
From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki
Revision as of 17:24, 21 March 2014 by Mohit.mangal (talk | contribs)

Wesnoth AI Improvement

This Page is Related to Google Summer of Code 2014
This is Summer of Code 2014 Student Proposal Page

This Page in Under Construction


This proposal aims for adding a feature of position analyzer in AI of Wesnoth. My long term aim with project is to add new features to Battle for Wesnoth. I am very much interested in game development. I have developed online chess for two players. I addition I have a also tried to do many other small things. I didn't have very long experience with code of Wesnoth(15 days). I found adding new functionality to this game really interesting.

Proposal Details

My proposal aims for improving the AI of Wesnoth. Following points describe the details of work that I will do.

  • Develop a position analyzer in AI.
  • The work of position analyzer will be to analyze the current status of game with the help of some parameters and make game difficult or easy. Following are parameters that I will use to determine status of game.
    • Distance from destination.
    • Distance of nearest enemy unit.
    • Number of units in six nearest hexas.
    • Average health of all units.
  • After calculating the current status of game I will make game difficult or easy in different situations by changing various parameters like movement of enemy units, number of attacks etc.


Time Task Status
1.04.2014-15.04.2014 Getting familiar with code of Wesnoth and doing the starting teak given by mentor.
16.04.2014-15.05.2014 Discussion with mentor on AI and Work on small additions to AI of Wesnoth.
16.05.2014-15.06.2014 Work on proposed task of position analyzer.
16.06.2014-15.07.2014 Fixing of errors and solving issues

SOC Application

Submitted to google


  • Basics
    • Small introduction
      My name is Mohit Mangal. I am Computer and Communication Engineering majors and I am in final year of my study at The LNM Institute of Information Technology(LNMIIT), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
    • Preferred Email Address
    • Why do you want to participate in GSOC
      I have a great passion towards game development. GSOC is providing excellent opportunity to work on popular opensource game. My motive is to get experience of working on big opensource game and I am also getting stipend for that. It is awesome opportunity.
    • Past programming Experience
      I have five years of experience of computer programming. I have done programming in C and C++. I also have fairly good experience of programming in Matlab and Pyhton. During my Engineering I have worked on number of projects in which programming in required. You can look my resume to have more information about my projects. Other than my course projects I have also done several other projects. I am very much interested in game development. Though I have only one gaming project that I can tell now ie. developed online chess for two players but in future I want to work in this area.
    • Experience
      I don't have very long experience with Wesnoth but in small period I have gained sufficient experience that I can edit Wesnoth. Till now I have done small tasks I have changed the the number of attacks that a unit can make when it is healed. I have changed the conditions when unit can attack by changing check_attack_action().
    • Communication Skills
      I am fluent in English, Hindi and Sanskrit. I also have knowledge of French but I am not very fluent in it.
    • Project
      As I have mentioned in my proposal that I will work on improvement of AI. I will develop a position analyzer part for AI of Wesnoth
    • Programming Language