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From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki
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== The World Waits For You ==
Its so easy to give up on our dreams; its so easy to do what everybody expects us to be doing; its so easy to blend in, to be like everybody else, just another person in the crowd, having nothing interested to say, nothing interesting to show, nothing interesting to share with the world. Its so easy to stay in our comfort zone, away from our doubts, fears and worries; away from change and all that is unfamiliar; away from growth and evolution; away from all the opportunities life has to offer us; away from all that is beautiful, empowering and great away from life.
[[http://goodvillenews.com/The-World-Waits-For-You-0I7WPz.html The World Waits For You]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== New Toilet System Transform Waste into Electricity ==
Scientists from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) have invented a new toilet system that will turn human waste into electricity and fertilisers and also reduce the amount of water needed for flushing by up to 90 per cent compared to current toilet systems in Singapore.
[[http://goodvillenews.com/New-Toilet-System-Transform-Waste-into-Electricity-zvQBzk.html New Toilet System Transform Waste into Electricity]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== Dalai Lama Awarded 2012 Templeton Prize ==
The Dalai Lama, the Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader whose long-standing engagement with multiple dimensions of science and with people far beyond his own religious traditions has made him an incomparable global voice for universal ethics, nonviolence, and harmony among world religions, has won the 2012 Templeton Prize.
[[http://goodvillenews.com/Dalai-Lama-Awarded-2012-Templeton-Prize-UttyfI.html Dalai Lama Awarded 2012 Templeton Prize]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== 7 Essential Books on Optimism ==
Every once in a while, we all get burned out. Sometimes, charred. And while a healthy dose of cynicism and skepticism may help us get by, its in those times that we need nothing more than to embrace lifes promise of positivity with open arms. Here are seven wonderful books that help do just that with an arsenal ranging from the light visceral stimulation of optimistic design to the serious neuroscience findings about our proclivity for the positive.
[[http://goodvillenews.com/7-Essential-Books-on-Optimism-6pgcLt.html 7 Essential Books on Optimism]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== A Bicycle Nomad Prepares for Re-entry ==
In 2010, Manjula Martin and her partner set out to see the world the old-fashioned way: by bicycle. With little money, no itinerary, gadgets or training, they traversed five countries and 3,500 miles and discovered a world filled with generosity. In this article, Manjula Martin describes the transition from bike to home with four rules for re-entry that are strikingly authentic, grounded, and universal.
[[http://goodvillenews.com/A-Bicycle-Nomad-Prepares-for-Re-entry-S6sLCO.html A Bicycle Nomad Prepares for Re-entry]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]

Revision as of 04:08, 6 August 2012

(Návod -- Tvorba -- Značky WML -- Značka campaign)


Popisuje príbeh v zozname príbehov.

Nachádza sa v značke: game.

Neobsahuje žiadne značky.

Obsahuje vlastnosti: define, description, difficulties, difficulty_descriptions, first_scenario, icon, image, name, rank.

Značka [campaign] určuje, akým spôsobom sa daný príbeh zobrazí v hre po kliknutí na menu "Príbehy". Ďalej určuje výber náročnosti, a prvú scénu hry.

Pozor! Jednotlivé scény sa z hľadiska jazyka WML nenachádzajú vo vnútri značky [campaign] ale vedľa nej, asi takto:


Zobrazenie v menu príbehov

Poradie príbehov v menu určuje číselná vlastnosť rank. Príbehy s nižším číslom sa zobrazia skôr, príbehy s vyšším číslom neskôr, a príbehy bez čísla až nakoniec. Pre oficiálne príbehy sú vyhradené čísla do 50. Váš príbeh môže mať číslo 51 a viac, ale nie je vôbec potrebné takéto číslo zadávať.

V ľavej časti menu sa zobrazí malý obrázok určený textovou vlastnosťu icon a názov príbehu určený textovou vlastnosťou name. Po kliknutí na názov príbehu sa v pravej časti menu zobrazí popis určený textovou vlastnosťou description a pod ním veľký obrázok určený textovou vlastnosťou image.

Takto začínajú oficiálne príbehy:

name= _ "Heir to the Throne"
description= _ "Fight to gain back the throne of Wesnoth..."
name= _ "Son of the Black Eye"
description= _ "Let orcish leader Kapou'e..."
name= _ "The Eastern Invasion"
description= _ "There are rumors of undead attacks..."
name= _ "The Rise of Wesnoth"
description= _ "Lead Prince Haldric..."

