LotI Walkthrough-Part2-Chapter08

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Part II, Into the Light, Chapter 8, Götterdämmerung


You'll be fighting a lot of units that are liminal, and have good arcane resistance, so have sources of illumination and darkens and a good mix of attack types.

Mysterious Invasion

[WHU] This one is really easy to lose. Your enemies are very tough. Recruit a mob of walking corpses, who will do pretty much nothing but keep the enemies off your leaders while you whittle them down. Do grab easy kills with your corpses to refresh your ranks where possible. The kids should pretty much stay out of the fight, though pick up some cheap XP at the end if you can.


[WHU] Recruit a castle of walking corpses, then run. Keep the kids covered, while getting to the next castle quickly to recruit another load of fodder. Repeat as necessary. The family moves well and is well protected in the woods. Go for the early finish.


[WHU] Efraim can pretty much take care of the southern enemy single-handedly, though if he gets slowed repeatedly so that he cannot advance it might be useful to send a little help. The demons to the west are kind of nasty. Let your allies weaken them up, and use Lethalia to pick off weak units who don't have a lot of friends in the area. When you're ready to go in for the kill, use overwhelming force, like prophets with unholybane. The demons to the east aren't much of a problem, you should be able to roll right over them when you're done in the west.


[WHU] One castle of units should be plenty. Follow the path southwest, then southeast.


[WHU] Sneak around the woods outside of town. When a single unit comes to the edge of the woods, pop out and redeem him, then get back in the shadows. You should have plenty of turns to redeem everyone, then get on with the primary mission, which is to visit about five specific houses. Don't let any of the guards get next to you.


[WHU] Grab the gear to the north. Fight a few units, one at a time.

Unimportant Revolution

[WHU] Use caution. Some of the enemy do a LOT of damage, and you don't want to get surrounded by a few of those. Use the river and your allies to wear the enemy down a bit, then overwhelming force focused on killing his most dangerous units. Be sure to check the enemy resistances before recalling.

The Desert

[WHU] Another long scenario where you encounter large groups of dangerous enemies, plus a steady stream of demons from the northeast. There is a cave that runs along the east side of the map with some gold and some goodies, but I have no idea how you could get to it, through it, and back out to the exit within the turn limit. I recall a couple castles, start south and visit the trader, then continue south and fight off a batch of demons. Then it's east to deal with the saurians and a couple other factions, then follow the road southeast and then south. About the time the road pretty much ends, I notice how few turns I have left considering the progress I've made so far, panic, and send one of my leaders to run right around the various factions, ending quite early with no early finish bonus.

Gladiatrix - The Path to Glory

[WHU] Back to the arena, this time with some friends. Some friends that you really, really, want to keep alive. I try to get four units with a lot of HP so that I can block the entrance to the north building, along with some healing. I also like to advance the battlerager as quickly as possible (thorns/weak reflect/reflect), and increase his number of attacks, or anything else I can just to keep him alive. Slow will be crucial here, probably some clever crafting, and don't forget those potions.

Ruins of Wesnoth

[WHU] Efraim can handle the humans alone. Send powerful elves south. A couple of fast, powerful units with slow may be able to rush down and take out the southern leader (he'll show up in a few turns) while the rest of the army draws his forces away. Lethalia and a few quick, powerful units should be able to get into the northern castle before that enemy shows up, hurt him and he should leave the keep open for you to claim (you may not want to stand on his keep before he arrives, at one time bad things would happen if you did).

Odd World

[WHU] There is no early finish bonus, but you really need to move anyway. Your enemies, demons and imps, will be spawning constantly and coming for you from all directions. A force of 15-20 works well, including healers and flyers. Prophets, or other very hard hitting units, with unholybane would be very useful. Villages don't provide any income, but they heal +16. There are items and gold scattered around the map.

[WHU] You'll also get a wonderful introduction to the most annoying trait in BFW, temptation. If one of your unit starts its turn next to a unit of the opposite gender with temptation, your unit will be unable to attack that turn (unless maybe you use a greater healing potion, I've never tried it, just thought of it). This is especially frustrating when you've been slowed and can't get out of the way. Unlike most special traits, or even some of the basic ones, I'm pretty well convinced the AI knows EXACTLY how to make optimum use of temptation. Keep a couple of fast prophets with unholybane (or similar) behind the front and rear lines to run out an slaughter those demons whenever you see them.

