AI Recruitment
This page is work in progress
The new Recruitment Candidate Action is highly configurable and supports multiple leader recruiting...
How it works
In a first step the CA will analyse the map and try to find "important hexes".
will collect all leaders which are available for recruiting and create a score map for each of them including all unit-types from the recruit- and recall list.
Aspect recruitment_instruction
Recruit 3 Grunts (and nothing more) in turn 3-5.
[ai] [aspect] id=recruitment-instructions [facet] turns=3-5 [value] [recruit] type=Orcish Grunt number=3 [/recruit] [/value] [/facet] [/aspect] [/ai]
Recruit so, that there are at least 4 scouts in total and then recruit other units.
[ai] [aspect] id=recruitment-instructions [facet] [value] [recruit] type=scout number=4 total=yes importance=1 [/recruit] [recruit] importance=0 [/recruit] [/value] [/facet] [/aspect] [/ai]
Recruit 6 Grunts or level 2 units (whatever seems better for the AI) and nothing more.
[ai] [aspect] id=recruitment-instructions [facet] [value] [recruit] type=Orcish Grunt, 2 number=6 [/recruit] [/value] [/facet] [/aspect] [/ai]
Recruit 5 scouts with leader1 and 5 Grunts with leader 2. Do even try to recruit the Grunts if leader1 can not recruit all of the scouts.
[ai] [aspect] id=recruitment-instructions [facet] [value] [recruit] type=scout number=5 importance=2 leader_id=leader1 blocker=no [/recruit] [recruit] type=Orcish Grunt number=5 importance=1 leader_id=leader2 [/recruit] [/value] [/facet] [/aspect] [/ai]
Do not recruit in turn 4.
[ai] [aspect] id=recruitment-instructions [facet] turns=4 [value] [recruit] importance=1 number=0 [/recruit] [/value] [/facet] [/aspect] [/ai]
This will not work. Only one facet can be active.
[ai] [aspect] id=recruitment-instructions [facet] turns=1-10 [value] [recruit] type=scout number=5 importance=1 [/recruit] [/value] [/facet] [facet] turns=3 [value] [recruit] type=Orcish Grunt number=3 importance=2 [/recruit] [/value] [/facet] [/aspect] [/ai]
To achieve this behavior one have to create a facet for turn 1-2, a facet for turn 3 and another facet for turn 4-10.