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'''Ras-Tabahn:''' Don't make me regret freeing you from prison. My decision is final.
'''Ras-Tabahn:''' Don't make me regret freeing you from prison. My decision is final.
'''Ras-Tabahn:''' I changed my mind. Maybe someday you'll become really powerful.
'''Ras-Tabahn:''' I changed my mind. Maybe someday you'll become really powerful.

Revision as of 09:00, 24 April 2021

This is a transcription of all dialogues from Secrets of the Ancients. It's meant as a resource for Wesnoth writers. If you don't want spoilers, leave this page now.

Death Dialogue


No, no, NO, NO!


Ras-Tabahn: Urgh.

Ardonna/Ardryn-Na: But I still don't know how to bring you back to life!


Shynal: Oh, my beloved Carcyn!

You've always been so reckless...


Carcyn: Shynal!

Bring her back to life, please!

Ardryn-Na: I'm not sure it's good ...

Ras-Tabahn: If you really insist...

Shynal: Car. Cyn.

Ras-Tabahn: The girl will still recognize you for a short time, so make the most of the time you have left.

Killed as a zombie

Carcyn: Maybe it was better that way.

Scenario 1: Slipping Away

Story Text

From the Journal of Ardonna of Tarrynth

9 XII, 22 YW:

It's unfair that we humans must die after so few years. Elves and dwarves live far longer. Though this may be the natural order, we needn't embrace it! The lords on the Green Isle knew how to live forever. Pursuit of that knowledge was declared illegal by King Haldric I, but I believe it's worth the risk. As I watched my family waste away of various maladies, I vowed that I woudn't share their fate, and if I can rediscover the secrets of the ancients, I'll be a heroine to the whole continent! I shall begin research in earnest this winter.

26 II, 23 YW:

My experiments with bats have proven unfruitful. I have determined that they don't truly drain the life force of their victims - it's an illusion. The blood loss weakens the victim, while the bat gains vitality because it has fed. There's nothing I can learn from bats about extending life. Now I have a problem: I'm forced to keep the bats and pretend they're my pets because I can't admit why I was studying them. In truth, it's not a burden - I've grown somewhat fond of the creatures, and I don't mind appering eccentric. I'm already marked as different because my hair is so light and I lack a sense of smell.

4 III, 23 YW:

Today, headmaster Aimucasur himself taught a class on moving objects with one's mind. The technique involves projecting one's will inside the item and then learning to move it as an extension of the body. Incantations focused the mind to the task. We practiced with inanimate objects, but clearly the same principle could be applied to unliving flesh. Nobody dared voice the thought, because showing interest in the necromantic arts results in expulsion. I was pondering that fact in class when I noticed Aimucasur glowing at me. I must be more careful in the future about which of my thoughts appear on my face.

15 III, 23 YW:

One of my bats must have been old, for it died. Boldly then, I decided to animate the corpse. I was pleased to see that it worked, but what was interesting was this: the first time the bat twitched, I felt a last spark of life energy flash through its body. I noted that it flowed through some kind of pathway. That gave me an idea. With my mind, I searched out all the life force pathways in its body using what I could sense in the living bats as a guide. Then I animated them all at once, and the bat flapped off the floor on its own (That's a trick old Aimucasur probably doesn't know)! Even better, the energy running through the life force network seemed to maintain itself, so I didn't need to continue to concentrate. Could this be the whole secret? Could all the ancient lords have had someone bring them back after death? I'd need another mage I trusted completely, but perhaps I can find someone with whom to make a pact.


With further observation, I've determined that this isn't probably the way to avoid death. The reanimated bat has no will! It does nothing unless I nudge it with my mind. Perhaps the will of a human is stronger, and someday soon I'll have the opportunity to find out... because I'm quitting the Academy. I'll be in my room when old Morvihn checks for the night, but not two hours later! I grow weary of this place and its restrictions on thought. So, no more brown initiate's robes, no more being ridiculed on account of my hair, no more pompous instructors. I'll teach myself the so-called "dark" arts and learn how to live forever! The ancients from the Green Isle found a way, so I can discover it too. When all these oldsters here find themselves breathing their last, they'll have to beg me for the secret. Perhaps I'll be generous. Perhaps not.

