Campaign/Forgotten Legacy/Swamp Lord
From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki
[unit] id=Swamp Lord name= _ "Swamp Lord" race=lizard image="swamp-lord.png" image_defensive="swamp-lord.png" hitpoints=35 movement_type=lizard movement=6 experience=80 level=3 alignment=chaotic advanceto=null {AMLA_TOUGH 4} undead_variation=saurian cost=45 usage=mixed fighter unit_description= _ "Swamp Lords are masters of the natural home of the saurians. Their knowledge of the arcane energies and rare herbs hidden within is unparalelled. When a swamp lord decides to move, the swamp moves with him." get_hit_sound=hiss.wav [attack] name=acid shower type=fire special=magical range=melee damage=8 number=5 icon=attacks/waterspray.png [frame] begin=-300 end=-200 image="swamp-lord.png" [/frame] [frame] begin=-200 end=-100 image="swamp-lord.png" [/frame] [frame] begin=-100 end=0 image="swamp-lord.png" [/frame] [sound] time=-200 sound=squishy-strike.wav [/sound] [missile_frame] begin=-100 end=0 image="projectiles/water-spray.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/water-spray.png" [/missile_frame] [/attack] [attack] name=acid bolt type=fire special=marksman range=ranged damage=21 number=2 icon=attacks/mud-glob.png [frame] begin=-300 end=-200 image="swamp-lord.png" [/frame] [frame] begin=-200 end=-100 image="swamp-lord.png" [/frame] [frame] begin=-100 end=0 image="swamp-lord.png" [/frame] [sound] time=-200 sound=squishy-strike.wav [/sound] [missile_frame] begin=-100 end=0 image="projectiles/mud-glob.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/mud-glob.png" [/missile_frame] [/attack] [/unit]