
From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki
Revision as of 05:40, 13 October 2011 by Espreon (talk | contribs) (Blargh, made it look nicer)

.ign files

What is an .ign file?

When you upload an addon, some files/directory are ignored and not uploaded. If you want to configure more closely which files/directories should be ignored, you need an .ign file.

What goes into an .ign file?

The file format is one entry per line.

  • * and ? wildcards are supported (? mean any character, * mean any number of any character)
  • Directories are identified by a trailing /

Where do I put the .ign file?

2 Solutions :

  • put campaignname.ign next to the campaignname.pbl and campaignname.cfg (old style)
  • put a _server.ign next into the campaign directory (new style)

How does this works?

If there is no file, the default filter is :

  • .*
  • *~
  • *.pbl
  • *.ign
  • *-bak

If there is an .ign file the filter is the content of the file : Each file/directory that match any entry of the .ign file will not be uploaded on the campaign server.