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Revision as of 03:17, 23 February 2021 by Celtic Minstrel (talk | contribs) ( Add an optional parameter for mapgen find())

(Version 1.15.11 and later only)

This documents the un-merged pull request 4580

  • (game only) config) → list of hex references
  • (game only) config [, reference_unit]) → list of hex references
  • (mapgen only), filter userdata [, list of locations]) → list of locations
  • (mapgen only), center, radius, filter userdata) → list of locations

Returns a table containing all the locations matching the given filter. Locations are stored as a hex reference which has x and y keys along with a variety of other functions. See StandardLocationFilter for details about location filters. If a unit is passed, it can be referenced from the filter via the $teleport_unit variable, as well as in WFL formulas used in the filter.

Note: In older versions of Wesnoth, locations returned from a filter were stored as simple pairs, {x,y}. For compatibility purposes, accessing a location this way (as loc[1] and loc[2]) is still supported.

-- replace all grass terrains by roads
for i,loc in ipairs({terrain = "Gg"}) do[loc] = "Rr"

The mapgen form of this function uses a different format for the filter which is somewhat experimental. An example of its use:

local map =,18,"Gg")

-- Assume there is some generation code here, so the map is no longer just grass

local F, f =,

-- Find all elvish villages
local elf_villages = map:find(F(f.terrain('*^Ve')))

-- Find all great trees within 7 tiles of an elvish keep
local elf_keeps = map:find(F(f.terrain('Kv')))
local nearby_trees = map:find_in_radius(elf_keeps, 7, F(f.terrain('*^Fet')))

Possible filter tags for this function are: terrain, all, any, none, notall, adjacent, find_in, radius, x, y, is_loc, formula.

  • (game only) → hex reference

Constructs a hex reference for the specified location.

  •, filter [, reference_unit]) → boolean
  • hex:matches(filter, [, reference_unit]) → boolean

Returns true if the given location passes the filter. The location can be passed either as two separate x and y parameters or as an object with x and y keys (such as a hex reference or a unit). If a reference_unit is passed, it can be referenced from the filter via the $teleport_unit variable, as well as in WFL formulas used in the filter.

local b =, y, {
    terrain = "Ww",
    wml.tag.filter_adjacent_location{terrain = "Ds,*^Bw*"}

  • wesnoth.read_location(...) → location or nil, number of arguments processed

Extracts a location from the front of a variadic parameter list. The purpose of this is to make it easy for custom user-defined functions to handle locations in the same way as the built-in API functions do. It returns the location (if it was able to find one) and the number of arguments processed, which can be:

  • 0 if nothing resembling a location was found.
  • 1 if a location-like object was found. A location-like object can be either an array of two integers or an object that has numeric x and y keys. Note that a unit userdata satisfies the second criteria, so if a unit is found, its location will be returned.
  • 2 if the first two arguments in the list were integers. In this case, they will be taken as the x and y coordinates.

Usage example

Imagine a function foo with the following signature:

  • foo(bar : string, [home : location], mode : string, [target : location], moo : boolean) → boolean

Using read_location it could be implemented as follows:

function foo(...)
	-- First argument goes in bar
	local bar = ...
	-- Read location starting at the second argument
	local home, n =, ...))
	-- note: n will be 0 if a location wasn't found at that position
	-- This could be an error, or it could be handled as an optional parameter
	-- Next argument after that goes in mode
	local mode = select(n + 2, ...)
	-- Then read a location into target
	local target, m = + 2, ...))
	-- Finally, read a parameter into moo
	local moo = select(m + n + 2, ...)
	-- Do stuff with all these parameters
	return true

With that code, all the following invocations of foo work:

foo('a', 'b', true) -- both optional locations omitted
foo('a', 1, 2, 'q', 5, 6, false) -- locations given as separate integer parameters
foo('a', 'm', {1, 7},  true) -- first location omitted, second given as 2-element array
foo('a', some_unit, 'z', {x = 5, y = 10}, false) -- a unit also functions as a location
foo('a', 7, 12, 'q', my_leader, true) -- mixing different forms also works

  • → base, overlay

Splits a terrain code into a base and an overlay. If the terrain code did not contain a ^, then the overlay will be nil. The returned overlay or base can be an empty string if the code begins or ends with a ^, respectively. Splitting the string '^' will result in two empty strings.

  •, pivot, mask [, options])
  • map:terrain_mask(pivot, mask [, options])

Overlays a terrain mask on the map. Possible options:

  • is_odd - if true, then the mask is interpreted as if it was cut out from an odd map location.
  • ignore_special_locations - if true, then special locations on the mask won't be added to the map.
  • rules - an array of rules. See TerrainMaskWML for the rule format. This is an array of tables, each of which has the content of a [rule] tag.