[WHU] Start off going south until you get to the mountains. Send Lethalia and some flyers or mountain travellers south through the mountains to take out a boss. Send the rest of the army east, where you will fight in the mountains (there is also a path around the mountains for units that can't go through). About the time you get through the mountains and start north, you'll probably need a rather powerful rear guard. Every turn you spent getting through (and around) the mountains, your enemy was spawning units behind (and in front, and to the side) or you. Use penetrates and hit and run, skirmishers, and flyers to ensure you are constantly making forward progress.

[WHU] Around the time you make sight of the last enemy boss, and you feel confident that you can spare them, send a couple relatively powerful flyers northeast. Between the mountains is a route over a lake of lava that leads to the exit. Have one of your flyers continue to the northeast into a cavern where there are a couple items.

[WHU] If you have been actively using your redeem attack, you should have noticed that it is starting to sometimes redeem multiple units, particularly when they are low level. Those big packs of imps are just asking to be redeemed.

Gladiatrix - The Reckoning

[WHU] Move slowly, kill everything. At first you'll be attacked out of the dark, then by a much nastier unit that's initially invisible. There's no turn limit, heal as much as you need. Charge out of the building in force, or draw the enemy into the corridor, depending on your strengths. You'll fight a couple enemy units at a time at first. Take out the boss to the northwest, then head southeast. When you get near the southern end of the map, you'll be taking on a bunch of non-trivial enemies (you'll see why I strongly recommended protecting your friends in the arena). If you still have all your arena allies, and you've geared them well and levelled them, just use your unit-specific strengths against against the enemy weaknesses. If not, good luck.

[WHU] Once you get into the city, it gets much easier, for a little while. Take out the bosses and anyone who breathes your air. Then head north into the building to fight three batches of those nasty demons before heading to the northwest corner exit. You need to fight them on your terms, where only one of them can attack at a time and you can retreat to heal. Each batch will be a bit harder than the one before. It is not uncommon for me to do a major retreat when fighting the third batch, stringing them out so I can pick them off one at a time, often using my unit with teleport to sneak behind them as they chase me.

The River of Flame

[WHU] This is a scenario I've always played in a manner which I suspect is completely unintended. Recall a few powerful units and a couple healers, and maybe a unit or two you want to give some XP. Block the bridges to your starting location, and pick up convenient kills. Meanwhile, Lethalia flies right over the lava, clockwise around the edges of the map, perhaps killing and/or redeeming a few lone units along the way, to meet the troll in the southeast without ever having to actually work for it. Major early finish bonus. Cheater.

Finally Together

[WHU] Focus on elves if you have them. Make the enemy fight your army while you are in the forest and they are on the path. Use your army and Vritra's team to draw the enemy forces away from their leaders, while a few fast, powerful units circle around and assassinate the leaders.

Jungle Hell

[WHU] It's a jungle, so elves are the obvious choice, and they do fine, but while they have good defenses in forests, their natural forest movement isn't of much value here. This is yet another scenario of huge packs of demons that are triggered by your forward progress, so you don't necessarily need to move that fast, and you'll be standing around most of the time anyway. Also, you can do the 'transport all units' to Efraim every 10 turns thing. A lot of the terrain is impassible, for you, but not for some of the demons.

[WHU] You'll fight two packs of demons at the beginning. I find that Lethalia casting explosive slow on the pack to the east backed up by a few powerful units can take care of them pretty easily, while Efraim and a lot of support (including explosive slow), work on the pack coming up from the south. Let the enemy come to you, don't chase at them and trigger yet another pack.

[WHU] Once those two are taken care of, I follow the river south and then west, then south through the gap in the woods, and generally make my way south, moving east and west a little where opportunity presents, always keeping the terrain in my favor as much as possible. I don't know that the actual route matters, I've just always gone that way and it works for me. There are plenty of turns for you to move slowly and not trigger too many packs at once. If you fight the demons in the middle of the forest it will limit the number of them which can attack on any one turn.

Gates of Hell