Introductory Dialogue

Ardonna: I should get off the island in case the ethics committee is concerned about a rogue mage. I shall not be dragged back in disgrace! I should be able to reach the town of Llorvin before morning. I can hide there until I can head for the dock. I'll need some traveling money for that, so go, my bat friends, and find me some gold!

It would be good to have even more bats as well. There was a colony in that ruined castle where we practiced conjuring fire, so I'll try to find that. The castle was also infested with huge rats as I remember, but I can certainly destroy those. I'll have to use ice though, as I never mastered fire.

Scenario 2: Dark Business

Scenario 3: Bandits

Scenario 4: Becalmed

Scenario 5: Blackwater

Scenario 6: Following the Shadow

Scenario 7: Meeting of the Minds

Scenario 8: Carcyn

Story Text

First we'll follow the adventures of Ras-Tabahn.

After a few days of traveling, he reached the frontier town called Carcyn.

Introductory Dialogue

Ras-Tabahn: Greetings! I'm the wizard Ras-Tabahn.

Carcyn Fisher: Greetings to you, traveler. I'm Carcyn Fisher II. How can I help you?

Ras-Tabahn: I come here to propose a training offer in the magical arts. An offer made of notions, adventure and escape from this city.

Carcyn Fisher: Nobody in my city wants to "escape"! We're not interested in hearing your offer. Go and sell your corruption elsewhere.

Ras-Tabahn: The offer wasn't addressed to you, but to the young people of your city. I'll send my agents to all homes and public places in this city and resubmit my offer. And you'll let me do it.

Carcyn Fisher: I will never do such a thing! I'd rather die than let you fool our young people with your spells!

Ras-Tabahn: Maybe that's the way things go.


Mage: Look at him! He doesn't come from the academy.

Carcyn Fisher: Keep your tongue under control! I saw everything! I'm tolerant of instructors, but not when they just say the obvious.

Turn 2

Ras-Tabahn: Um... the young people who are most anxious to leave may be the ones locked up in prison. I should go take a look.

Reaching the prison

Carcyn: Carcyn Fisher at your service! This is my friend Shynal.

Shynal: "Friend"? (laughter) Oh yeah, we're really great friends...

Carcyn: Or... well, you know what. Thanks for getting us out of there, sir. We would be honored to follow you!

Ras-Tabahn: I assume you're Carcyn III, right?

Carcyn: Don't remind me ... it was my father who threw me in this sewer.

Carcyn Fisher: Stay out of this, my son.

Carcyn: Not even for an idea! All my life I've been waiting to see someone to put you back in line. And here comes someone you can't put your feet on your head!

Shynal: We are leaving this stinking city!

Killing Carcyn Fisher

Ras-Tabahn: I warned you not to challenge me.

Leveling Shynal as a footpad


Shynal: Hey, but I wanted to be a sorceress like you and live forever when you can find out the secret! I know that, eventually, I could become really powerful.


Ras-Tabahn: Keep your tongue in check! You will do as I order.


Ras-Tabahn: Very well. After all, having more adepts available might be a good idea.


Shynal: Damn! I wanted to be a sorceress like Carcyn.


Ras-Tabahn: Don't make me regret freeing you from prison. My decision is final.


Ras-Tabahn: I changed my mind. Maybe someday you'll become really powerful.

Carcyn: Thank you!

Leveling Carcyn as an outlaw


Carcyn: Hey, but I wanted to be a wizard like you and live forever when you can find out the secret! I know that, after all, I could become really powerful.


Ras-Tabahn: Keep your tongue in check! You will do as I order.


Ras-Tabahn: Very well. After all, having more adepts available might be a good idea.


Carcyn: Damn! I wanted to become a wizard like Shynal.


Ras-Tabahn: Don't make me regret freeing you from prison. My decision is final.


Ras-Tabahn: I changed my mind. Maybe someday you'll become really powerful.

Carcyn: Thank you!

Scenario 9: Training Session

Scenario 10: Merfolk Revenge

Scenario 11: Battleground

Scenario 12: Walking Trees

Scenario 13: Together Again

Scenario 14: Entering the Northlands

Scenario 15: Mountain Pass

Scenario 16: The Mage

Scenario 17: Mortality

Scenario 18: Abandoned Outpost

Scenario 19: Lava and Stone

Scenario 20: North Knalga

Scenario 21: Against the World