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m (Promote all headings one level)
(Copy core function documentation over from FormulaAI page)
Line 75: Line 75:
  def is_badly_wounded(u) u.hitpoints < u.max_hitpoints / 2
  def is_badly_wounded(u) u.hitpoints < u.max_hitpoints / 2
=core functions=
=== 'abs' function ===
<number> = abs( <input number> )
Function returns absolute value of an <input number>, for example
abs( -5 )
will return 5.
=== 'choose' function ===
<result> = choose( <input list> , [ <string> ,] <formula> )
This function evaluates <formula> for each item in the <input> (which can be a list ro a map). Will evaluate to the one item which <formula> gave the highest value.  For example:
choose(my_units, level)
gives back the unit with the highest level.
'''Note:''' The implicit input when evaluating a mapping/filtering function's <formula> component will be that specific item under evaluation (in this example one of "my_units"), and it can be explicitly referenced as 'self' when necessary. Optional <string> paremater indicates what word used in <formula> is equivalent to 'self'.
When evaluating the map data type, we can reference to each key by 'key' and each value by 'value'. For example:
choose( [ 'elf' -> 10, 'dwarf' -> 20 ], value )
Will return a key-value pair
{ key->'dwarf', value->20 }
=== 'contains_string' function ===
<boolean> = contains_string( <string>, <key> )
Returns 1 if <key> can be found withing <string>, 0 otherwise
contains_string( 'Testing', 'ing' )
=== 'debug' function ===
<formula> = debug ( [<formula>] )
Starts a GUI formula AI debugger when evaluating a formula. It takes a formula, evaluates it and returns the result unchanged.
=== 'debug_print' function ===
'''you need to enable formula log (--log-info='ai/formula_ai') to see the result of this call'''
<formula> = debug_print( [ <optional string> ,] <formula>  )
This function can be used for debging the formulas. It takes formula, writes output to the console and return it unchanged. For example:
debug_print( [ 1, 2, 3 ] )
will result in printing to the console
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
Return value is the same.
We can specify optional parameter that helps to distinguish what each of debug_print outputs is (useful if we have multiple debug_print functions):
debug_print( 'My array: ', [ 1, 2, 3 ] )
will write in the console:
My array: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
And return
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
=== 'debug_float' function ===
<formula> = debug_float( <location>, [ <optional string> ,] <formula>  )
This function can be used for debging the formulas. It takes formula, floats a label containing the output on the hex specified (in the same way damage is displayed)  and return it unchanged. For example:
debug_float(me.loc, me.id )
will make a label containing the id of the unit "me" float over the unit
Return value is also the unit id.
We can specify optional parameter that helps to distinguish what each of debug_print outputs is (useful if we have multiple debug_print functions):
debug_float( me.loc, 'id: ', me.id )
will make the following label
id: <unit id
And return the unit id
=== 'dir' function ===
<list of names> = dir ( <input object> )
This function return list with all names of <input object's> members. For example:
dir( my_leader )
will result in output:
[ 'x', 'y', 'loc', 'id', 'leader', 'hitpoints', 'max_hitpoints', 'experience', 'max_experience', 'level',
'total_movement', 'movement_left', 'side', 'is_enemy', 'is_mine']
This command is useful in formula command line, to get information about members of different type of data. To get list of members of the ai, type:
dir( self )
=== 'filter' function ===
<result> = filter( <input>, [ <string> ,] <formula> )
This function will run <formula> on each item in the <input> (which can be a list or a map). Will evaluate to a <result> which only contains items the <formula> was true for. Optional <string> indicates what word used in <formula> is equivalent to 'self'. For example:
filter(my_units, hitpoints < max_hitpoints)
will return all of your units which have less than maximum hitpoints. For instance this could be used if looking for candidates for healing.
=== 'find' function ===
<result> = find( <input>, [ <string>,] <formula> )
This function will run <formula> on each item in the <input> (which can be a list or a map) and will return a first item for which <formula> was true. Optional <string> indicates what word used in <formula> is equivalent to 'self'. For example:
filter(units, id = 'Elvish Archer' )
will return first unit with id equal to 'Elvish Archer'.
=== 'head' function ===
<variable> = head( <list of variables> )
Head returns first item from the <list of variables>, for example
head( [ 5, 7, 9] )            #returns 5
head( [ 'Orc', 'Human' ] )    #returns 'Orc'
=== 'if' function ===
<result> = if( <condition> , <if true> [, <condition 2>, <if true 2>, ... ] [, <otherwise> ] )
If the <condition> parameter is true, the function will evaluate to being equal to its second input ( <if true> ), otherwise, if third imput is specified  ( <otherwise> ), it will evaluate to being equal to it, else it will evaluate to null.
