Difference between revisions of "Release Notes 1.15.11"

From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki
(New Content)
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== New Content ==
== New Content ==
=== Unit sprites ===
Unit sprites have been added for the Beast Rider.
== Changes To Existing Content ==
== Changes To Existing Content ==

Revision as of 05:39, 21 March 2021

New Content

Unit sprites

Unit sprites have been added for the Beast Rider.

Changes To Existing Content

Game help

The in-game help sections describing how various parts of the Scenario Editor work have been updated and re-enabled. Additionally, the help browser now uses larger fonts and minimalist scrollbars for consistency with the rest of the game.

User interface

The Load Game dialog experience when the saves directory is empty or contains corrupted files has been improved. The prompt for loading saves from a different version of Wesnoth also provides a more detailed explanation as to why proceeding might not yield the expected results.

The game sidebar and top bar have seen various minor fixes revolving around text alignment and font sizes, especially for low resolutions (under 1024 pixels wide). The turn timer on the top bar now has the same icon as the system clock display. Additionally, the removal of the SDL_ttf-based text rendering has made a previously unknown "Def" label appear on the sidebar and we don't know what to do with it.

Dropdown menu buttons have been restyled for consistency with normal push buttons, and menus have hotkey labels aligned to the right and spaced further apart for readability.


Text rendering on Windows

Text on Windows is now rendered using grayscale anti-aliasing to avoid issues with ClearType introducing chromatic aberration that makes the user interface text seem yellow/green instead of dull white.



Wesnoth no longer depends on SDL_ttf for building, and the option to use FriBidi for right-to-left (RTL) text rendering has been removed in favor of using Pango. It is worth noting that RTL language support in general is currently broken (issue #5600), and there are no active RTL language translations either.

Known Issues

Resolutions below 1024x768

While it doesn't affect regular gameplay, there are known issues with how various things are displayed when viewing a replay and in the map editor when Wesnoth's resolution is set to below 1024x768.

Add-on feedback links invisible

Links to an add-on's feedback thread in Wesnoth's in-game add-ons manager are present and clickable, but currently invisible.