
From The Battle for Wesnoth Wiki
Revision as of 02:15, 24 August 2005 by Turin (talk | contribs) (Wesnoth HotKeysSystem)

Wesnoth HotKeysSystem

Note that hotkeys can be edited by going to Preferences -> Hotkeys from within the game.

  • Existent hotkeys
[key]         [effect]
Arrow keys:   Scroll
Left click:   Select unit/move unit
Right click:  Main menu, cancel action
Middle click: Center on pointer location
Escape:       Exit game,exit menu
z:            Zoom in
x:            Zoom out
c:            Reset zoom to default
u:            Undo last move (only deterministic moves can be undone)
r:            Redo move
n:            Cycle through units that have movement left
1-7:          Show how far currently selected unit can move in that many turns
space:        End unit turn and cycle to next unit that has movement left
l:            Move to leader unit
ctrl-f:       Toggle fullscreen/windowed mode
ctrl-r:       Recruit unit
ctrl-alt-r:   Repeat last recruit
alt-r:        Recall unit
ctrl-a:       Toggle accelerated game mode
d:            Describe current unit
ctrl-d:       View defensive ratings of current unit against attacks
ctrl-t:       View how the current unit behaves in various terrain
ctrl-s:       Save game
  • Future hotkeys: elaborating a "reasonable default"
[key]       [effect]                 [comments]
h           hotkeys configurator
u           undo                     undo a legally undoable move
r           redo                     redo a legally redoable move
# r         recuit unit #            # is a number -> position in the list
s           mute|sound
e           end turn
prtsc       screenshot
home        mark unit                | a unique block on the keyboard
end         unmark unit              | marks can be very useful in
pagup       next marked unit         | long term multiplayer games
pagdw       prev marked unit         |
n           nwex unmoved unit                     | isn't it better is the "n" key cycle all
shift-n     next partially moved or unmoved unit  | units that have the possibility to move?
ctrl-n      next unit of any type                 | (unmoved + partially) I feel I would use
                                                  | more the "shft-n" than "n"
                                                  |  n      -> next partially moved or unmoved unit
                                                  |  shft-n -> next unmoved unit
                                                  |  ctrl-n -> next unit of any type
  • Keyboard (Qwerty)
q w e r t y u i o p
 a s d f g h j k l
  z x c v b n m
  • Keyboard (German)
q w e r t z u i o p
 a s d f g h j k l
  y x c v b n m
  • Keyboard (Dvorak)
      p y f g c r l
 a o e u i d h t n s
q j k x b m w v
  • Keyboard (French)
a z e r t y u i o p
 q s d f g h j k l m
  w x c v b n

As you see, x and y are swapped on the Greman keyboard. Therefore I hate games that move units with w/a/s/z keys, assuming english keyboards. Fortunately Wesnoth is better.

That is why keyboard shortcuts are settable on a per-translation basis. Someone doing a translation can set hotkeys for that translation, to make more logical sense for people in that locale. -- David

this is just an idea for the default.. feel free to edit and comment!

Note: non-qwerty keyboards usually don't have zxc toghether, so while z may be logical for zooming, x and c aren't. I guess z/Z for zooming in and out would be fine, but I prefer +/- unless a more useful purpose for this keys appears. = could snap back to 100% zoom.

Other keyboard shorcuts

There also exist keyboard shortcuts which currently cannot be changed using Preferences.

In a textbox:

ctrl-a      jump to beginning of text
ctrl-e      jump to end of text
ctrl-u      erase text
Left        move cursor one character back
Right       move cursor one character forward

In a menu:

Home        jump to first menu item
End         jump to last menu item
PageUp      scroll a page back
PageDown    scroll a page forward
Up          move to previous item
Down        move to next item

Esc usually escapes the current action (often Cancel). Return/Enter usually accepts the current action (often OK).

See Also