For instance, an AI that recruits Wolf Riders on the first turn, and Orcish Grunts thereafter might look like this:
move="if(turn = 1, recruit('Wolf Rider'), recruit('Orcish Grunt'))"
You can specify more than one pair of <condition> and <if true> paramters, for example such formulas:
if( var = 'first', 1, var = 'second', 2, var = 'third', 3 )
if( var = 'first', 1, var = 'second', 2, var = 'third', 3, 100 )
In case that var is equal to 'second' above will evaluate to
And in case of var equal to 'fifth':
=== 'index_of' function ===
<result> = index_of( <value>,<list> )
This function will return the first index where <value> can be found in <list>
It will return -1 if the value is not found
=== 'keys' function ===
<result list> = keys( <input map> )
Extract key values from a <input map> and return them as a <result list>
keys( [ 'Elvish Fighter' -> 50, 'Elvish Archer' -> 60 ] )
[ 'Elvish Fighter', 'Elvish Archer' ]
=== 'map' function ===
<result> = map( <input> , [ <string> ,] <formula> )
This function will run <formula> on each item in the <input> (which can be a list or a map), and evaluate to a new <result> list, or a map, which contains the same number of items as in <input>, with the formulas run on each item. Optional <string> indicates what word used in <formula> is equivalent to 'self'. For example:
map( [10,20], self*self)
map( [10,20], 'value', value*value)
both will result in [100, 400]. Formula:
map(my_units, hitpoints)
will give a list back with the number of hitpoints each unit has. This is more useful in conjunction with other functions.
map( [ 'elf' -> 10, 'dwarf' -> 20 ], value*2 )
Above will produce  [ 'elf' -> 20, 'dwarf' -> 40 ]. Note that in case of a map data type, 'map' function can modify only the value.
map( tomap([3,5,8,8]), value+key*100 )
Above will produce [3 -> 301, 5 -> 502, 8 -> 801]. This can be used to take a list and make a map containing pairs [element_from_that_list -> f(element_from_that_list,number_of_repetitions_of_that_element_in_that_list) ] where f is an arbitrary function.
=== 'max' function ===
<number> = max( <list of numbers> )
Function will return maximal number from a list,
max( [ 2, 8, -10, 3] )
will return 8.
=== 'min' function ===
<number> = min( <list of numbers> )
Function will return minimal number from a list,
min( [ 3, 7, -2, 6] )
will return -2.
=== 'reduce' function ===
<result> = reduce( <list of variables>, <formula> )
This function will run <formula> on the first and second members of the <list>, then on the result and the third member and so on until the list is depleted. The final result is returned.
The two variables used in the <formula> are 'a' and 'b'.
For example:
reduce( [1,2,3,4], a+b )
Returns 10
reduce( [9,4,8,2], 10*a+b )
Returns 9482
=== 'size' function ===
<number> = size( <list of variables> )
This function returns how many variables are stored in a list:
size( [ 5, 7, 9] )                #return 3
size( [ 'Archer', 'Fighter' ] )  #return 2
=== 'sort' function ===
<result list> = sort( <input list> , <formula> )
This function evaluates to a <result list> sorted according to the comparison <formula> for each item 'a' and its successor 'b'. For instance, sorting units according to hitpoints would be done by:
sort( my_units, a.hitpoints > b.hitpoints )
=== 'sum' function ===
<number> = sum( <list of numbers> )
This function evaluates to the sum of the items in the <list of numbers>. For example
sum( [ 2, 5, 8] )
returns 15, and:
sum( map( my_units,  max_hitpoints - hitpoints ) )
finds the total damage your units have taken.
=== 'switch' function ===
<result> = switch( <variable>, <value 1>, <outcome 1>, ... , <value N>, <outcome N> [, <default outcome> ] >
Switch funtion takes variable, and checks if it is equal to any of the specified <values>. If matching value is found, <outcome> assigned to it is returned, if not, then function returns either <default outcome> (if specified) or null.
=== 'tolist' function ===
<list> = tolist( <input map> )
This function takes map and return a list of key-value pairs objects. For example:
tolist( [ 'Elf' -> 10, 'Dwarf' -> 20] )
will return:
[{key->'Elf',value->10}, {key->'Dwarf',value->20}]
=== 'tomap' function ===
<map> = tomap( <input list A> [, <input list B> ] )
This function takes one or two lists as input and returns a map. If only one list is specified, then function will evaluate this list, count how many simmilar elements are withing this list, and return a map with keys being these elements, and values being a number representing of them list contains, For example:
tomap( ['elf', 'dwarf', 'elf', 'elf', 'human', 'human' ] )
will return:
[ 'elf' -> 3, 'dwarf' -> 1, 'human' -> 2 ]
If two lists are specified, then elements of the first one will be used as a keys, and elements of second one as a values, when creating a output map. Note that these input lists must be of the same length.
tomap( [ 'elf', 'dwarf' ], [10, 20] )
will result in:
[ 'elf' -> 10, 'dwarf' -> 20 ]
=== 'values' function ===
<result list> = values( <input map> )
Extract values assigned to keys from a <input map> and return them as a <result list>
values( [ 'Elvish Fighter' -> 50, 'Elvish Archer' -> 60 ] )
[ 50, 60 ]
=== 'wave' function ===
<value> = wave( <value> )
given a value V, returns
  sin(2*pi/(V%1000/1000) )

