Greetings, meatbag. I am Deusite and this is my wiki page/lair. These days I am translating Wesnoth into Latin, as well as some other half-baked projects I have lurking around that I need to finish. Usually you can find me on IRC somewhere, usually the Latin channel.
My current Wesnothian projects are: the Latin translation, the Lore Collection Project, and new map for TSG.
I also used to conribute to TsoG before real life intervened and I hope one day to make a Drake campaign, really, and perhaps a rehash of the Far North and an annotated map, just because.
TSG Bigmap
Somewhat forestalled due to real life etc. I need to upgrade the labels to the new 1.8 standard transport it to GIMP and generally faff about with it. The geography is fixed at this point.