La Bataille pour Wesnoth est un projet de jeu open source hébergé sur GitHub, crée et maintenu par une équipe internationale de bénévoles(en), The Battle for Wesnoth Project. Démarré en 2003 par David White, le projet Wesnoth a attiré de nombreux fans contribuant aux différents aspects du jeu, comme le développement du moteur de jeu, la création de contenu, le développement d'art et de musique, la traduction, le test ainsi que la vie de la communauté.
Le Projet est dirigé par le Chef de Projet et le Conseil de Projet comme le stipule la Constitution du Projet. Le Chef de Projet actuel, élu par l'équipe de développement pour la version Wesnoth 1.15.x est Pentarctagon. La liste des précédents Chef de Projet inclut Charles Dang (vultraz), Iris Morelle (shadowm), Nils Kneuper (Ivanovic) et Isaac Clerencia (isaac).
Le site web, serveur multijoueur, and les serveurs d'extensions sont gérés par quelques membres du projet qui s'occupent de l'infrastructure des serveurs.
Funding for infrastructure and art and music commissions is provided by Wesnoth, Inc., a US-based company which manages revenue geneated by the official iOS version of the game on the Apple app store. While Wesnoth, Inc. financially supports the project, it does not have any involvement in its organization and direction. The current board of directors consists of Iris Morelle (shadowm), Pentarctagon, and Soliton.
Content Creators
Wesnoth's great replay value mainly stems from the great abundance of custom-made content developed by our talented community. It only takes a copy of the game, a text editor, creativity, and patience to create your own campaign, era, or multiplayer scenario!
See Create for more information on the subject of user-made content development.
Graphic artists and musicians usually meet on the forums. While the main game is generally regarded as feature-complete, there is plenty of room for improvement in areas such as animations and sound effects. User-made content creators are also always in need of new art, music, and sounds for their own projects!
- Mainline art contributions forum
- Mainline art development forum (restricted to established contributors)
- User-made art development forum
- Music contributions forum
The project is always eager to welcome new contributors able to help by fixing bugs, cleaning up and improving on existing code, or implementing new and exciting features!
- WesnothRepository — cloning and using our Git repository
- CodingStandards and HackingWesnoth — information on our C++ style and coding conventions
- PatchSubmissionGuidelines — instructions for submitting your code contributions
- DeveloperGuide — additional information on commit messages, unit tests, etc.
- Source code documentation — generated from the game's source code using Doxygen and updated daily.
- ReferenceWML — information on the Wesnoth Markup Language (WML) and the game's Lua API
- DeveloperResources — additional development-related links
In order to better reach its audience, Wesnoth needs people able to translate the game into other languages from across the globe. If you consider yourself able to help, join the translation team for your language -- or if none has been established already, follow the instructions to start your own!
- WesnothTranslations — includes a list of translation maintainers and useful links for prospective translators
- Statistics