Revision as of 23:00, 4 March 2016

The Wesnoth Formula Language is a functional language used to evaluate expressions within the game engine. The most common use of the WFL is in the $(formula) substitution syntax, but it can also be used in unit filters, GUI2 dialogs, and even AI.

Data Types and Operators


The most common use of WFL is for simple calculations involving numbers. For this, the standard arithmetic operators (+ - * / %) work as you would expect, performing addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and remainder. The only caveat to watch out for is that / rounds down when used on integers. For example, 5 / 2 will evaluate to 2. To avoid this, make sure at least one of the numbers includes a decimal point - 5.0 / 2 will evaluate to 2.5. Note that WFL supports only three decimal places of precision; beyond that it will still be rounded down. (So 1.0 / 16 will evaluate to 0.63 instead of 0.625.) The ^ operator performs exponentiation (raising to a power) - for example, 2 ^ 3 evaluates to 8

You can also use the standard comparison operators (= != < <= > >=) on numbers. This is often useful in unit filters - for example, a formula of hitpoints < max_hitpoints / 2 will match only if the unit is at less than half health. Comparison operators return 1 for true and 0 for false; there is no boolean type.

One final numeric operator exists - the dice roll. The syntax 3d12 will roll three 12-sided dice and return the sum of the results. Note however that this is not multiplayer-safe, so using it can and will produce OOS errors.


WFL also supports strings, which must be enclosed in single quotes ('like this'). The comparison operators also work on strings, performing lexicographical comparison (ie, alphabetical order). The comparison is case sensitive.


A list is a sequence of values represented as square brackets, [], surrounding a comma-separated list. For instance:

[ 1, 5, 'abc' ]

The comparison operators work on lists, performing lexicographical comparison. A specific list index can be obtained with the indexing operator, like this: my_list[index]. The first element of a list is numbered 0.


