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Revision as of 07:55, 3 October 2010


This page describes the LuaWML class for handling location sets and location maps. Objects of this class store a set of locations, with some optional data attached to each of them. Sets are just maps with true associated to each locations. It is not possible to associate nil to a location.

There is one main constructor #location_set.create and two auxiliary helper constructors #location_set.of_pairs and #location_set.of_wml_var. They are provided by the lua/location_set.lua file. All the other functions are methods from the class and they are available through the ':' operator only.

local location_set = wesnoth.require "lua/location_set.lua"
local a_set = location_set.create()
a_set:insert(17, 42, "something")
assert(a_set:get(17, 42) == "something")
local b_set = location_set.of_pairs(wesnoth.get_locations { { "filter_adjacent", { x=17, y=42 } } })
a_set:to_wml_var "locations"


Returns an empty location set.


Returns a fresh location set filled by #location_set:of_pairs.


Returns a fresh location set filled by #location_set:of_wml_var.


Returns true if the set is empty.

local some_set = location_set.create()


Returns the number of locations in the set.

some_set:insert(17, 42)
assert(some_set:size() == 1)


Empties the content of the set.

assert(not some_set:get(17, 42))


Returns the data associated to the given location or nil if the location is not in the set.

some_set:insert(17, 42, "something")
assert(some_set:get(17, 42) == "something")


Associates some data to the given location, or true if there is no data. Previous associated data is lost.

some_set:insert(17, 42)
assert(some_set:get(17, 42))


Removes the given location from the set.

some_set:remove(17, 42)


Inserts all the locations from an array containing pairs (arrays with two elements). Previous content of the set is kept, unless overwritten by the content of the array.

some_set:of_pairs(wesnoth.get_locations { { "filter_adjacent", { x=17, y=42 } } })


Inserts all the locations from a WML array. If a container has more than just x and y attributes, the remaining attributes and children are associated to the location as a WML table. Previous content of the set is kept, unless overwritten by the content of the WML array.

wesnoth.wml_actions.store_locations { variable="target", { "filter_adjacent", { x=17, y=42 } } }
some_set:of_wml_var "target"


Returns an array of pairs containing the locations of the set. Associated data are ignored. The order of the locations is not deterministic. If the order actually matters, the #location_set:to_stable_pairs method should be used instead.

local size = #(some_set:to_pairs())


Returns an array of pairs containing the locations of the set. Contrarily to #location_set:to_pairs, the locations are guaranteed to be sorted and hence synchronized over networks and replays.


Fills a WML array with the content of the set. The order of the elements is safe.

local some_set = location_set.of_pairs(wesnoth.get_locations { { "filter_adjacent", { x=17, y=42 } } })
some_set:to_wml_var "locations"


Inserts the locations from the other set, possibly overwriting the associated of data the locations already present.

a_set:insert(17, 42, "nothing")
b_set:insert(17, 42, "something")
assert(a_set:get(17, 42) == "something")


Deletes the locations that are not in the other set. Associated data is kept intact if not removed.

a_set:insert(17, 42, "nothing")
b_set:insert(17, 42, "something")
assert(a_set:get(17, 42) == "nothing")


Calls the given function on all the locations of the set. Iteration order is not deterministic. If the order actually matters, the #location_set:stable_iter method should be used instead.

some_set:iter(function(x, y, data) wesnoth.message(string.format("[%d,%d] = %s", x, y, type(data))) end)


Calls the given function on all the locations of the set. Contrarily to #location_set:iter, the iteration is deterministic and hence safe for networks and replays.

some_set:stable_iter(function(x, y, data) wesnoth.message(string.format("[%d,%d] = %s", x, y, type(data))) end)


Calls the given function for all the locations of the other set and uses the returned values to fill the set. Note: the merge order is not stable.

-- merge the elements of s2 into s1 but preserve the old data of s1
function set_union(s1, s2)
    s1:union_merge(s2, function(x, y, v1, v2) return v1 or v2 end)
-- remove from s1 the elements of s2
function set_difference(s1, s2)
    -- the nested function is called s2:size() times; note: v2 is never nil
    s1:union_merge(s2, function(x, y, v1, v2) return nil end)


Calls the given function for all the locations of the set and uses the returned values to replace it. Note: the merge order is not stable.

-- compute the intersection of s1 and s2 and put it into s1, but overwrite the data of s1
function set_inter(s1, s2)
    s1:inter_merge(s2, function(x, y, v1, v2) return v2 or v1 end)
-- remove from s1 the elements of s2
function set_difference(s1, s2)
    -- the nested function is called s1:size() times; note: v1 is never nil
    s1:inter_merge(s2, function(x, y, v1, v2) return not v2 end)