
From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki
Revision as of 07:24, 20 March 2008 by Boucman (talk | contribs)

Copied from

  • All patches should be submitted at

You can post them here too for discussion, but we need to track what is their status and p.w.o helps a lot

  • Patches should be generated using "svn diff"

SVN provides a cool command to generate diff, I usually run "svn diff >mypatch.patch" to create the patch, and its all nice and ready. It even records precisely the commit against which it was generated, it makes things really easy for me...

  • Don't forget to add an entry to the Changelog
  • if you add afile, don't forget to change the Makefiles
  • Add yourself in about.cfg

Including your name and/or nick it makes it easier for me. New contributors should go in the contributor section of the about file

  • When changing WML, please add a pointer in the wiki to where it should be updated when commited
  • Be patient, sometime I'm not very responsive
  • Don't be suprised if we discuss the patch a lot

Thus, you should leave us a way to contact you, either a forum nick, an email adress, or submit with a registered gna account.

  • The patch should generate no warnings

Wesnoth has a large number of warnings enabled, all of them are useful. If your code spits warning, please have a look, and ask yourself why you are doing whatever causes the warning.

  • When adding a file, don't forget

It makes things simpler for me, and is often forgotten.

  • Sometimes patches are rejected, don't be suprised if it happens

See also