Maps: A map is a sequence of key-value pairs. For example:

[12 -> 'Hello', [1,2] -> 9, 'abc' -> 1.5]

The comparison operators work on maps. A specific element of a map can be obtained with the indexing operation. In the above example, the following conditions are all true (assuming the map is in a variable called self):

  • self[12] = 'Hello'
  • self[[1,2]] = 9
  • self['abc'] = 1.5

Other Types

There are two other basic types in WFL. One is the null type, which is returned when you attempt something invalid (such as dividing a string), and is guaranteed to be returned by the null() function, allowing you to check whether a value is null. The other is an object or container type, which possesses attributes that can be accessed using the dot (.) operator.


Formulas may have a variety of variables, depending on the context in which they are evaluated. A string substitution formula like $(3 + 5) has no variables, but a unit filter formula has variables such as hitpoints and max_hitpoints which contain various properties of the unit being tested (the same unit which is also referred to in variable substitution as $this_unit). The special variable self typically refers to the "global context" - in the case of a unit filter formula, the unit itself. This means for example that self.hitpoints and hitpoints are equivalent when used in a unit filter formula. In a string substitution formula, self is null.

A formula may declare additional variables using a where clause. This assigns a meaning to any unknown variables in the preceding formula. The general syntax is:

<formula> where <variable> = <value> [, <variable> = value ...]

This functions similarly to an operator, so if desired, you could have multiple where clauses in a single formula. Note that all variables in WFL are read-only - they are variables because they may have different values depending on the context in which the formula is evaluated, but for a given context, they are constant.


Sometimes with particularly complicated formulas, it may be useful to document what's going on inline. Of course, you can use WML comments to do this, but in some cases it may be useful to put some comments in the middle of the formula. This is easily done - simply enclose them in # characters, like this:

#This is a Wesnoth Formula Language comment.#

Note the final # - unlike WML, WFL requires this to indicate where the comment ends.


There are several predefined functions in the Wesnoth Formula Language, and if these are not enough, it is possible to define your own functions. The special variable functions always evaluates to a list of all known function names. This is mainly useful only as a debugging tool, though.

To define a function, you use the def keyword. For example:

def sgn(x) if(x < 0, -1, if(x > 0, 1, 0))

This defines a function called sgn which returns the sign of the input number.

You can select one of the function's arguments to be the "default" argument. If an object is passed to the default argument, then any attributes of that object are directly accessible in the global scope. For example:

def is_badly_wounded(u*) hitpoints < max_hitpoints / 2

This function takes a unit and returns 1 if it is at less than half hitpoints. The * indicates the default argument, without which it would instead have to be defined like this:

def is_badly_wounded(u) u.hitpoints < u.max_hitpoints / 2

core functions

'abs' function

<number> = abs( <input number> )

Function returns absolute value of an <input number>, for example

abs( -5 )

will return 5.

'choose' function

<result> = choose( <input list> , [ <string> ,] <formula> )

This function evaluates <formula> for each item in the <input> (which can be a list ro a map). Will evaluate to the one item which <formula> gave the highest value. For example:

choose(my_units, level)

gives back the unit with the highest level.

Note: The implicit input when evaluating a mapping/filtering function's <formula> component will be that specific item under evaluation (in this example one of "my_units"), and it can be explicitly referenced as 'self' when necessary. Optional <string> paremater indicates what word used in <formula> is equivalent to 'self'.

When evaluating the map data type, we can reference to each key by 'key' and each value by 'value'. For example:

choose( [ 'elf' -> 10, 'dwarf' -> 20 ], value )

Will return a key-value pair

{ key->'dwarf', value->20 }

'contains_string' function

<boolean> = contains_string( <string>, <key> )

Returns 1 if <key> can be found withing <string>, 0 otherwise

contains_string( 'Testing', 'ing' )



'debug' function

<formula> = debug ( [<formula>] )

Starts a GUI formula AI debugger when evaluating a formula. It takes a formula, evaluates it and returns the result unchanged.

'debug_print' function

you need to enable formula log (--log-info='ai/formula_ai') to see the result of this call

<formula> = debug_print( [ <optional string> ,] <formula>  )

This function can be used for debging the formulas. It takes formula, writes output to the console and return it unchanged. For example:

debug_print( [ 1, 2, 3 ] )

will result in printing to the console

[ 1, 2, 3 ]

Return value is the same.