Výber náročnosti

Po spustení príbehu si hráč vyberá náročnosť. Symboly náročností sú určené textovou vlastnosťou difficulties a ich spôsob zobrazenia textovou vlastnosťou difficulty_descriptions.

Symboly náročností sú vlastne symboly preprocesora. Počas hry bude definovaný ten symbol, ktorú náročnosť si hráč zvolil. Odporúča sa používať štandardné symboly "EASY,NORMAL,HARD", lebo potom môžete využiť štandardné makrá definované v súbore "utils.cfg".

Zobrazenie náročností sa zadáva ako jednotlivé položky oddelené bodkočiarkami. Položka začína hviezdičkou ("*"), ak je to predvolená položka. (Napríklad ak sú zložitosti "ľahká, stredná, ťažká", a chceme, aby program predvolil položku "stredná", zapíšeme pred ňu hviezdičku.) Ďalej použijeme makro "MENU_IMG_TXT" alebo "MENU_IMG_TXT2" podľa toho, či chceme pri obrázku zobraziť iba názov náročnosti alebo aj pomocný text. Príklad:

difficulty_descriptions= {MENU_IMG_TXT2 elvish-fighter.png  _"Fighter"  _"(easiest)"} + ";" +
                   "*" + {MENU_IMG_TXT  elvish-hero.png     _"Hero"                 } + ";" +
                         {MENU_IMG_TXT2 elvish-champion.png _"Champion" _"(hardest)"}

V rámci skriptu scény sa môžeme na vybranú náročnosť odvolať pomocou konštrukcie:

#ifdef HARD
  ...  # extra príšery, alebo niečo podobné

Symbol preprocesora

Textová vlastnosť define určuje symbol preprocesora, ktorý sa definuje, keď si hráč vyberie tento príbeh. Používa sa kvôli šetreniu pamäťou; aby sa do pamäte načítali iba skripty súvisiace s týmto príbehom, a nie so všetkými. Symbol príbehu štandardne začína slovom "CAMPAIGN_".


Skripty scén načítame do pamäte, len ak je definovaný tento symbol:


Prvá scéna

Textová vlastnosť first_scenario určuje, ktorá scéna sa spustí ako prvá. (V skripte scény je potom určené, ktorá scéna sa má spustiť ako nasledujúca.) Táto hodnota musí byť rovnaká ako hodnota vlastnosti "id" v značke "scenario" danej scény.


Skript danej scény bude potom vyzerať takto:


The World Waits For You

Its so easy to give up on our dreams; its so easy to do what everybody expects us to be doing; its so easy to blend in, to be like everybody else, just another person in the crowd, having nothing interested to say, nothing interesting to show, nothing interesting to share with the world. Its so easy to stay in our comfort zone, away from our doubts, fears and worries; away from change and all that is unfamiliar; away from growth and evolution; away from all the opportunities life has to offer us; away from all that is beautiful, empowering and great away from life.

[The World Waits For You]

[GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

New Toilet System Transform Waste into Electricity

Scientists from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) have invented a new toilet system that will turn human waste into electricity and fertilisers and also reduce the amount of water needed for flushing by up to 90 per cent compared to current toilet systems in Singapore.

[New Toilet System Transform Waste into Electricity]

[GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

Dalai Lama Awarded 2012 Templeton Prize

The Dalai Lama, the Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader whose long-standing engagement with multiple dimensions of science and with people far beyond his own religious traditions has made him an incomparable global voice for universal ethics, nonviolence, and harmony among world religions, has won the 2012 Templeton Prize.

[Dalai Lama Awarded 2012 Templeton Prize]

[GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

7 Essential Books on Optimism

Every once in a while, we all get burned out. Sometimes, charred. And while a healthy dose of cynicism and skepticism may help us get by, its in those times that we need nothing more than to embrace lifes promise of positivity with open arms. Here are seven wonderful books that help do just that with an arsenal ranging from the light visceral stimulation of optimistic design to the serious neuroscience findings about our proclivity for the positive.

[7 Essential Books on Optimism]

[GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

A Bicycle Nomad Prepares for Re-entry

In 2010, Manjula Martin and her partner set out to see the world the old-fashioned way: by bicycle. With little money, no itinerary, gadgets or training, they traversed five countries and 3,500 miles and discovered a world filled with generosity. In this article, Manjula Martin describes the transition from bike to home with four rules for re-entry that are strikingly authentic, grounded, and universal.

[A Bicycle Nomad Prepares for Re-entry]

[GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]