Campaign/Invasion of Arendia/01 Reths Beginning
From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki
[scenario] id=Reths_beginning name="Reths beginning" map_data="ggrrgrgrgrfggfgfgfgfgggnrnggff ccvgrgrgrgrrrrggfgfgggnvrvnggf ffc|gfggggvgggrrgrgvggnrrnKggf ggfgcgfgffgffggfrgrrrrrrngggff gfvgccgggcccccgfgggggffrggfffg fgggfv/cggccscggfgggfggrggfggf gggffffgcccgcfgvggggggfrrggggg gffgggfgggcfgfffffhhgrrgrrvgff ggggggggggccffgcfvfrrhhhggrrgg gggggfgggffgcccnhrrggfggggfrgh gggffffwwwwc\rnvrnccfvgrrrgrgh gfggfgwwfwwcnrrnrrn/rrrgggrgfh gffgfwffwwwcnrn2nvrcfgfgffrfgh fggwwgwwfww/rvnnnrnccwgwfgrgfh ggfffwfwwggcnnrvrrncwwwgggrrgf gfffwgwfgfwwccrnnc\gfXXhggvrgf gfggggfgwcwwfw|ccwwgXwghgggrgg gggfhhfgwwwfXX|fcwwXwfgffggrgg fggggghhggggww|XwwXhgfwfggggrg fffggfggghhhgfgwXrrwgffggggrrg gvgggffgggfgghgggwrffffggvgrgg ggggfgfgggffgrrffffgfggggrrfff gggngggffvgfgrfrrrgggrrrrggfff gg1grgfggggggrrffgrrrggggfffff ggggrrrrrrrrrgrgggggfffffgffff" turns=1 {DAWN} {MORNING} {AFTERNOON} {DUSK} {FIRST_WATCH} {SECOND_WATCH} next_scenario="Reths_training" [story] [part] music=wesnoth-1.ogg background=Northern_Arendia.jpg show_title=yes story= _ "This tale begins in the north of a country called Arendia, near Wesnoth. It the story of a man called Reth, and of his people's struggle to escape a soon-to-be decimated continent." [/part] [part] background=Northern_Arendia.jpg story= _ "This tale, like many others, begins with a child..." [/part] [/story] music="wesnoth-2.ogg" [event] name=prestart [/event] [side] type=Brunette Kid description=Young Reth user_description=_"Young Reth" unrenamable=yes side=1 canrecruit=0 controller=human gold=50 team_name=Reth [unit] description=Young Matt user_description=Young Matt type=Blonde Kid x=6 y=23 [/unit] [unit] description=Young Tom user_description=Young Tom type=Redheaded Kid x=3 y=21 [/unit] [/side] [side] type=B-Shadow Mage description=Turlin user_description=_"Turlin" unrenamable=yes side=2 canrecruit=0 controller=ai gold=0 team_name=Bandits [/side] [event] name=start [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "One early morning, near the keep of the local bandit leader and shadow elder, Turlin..." [/message] [message] description=Turlin image=portraits/Shadow_elder.png message= _ "Where are those two young rascals! I swear, they will be the death of me some day." [/message] [message] description=Young Matt message= _ "Father, Father...we were playing (pants)" [/message] [message] description=Young Tom message= _ "Alongside the road to Barnabon when w..." [/message] [message] description=Turlin image=portraits/Shadow_elder.png message= _ "Exactly how many times have I told you not to go near Barnabon or the road leading to it, huh? It's dangerous. I have many enemies who would just love to get their hands on you two." [/message] [message] description=Young Matt message= _ "Dad listen. We were playing there, when we heard a group of thugs from the Black Hand coming." [/message] [message] description=Young Tom message= _ "So we hid in the bushes and waited for them to pass by, just like you told us to." [/message] [message] description=Young Matt message= _ "But instead of walking on by, they stopped near us a..." [/message] [message] description=Young Tom message= _ "And I thought, 'This is it! We've been caught!' but..." [/message] [message] description=Young Matt message= _ "Hey! I was telling this bit. Anyway they stopped to dump a body in the ditch." [/message] [message] description=Turlin image=portraits/Shadow_elder.png message= _ "So you DID leave it, IN CASE it was a trap, LIKE I TOLD YOU, RIGHT?" [/message] [message] description=Young Tom message= _ "Weeell...Not exactly. It groaned in a sort of 'help me...I'm dying' sort of way, so..." [/message] [message] description=Young Matt message= _ "After they left, we went to see who it was, and we found him (points at Reth)" [/message] [message] description=Young Tom message= _ "Dad, he's really hurt, but please, can he stay?! pleeeeease?!" [/message] [message] description=Young Matt message= _ " Yeah dad, It's very boring being the only kids around here." [/message] [message] description=Turlin image=portraits/Shadow_elder.png message= _ "Hmmmm, alright. I won't let him study shadow craft with you, but okay. However, if he's annoying or lazy he's out! We've already got more than enough to feed." [/message] [endlevel] result=victory bonus=yes [/endlevel] [/event] [/scenario]