We can specify optional parameter that helps to distinguish what each of debug_print outputs is (useful if we have multiple debug_print functions):

debug_print( 'My array: ', [ 1, 2, 3 ] )

will write in the console:

My array: [ 1, 2, 3 ]

And return

[ 1, 2, 3 ]

'debug_float' function

<formula> = debug_float( <location>, [ <optional string> ,] <formula>  )

This function can be used for debging the formulas. It takes formula, floats a label containing the output on the hex specified (in the same way damage is displayed) and return it unchanged. For example:

debug_float(me.loc, me.id )

will make a label containing the id of the unit "me" float over the unit

Return value is also the unit id.

We can specify optional parameter that helps to distinguish what each of debug_print outputs is (useful if we have multiple debug_print functions):

debug_float( me.loc, 'id: ', me.id )

will make the following label

id: <unit id

And return the unit id

'dir' function

<list of names> = dir ( <input object> )

This function return list with all names of <input object's> members. For example:

dir( my_leader )

will result in output:

[ 'x', 'y', 'loc', 'id', 'leader', 'hitpoints', 'max_hitpoints', 'experience', 'max_experience', 'level',
'total_movement', 'movement_left', 'side', 'is_enemy', 'is_mine']

This command is useful in formula command line, to get information about members of different type of data. To get list of members of the ai, type:

dir( self )

'filter' function

<result> = filter( <input>, [ <string> ,] <formula> )

This function will run <formula> on each item in the <input> (which can be a list or a map). Will evaluate to a <result> which only contains items the <formula> was true for. Optional <string> indicates what word used in <formula> is equivalent to 'self'. For example:

filter(my_units, hitpoints < max_hitpoints)

will return all of your units which have less than maximum hitpoints. For instance this could be used if looking for candidates for healing.

'find' function

<result> = find( <input>, [ <string>,] <formula> )

This function will run <formula> on each item in the <input> (which can be a list or a map) and will return a first item for which <formula> was true. Optional <string> indicates what word used in <formula> is equivalent to 'self'. For example:

filter(units, id = 'Elvish Archer' )

will return first unit with id equal to 'Elvish Archer'.

'head' function

<variable> = head( <list of variables> )

Head returns first item from the <list of variables>, for example

head( [ 5, 7, 9] )            #returns 5
head( [ 'Orc', 'Human' ] )    #returns 'Orc'

'if' function

<result> = if( <condition> , <if true> [, <condition 2>, <if true 2>, ... ] [, <otherwise> ] )

If the <condition> parameter is true, the function will evaluate to being equal to its second input ( <if true> ), otherwise, if third imput is specified ( <otherwise> ), it will evaluate to being equal to it, else it will evaluate to null. For instance, an AI that recruits Wolf Riders on the first turn, and Orcish Grunts thereafter might look like this:

move="if(turn = 1, recruit('Wolf Rider'), recruit('Orcish Grunt'))"

You can specify more than one pair of <condition> and <if true> paramters, for example such formulas:

if( var = 'first', 1, var = 'second', 2, var = 'third', 3 )
if( var = 'first', 1, var = 'second', 2, var = 'third', 3, 100 )

In case that var is equal to 'second' above will evaluate to


And in case of var equal to 'fifth':


'index_of' function

<result> = index_of( <value>,<list> )

This function will return the first index where <value> can be found in <list>

It will return -1 if the value is not found

'keys' function

<result list> = keys( <input map> )

Extract key values from a <input map> and return them as a <result list>

keys( [ 'Elvish Fighter' -> 50, 'Elvish Archer' -> 60 ] )


[ 'Elvish Fighter', 'Elvish Archer' ]

'map' function

<result> = map( <input> , [ <string> ,] <formula> )

