor of 1. This is used for the buttons in the examples.

Every cell has a border_size and border the border_size is the number of pixels in the cell which aren't available for the widget. This is used to make sure the items in different cells aren't put side to side. With border it can be determined which sides get the border. So a border is either 0 or border_size.

If the widget doesn't grow when there's more space available the alignment determines where in the cell the widget is placed.


| 1.1                                   |
| 2.1                                   |
| |-----------------------------------| |
| | 3.1 - 1.1          | 3.1 - 1.2    | |
| |-----------------------------------| |
| |-----------------------------------| |
| | 4.1 - 1.1 | 4.1 - 1.2 | 4.1 - 1.3 | |
| |-----------------------------------| |
| | 4.1 - 2.1 | 4.1 - 2.2 | 4.1 - 2.3 | |
| |-----------------------------------| |

1.1       label : title
2.1       label : description
3.1 - 1.1 label : server
3.1 - 1.2 text box : server to connect to
4.1 - 1.1 spacer
4.1 - 1.2 spacer
4.1 - 1.3 button : remove addon
4.2 - 2.1 spacer
4.2 - 2.2 button : connect
4.2 - 2.3 button : cancel

| 1.1                                   |
| 2.1                                   |
| |-----------------------------------| |
| | 3.1 - 1.1          | 3.1 - 1.2    | |
| |-----------------------------------| |
| |-----------------------------------| |
| | 4.1 - 1.1         | 4.1 - 1.2     | |
| |-----------------------------------| |
| |-----------------------------------| |
| | 5.1 - 1.1 | 5.1 - 1.2 | 5.1 - 2.3 | |
| |-----------------------------------| |

1.1       label : title
2.1       label : description
3.1 - 1.1 label : server
3.1 - 1.2 text box : server to connect to
4.1 - 1.1 spacer
4.1 - 1.2 button : remove addon
5.2 - 1.1 spacer
5.2 - 1.2 button : connect
5.2 - 1.3 button : cancel


This is the code needed to create the skeleton for the structure the extra flags are omitted.

					# 1.1
					# 2.1
								# 3.1 - 1.1
								# 3.1 - 1.2
								# 4.1 - 1.1
								# 4.1 - 1.2
								# 4.1 - 1.3
								# 4.1 - 2.1
								# 4.1 - 2.2
								# 4.1 - 2.3
This page was last edited on 29 April 2024, at 02:07.