
From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki
Revision as of 19:47, 27 June 2006 by Pjr (talk | contribs) (Under the Burning Suns: scenario 10 typos)

This page is meant to be a list for mistakes in campaigns and other texts in the en_US version of the game.

Eastern Invasion

The Outpost, line 120 col 54: "Dacyn's return during in two days". "during" should be deleted.
The Escape Tunnel, line 174 col 61 and line 180 col 61: "I advise you join us". Should be "I advise you to join us".
Northern Outpost, line 129 col 138: "the Northlands, were we may". "Were" should be "where".
Evacuation, line 340 col 68: "an chance of success". "an" should be "any".
Evacuation, line 344 col 40 : "But is appears we will" should be "But it appears we will"

Heir to the Throne

Snow Plains, line 115, col 93: "as an envoy from we North Elves". "we" should be "us".
Test of the Clan, line 380, col 50: "the easten plains". "easten" should be "eastern".
Blackwater Port, line 179: "I offer you my support Konrad, and the support of my men" should be "I offer you my support, Konrad, and the support of my men"
Swamp Of Dread, line 249 "It is is clear" should have one "is"
Elven Council, line 110 "How quickly do the race of men mature!": do should be does.

The Rise of Wesnoth

The South Guard

Born to the Banner, line 437 col 50: "intellegent". Should be "intelligent".
Proven by the Sword, line 238 col 50: "intellegent". Should be "intelligent".
A Desperate Errand, line 203 col 50: "recieved". Should be "received".
Vale of Tears, line 182 col 92: "sacking out towns". "out" should be "our".
Choice in the Fog, line 230 col 76: "whatever enemies lay beyond". "lay" should be "lie".
Choice in the Fog, line 661 col 121: "you and you men". Second "you" should be "your".
Tidings Good And Ill, line 336 col 42: "belive". Should be "believe".
Into the Depths, line 148 col 53: "less valuable in caves that toughness". "that" should be "than".
Into the Depths, line 384 col 61: "and lite it". "lite" should be "light".
Into the Depths, line 499 col 51: "The elves I once lead". "lead" should be "led".

units/4.Infantry_Commander.cfg, line 21 col 48: "infantry Wesnoth". Should be "infantry of Wesnoth".
utils/sg_story.cfg, line 11 col 263: "men build new towns". "build" should be "built".

Two Brothers

Rooting Out a Mage, line 240 col 51: "two day's ride north". "day's" should be "days'".
The Chase, line 376, col 266: "endevours". Should be "endeavours".
Guarded Castle, line 442 col 77: "I can count hundred". Should be "I can count a hundred".
Return to the Village, line 184 col 114: "It was noone here to stop them". "It" should be "There".
Return to the Village, line 224 col 90: "fixing the damages". Should be "fixing the damage".
Return to the Village, line 229 col 122: "to face another grim foe to face". "to face" should appear only once.

Under the Burning Suns

Speaking with the Fishes, line 345 col 718: "the human's capital". "human's" should be "humans'".
Speaking with the Fishes, line 882 col 67: "none of us return alive". Should be "none of us will return alive".
Speaking with the Fishes, line 941 col 659: "all other who". "other" should be "others".


Other (ingame help, ...)

data/help.cfg:247 familiarise-familiarize

data/help.cfg:317 "foes who" - "foes that"

data/scenarios/multiplayer/2p_Caves_of_the_Basilisk.cfg:148 amoung - among

data/scenarios/multiplayer/9p_Merkwuerdigliebe.cfg:7 vilages-villages