This function will run <formula> on each item in the <input> (which can be a list or a map), and evaluate to a new <result> list, or a map, which contains the same number of items as in <input>, with the formulas run on each item. Optional <string> indicates what word used in <formula> is equivalent to 'self'. For example:

map( [10,20], self*self)


map( [10,20], 'value', value*value)

both will result in [100, 400]. Formula:

map(my_units, hitpoints) 

will give a list back with the number of hitpoints each unit has. This is more useful in conjunction with other functions.

map( [ 'elf' -> 10, 'dwarf' -> 20 ], value*2 )

Above will produce [ 'elf' -> 20, 'dwarf' -> 40 ]. Note that in case of a map data type, 'map' function can modify only the value.

map( tomap([3,5,8,8]), value+key*100 ) 

Above will produce [3 -> 301, 5 -> 502, 8 -> 801]. This can be used to take a list and make a map containing pairs [element_from_that_list -> f(element_from_that_list,number_of_repetitions_of_that_element_in_that_list) ] where f is an arbitrary function.

'max' function

<number> = max( <list of numbers> )

Function will return maximal number from a list,

max( [ 2, 8, -10, 3] )

will return 8.

'min' function

<number> = min( <list of numbers> )

Function will return minimal number from a list,

min( [ 3, 7, -2, 6] )

will return -2.

'reduce' function

<result> = reduce( <list of variables>, <formula> )

This function will run <formula> on the first and second members of the <list>, then on the result and the third member and so on until the list is depleted. The final result is returned. The two variables used in the <formula> are 'a' and 'b'.

For example:

reduce( [1,2,3,4], a+b )

Returns 10

reduce( [9,4,8,2], 10*a+b )

Returns 9482

'size' function

<number> = size( <list of variables> )

This function returns how many variables are stored in a list:

size( [ 5, 7, 9] )                #return 3
size( [ 'Archer', 'Fighter' ] )   #return 2

'sort' function

<result list> = sort( <input list> , <formula> )

This function evaluates to a <result list> sorted according to the comparison <formula> for each item 'a' and its successor 'b'. For instance, sorting units according to hitpoints would be done by:

sort( my_units, a.hitpoints > b.hitpoints )

'sum' function

<number> = sum( <list of numbers> )

This function evaluates to the sum of the items in the <list of numbers>. For example

sum( [ 2, 5, 8] )

returns 15, and:

sum( map( my_units,  max_hitpoints - hitpoints ) )

finds the total damage your units have taken.

'switch' function

<result> = switch( <variable>, <value 1>, <outcome 1>, ... , <value N>, <outcome N> [, <default outcome> ] >

Switch funtion takes variable, and checks if it is equal to any of the specified <values>. If matching value is found, <outcome> assigned to it is returned, if not, then function returns either <default outcome> (if specified) or null.

'tolist' function

<list> = tolist( <input map> )

This function takes map and return a list of key-value pairs objects. For example:

tolist( [ 'Elf' -> 10, 'Dwarf' -> 20] )

will return:

[{key->'Elf',value->10}, {key->'Dwarf',value->20}]

'tomap' function

<map> = tomap( <input list A> [, <input list B> ] )

This function takes one or two lists as input and returns a map. If only one list is specified, then function will evaluate this list, count how many simmilar elements are withing this list, and return a map with keys being these elements, and values being a number representing of them list contains, For example:

tomap( ['elf', 'dwarf', 'elf', 'elf', 'human', 'human' ] )

will return:

[ 'elf' -> 3, 'dwarf' -> 1, 'human' -> 2 ]

If two lists are specified, then elements of the first one will be used as a keys, and elements of second one as a values, when creating a output map. Note that these input lists must be of the same length.

tomap( [ 'elf', 'dwarf' ], [10, 20] )

will result in:

[ 'elf' -> 10, 'dwarf' -> 20 ]

'values' function

<result list> = values( <input map> )

Extract values assigned to keys from a <input map> and return them as a <result list>

values( [ 'Elvish Fighter' -> 50, 'Elvish Archer' -> 60 ] )


[ 50, 60 ]

'wave' function

<value> = wave( <value> )

given a value V, returns

 sin(2*pi/(V%1000/1000) )