User Made Content Daemon (UMCD)
This page will give information on the UMCD.
Dependencies on Linux
We must first install some required packets:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server unixodbc-dev libmyodbc libboost-iostreams-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-date-time-dev
- mysql-server is the MySQL database.
- unixodbc is a middleware API to access database (see
- libmyodbc is the MySQL driver to access the MySQL database.
- Boost libraries are used to ease the development.
Database setup
Initialize the MySQL database
Enter the MySQL prompt with:
mysql -u root -p
Then, we create the database:
mysql> CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS umcd; mysql> USE umcd;
We create the tables:
mysql> source {wesnoth-directory}/data/umcd/database/create_database.sql
We populate the database:
mysql> source {wesnoth-directory}/data/umcd/database/populate_database.sql
You can check that the tables are added with:
mysql> show tables;
Now we quit the mysql prompt:
mysql> exit;
Install the ODBC driver
We must link the database to ODBC, so we'll retrieve the database connexion via a Data source name (DSN).
First we must find the odbc.ini file:
odbcinst -j
In my computer it's in /etc/odbc.ini so I'll refer to this location. We must edit this file:
sudo vim /etc/odbc.ini
The file can be empty, we'll add these data:
; ; odbc.ini configuration for Connector/ODBC ;
[ODBC Data Sources] dbumcd = MyODBC Driver DSN for the UMCD database
[dbumcd] Driver = /usr/lib/ Description = Connector/ODBC Driver DSN for the UMCD database SERVER = localhost PORT = USER = Password = Database = umcd OPTION = 3 SOCKET =
The DSN of the umcd database will be "dbumcd". You can change the SERVER and PORT entry if it's an external database. Otherwise, let all the fields with a blank like in the example.
Next we must install the driver with:
odbcinst -f /etc/odbc.ini -d -i
You can list all the ODBC drivers installed with:
odbcinst -s -q
That's all!