From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki
When a unit is stored, all keys and tags in the unit definition may be manipulated, including some others, with [set_variable]. Here is a sample list. (If you have a doubt about what keys are valid or what the valid value range is for each key, code a [store_unit] event, save the game, and examine what keys are in the file.)
- advances_to
- alignment
- alpha
- attacks_left
- canrecruit
- cost
- experience
- facing
- flying
- gender
- goto_x
- goto_y
- hitpoints
- id
- language_name (same as the name key in the unit config)
- max_experience
- max_hitpoints
- max_moves
- moves
- overlays
- resting
- side
- type
- unit_description
- unrenamable
- upkeep
- x
- y
- zoc
- [advancement]
- [movement_costs]
- [defense]
- [resistance]
- [variables]
- [status]
- [attack]
- [modifications_description]
- [modifications]
These values are all children of the stored unit variable (it is a container variable) and the bracketed values (advancement, movement_costs, defense, etc.) are, themselves, container variables. Example:
[set_variable] name=unit_store.status.poisoned value=yes [/set_variable]